MacBook Air :: Needs Reboot To Have Adapter Connected?
May 23, 2012
My USB ethernet is "unplugged" (according to System Preferences/Network) after it's been plugged out and plugged in an USB port. The actual network connection doesn't work either. The machine needs a reboot to have the adapter connected. USB probing lists the adapter as expected after re-plugging.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Feb 14, 2009
Hope I can get this clear before buying a new MBair 1.86 SSD. Can I connect to the MB air the ethernet / USB adapter via a USB hub? Via the USB hub of the extrenal keyboard? Via the USB hub of the new 24" led display?
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Jan 10, 2011
Just want to make sure.
Because one of my adapter for the shaver is dead just by leaving it connected to the power outlet for 2 weeks.
I wonder what you guys do with your MagSafe Power Adapter.
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May 1, 2012
My battery just went down to 7 percent charge even though it had been connected to the power adapter for quite some time. At least a few days. I didn't notice that the battery wasn't charging. Now it says it is charging again, but every once in a while I notice it has gone to not charging.Â
macBook, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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Jan 27, 2010
I just hooked the cable up, and I get the standard Purple Haze in space desktop that I have on my Macbook, but nothing else. No icons, no toolbars, nothing. The only time I was able to get anything to come up on my larger screen was when I went into Preferences, and Desktop and Screensaver. When I click on that, I did get a box to show up on my larger screen, listed as the Secondary Desktop.
How exactly do I get the larger screen to serve as my main screen? When I close up my laptop,the larger screen goes blank. I have no idea what to do, please help!
Another question I have is how the screen will look once I do actually get it to work. The reason why I ask that is because my larger screen is an old 17" Dell, the old 4:3 box kind. I plan on upgrading to a 20" plus HD display in the near future, but cannot at the moment, so the current 17" will have to do.
Anyhow, just curious if the screen is going to be completely wonky looking given the resolution that my Macbook will be feeding it?
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May 2, 2012
I have a 13" MBP and just bought a new 23" external monitor connected via mini DVI to HDMI adapter.The monitor is recognized fine, but there is extreme jitter on the screen - basically very annonying and unusable.
MacBook Pro
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May 29, 2012
my screen cracked on my MacBook and I'm unable to see anything (it's just fuzzy white) so I purchased the VGA adaptor so I can connect to an external monitor. When I plug in the screen is zoomed to close and I can not view the entire screen. I can see one application that I have open, which is iMovie but can not see the top menu or my icons at the bottom. How can I adjust the settings seeing how I can not access the menu bar or anything else for that matter. It also appears to be showing a second screen, maybe not my desktop because the background is different. I'm running on OS X Lion. Â
I'm trying to finish an end of the year slide show for my kindergartner that I need completed today, I was five minutes away from finalizing then my two year old threw his monster truck at my screen!
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 16, 2012
I recently bought a Macbook Air and needed some tips to keep it's battery healthy. Now I know that the battery has limited cycles before it goes down to less than 80% charge capacity. But if I keep my adapted connected as much time as possible, to reduce the number of those cycle counts, will it harm it battery? What is best way to keep the battery running healthy for long time - charging it once a day or using it with adapted connected most of the times?
MacBook Air (13-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Dec 2, 2014
Macbook air 2014 model screen flickers when ever it is connected to minidisplay port to vga adapter?
MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Nov 30, 2014
My MacBook Pro 13" (Mid 2010) doesn't go to sleep, when I close the lid or when I try to activate sleep under the Apple menu. I haven't changed nothing in the system preferences. I already tried the following:Â unplugged all USB devices plugged and unplugged external display closed all applications (except of Finder of course) resetted all energy saving preferences deactivated bluetooth checked share options (everything is deactivated)Â
Then I unplugged it from the power supply and after I closed the lid, it went to sleep. Then plugged in power supply again and sleep didn't work.
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Sep 8, 2014
I bought a MBA 13" last month and now I'm trying to connect an external monitor through a Mini Display Port-to-HDMI adapter and most of the times the display shows a message "No signal detected"...
I've tried all the possible combinations between the MAC and the Monitor but it would seem a random matter.
MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2012), Mavericks 10.9.4
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May 30, 2010
I have bought a vga adapter for my mac so I can watch movies from my mac on my tv which is fine I can view everything on my tv now but I have no sound. I have also bought a audio cable which connects to my mac and then goes in the back of my tv a red & white connector but still no sound.
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Nov 5, 2009
i have a white macbook (2009 version) and am looking to get the best video possible from it on my 52" lcd hdtv. currently i am running a mini dvi (from mac) adapter to vga adapter that then connects to the hdtv using a 25' vga cable. resolution is ok, but isnt it possible to use one of the hdmi inputs on the tv for better quality???
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Sep 5, 2009
I've been trying to connect my MacBook to my Dell monitor. So, first I bought a mini DVI-VGA cord, but realized that I had a DVI not an AVI connection. In order to save time and money, I bought a DVI (female)-VGA (male) adapter. Everything fits in and connects perfectly. The problem is: when I turn on my Dell monitor nothing shows up. It says it's on safe mode and all I have to do is press a key on the keyboard or move my mouse. I do that, but it doesn't detect anything.
I know my laptop detects the monitor because when I go to display --> arrangement, I see there are 2 screens and display --> Gather Windows, a window for the Dell does pop up. From my understanding that once you plug in all the cords from your Mac to your monitor, it should work right away. So whats wrong with my dual screen? And how can I get it working?
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Dec 4, 2014
Was activating FileVault on a new MacBook Pro until I received a message that it paused because it thinks the power adapter is not connected...even though it was. I unplugged the power adapter for about 12 seconds and then plugged it back in. But the error message persists. FileVault hasn't completed its process and not generated an encryption / recovery key. If I reboot do I risk being unable to access my Mac?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.7)
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Mar 28, 2009
Just a warning, I bought a Mac Mini (2009) and wanted it to hook it up to my TV. My TV does not have HDMI or DVI inputs so I bought a Mini DVI to Video adapter from Apple.But I could not get it to work, then I googled for it and it seems this adapter does not work with 2009 Mac's since it does not output an analog signal anymore!
So anyone that wants to hook up his new Mac to an older TV set with the Video adapter, you are warned.I guess i'll have to buy a Mini-DVI to VGA adapter and then a VGA to SVIDEO converter..
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Oct 15, 2008
Buying both the Mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter AND Mini DisplayPort to VGA adapter is pretty expensive...
I was wondering if I purchase the Mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter, will I be able to use a simple DVI to VGA adapter to use it as a VGA adapter also???
I'm not sure if the Mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter only sends digital signal or digital & analog signal.
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Jun 25, 2007
I have the 65W white square adapter for my 17" Powerbook, and I have the Yo-Yo adapter for my 12" Ibook (G3 500 mhz).Is there any reason why I cannot use the 65W adapter on my 12" book in place of the Yo-Yo adapter? (I know for power requirement reasons I cannot use the Yo-Yo on my 17")
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Apr 5, 2012
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Jan 28, 2009
I consider myself very good at all things Mac. But this one has me stumped.
I've just arrived home with a WD My Book Home Edition 1TB external drive. Formatted for Windows it mounted correctly via FireWire and USB.
First things first: I formatted it for the Mac... Mac OS Extended (Journaled), two GUID partition tables. So far so good. Each partition is recognized, each mounts like it should.
Time Machine then backed up my Intel iMac... again, everything's normal. No odd or unusual behavior.
Here's where things get strange.
For whatever reason I formatted the drive via USB. But my intention hereafter is to connect via FireWire... I need each USB port for peripherals.
But the drive isn't recognized through FireWire. I'm asked if I want to initialize it. When reconnected through USB the drive mounts again.
What's going on? Why is the drive recognized when connected via USB but not when connected via FireWire?
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Aug 15, 2009
The little icon on the lower right corner of my XP partition shows that I am connected to my internet, and the connection is very strong. But when I open up Firefox or Steam or AIM, it all says I'm offline and asks if I would like to connect. I tried restarting, repairing the connection, and almost everything else I can think of.
