MacBook Air :: Locate (Enable Access For Assistive Devices)?
Aug 28, 2014Trying to locate 'enable access assistive devices box. It's not showing in Universal access. I've tried checking through Privacy - not there.
Trying to locate 'enable access assistive devices box. It's not showing in Universal access. I've tried checking through Privacy - not there.
How is "access for assistive devices" enabled in OS 10.9.3? I've looked for it just about everywhere in System Preferences. A third-party utility that I use needs it to work fully—and says at startup that it is not switched on.
Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), Late 2013 version of Mac Pro
On my Mountain Lion iMac, I enable Contacts Syncing across my devices.A few minutes later, the Mac is totally useless as "AddressBookSourceSync" uses up to 6.6 Gb of RAM..Nothing is then possible. Even opening a Finder's window takes 20 seconds. Rollover the Dock takes one minute. iMac 2011 with 8Gb of RAM and Mountain Lion
iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), 8Gb of RAM
I have just purchased a Macbook Pro, what apple product would enable me to access adobe pdf documents sent to me?
I've tried to go under system preferences> security & privacy> accessibility > then check the app I want to give access too, but it won't register that I have it checked
iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2012), Mac OS X (10.4.9)
How can I get the "enable access control lists on this volume" option on my Xserve to not be greyed out?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a product out there that would allow me to access USB devices from my macbook wirelessly? I understand that there are hubs out there that have a little flashdrive-like thing you plug into the usb on your computer, and then you have access to whatever is plugged into the hub. Is it possible to do this without plugging anything into my computer? Perhaps over the wireless network?
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I have a .mac/mobileme account, so all of my messages and contacts are syncing, but I really want to have my apps (and their data) along with my music and videos restored - especially before my long flight home.
I am having trouble accessing my music from all of my devices. My account shows that I have 3 devices that have access, but any music I have purchased on my laptop does not show up in my library on my iMac desktop computer.
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iPad 2 Wi-Fi
I recently upgraded to OS 10.7 and now can't find my Time Capsule under devices to access individual files stored on it. The system is recognizing it under time machine and is doing full backups to it, but only the backup portion is accessible through Finder. How do I get back to where I can pull up the contents of the Time Capsule on an individual basis?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I just jailbroke my iPhone 3GS and installed MyWi to work with my iPad. I also tried it on my MacBook Pro using Bluetooth. After I paired my iPhone and MacbBook Pro together everything worked fine. Now under the Airport Menu I see a separate category labeled "Devices" which is just below where my Home Network is.
My questions is how do I go about deleting this? I've tried everything. I deleted my device under Bluetooth Preferences, quit MyWi, messed around with the Network Preferences and it still appears under the Airport Menu. I even clicked connect but of course that doesn't work since I quit everything and deleted the device in Bluetooth settings. It's not even listed under "Preferred Networks" when you click on the advanced tab. It appears as "(my last name) Hotspot" and is under a tab labeled "Devices"
the reason i am here in this one to one conversation its because my ipod got stolen on a Wedsnday; to be exact February 15th. I was in my third period class, which was gym and when i went to go look for my ipod since we had free choice of exercise, i didnt find my ipod but my headphones were in my bag, and my phone was there to. By a suprise where i left my ipod, they took out everything that was covering the ipod and just left my pink headphones. I'm here because i would like to replace my ipod.I know my apple id account, and password. I have the app locate my ipod.Sadly i couldnt locate it because it wasnt turned on.
iPod touch, iOS 5.0.1, black ipod, 4th generation
My Mac Book was stolen this friday, in Chelsea Bridge London, How do I locate it?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), serial number: w80374ruagw
I have been browsing the WWW for information on the Hard Drive Tray in a Mac Pro. I cannot locate the dimensions of the tray or locations and spacing of the hard drive mounts.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI recently upgraded my memory and after inserting it and booting the screen went to the flashing folder and the question mark but it managed to recover using the internet recovery but I was advised to purchase a new HD for my MacBook Pro. I booted my computer with the old hard drive to back up but unfortunately the computer completely froze and I had to manually turn it off and it came up with the flashing folder so I tried to recover it but disk utility couldn't find my HD so installed the new HD and it couldn't even find that so I couldn't format it.
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MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have tried a lot of online tutorials on how to enable PHP on a Mac and nothing seems to work. I'm hoping another 'Mac' person out there knows the secret to what I am missing. =)
MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I am trying to clean up my macbook and want to find and delete duplicate documents and files.
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
My MacBook was stolen so I thought that remote wiping it was a god idea. I didn't realise I would lose the ability to locate it! It has now connected to a WiFi spot and been wiped, but I would really like to locate it so that I can let the police know.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.1), find my mac, remote wipe, locate
how do find email headers of received emails on my imac. I've tried using "view," with no success, also used "shift cmmand H," still no results.
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View 3 Replies View RelatedI have just purchased a new Macbook Pro (latest model) and have used the Migration program to transfer all of my files from my old PC onto my new Mac but we are unable to locate or open any of the files. We have installed Microsoft office for Mac but we cannot find any of the word/excel files, any photos or emails. How do i locate these files and open them?
MacBook Pro
I am able to find the Registration Number in the booklet but unable to locate the Hardware serial Number.
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iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
All channels are jammed where I live and channel 14 is the one with the less overlapping. It is enabled on my AP but not on my airport card, how can I turn it on? I bought my Mac in Canada but I know live in Japan where channel 14 can be used.
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MacBook Pro, Mac OS X(10.6.2)
Until several days ago I had no problems on myspace. I am a filmmaker and in a band/book shows, and myspace serves as a great place to promote and find contacts. However, the myspace music player hangs up any browser I attempt to use on my Macbook (OS X 10.5.7). Regardless of which myspace music site it is, the myspace music player freezes the browser and I constantly have to do a force quit. When I restart the computer, the music player will actually load (it usually hangs before it even loads) briefly, and freeze up the browser once more. I used Flashblock to locate the source (as many other forums have suggested) and it definitely is only the myspace flash music player. No other flash effects my browsers.
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