MacBook Air :: Slow To Copy Large Files To SSD Drive
Apr 2, 2008
I've had my Air for a couple of months now and very happy with it. However I've noticed if I copy a large about of data to it, lets say around 2gb from a USB or network drive it grinds to a halt. It would start off saying 10 minutes to copy, then get to about 800mb and slow down to about 24 hours to copy.
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Jun 4, 2014
How do I copy files fromone external hard drive to another external hard drive via mac book air
MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Mar 7, 2007
I have a 38gb iMovie file on my MacBook. I also have a 160gb external HDD. I want to copy the file across, sounds simple right? It will start copying happily but when it gets to about 8-10gb I get this error message (EVERY TIME!): Sorry, the operation could not be completed because an unexpected error has occurred (Error code -1309). I really do not want to delete this file as it is a wedding video I did for a friend only a few months ago. I am trying to copy across to a Freecom II drive using USB.
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Dec 16, 2009
I'm working with a numbers document that's just over 3000 rows and 11 columns. Searching, and certain functions are quite slow - not impossible, but frustrating. It's been years since I worked with Excel on a PC, but it was never this sluggish... Using this file, I did a mail merge with a Pages document. The merge took over an hour (this too seems slow, but since I only do it once, whatever). The resulting file is 1.1MB and just over 3000 pages. It was nearly impossible to scroll/review anything in the document. After closing it, Pages crashes upon trying to reopen the document. I got it opened on another MBP, but it's impossibly slow over there too.
It's looking like iWork is not able to handle large projects. I'm posting here in hopes that there's some magical fix that will make it work like Office (did I just say that?) The system is 2.16GHz Core 2 Duo MBP, 3GB RAM, Snow Leopard, all updated and permissions repaired this morning.
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May 27, 2012
Do I have to copy each file individually or can I copy an entire folder to external hard drive?
iPad 2, iOS 5.0.1
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Sep 10, 2010
Got a slight problem transferring files from my Macbook Pro to my portable hard drive. My portable hard drive is partitioned into NTFS and FAT 32. The files are over 4gb big so ultimately I cant copy it to the FAT 32 partion and NTFS doesnt seem to work with mac books
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Nov 8, 2009
I am trying to transfer a large file (~7GB) from my macbook pro to my external drive... but seems that I keep getting an error. If I try to drag and drop from my Mac drive to the folder of my external hard drive I keep getting this message: 'The operation can?t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code 0).' I tried to use a UNIX command with the Terminal $mv /Volumes/HardDrive/ at first it seemed to work, but after a while I receive this message from the Terminal: 'File too large' I am now frustrated... I need to save this large file for backup purposes and my external hard drive is not big enough to be used for Time Machine (it has 80GB out of 160 of space left)
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Dec 20, 2008
I am moving a few folders which are in excess of 4 gig each from one hard drive to another to try and free up space, of course I am aware that one is formatted for mac and the other is ms dos but I already have stuff on it and can't take it off in order to reformat it (or I do not want to). Is there a program that exist that will allow me to do this, I was only thinking in regard to programs such as Senuti for backing up an iPod. Since an iPod is so huge, you tell the program where to put the songs and regardless of the space it will do it, no questions asked. If you understand what I am on about can you please assist me in any other way in regard to solving me problem.
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Nov 22, 2009
I have an 8GB Toshiba TransMemory? U2M USB Flash Drive and I want it to work with both Windows and Mac. I know this can be accomplished by formatting FAT32, but I need to be able to load 5GB files. This of course eliminates FAT as an option. I know there is a format that works for this, because I used to do these transfers with this very drive (with the manufacturer's format). Up until I had to temporarily reformat the drive for a little project. Now I need to get this USB drive back to a format that works for me.
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Nov 22, 2009
I've recently purchased a NAS drive and would now like to copy about 500 GB of files onto it. Obviously this is a slow process! Is there a way I can set up the copy so that if it gets interrupted I can resume the transfer? At the moment the I just know X of 100 GB has been transferred. On the destination drive you can't see any of the files being transferred across until the entire operation is complete (on a pc you can normally see the files that have been transferred immediately) ... I'm a bit worried that if I turn my laptop off or I have any network issues the transfer will fail..
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Mar 14, 2012
I want to drag files to an external hard drive as a hard copy. I have already set up "Time Machine".
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1
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May 26, 2012
I have had both my MacBook and external hard drive for over three years now, and have never had a problem. In the last week, my external hard drive stopped letting me copy files onto it. When you try to drag and drop it just comes up with the blocked symbol. I have tested this with other hard drives as well and keep getting the same error. I've read other forums where it seems the answer is just to reformat the hard drive to the correct format, but I've never had a problem before so it seems strange that the format would just suddenly change.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 4, 2014
How to copy files to external hard disk and use it for both mac and windows. there is the fat32 formatting bt i dont wanna use formatting because i already have a lot of content on the exteral hard disk.
MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
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May 8, 2012
I am recieving an error message when I try to copy new files (images, documents) to mac from flash drive/SD card. The message is saying "operation cannot be completed because an item already exists with that name." They are brand new therefore not the same name? I cannot even put them in a brand new folder..
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Nov 2, 2010
I recently discovered, after running Disk Inventory X, some really fat files in my Library. I haven't touched them, as I read on another forum that it could be dangerous but is there anything I can do to get rid of them? I thought maybe they were left there after a recent Time Machine backup because I read that happening to someone else in another forum...
I've attached screenshots (I think) of the two biggest files.
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Apr 22, 2012
My computer is slow and storage is showing 70 GB of other (yellow). I don't know what it is?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 70 gb of storage is yellow
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Feb 23, 2012
I have a USB to IDE adaptor on a external drive 200 gig, the problem is i can not copy files from my macbook pro to it. when i drag pictures or files to it in finder, it shows a circle witn a slach bar in it
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 8, 2009
I have an external hard drive that's been converted (not formatted) to NTFS. This drive has all my mp3 files on it. I'd like to copy the files to my new iMac, then reformat the external drive and use as the Mac's backup via Time Machine.
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Dec 24, 2009
I have a sandisk cruzer and i finally decided to uninstall the u3 software, so i copied all my files to a folder on my desktop and then used the removal tool. now i can't get some of the files back on. all of the loose files that i had on the flash drives went back, but i cannot get any of the folders that i had on my flashdrive back on. i used to get a -36 error, but after i reformatted my flash drive, now i get "The operation can�t be completed because you don�t have permission to access some of the items."
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May 10, 2012
I run an iMac 3.06 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo with 10.7.3 and I'm having some serious problems with an external drive. Some history first - I have a large iTunes library (~3Tb) of everytype of media which I stored on an external NAS (iomega StorCenter) with no problems - then this NAS started to report a drive error with imminent failure. I purchased a new DAS (Western Digital) drive and moved all my content from the NAS to the DAS and everything was ok. Then I started to get errors through iTunes about cannot find the file and cannot read the files - and then I couldn't access anything on the drive. At this time I thought this was a different problem because I was running preview Mountain Lion, or there was an actual fault with the disk. After investigation, and coughing out for Data Rescue 3 I found that somehow the entire file structure had been corrupted and all my files had been orphaned. So at this point I had one dying NAS drive and one DAS which wasn't usable and no space to recover any files to.
So - next step was to purchase another external drive (and returned the WD) - this time I went for a G-Raid 4Tb (non-thunderbolt) drive and I've been in the process of recovering files from backups and iTunes. I've had no problems until today when yet again I've started getting errors and now I have problems copying files to/from this G-Raid drive.
Technical details - OS-X 10.7.3 - G-Raid 4Tb formatted as Mac OS Extended (Journaled) - currently showing 1,163 folders and 15,452 files.
Symptoms - using finder drag and drop copy a file from the g-Raid to desktop results in 'The operation can't be completed because the item 'xxx' is in use. - 'The operation can't be completed because one or more required items can't be found (error code -43).' and the copy fails.
Using the cp command I get a 'Resource Busy' error. However, this is not for all files - I've managed to copy all my books back to the desktop ok, when a couple came up with the above error I tried again and it copied successfully.
I have run Disk Utility - here are the details :-
- 4TB G-Tech - VerifyVerifying partition map for “G-TECH”Checking prerequisitesChecking the partition listChecking for an EFI system partitionChecking the EFI system partition’s sizeChecking the EFI system partition’s file systemChecking all HFS data partition loader spacesChecking Core Storage Physical Volume partitionsThe partition map appears to be OK Volume (Media) - VerifyVerifying volume “Media”Checking file systemPerforming live verification.Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.Checking extents overflow file.Checking catalog file.Unused node is not erased (node = 24190)Checking multi-linked files.Checking catalog hierarchy.Checking extended attributes file.Unused node is not erased (node = 24784)Checking volume bitmap.Volume bitmap needs minor repair for under-allocationChecking volume information.The volume Media was found corrupt and needs to be repaired.Error: This disk needs to be repaired. Click Repair Disk.Verify and Repair volume “Media”Volume repair complete.Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.Error: Couldn’t unmount disk.Verify and Repair volume “Media”Volume repair complete.Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.Error: Couldn’t unmount disk.Verify and Repair volume “Media”Volume repair complete.Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.Error: Couldn’t unmount disk.Verify and Repair volume “Media”Checking file systemChecking Journaled HFS Plus volume.Checking extents overflow file.Unused node is not erased (node = 94)Checking catalog file.Invalid sibling linkRebuilding catalog B-tree.The volume Media could not be repaired.Volume repair complete.Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.Error: Disk Utility can’t repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files.
