MacBook Air :: Unable To Review Apple ID
Jun 26, 2014I am unable to review my apple id?
View 1 RepliesI am unable to review my apple id?
View 1 Repliesi was wondering if this new 'inertial' trackpad gesture available on the new line of MBPros might be possible to score on a MBAir rev B/C..this is a feature which would be great to have, IMO..anyone know if this new 'inertial' gesture is software or hardware-based?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI did this on my white MacBook last year, but that was A LOT of work due to removing the LCD display to apply the rainbow insert. This time offers transparent stickers that nearly fits over the Apple logo which makes it A LOT eaiser to apply. It looks GREAT and took no time to do. I ordered 3 stickers incase I screw it up, but I didn't. I use a Speck case to protect the Air and keeps it looking NEW, I recommend it to everyone. I did it at my desk at work. The pictures are taken with my iPhone.
View 24 Replies View RelatedHeading off concerns that the Mac App Store might generate complaints about capricious rejections and unclear submission guidelines, Apple has issued an initial outline of what developers will need to do to get their apps listed in the new store."The App Store has revolutionized the way mobile apps are developed and distributed," Apple writes in the Mac App Store Review Guidelines document. "With over 300,000 apps and 7 billion downloads, it has been a huge hit with developers and users around the world. Now we are thrilled to be opening our new Mac App Store to the hundreds of thousands of Mac developers and tens of millions of Mac users around the world."
View 39 Replies View RelatedWhen I read the weblogs about Apple's announcement about the new MacBook Airs and wanted one immediately.I've always been a Windows guy. Except from 2002-to late 2006ish, technically. I bought the new dual core quicksilver power g4 mac when it came out in 02.
I had my problems with the mac then. They released their first version of OSX and it could dual boot with OS 9.But I always kept a windows desktop handy just in case and back then not a lot of programs were compatible, I used it mainly for its photoshop/final cut prowess.I've been building my own computers since I tore one apart in my dads office when I was in..the 3rd grade.
Anyways, prior to this I used to have a Sony Vaio but before that I bought the Adamo 13 when it first came out. I went through 7 Adamos because the logic board they custom made was pretty ****ed up. I still have one sitting in its box that I have to send to Dell so they can repair it but after 7 I kind of lost the heart to send in another, and thats why I bought the Vaio in March of this year.
Here is a review if you would like to read but I just wanted to reiterate what most people have been saying that this is a beautiful computer that can handle its own share of programs. Especially the resolution on this computer makes it worth it than any other 13 inch computers.FYI, I use this machine mainly for Windows 7.hen I first bought it I wrestled with reinstalling mac osx and windows 7 like over 10 times to get it right.
Finally I settled on running Mac with only 15 gbs and using the rest for Windows. This avoids the long boot up into windows directly after completely deleting the Mac partition.I don't know if people were more successful than I am but I went through 5 usb sticks to make them bootable but the mac didnt read them so I used an SD card and made it bootable and it worked.The screenIs extremely bright compared to my Vaio and Adamo. The Adamo was bright but I believe this to be significantly brighter albeit the Vaio was a matte screen instead of a glossy one. The extra screen real estate is always welcomed, prior to this I was looking at the Envy but from what found out they removed the option of having a higher resolution screen so I stopped looking there. It's to the point where I can still use the computer on the lowest and I mean lowest like only one away from off and still use it and sometimes the screen is too bright for me. The whites make me squint my eyes. But the display is gorgeous overall.
ALSO I love that they TOOK OUT the BLACK BEZEL. I would have gotten the macbook pro 15s maybe a year ago if they didnt have the black bezels but finally it is not black. I thought the black bezels were ugly as with the keys on a SILVER computer, would be find if the whole computer was dark but yeah. I can manage just black keys and the silver bezel.The keyboardis slightly disappointing because of the lack of backlight on the keys.Also since I am using it as a Windows computer the change in the keys are hard to get used to but I used SharpKeys to change the registry on the keys for options and alt and have added page up/down, home and delete keys by using the f8-f10 keys and have worked for me.
