MacBook Air :: No 2.13Ghz For 13" 1.86/128 Model
Oct 31, 2010
I'm just wondering why there is no option for 13" 1.86/128 to 2.13/128. Only 256 SSD model can be upgraded to 2.13. Apple thinks that they just don't want same option as rev c.? I think that's not fair to who just want only 128SSD for 2.13Ghz. 256SSD would great for everybody but I'm just the one who save extra $300.
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Nov 29, 2010
I bought my maxed-out MBA (2010) online the day after they came out and have recently noticed a CPU whine coming from the top-right corner of the keyboard when under light load. It can be heard both on AC and battery power and is distracting when using the Air in a quiet room.
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Jul 7, 2009
I currently have a 2.4ghz imac and a hp mini netbook. I'm looking at the Macbook Air units as a eventual replacement for my netbook but I can't decide between the apple 1.8ghz refurb SSD model or the 2.13ghz new SSD model.
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Nov 4, 2010
When I read the weblogs about Apple's announcement about the new MacBook Airs and wanted one immediately.I've always been a Windows guy. Except from 2002-to late 2006ish, technically. I bought the new dual core quicksilver power g4 mac when it came out in 02.
I had my problems with the mac then. They released their first version of OSX and it could dual boot with OS 9.But I always kept a windows desktop handy just in case and back then not a lot of programs were compatible, I used it mainly for its photoshop/final cut prowess.I've been building my own computers since I tore one apart in my dads office when I was in..the 3rd grade.
Anyways, prior to this I used to have a Sony Vaio but before that I bought the Adamo 13 when it first came out. I went through 7 Adamos because the logic board they custom made was pretty ****ed up. I still have one sitting in its box that I have to send to Dell so they can repair it but after 7 I kind of lost the heart to send in another, and thats why I bought the Vaio in March of this year.
Here is a review if you would like to read but I just wanted to reiterate what most people have been saying that this is a beautiful computer that can handle its own share of programs. Especially the resolution on this computer makes it worth it than any other 13 inch computers.FYI, I use this machine mainly for Windows 7.hen I first bought it I wrestled with reinstalling mac osx and windows 7 like over 10 times to get it right.
Finally I settled on running Mac with only 15 gbs and using the rest for Windows. This avoids the long boot up into windows directly after completely deleting the Mac partition.I don't know if people were more successful than I am but I went through 5 usb sticks to make them bootable but the mac didnt read them so I used an SD card and made it bootable and it worked.The screenIs extremely bright compared to my Vaio and Adamo. The Adamo was bright but I believe this to be significantly brighter albeit the Vaio was a matte screen instead of a glossy one. The extra screen real estate is always welcomed, prior to this I was looking at the Envy but from what found out they removed the option of having a higher resolution screen so I stopped looking there. It's to the point where I can still use the computer on the lowest and I mean lowest like only one away from off and still use it and sometimes the screen is too bright for me. The whites make me squint my eyes. But the display is gorgeous overall.
ALSO I love that they TOOK OUT the BLACK BEZEL. I would have gotten the macbook pro 15s maybe a year ago if they didnt have the black bezels but finally it is not black. I thought the black bezels were ugly as with the keys on a SILVER computer, would be find if the whole computer was dark but yeah. I can manage just black keys and the silver bezel.The keyboardis slightly disappointing because of the lack of backlight on the keys.Also since I am using it as a Windows computer the change in the keys are hard to get used to but I used SharpKeys to change the registry on the keys for options and alt and have added page up/down, home and delete keys by using the f8-f10 keys and have worked for me.
People might flame me for buying a mac and installing windows but I am willing to make a compromise for a better built (in my opinion), thinner and cooler looking computer.So for the most part, the keyboard is ok but loses points on the backlight and I am not marking points off for the orientation because it was my decision to use Windows on it.The fanis loud, when youre running windows 7. But to be fair it is not as loud when youre running Mac. It's loud enough to hear and notice on windows boot. For the most part the computer doesnt get too hot or anywhere near as hot as the macbook pros I have used that my friends have. Not a big deal.The graphicsseem to be ok. The bench marks are up there so you can read those. All I do is play Starcraft 2, pokerstars and watch movies.Most movies are fine but mine had trouble playing the mkv versions of 1080p movies. Anything below that runs well without a hiccup and you can do multiple things at once. The fan will kick in though.The speakersI love. On ultraportable computers the speakers literally suck @$$ and I know because I've used the Adamo and heard some others while shopping. While the BASS is not that great, the macbook air is EXTREMELY loud. For some reason though, the maximum seems louder on windows that in mac. And the most important of all it doesnt sound TINY. Its hard to explain this but its loud and decently full sounding. Most of the time I use my ultrasone or sennheiser headphones but when I get tired and just want to use the computer, its still adequate and fufillingly(?) loud. I never knew that the sound was coming out of the speakers. I think its truly genius.The touchpadworks well in mac. Too well to the point I am jealous because on the Windows it's a bit stuttery. I do not know why because it is not a hardware issue. I guess its the windows drivers that Apple gives us. But thankfully there is a right click there. To be honest though it is too far to the right and too far on the bottom given the size of the trackpad. But I am still thankful there is a right click at the very least. I found it when I have to drag something using two fingers makes it work the best. If I wanted to drag an icon across the screen, I would click on the icon with my index finger and use my third finger to drag it and it works like a charm. The scrolling gestures work (using two fingers to scroll webpages etc). No problems there. ETC
The computer itself is nicely built. It is sturdy and does not scratch that much yet. I am waiting for Speck to release a new case for the mba 13. The webcam works nicely, I use it mostly for GMAIL video chats and skype.The microphone is on the side, I dont know how well that works but friends on the other end can hear me well. he ports are slightly disappointing. Would have liked more usb ports, hdmi and such without the need for a display adapter from apple. I am looking to buy it cause I have the 21 inch studio display but wont fit the adapter display port.
