MacBook Air :: External Drive Icon Not Displaying On Desktop?
Jun 18, 2012How come external disks icon cannot be displayed on desktop of my macbook air?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
How come external disks icon cannot be displayed on desktop of my macbook air?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
My external drive is no longer displaying on my desktop, how to solve?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I was playing around with the desktop icons and changed the USB external drive icon. I would like to get back the original orange USB icon. I can't seem to find it on the iMac. Where is it stored so I may copy it?
View 6 Replies View RelatedMy external hard drive has been repeatedly ejected improperly and now it is not displaying on my computer, not even in disk utility. How do I re-mount this external hard drive? In the past when this has happened, all I had to do was go to Disk Utility or use DiskWarrior to fix the issue but now it won't even show up in either of these apps.
2008 MacBook Pro 10.9.3, WD My Studio 1 TB External HD
When I open VLC player, a white drive pops up on my desktop, how do I prevent/hide that icon from appearing?
View 7 Replies View RelatedHow can I make the Hard Drive icon appear on my desktop?
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
MacBook Pro; 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo; 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3; OS X 10.6.8.
The Issue is a duplicate icon of the hard drive appeared on the desktop this AM upon startup.
I don't know what caused it. It just appeared.
It seems to contain everything the start up icon contains when I open it.
I moved it to the trash, but did not erase the trash. I chickened out, so to speak. I removed back to the desktop.
I have the desktop view set to arrange by date modified. It appears approximately half way down the list of icons showing on the desktop. It seems to me that, if it is a duplicate, and by all appearances it is, then it should appear immediately after the real hard drive icon.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Sorry if this is in the wrong place, its my first post here..
I used to use my HP external drive for time machine, but since i got a new bigger WD one to use with time machine i have wiped the HP using disk utility but it is still showing up on the desktop with a time machine icon. i think i can still use it like a normal hard drive but it is causing a bit of confusion and its really irritating!! is there any way that i can change it back? i've tried wiping it a few more times but it still won't work..
i woke up this morning and my western digital external HDD icon is not showing up on the desktop. I currently use this as a time machine and it has been working for about a year. This has happened before and just a simple re-plug of the usb does the trick, but i have been working on this for hours and for some reason it is not showing up. I have unplugged everything and re plugged them back in and nothing is working. i have checked the disk utility and the disk utility recognizes it. but i still dont know why it doesn't have an icon. i am running a repair disk on the external HDD now and it and it has been "repairing" for about 30 min now. i have tried to backup but it is not working either.
I'm new to macs and haven't quit figured out what the icon on the desktop is after downloading something..the icon looks like a drive or what ever you call it.
Do you just keep those there or just eject them? Is there a way to DL items and not have that show up there each time?
I have the Mac Hard drive Icon on my desktop how do I get it off the desktop. I just do not want to see it so easily???
View 9 Replies View RelatedWith Mavericks, is it possible to have the Mac drive icon appear on the desktop?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
For whatever reason, my Hard Drive icon has moved itself down a spot on the OS X desktop. It's the only icon on the desktop and when I put it back in the upper right corner like it was originally it stays until I reboot and then it's moved back down a "spot." Anyone run into this funny behavior?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI need the stock Mac HDD desktop icon. Its the icon at the top right of this screen shot. [URL] Could someone please post a link or the file for me png format. I need it b/c i have 2 of them on my desktop b/c i have windows 7 on my mac too. I am going to modify the icon to have a transparent windows logo on top of the drive for my windows HDD. I will post the final product for any of u running both os x and windows on ur mac.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I downloaded VLC I couldnt remove the icon from the desktop (The one that looks like a drive).
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just switched to a Mac a few hours ago after using a PC for years. I downloaded Firefox for Mac, and it works fine. The only thing is I have a disc drive of it on my desktop, as well as an icon on the bar. I have mounted the drive and dropped the icon into the applications folder, exited Firefox completely and was successful at "ejecting" the drive so it left my desktop. The thing is, when I went back and opened Firefox, that drive thing came back and it asked me if I wanted to run the application or something like that. Is there any way I can get Firefox to open normally and run without that driver thing on the desktop.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've just downloaded Safari 5.1.5 and want to create this icon on my desktop, however, I don't want it as a 'short-cut' icon but as the same icon I see on the docking station.I was previously able to do this with Safari 5.0.3.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a bunch of flash drives I need to format for work, and we want to put our company logo as the icon for each drive. We wanted to format them as MS-Dos Fat so that they'll be readable and writeable on both Mac and Windows computers. But when I format them that way and change the icon, it displays as a generic preview JPEG image instead of the real image or even the default hard drive icon.