People might flame me for buying a mac and installing windows but I am willing to make a compromise for a better built (in my opinion), thinner and cooler looking computer.So for the most part, the keyboard is ok but loses points on the backlight and I am not marking points off for the orientation because it was my decision to use Windows on it.The fanis loud, when youre running windows 7. But to be fair it is not as loud when youre running Mac. It's loud enough to hear and notice on windows boot. For the most part the computer doesnt get too hot or anywhere near as hot as the macbook pros I have used that my friends have. Not a big deal.The graphicsseem to be ok. The bench marks are up there so you can read those. All I do is play Starcraft 2, pokerstars and watch movies.Most movies are fine but mine had trouble playing the mkv versions of 1080p movies. Anything below that runs well without a hiccup and you can do multiple things at once. The fan will kick in though.The speakersI love. On ultraportable computers the speakers literally suck @$$ and I know because I've used the Adamo and heard some others while shopping. While the BASS is not that great, the macbook air is EXTREMELY loud. For some reason though, the maximum seems louder on windows that in mac. And the most important of all it doesnt sound TINY. Its hard to explain this but its loud and decently full sounding. Most of the time I use my ultrasone or sennheiser headphones but when I get tired and just want to use the computer, its still adequate and fufillingly(?) loud. I never knew that the sound was coming out of the speakers. I think its truly genius.The touchpadworks well in mac. Too well to the point I am jealous because on the Windows it's a bit stuttery. I do not know why because it is not a hardware issue. I guess its the windows drivers that Apple gives us. But thankfully there is a right click there. To be honest though it is too far to the right and too far on the bottom given the size of the trackpad. But I am still thankful there is a right click at the very least. I found it when I have to drag something using two fingers makes it work the best. If I wanted to drag an icon across the screen, I would click on the icon with my index finger and use my third finger to drag it and it works like a charm. The scrolling gestures work (using two fingers to scroll webpages etc). No problems there. ETC
The computer itself is nicely built. It is sturdy and does not scratch that much yet. I am waiting for Speck to release a new case for the mba 13. The webcam works nicely, I use it mostly for GMAIL video chats and skype.The microphone is on the side, I dont know how well that works but friends on the other end can hear me well. he ports are slightly disappointing. Would have liked more usb ports, hdmi and such without the need for a display adapter from apple. I am looking to buy it cause I have the 21 inch studio display but wont fit the adapter display port.
The hinge seems sturdy too. No problems there.
I think this is a very portable cool laptop I have seen in awhile. It has enough oopmh to give you what you need if hardcore multimedia projects are not your thing.
I know most people use it for light photoshop, web, mail, movies, music and other light things. Games seem to work on light settings. It's not so bad but it's getting there, depends on what you play.
Also the battery is amazing. One of the more reasons that brought me over the edge was the battery. The screen resolution and battery were big +s. Never tested it running OSX but on the Windows 7 I went as far as 5 hours but I had some juice left over but always plugged it in. That is a big win for me. During those 6 hours I did a mix of video chat, watching movies while surfing the net, or a combination of those 3 and on the rare occasion a little poker added to it.
You can get better spec'd computers for half the price I paid but sometimes plastic just sucks. The thing I loved about the Adamo was that it was metal. I still love the Adamo design but their logic board failed me too many times. Also my MBA does not have the logic board issues that other people are facing.
Anyways, I hoped that gave you an insight into a person who uses the MBA 13 as a Windows 7 machine.hanks for reading as this is my first and only post.
I just felt it was necessary because it is a great machine and people who are able should know that they can buy a mac to run windows now. The experience is good enough to have as a primary machine or secondary.
I hope we can get a good overview of the problems with some nice percentages!
View 19 Replies View RelatedI just got a rev B 1.6 120gb 2gb DDR3 Ram macbook air i paid around 920.00 for it and iam just wondering how everyone likes theirs. There is 9 months of warrenty left on it and is it worth me buying a new applecare?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI ordered one of these early last week from Tiger Direct, and since the whole world has ordered one as well, it's severely back ordered.But I have been getting concerned with all these reviews I am seeing, that it vibrates enough to be a sex toy. the 13" MBP apparently is nuts.. but maybe that was just his drive? I used a friends 13" Sony Vaio last night, and it felt like a jack hammer, and i was like "Please please please don't be like this"my MBP is 15" (see sig), the momentus is juts 7200 RPM right? not any more than another drive? what are your guys experience with 7200 RPM in MBP's (make sure you state your size)
View 15 Replies View RelatedWhen i still had my Unibody White MacBook a company by the name "The Lucky Labs" sent me this for review purposes. Let me know what you guys think of it. Just thought about sharing it with you guys and hopefully y'all would find it interesting
View 2 Replies View RelatedAfter much anticipation I received my new Macbook Pro aluminum body a few weeks ago and it was missing something very crucial, a protective covering. Of course no one wants to disturb the precious looks of their new elegant Macbook Pro, the only way to preserve the original look of the laptop is by a skin. There are currently two highly praised companies that provide skins for many electronics from cell phones ipods and to laptops. Bestskinsever $27.99 and Invisible Shield $54.99. I currently have the BSE version installed on my Macbook Pro and find it great. Let me start off with explaining what comes in the kit.
