MacBook Air :: No User Replaceable Battery For My System?

Jan 15, 2008

NO user replaceable battery for my system? [URL]

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MacBook Pro :: Non User Replaceable Battery - Carry The AC Adapter ?

Sep 2, 2009

How much better is the battery life in the newest (2009) MBP 15"? The specs say that the non-user-replaceable battery is rated for 7 hours. I'm trying to decide between the newest 15" MBP and the previous generation.My current laptop, a Dell Vostro 1500, gives me about 2.5 hours which is usually sufficient most days. But, I do need to carry the AC adapter and have to occasionally plug it in to make it through my day.The 7 hours sounds great. But, is it *that* much better than the prior model? What's it rated at - 5 hours? Any real world results?

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MacBook Pro :: Processor In New System Is User Replaceable Or Is It Soldered To The Motherboard

Apr 14, 2010

the processor in the new macbooks was user replaceable or is it soldered to the motherboard?

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MacBook :: Is The HDD User Replaceable

Mar 11, 2010

Are the HDD's (for the mb and the 13" mbp) user replaceable? Like the first gen mb's or not so much like the first gen mbp's?

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MacBook :: Is Battery Replaceable With New MBP 13'' Battery

Aug 16, 2009

I bought the MacBook Unibody almost as soon as it got on the market as my first Mac (yay) and I'm very happy with it so far.

The battery time I get from the MacBook could be longer though, so when I read about the new 13'' MacBook Pro which now comes with a "new and better" battery, the thought came to my mind that there might be a possibility that this new battery would fit in the MacBook Unibody...

I have looked on Apples website, I have googled and searched this forum but I have not found anything on the subject.Is the thought for some reason obviously stupid?

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MacBook :: Unable To Use System With Battery / Computer Shuts Down Hwen Start From Battery

Apr 18, 2008

My battery needed replacing for a couple of months before i dropped it from about knee level onto a sidewalk. After the drop I got the not charging icon. I thought maybe the battery had just finally died. so I did not panic about the no charge. The laptop works fine when plugged in to power with the old battery on or no battery at all. Not at all when unplugged.

When I put the brand new battery on the lap top, the computer shuts down halfway through boot up. I tried holding the power button down through boot up reset, as well as removing all power (plug and battery) and holding down the power button for 10 seconds reset.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Is Not Charging / System Report Says That There Is No Battery Installed

Aug 31, 2014

My screen suddenly went dark.  I was connected and at 100%, however, now the battery is not charging.  The system report says that there is no battery installed. I am hearing "white noise" also.

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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MacBook Air :: Using Replaceable SDD Stick?

Jan 3, 2011

I have been doing some research on the MacBook Air's Flash Storage and according to the repair and servicing manual for the MacBook Air (see attached files) there is an actual Memory Sick that is in the MacBook Air and is not soldered to the Main Logic Board. This part of the service manual tells you how to remove the memory stick and replace it. Everyone clams it is "non-user replaceable" but this guide suggests that is it possible, if one was able to purchase one of the Memory Sicks.

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MacBook Pro :: Mid 2009 - "Repair Battery" Under System Preferences/battery

Apr 15, 2012

I have a Mid 2009 MBP running with Lion. I've notice a message that says "Repair Battery" under system preferences/battery. I didnt noticed anything strange with my battery life, but I want to know if I have to do something. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Splitting System And User Data Between SSD And HDD?

Dec 24, 2010

I wondering which one of the following configuration will be faster:

- 128 GB SSD for OS and Apps + 5400 rpm hdd for games and user data like source codes, etc.
- 128 GB SSD for all of them?

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MacBook Pro :: Change User Name In System Preferences

Jun 3, 2014

So this is a really silly question but I wanted to know, how do you change the name of your home drive? Like I know how you can change the user name in system pref. but how do you change the name next to the little house icon? Because I'm really super bad at explaining things, a picture is attached below.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9), Late 2011 model

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Login To User Account - System Hang And Restart

Sep 2, 2010

previously i have a problem for unable to login after my MBP hanged and restart.

i search online and found a solution to it which is to remove ATIRadeonX1000.kext . however by doing this there is a lot of inconvinent for me.

so i would like to ask if there is anyone here who has got a better solution?