and it's just got worse - in getting the info for this post I no longer have access to the drive. This is the second time this has now happened on two different directly connected drives (USB and Firewire) - which means the problem is elswhere. I've a stack of errors in the system.log file
May 10 17:52:16 Neil-Cattons-iMac[1057]: ** /dev/disk1s1
May 10 17:52:16 Neil-Cattons-iMac[1057]: ** Phase 1 - Preparing FAT
May 10 17:52:16 Neil-Cattons-iMac[1057]: ** Phase 2 - Checking Directories
May 10 17:52:16 Neil-Cattons-iMac[1057]: ** Phase 3 - Checking for Orphan Clusters
iMac 21.5 - 3.06Ghz, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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Jul 2, 2012
Trying to copy downloaded movie files from Vuze (which have downloaded successfully) and copy onto external hard drive to view them but it wont let me copy over to the external device.
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Nov 23, 2009
Earlier i posted to ask how can i format using SL upgrade disk. I came across a problem. I have a work .ISO image which is about 9 GB and i tried copying that to my External HD with 20GB free Disc space. I am not able to copy it. I tried searching for a program which will make it into an archive and split it (like WinRAR in PC) but wasn't successful.
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Apr 27, 2010
I have two Macs, a desktop PM G5 and a laptop Black Macbook, both running 10.5.8. Currently when using the laptop I can see and access the PMG5 and its files through my wireless connection. I'm planning on picking up an external drive, and I'd just like this confirmed, as in its access ability. If I hook up the external drive to the G5 so I can leave it there, and access its files through the G5. will my laptop also be able to access it through the G5. In other words, when I access the G5 from the laptop over wireless, will the external drive appear as just another folder and/or device on the G5 and I'll be able to move and copy files just like I already do?
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Jan 11, 2011
I have an external 2TB Western Digital Caviar drive hooked up to my 2006 iMac through a docking bay and USB 2.0. I'm running 10.6.6 and the drive is formatted as Mac OS Extended. It's my media and backup drive and I'm always copying stuff to and from it. All was well and good with the setup and I had no problems for probably 5 or 6 months. Just around Christmas, though, I started getting alerts when trying to copy files over to the drive. Error Code: -50.
Basically, I can still view/read files on the drive and play songs in iTunes, but if I try to rip a CD, iTunes hangs and dies. If I try to copy any file over using the Finder or empty the trash with files from that drive, I get the -50 code and alert. A restart will fix the problem for a little while but then it's back after maybe 30 minutes or so that's obviously not a good long-term solution. This page claims it is an "Error in user parameter list" but I have no idea what that means. I've done a bunch of Googling, but people are saying it's anything from problems with networked NTFS drives (which it's not for me) or that it's a disk permissions issue (no bootable system on the drive).
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Feb 22, 2012
I haven't been able to copy files from my downloads folder to Font Book, or more importantly, copy files from my jump drive to a folder on my desktop.I also can't copy images from a CD to my desktop. All instances give the error message window "The operation cant be completed because you dont have permission to access some of the items."I should have permission to copy everything, but I'm wondering if in the case of the fonts, the new Lion OS prevents you from using fonts without a license (even if they're free??) pretty clueless
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7), Time Machine backup
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Apr 15, 2012
Why can't I copy my photo files from my Mac Book Pro to my External Hard Drive?
iPad 2, iOS 5
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Sep 6, 2014
I have all of a sudden started getting an error code -36 from an CF card copying to my mac?
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Dec 31, 2009
I've looked at some other posts that have gone over how to move files to an external drive, and they all say to use command while moving. I understand this copies the file and deletes the original, but when you make a copy and delete the original, you lose some of the original data, such as creation date, etc... This makes storage and organization more complicated than it has to be.
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Apr 22, 2012
I m able to copy and paste selected files from external hard drive to my mac but not the other way around. Im not able to copy files from Mac to external hard drive.
The same is working fine with USB flash memory.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), The same is working fine with USB
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Jun 7, 2009
I seem to be having trouble with large PDFs in OSX. Everytime I open such a PDF file, either under Preview or Adobe Reader, ATSserver and mdworker begin taking up 60-80% of the CPU. Can someone please shed some light into what is happening? I understand that OSX is indexing the PDF file, but it indexes it everytime the PDF is launched, instead of just once. For example, I open Textbook.pdf (50mb) in Preview. As soon as it opens, the above two processes take up 60-80% of the cpu and seemingly dont stop. I wait, and wait, and eventually they do. So then I search for a word in the PDF file, and those processes start up again, searching becomes painfully slow as each instance of the term is searched for (I thought it indexed it). Once the searching for one term is done, and I decide to search for another, the two processes come on again, and everything slows down again. If I close Textbook.pdf and open it again either immediately or at a later date, the same things happen again.
Isnt it supposed to index once, and then be indexed forever? Instead of indexing everytime the pdf is launched, and everytime a term is searched for? This has made large PDFs almost unusable in OSX, unlike in Windows which doesnt seem to have this problem. Is there a solution?
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