What is Included in the kit: I should use the term Kit useless because it comes in a large envelope with 3 sheets each having different parts of the total body skin attached. There is one single piece for the top part of the laptop, a cover for the battery compartment, a small piece for the latch for the battery cover, another piece for the remaining underbody, two separate pieces for the wrist guard near the trackpad and one for the trackpad as well (I did not use the track pad and will explain later). In addition there are 2 pieces that run along the front two sides of the laptop before it hits the express card slot on one side and security lock latch on the other side. There is one strip covering the portion of the back side of the laptop which is attached to the main lid and two small strips covering on the rear edges of the laptop. Basically this kit has you covered on every level for protecting your new $2000 investment. The great thing about the kit is that it does not cover up any screws which is noted on the bottom side of the laptop. also there is a space for the button for battery life so that is not covered up...................
I recently purchased and received the new monoprice HDMI adapter with USB audio. I have now had the chance to fully test it and use it several times, and have made the following observations(1) This adapter is extremely easy to use. Just plug MDP and USB into your mac, hook up the HDMI cable to both ends, and you're ready to go, no software or drivers necessary.(2) The video is of high quality, and unaltered by the adapter. Images are crisp and clear. Full 1080p is supported.(3) Audio is also of high quality, although this adapter only supports stereo and not 5.1/7.1. The audio is as good or better than DVD quality, depending on the audio source.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI would like to thank everyone who posts on this forum. The problems and solutions discussed here made this upgrade a breeze.I have a 2 year old 1.8 Rev A with 64Gb SSD that I love. I am very aware of all it's limitations but it suits all my needs except the storage capacity. Like many others on this site, I was hoping for an update on the MBA. Unfortunately nothing seems to be on the horizon, so I decided to take things into my own hands.
View 16 Replies View RelatedI have to confess: I have too many messenger bags. I do not know why everything must turn into a collection; DVDs... books... glasses and sunglasses do not count as I just keep breaking them so can do with a few spare ,... now messenger bagsAluminium 13" Macbook owner. For that I currently own theKnomo Stirling Messenger : Product Page | Youtube ReviewWrappers Cordura Sleeve : Product Page | My Photoshe Stirling is mostly great. You can see the YouTube review which covers most of the good points (and bad), but not mentioned on there is that not only is it slim + upright, but also designed to hug your body - all of which is great for keeping it discreet and lower profile than a standard messenger bag.
But on some days I just do not want to carry all that much. I do not feel the Wrappers alone is sufficient, so off to the Apple store I went for a slim fitting sleeve bag with a shoulder strap. An iPod case was not all I purchased...
So I got my Moshi Anti-Glare screen cover for my late 08 15" uMBP. I like it. It DOES make a difference, and I like having a little protection for my screen. It makes the blacks a little more grey, mostly noticeable in natural light and if you're looking at the screen from a bit of an angle. It's not as prominent from dead on. Honestly, I didn't like it immediately after I put it on. Of course, I just dropped 40 bucks on it so I wasn't about to get rid of it! Now it looks totally natural to me. I didn't take pictures of the actual cover before I installed it, but it was a breeze. Came with a little microfiber cloth to get dust/prints off before you install. The adhesive is only on the black border of the screen. No air bubble issues at all, and it lines up super easy. On the cover, the border is also black, but clears out to show the MacBook Pro on the bottom. For the iSight camera, it clears and ALSO has a hole for the lens, so there is nothing covering your camera (which was a concern of mine. I would have just cut a hole for it, but I appreciate not having to bust out scissors) it's a little disappointing in intense natural light, like in the picture, but it really shines in an office environment. I'm ok with that, since that's where all my eye-strain was coming from. If I do any work with natural light that I can't control with blinds or moving to another couch, it's not gonna be that serious. Overall, I'd love to not spend 40 bucks for a piece of thin plastic, but no sense in complaining about the Mac accessory market now =) I do recommend it, and if for some reason I get another glossy notebook, I will be getting this most definitely.... though I think I'll be better off getting an anti-glare screen from the get go.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm in the market to buy my first MacBook pro 15" pretty soon and I want to get a case for it. Since the aluminum helps absorb heat from the internals, will a full coverage case cause it to heat up faster and ultimately overheat the laptop? Thanks.