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MacBook :: System Taking Long To Load User Profile Login

Mar 28, 2010

My Macbook has been running pretty slowly recently but only at log in. Its been taking ages to load my name at the top of if you try anything before is loaded my user profile I guess it just crashed. Also every now and again the wallpaper doesnt load up. Anyway to fix this is booted into safe-mode, verified the disk and repaired the permission. My work insists I use McAfee enterprise edition for Mac if connecting their servers so I am also protected from viruses and mal-ware. Its just got worse. And stranger still Safari still loads but thats all. Any other program will bounce a few times and then do nothing. Even mail, pages, dreamweaver, terminal, settings - everything. Safari is the only working program I have found that actually still loads. The internet connection works find and everything else. McAfee is sitting in my status bar so I am guessing that has also loaded properly.

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Intel Mac :: 2006 20" Replaceable Video Card?

Mar 25, 2012

I have an iMac that is exhibiting symptoms of a video card going bad. Are video cards replaceable in the 20" white iMacs from early 2006?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 20" iMac early 2006

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MacBook :: Original Battery For My System 4.1 ?

Sep 5, 2010

What is yours? Mine is the original battery for my macbook 4.1, white plastic. I'm surprised mine has lasted this long

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MacBook Air :: Battery Life For The System - 13.3 Or 11.6 ?

Oct 20, 2010

Would be extremely interested in hearing about the battery life of the MacBook Air either the 13.3" or 11.6" from someone using it firsthand.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Does MacBook Pro Have System Battery?

Jul 5, 2012

Does my MacBook Pro have a system battery?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Calibration Options In A System

Sep 4, 2010

I just got my first Mac yesterday, 13" MacBook Pro. I LOVE IT! I've been trying to find out some info on the battery calibration that I can't find anywhere. I have tried Apple's website, Google and MRoogle before I made a new thread about it

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MacBook :: System Plugged In But Battery Not Charging

Jun 2, 2008

I just noticed that my when I got my macbook plugged in, it's not charging. The icon is the one you got when it's plugged in (with the little fork-shaped thing in the middle), but instead of it saying 'charging' like when the battery isn't full, or 'charged', when it is, it just says 'Not Charging'. It's like it can see the magsafe connector inside, but the juice isn't coming through to the battery, even though the computer itself is powered by the charger since when I click on the power symbol I get 'Power source: Power adapter'.

Also, the magsafe connector itself isn't lit. It used to be green for a bit, but a much weaker green than normal, and before that it wasn't even lit--I've tried with three different wall outlets, one of which was outside my house where I usually use it (it was in a starbucks). Also, when I disconnected the magsafe to get a reading for the battery, it was only 1:35, even though the magsafe light was green (albeit a weak green). If it matters, I'm running 10.5.3. The macbook is still fairly new, bought mid-december, all updates current as I got it set to checking daily and install the minute I get the notice.

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MacBook :: Dented Battery Harmful For System?

Mar 14, 2009

Is there there anything wrong in using the battery that was drop and have a dent on it. I drop my macbook battery when I open it up to upgrade my hdd and it left huge dent on it. I'm not worry about how the dent looks on my battery because it a battery is cover by the lid, but I am more concern about the battery performance or the life of it. Like... would a dent battery burn up my mac and stuff? Since I dropped it 4 days ago, I've been using my macbook just fine, it not too hot, battery is about 2.5 to 3.5 hours with factory default power setting setting. Since nothing is wrong now it wont be likely to occur in the future right?