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Jun 10, 2010
I have a 13" MacBook Pro and it is not connecting to the internet! Airport says im connected to my internet connection, but safari won't load the internet. I tried Firefox and still, the same result. I resetted the modem and the router, but still nothing. The internet connection on my other computer works fine. So I got on the Windows partition and it connects to the internet! So it's just OSX that won't let me connect cause my Windows partition works fine.
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Feb 6, 2012
Mac Book pro has frozen and won't reboot?
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Apr 17, 2012
I restarted my mac because it was acting slow. When it rebooted it started indexing out of nowhere. What do I do?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Oct 21, 2010
I own a 15 inch mid-2010 macbook pro and have Windows installed via bootcamp. Because of this, I often shut down and reboot the computer into the other partition. I would say I switch between Windows and Mac OS X about six times a day.
Since I reboot often, I was just wondering if doing this does any damage to the hard drive or other hardware.
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Jan 1, 2011
I am upgrading my RAM from 512 MB to the Max limit 2 GB. After I add the two 1GB RAMs and put the MacbookPro back together will I have to do some kind of reboot restore, or something like a hard drive backup restore, before it will all work? Or do you just replace the RAM cards and start it up and it works fine?
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Jun 5, 2007
Has anyone else experienced anything like this with their MBP? I woke my MBP from sleep as I went to do something on it and I found a checkerboard-like (or interlacing) pattern displayed across the screen. That is, I could see bits and pieces of Firefox, the desktop, the dock, etc. in little rectangles across the screen with the bits and pieces scattered all over the place (like puzzle pieces strewn everywhere). I wasn't entirely surprised as I had seen a friend of mine have a similar problem when waking his MBP from sleep. I didn't have time to deal with a restart, so I went to my gf's Windoze machine (perhaps what follows is my MBP taking revenge for going off when times got tough and cheating on it with a *gasp* PC!!???). when I returned to my machine later on, it sounded like it was rebooting itself as I walked in the room. Then about 15-20 seconds later, it did the same thing. When I opened it up, the same checkerboard pattern appeared as it started to reboot, then it went to a completely blue screen, and finally went black (as in turned-off black). After that, it started this same process over again and stayed stuck in that loop until I held down the power button to turn it completely off. I called Apple (still under 90-day Apple Care since I got the machine in April) and did all of the troubleshooting tasks that they talked me through. It is apparently a hardware issue, as I feared, and I will have to send it off to have it repaired. (At least is sending the pre-paid box for me to ship it to them).
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Jul 22, 2010
While trying to enable my Microsoft Office 2008 to allow me to enter a new code I pasted a rm command into the terminal, as directed by someone in a forum. I think it may have wiped out my desktop because now the entire desktop is gone.
Will Diskwarrior help me with this or is it a lost cause?
All my music and photo files are fine, it is just everything that was on the desktop, which was a lot.
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Jul 30, 2010
I have googled for the past couple of hours but can't find exactly what I am after. I have a macbook and I have leopard os x 10.5.2. I don't remember the last time I did a os x update (or if I ever have). But I was getting updates to download the newer version of itunes and safari (I was having trouble accessing some sites, and itunes won't let me visit the store because of safari or something.) So I've run the system update and it says it is going to install 10.5.8, and the new version of itunes. It downloads fine and then asks me to restart. I click restart and the computer goes to the reboot type screen and a box pops up saying "Software update" and underneath it says 'Configuring Installation'. The little blue bar loads a smidge and then it sits in the one spot and doesn't move at all. I have tried this in the past and I had left the laptop for hours and came back and it hadn't moved at all. So I force quit to get back into my computer. Now I have no idea what to do? Do I download 10.5.8 directly from the apple website? Or do I have to download 10.5.3, then 10.5.4 etc.
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Feb 16, 2009
My MacBook crashed end of last year after an automatic OS upgrade. Unfornately I could not my original Mac OS install DVD (Tiger 10.4). Then I searched for a Mac OS Install DVD torrent from ThePirateBay and downloaded a 'Mac OS X Install DVD.toast' file. But it still can't reboot the computer. I would like to know where to get the right OS and reinstall the system ?
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