Also has anyone ever had the X Gear Shadow carbon fiber case? Can you give me a quick review?
This looks to be the first professional review of the new MBP line among all the big tech sites. The most interesting tidbits is a 17% increase in battery life over previous gen uMB, and new display looks quite good in the video.
I thought I would post this as the pc used in this review is very close to the top of the line imac. I included the pc specs below used in the review. Assuming the card in the imac is not the mobile version and the one listed in this review, those who wait are in for an amazing machine.
nVIDIA nForce 680i SLI (eVGA) (1)
Intel X48 (ASUS) (2)
Core 2 Duo X6800 Extreme (2.9 ghz)
Graphics Cards
ati 4850 and 4870
2048 MB (2x1024MB) DDR2 CAS4 @ 1142 MHz Dominator Corsair
I wanted to reformat my computer to "factory setting" and inserted the usb that came along with the mba i bought. Clicked install and restarted and followed instruction.
When the installation was done and computer rebooted, i didn't see any changes at all. Everything was exactly the same.
Anyone knows what's wrong?
Really wants to reset my computer...
Cannot remember Admin Password. Won't let me use my apple id.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been trying for a bit as I've just installed my boot camp partition, and it seems neither device will connect to the computer.
View 3 Replies View RelatedFor the past year or more, every time that a program crashes while I'm working in it, it gives me a dialog box saying "Would you like to submit report details to Apple?" I click the button to submit the report and every time it returns with an error message saying "Submission failed - Unable to submit report". Its not a big deal to me, but I always thought it might be helpful to Apple to receive the reports. Always worked a in the years past, but not any more.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
unable to startup, it only shows the apple logo forever?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), It only shows the apple logo
Trying to reset my apple id password via email. I click "Email authentication" and get a confirmation that an email has been sent. But I don't receive an email.
Can it be that using an apple id / email address like causes problems?
A clean installation took about 13 minutes from start to finish, which is a world of difference from the hour or so that a clean 10.5 Leopard install takes. Other then the time involved, there are very few differences between the 10.5 and 10.6 installation processes at this time.Once you're up and running, it feels very similar to Leopard. I don't know how much this will change through Snow Leopard's development, but don't expect a terribly different interface. The subtle changes to the current Aqua definitely look good though.
View 24 Replies View RelatedHere's something I have tried in the last couple of days. I have Time Capsule and Airport Express. I decided to try the dual band. Time Capsule distributing 802.11n only (5GHz), and in a bridge mode, have Airport Express connected via ethernet, and distribute 802.11g only. Wireless N network has a name "xxxn." Wireless G network has a name "xxxg." Two separate networks are on different frequencies, and are in different radio modes. They are positioned about two feet away from each other. I have used various internet speed test websites, and from a distance close to the routers (same room) I get a speed check of about 25~30 mbps. That's the speed that I'm suppose to get. Move to a couple rooms away, I would say about three wooden walls, a wooden door, some "normal" interfering objects in between.
Speed test, and the results are very different. About 20 mbps for Wireless G only network, which is fine. But around 8.5 mbps for Wireless N only in 5GHz. Half the download speed. Upload is same at about 6mbps. In this case, wireless N was slower than wireless G. Harassed an Apple technical support and IP tech friend, and the answer was, "2.4GHz does better at passing through interferences such as large water tanks, electronic devices, glass and metal plates. 5GHz is not as resilient as 2.4GHz. For people experiencing issues with 5GHz, using 2.4GHz might be the better option." So there you go. Performance boost might not be that great. But then again, maybe new device has made a significant improvement.
I'm purchasing the base model Mini and will be upgrading to a 7200 320 gb hardrive. I can purchase the 7200 Hitachi Travelstar today only for$69.00 Canadian. Since this is a one time thing, is this drive good enough or should I spend $30.00 to $50,00 more on a Seagate or WD. I've done a fair amount of research and read reviews but I would love to have some feedback from experienced Mini users.