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Hardware :: Apple Battery Charger Or 3rd Party Battery Charger Bettter For The System

Aug 11, 2010

The Apple one looks tempting as it comes with 6 batteries and 29€ isn't too much, plus, as usual, it looks brilliant. I looked at some 3rd party chargers as well ranging from 20€ to 40€. None of them was stunning or special by any means. Cheaper ones usually came with two or four batteries and some came without batteries. I don't really need it for else than Magic Mouse, occasionally for something else too.

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MacBook Pro :: Poor Battery Life Of Brand New System

Sep 10, 2010

So I've had my MBP 13 for 3 weeks and i took a screenshot of coconut battery. I've noticed crappy battery life so does the 94% mean my battery isn't doing as good as it should be? Shouldn't it be at 100 since its new?

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MacBook Pro :: Leave System Plugged Into Adapter / Drain Battery

Aug 11, 2009

I just got my mac about a week ago. I'm currently arguing with my grandmother over whether it's better to leave the MBP plugged into the adapter all the time or let it drain the battery.

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MacBook Pro :: System Running Very Slow - Remove Battery Charger

Aug 22, 2010

I have Mac pro about two months old. I am having problem with my Mac pro When I remove the betray charger, system running very slow and when I cannot charger it will run normal. I believe there is some problem please help me to fixed this I would like to give more details about my macbook pro. I have mac os x version: 10.6.3 model idendifer: macbook pro 7,1 processor speed: 2ghz and i do have warranty. This macbook is only two month. so kindly requst to advice me why my macbook is running slow when i remove the charger.

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OS X :: System Versus Admin User Status

Jul 27, 2010

It appears that a "System" user can read & write but there is no such user or any way I can see how to become a system user.

Infact as far as I can tell there are no System users, only me as Admin.

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OS X :: Restore User / System Library Folder?

Feb 9, 2010

I accidently deleted my user library folder on my MacBook. And Soon after I restart my mac I have to create a new admin account but then after I made one the apple intro video shows up again and I have to create new account .so how do I restore back the library folder?

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OS X V10.4 :: Restore A Broken User After A System-Recovery?

Jun 26, 2012

I recently tried upgrading my PowerMac G4 from Mac OS X Tiger to Leopard, but the Mac crashed in the process and all seemed lost. However, with a system recovery, I managed to get everything back. At least, almost everything. I still had to create a new account, and this account was missing the addresses from the previous account in Addressbook. Addressbook was empty. Addressbook used to be filled with addresses from 2 accounts. I managed to recover the addresses from one account, but the other seems inaccesible. I tried restoring the account. Empty. I tried copying the files and giving myself read/write permissions. Nothing. I tried showing hidden files.Nothing. How do I recover this account/the addresses from Adressbook (I don't really care about the other files on the account).

PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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OS X :: Purpose Of Running Admin And User Account On System?

Jun 18, 2010

I've noticed in different threads around here that some folks talk about having an admin acct while setting up a user account for person use. What's the advantage to doing that vs just using the admin account for everything? Since wife and I now use separate computers, I'm trying to do everything possible to keep this thing running as smoothly and efficiently as possible for as long as possible!

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OS9/OS8/System 7 :: Applications Only For Root Are Displayed Even With User Login

Apr 20, 2012

I am using MBP Pro with OSx 10.7.3. I use admin account. Recently I enabled root account and then disabled it back again. Since then I am seeing applications only for root and not for admin even with admin login. If I go to /Users/<admin username>/Library/Preferences, I can see that the applications has relevant files over there. When I looked more carefully I observed that, I am able to see the applications installed for the root only and not for the admin user. Is there any way to corrrect this?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X Yosemite :: Fast User Switching Cause System Hang

Nov 30, 2014

After upgrading to Yosemite, I had very serious problems with fast user switching. I do software development using my BackBook Pro, I need to switch between different accounts for testing/debugging purposes. 

As long as I use fast switching, I will eventually have a system hang when logging out, login or shutting down. I either got blank screens, or dead login screen. In the end, I had to press the power button for 3 seconds to do a brute cold power off. 

MacBook Pro

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