The hinge seems sturdy too. No problems there.
I think this is a very portable cool laptop I have seen in awhile. It has enough oopmh to give you what you need if hardcore multimedia projects are not your thing.
I know most people use it for light photoshop, web, mail, movies, music and other light things. Games seem to work on light settings. It's not so bad but it's getting there, depends on what you play.
Also the battery is amazing. One of the more reasons that brought me over the edge was the battery. The screen resolution and battery were big +s. Never tested it running OSX but on the Windows 7 I went as far as 5 hours but I had some juice left over but always plugged it in. That is a big win for me. During those 6 hours I did a mix of video chat, watching movies while surfing the net, or a combination of those 3 and on the rare occasion a little poker added to it.
You can get better spec'd computers for half the price I paid but sometimes plastic just sucks. The thing I loved about the Adamo was that it was metal. I still love the Adamo design but their logic board failed me too many times. Also my MBA does not have the logic board issues that other people are facing.
Anyways, I hoped that gave you an insight into a person who uses the MBA 13 as a Windows 7 machine.hanks for reading as this is my first and only post.
I just felt it was necessary because it is a great machine and people who are able should know that they can buy a mac to run windows now. The experience is good enough to have as a primary machine or secondary.
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Jul 10, 2010
I threw in with the air. I've been a big MacBook pro and iMac user from way back, but a few days ago I finally did what I've always wanted to do, I bought an Air! The things holding me back were price and the lack of updates from Apple. But you know what? After using this machine for three days I can honestly say it is the best laptop I have ever used. I don't even know why I ever used a pro. I got the high end 2.13GHz machine with the solid state HD. So quiet (silent). So light. Amazing machine and I can never go back to using a pro. Can't wait to see what Apple have in line for the Air in the future too! The coolest thing though is that its not quite mainstream. Not like the Pro anyway. I get looks! Oh yeah, us Air users are legit.
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Oct 31, 2010
I am trying to decide whether to get the 2010 model or the cheaper 2009 model. These are the differences that I've found so far for the base model. For arguments sake, let's say they both have 4gb ram (most people selling them have upgraded to 4gb)
2010: 2.4ghz, longer battery, nvidia 320m
2009: 2.26ghz, (slightly) shorter battery, nvidia 9400m
Having a slightly slower cpu, less battery life (about 7 hours rather than 9) and a slightly weaker gpu don't bother me so much, as I will be mostly using the macbook pro for internet surfing and writing word documents
My question is, are there any other differences? (that would make me go for the 2010 rather than the 2009 model) - maybe differences in the display? shape? something else?
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Nov 2, 2010
i am contemplating buying a late 2008 mbp air i found for $800 on CL. it has the 1.86 ghz 2gig ram and an 128 gb ssd. would that be comparable to the new 2010 version? i know the new one will edge it out, but by how much? i do a lot of art using flash, illustrator, and ps but just want to use this machine occasionally when i travel, ill have another machine for the heavy lifting if needed be. is that a good deal? or should i just wait and get the 2010 version which is double that?
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Aug 28, 2009
PC World (in the UK) are selling the old 2.66GHz 15" model for �1,149 (rather than �1,499 for the new model).
The differences between it and the new model are summarised below (as I understand them)
Battery: Old: 5hr, New:7hr non-swappable
Display: New: Better colour gamut (apparently?)
Processor: Old: 6MB cache, New: 3MB cache
Card bay: Old: Express34, New: SD
Of the above only the battery life is of any relevance to me (unless the display quality is really that different?). The SD card would be marginally more useful than the Express card.
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Sep 9, 2009
I've been contemplating recently (as most mac users do) about switching my 2 year old MBP (2.2 ghz, 2gb ram, 8600m) to the new MBP (15" 2.8, newer gfx, touchpad and a few minor details).
I've been eying the ebay prices for some time and my particular model (with charger, snow leopard, original accessories but w/o box) is valued at about 700gbp. Perhaps people might disagree with me here - how much is it really worth ?
My main point / question is really at what point should I ditch the existing MBP in favor of the new mbp - does it really offer me that much of a benefit at this time to upgrade? I'd sure like the new graphics card in there (is it really that much better?) but I'm not sure there's a significant enough difference there.