I managed to fix it so the icon will display properly in Snow Leopard, but in Lion the drive still mounts with the generic Preview thumbnail.
Is there any way I can easily format a flash drive so that a) it will be readable and writeable on Windows and OSX machines and b) have the icon for the drive appear correctly on Lion, Snow Leopard, and windows machines?
I've just brought a new external Hard drive for my mac book pro and when I put the usb cable into the laptop nothing showed up on the desktop. I waited a few minutes but nothing happen and then I turned off the computer and did it again.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi have an external hard drive and when i plug that into the usb port, it does NOT show up as an icon on desktop.
View 5 Replies View RelatedThis should be easy but I can't seem to get it!
My 3 year old keeps ejecting my drives because they exist as icons on the desktop.
I'd like to remove those drive icons from my desktop but still show them as mounted in my finder sidebar.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 16G of RAM, Pegasus R4
I know this is an elementary question, but I do not want to delete all of my pictures, music, etc after I put them on my external hard drive and come to find out that I can never get them back.
Will someone please reassure me that once they are transferred, they are still accessible if needed?
I want to change the iCal icon, I have already actually changed it (all five files) but the date that it shows will not go away. I've tried removing dozens of files and the whole iCalDockTilePlugIn folder, logged out and in, killed the dock more times than I can count and it's still there.
View 8 Replies View Relatednew do you drag or move or copy a file or folder from the desktop to an external drive? I have tried dragging and copy/pasting.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
we just purchased a WD Elements 250Gb external hard drive for our eMac PowerPC G4 running 10.4.11. We bought the hard drive as our computer keeps popping up with a message saying "Start up disc out of memory" or something to that effect.When we plug the external hard drive in, the blue light appears on it but the icon does not pop up on the desktop to be able to drag stuff onto it. We have tried unplugging and replugging and we have tried rebooting the computer with the hard drive still attached.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to put a custom icon on my external drive, I've tried different graphics, different file sizes and formats, etc. and this is all I can get out of it. I'm probably missing something obvious but I've tried everything I can think of, and a MRoogle search turned up nothing.
View 6 Replies View RelatedToday is the 19th and my ical dock icon is displaying the 18th. My dates and times are correct in my preferences and display properly every where else. When I launch ical it is also on the proper date and the dock icon will display the proper date as long as ical is open. When I close ical the dock icon displays the wrong date again.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy external hard disk icon has been pretty temperamental. It's plugged in and sometimes the icon shows up and I mainly use it to back-up everything on my computer.Sometimes when I plug or unplug on either side it miraculously shows up and it's fine. I just got a new computer and my consultant told me to back up everything on my old computer to the external drive.However, now, the icon doesn't want to show up so I can do this. I've unplugged, replugged, restarted, etc.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWe've got roaming accounts for our macs, but we get issues sometimes when students log in that the icon for the hard disk doesnt appeard on the desktop or in the finder. Weirdly related to this is when this happens neither firefox or safari can load any webpages. However, if students log out and log back in again the internet works fine. Im assuming when the hard disk isnt available, then firefox and safari cant access its preferences and necessary files properly, but what would be causing the hard drives not to mount/be visibile?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhile using my MacBook to access an external drive which is formatted Fat32, I attempted to slightly alter the name of a file with a particularly long file name. Once I changed the name, the file extension was cropped, and the file became inaccessible. Now I can see that the file is there (with no extension at the end of the name), but if I click on it or highlight it, it just disappears, and when visible, in place of the file icon there is just a dashed line box. The file is also visible with Terminal, but if I try to take any action Terminal reports that there is "no such file or directory."
I tried DiskUtility, DiskWarrior and File Buddy but apparently they don't work too well with the Fat32 format. I also tried repairing permissions, restarting the computer, disconnecting and reconnecting the hard drive, and also rebuilding the desktop (?) using alt-command on startup...all to no avail. It's clear what happened: I screwed up - I should have reformatted the drive before I put any files on it, right? But now, I just want my file back. I know it's there. I can see it, and I'm afraid to alter the drive in any way until I can access this file.