View 6 Replies View RelatedIn general, reviewers are very positive about Snow Leopard, calling it a welcome performance boost with strong under-the-hood improvements. But what's really captivated everyone is the price: at $29, critics see the inexpensive upgrade as a no-brainer for most Mac users. The new 64-bit architecture, built-in support for Microsoft Exchange, and the ability to open Mac OS X files while running Windows via Boot Camp are all welcome additions highlighted by reviewers.
But in the end, it's all about the performance: Applications load faster, and the OS install frees up an average of 7 gigabytes on a user's hard drive from Leopard. That's not to say all is perfect. There are reports of applications that do not work or are glitchy in Snow Leopard. Some of the more popular software that has reportedly had problems includes Microsoft Word, Photoshop CS3 (which will no longer be supported for Snow Leopard), Growl, and CyberDuck. But as with any OS upgrade, some older applications will need to be updated in order to fully work with the new system. As has happened in the past, most software will likely see updates in just a matter of weeks to increase compatibility and performance issues.
Here are some of the review highlights:................................
So my new ZR30W showed up today.
I had bought a Dell U2711 last week and my wife has a 27" Late 2009 iMac so figured this is a good comparison.
Her iMac has the yellow tint issue, Apple shipped out a new i5 last night so we'll get it next week. Still for the color issue the iMac monitor was fantastic to look at.
I bought the Dell for my MB Pro because of the yellow tint issue. Really the new 27" CD is a great deal because not only is it cheaper but the integrated charger for the laptop is a big deal since they are $80 by themselves.
This is all just my opinion, no real measurement but I do have a Huey Pro and I let it do all the work on each monitor.
Off the top the Dell is the worst of the 3. Considering its close pricing I would not even consider it after seeing the other 2. The anti-glare coating was very difficult to look at. It was either too bright or two dark. My eyes hurt after looking at it for a while.
Color quality I can't really comment on because I have nothing to measure with but uniformity was great, I can say that. It did not have the POP the iMac monitor has.
The ZR30 out of the box was much better. The Dell you could really tell it had antiglare on it, the HP its a much finer finish. Text is clear and the color is great.
Now the buzzes/hums...bad...I'm sure I just got a bad unit...and it has the yellow tint, right hand side...its not bad.
If I chose Apple RGB for color correction I can't see it at all. But doing the tint test it is perceivable. Its way better than my wife's iMac though.
I got 5 years of on site HP service so I'll just call HP and they will come out to look at the buzz/tint issue. The tint is SO faint but I can see it, and can only see it when I have something full screen.
If I put 2 windows up side by side its very hard to tell but 1 window you can see the gradient change.
So given that the HP and iMac, and I assume 27" CD will have the same issue I'd say get the CD unless you need the extra res.
I plan on keeping the HP for a few reasons. One is I need the extra res, doesn't sound like much but I don't do photo's or video. I spend all day in RDP sessions for customers so every last bit of screen real estate is important to me.
If I didn't need the extra pixels then I would have waited for the 27" CD. The Dell IMO is not even worth looking at. It has its own little quirks and holy crap did it get HOT.
So a first for Apple, they make not only the best monitor for its class/usage but also the cheapest
One other bad thing about the HP, and this isn't HP's fault, my brand new 2010 MB Pro 13 inch struggles to keep up with the higher res.
At 2560x1440 it was a little sluggish opening/closing windows as far as draw speed. At 2560x1600 its opening from the dock is very sluggish.
I'll have to try in clamshell mode and see if its better.
BTW I'm using a mini-DP to DP converter right now but will be ordering a 6' mini-dp to dp cable. I ordered a 3' thinking I could get away with it but it doesn't reach. $8.00 at Monoprice and it works perfect.
Apple has taken action against app developer Molinker over alleged review fraud, resulting in the removal of all 1,000 of the company's apps.Thanks to the detective work of one intrepid app store enthusiast, Molinker - developer of close to one percent of all the apps available on the App Store - has been banned from the App Store and all of its apps have been removed.The issue was first brought to light by photo blog iPhoneography in a post highlighting the concerns of one of its regular readers. Reader SCW had concluded that app developer Molinker had been using its promo codes to write fake 5-star reviews of many of its apps. Each review shared the same short, disjointed style and the reviewers had only written reviews for other Molinker apps.
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