On the other hand if I wait much longer the MBP will become pretty devalued and not get me much back for the new and improved MBP - maybe apple's going to improve them soon anyway?
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Sep 1, 2010
I am about to buy a computer and just been doing some research. When I went to best buy and ran a geekbench score on the imac it was like around 5800.
A seller on ebay who is selling a Mac Pro 3.0 ghz just ran the score and posted the results of 6214
Based off of this score alone wouldn't it mean that the 2007 Mac Pro is faster than the newer 2010 imac
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Jan 14, 2009
is the model MB321LLA for Airport Express the newest model which is current selling at Apple?
because I saw some sellers selling this model and I wanna get it but when I check, I don't see the the newest model number they are currently selling
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Jul 29, 2010
I am trying to decide which of these two 27 inch imacs I should buy:
27 inch 3.06 core 2 duo model
27 inch 3.2 I3 model
Is the 27 inch 3.2 ghz I3 model a better value in terms of increased computer and graphics performance and is it better to get the 2nd generation model because of prior issues (i.e. yellow tinge)?
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Jun 22, 2012
Which MacBook is Better?
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Dec 7, 2009
im looking for a used base model rev a to use kinda as a netbook. what should expect to pay
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Apr 25, 2012
When is the MacBook air going to update to a new model?
MacBook Air
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May 20, 2012
I assume the DVI out on the 2007 MacBook Pro (model identifier 3,1) is a nonstandard DVI and requires a DVI-to-DVI adapter? It looks like a fullsize connector that I could attach with a standard DVI, but I thought I needed a 30.00 adapter, is this true?
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Sep 20, 2010
i have 2 GB of Ram and want to change to 4 GB?
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Dec 13, 2010
I want to upgrade the RAM in my macbook but I dont think I'm completely understanding what I can upgrade to. Here's the specs:Hardware Overview: Model Name:MacBook Model Identifier:MacBook4,1 Processor Name:Intel Core 2 Duo Processor Speed:2.4 GHzNumber Of Processors:1Total Number Of Cores: L2 Cache:3 MB
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Dec 20, 2008
Just got my macbook replaced.
Previously had the AU Monitor and loved it...
Now recieved the 9c8a Monitor and the whites seem very light and washed....
Does anyone know who makes the 9c8a? And how it compares to the AU monitor i previously had? Any suggested display setting to change or just go back and ask for a new one???
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Apr 6, 2009
I've decided to go with an SSD refurb and am torn between the 1.6 and 1.8 SSD model. The 1.8 is an extra $100, but it's $100 which may be over my budget and I'm not sure if I'll really notice a difference. The reason I want the 1.8 is because I'm coming from a 2.0 MB and 1.8 doesn't seem as bad as downgrading to a 1.6.
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Apr 18, 2009
Ok, so I really really want a rev b mba but what has kept me from buying one is the screen issue. I bought a MB and loved it but I gave it to my sister because her old mac died. I was searching through some previous posts and found that people with the 9C8F screen model didn't have the line issue. I went to the apple store and the ones there had the lines but at my local best buy the MBA on display did NOT have the lines.
My question is this:
Is there a way to check the box for the screen model # or is there a way to check before I leave the store what screen is on the comp?
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Jun 3, 2009
So I got my Macbook Aluminum 13 inch 2.4GHz for a few days ago, and I just downloaded coconut, and it says that my Mac is 6 months?! And my battery mah is like 4200, with 6 cycles. Is this bad? and should I get a refund?
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Oct 19, 2009
I have a 13" how do I find the screen model number? Yes I've Googled I can't figure it out.
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Jun 8, 2010
Should I bite the retail bullet and shell 2k plus for a new pro. All I want is a stable, smooth, low latency, 15" mac book pro (7200RPM). Where is the cheapest net source to buy? or Should I get a used one with a year plus apple care left for around $1,300?
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Jun 23, 2010
How well will CSS run on a new MBP 13" base model?
Also one other random question, would garage band and other sequencing software be alight on it? I want to start editing music on one I've ordered, or use my midi keyboard via USB.
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Apr 5, 2012
This is the fan installed in my apple macbook 13inch - Jan 2008 2.3Ghz Core duo. I've now bought three replacement fans supposedly for this model macbook and ALL THREE are smaller than the one illustrated (installed in my macbook) All of the ones that I have purchased (correct part number) are 58mm x 52mm, where as my installed fan is 62mm X 60mm Can anyone help explain the inconsistence, and better still explain how I can aquire the correct part please?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Macbook 13" Jan 2008
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Apr 11, 2012
What printer is compatible with MacBook Air? HP laserjet P1100, whiich I just bought, isn't.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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May 24, 2012
I got my macbook in early 2011, is there any way I can update it to have the new features as the 2012 model?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 24, 2012
I got my macbook in early 2011, is there any way I can update it to have the new features as the 2012 model?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 12, 2012
Will the 500-GB SSD model of the new retina MB Pro be available in Apple Stores? Or will it have to be ordered?
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