Applications :: Finding Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 And ICal
Mar 21, 2010
So at my new job they use Exchange Server 2007 for mail and calendars, and supposedly I should be able to view other people's calendars, but I can't find any way to do this in iCal.
So I'm rolling out 10.6 on some Mac Pros in our office. So far it's gone fairly smoothly (aside from the fact that Xerox has decided to not bother make drivers for 10.6). We're switching over to Apple's Mail/iCal/Contacts instead of the buggy Entourage. Of the 4 users, 3 of them are working fine. Sometimes their AD session goes buggy and they can't access shared folders on our server via smb, but a restart fixes it. I have one user who comes in every morning though, and her Apple Mail app can not sync with the Exchange 2007 server. It prompts her for her password and won't accept it. She can access shared folders though via smb and they open up right away, meaning it's recognizing her domain and user/pass with out her entering it manually.
This is my first post and I've a couple of questions and did searched for it on the internet but unfortunate ...For my study Multimedia designer, I am planning to get a Mac Pro but my school wants us to get a D*ll V laptop, windows 7 with these software:Adobe CS4 Master CollectioMicrosoft Office Enterprise 2007Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007I didn't choose for this D*LL laptop because its a 17,3" one and with my schoolbooks and etc in my bag, it would be pretty heavy for me.I hope that someone in this forum knows the answers on my questions and I really appreciate your help cos I even asked my friends and family about it but unfortunate, no luck so far
Having installed Snow Leopard today on my macbook, I was keen to set up Mail, iCal and address book with my exchange account. However, when I use any of these apps to detect my account settings, it crashes the respective programs. Entourage web services manages to connect my accounts but I don't find it particularly user friendly. Has anyone had a similar experience? If I can't resolve this, is there a way to manually configure accounts in the new apps?
I have been given the attached one-pager with screenshots of how to configure a Windows Outlook client to work with our corporate email system (Exchange).
I want to configure the Mail client on my Mac, however.
Can anyone give me a clue where these things are entered? When I add a new account in Mac Mail, and choose Exchange 2007, I don't see similar fields. My guesses so far have resulted in "the server cannot be contacted on port 443
im in search of a mac. Not going to go over specs but anyway. As a pc user looking for an upgrade and to try something different, i have now come to the crossroad on what to buy for word processing and the works. Now i have been using office 2007 for the past year and a half and have rehabilitated to the new format. Since the pc version of office 2007 will not run on a mac and i will be forced to pay $150 for the one for the mac. Which is better. I works it only $100 in Canada (going to make that clear i live in Canada) Will i miss Office 2007 or will i work be something that i will enjoy to work with.
I am looking for some guidance. Work were terribly nice to me last week and bought me a macbook pro 13". I have owned apple products for years and finally bent their ears. I am now becoming stuck though. In entourage I have set up my account through the LAN at my workplace, but when looking to update my emails at home over my wifi network, it wont connect. Also I would like to access my documents and root folders from my profile on the XP work network, without running Parrealells or bootcamp (as I dont want to install XP on this machine). Basically I would like my mac to do everything my profile does at work, but on the OSX platform...
At my company we are using windows exchange server 2003. Now my boss bought a new macbook pro (snow leapard) with Mac office 2011 installed. Apparently Outlook '11 and exchange server '03 doesn't work together. Only exchange server 2007 and up are compatible. Is there any way around this? My boss hates Office 2008. Can't blame him
over my Entourage outgoing mail can no longer update Exchange server 2003.
Entourage 12.2.0 was working fine on my OSX 10.6.2. I believe after upgraded Entourage to version 12.2.3, all my outgoing mail were not updated to exchanges server.
All mail reaches it intended recipients and a copy keep in local folder. other function like calender and contact are able to sync with exchange without problem.
has anyone been able to set up an exchange account in Outlook for Mac 2011 with Small Business Server SBS 2003? Microsoft claim that Exchange 2007 or later is required but I wondered if there was a work-around.
One of my customers is experiencing an error with one particular Exchange 2007 shared calendar in iCal. The shared calendar he has access to is in the Delegation tab of the Exchange account as Read Only, which is his correct level of access. The calendar will initially load correctly, but over time it starts to display an error with recurring events similar to this -- "iCal can't save the event "office time - do not disturb" to the exchange server. The account can't be modified. To discard your changes and continue using the version of your calendars that's on the server, click Revert to Server. To save your changes on your computer until the problem is resolved. click Go Offline." After selecting both Go Offline or Revert to Server, it cycles through all the recurring events on an infinite loop. If you select Go Offline, the errors will stop, but taking the account back online to get calendar updates will result in the error immediately returning. Removing and re-adding the account in the delegation tab will refresh the calendar without error for a short period of time, but the errors will eventually pop up again.
Is there anything other than iCal I can use to create a schedule? iCal just doesnt seem as easy as it could be to create a pretty basic schedule. Would prefer a free option but would also like to say apps I would have to pay for.
I track them in iCal, figuring I can just print out a list of when I get them and for how long.
I have a calendar in iCal labeled "headaches"
I go to print, select list, tell it to start at june 2005 and continue through today. Wwhen I tell it to print, it prints out EVERY SINGLE DAY, not just the days that have headaches.
I am in a Computer Science class that requires Microsoft Office 2007. The problem is I only have Macs. There isn't a version of Microsoft Office 2007 for Mac. But is there a version that is similar to 2007 and is able to run on a Mac?
Is there an way possible to run the PC version of Microsoft Office 2007 on a Mac? Without using a virtual Machine?
I really loved the Ribbon UI in the PC version and I have tried the Office for Mac and I prefer the PC. Any possible way to run PC version of Office on Mac?
I need to use Microsoft Office 2007. I have boot camp installed, but I hate having to restart to Windows just for the sole purpose of using Microsoft Office 2007, which also keeps me from multi-tasking with other stuff. What programs are available? I don't want to install windows again.
I was wondering what the limitations were on using one of the 3 keys. Can you be on at the same time as the other person using one of the 3 keys as well?
I have been reading more and more on parallels, and I was hoping someone here could answer some questions about its coherence mode.
Does it let you run applications for windows transparently through the MAC OS? As in, I insert the installation disk for office 2007, the setup menu comes up, I install it, and I get to put the word icons on the dock, I can open word/excel/whatever and just runt he applications without having to boot in to some sort of an emulation mode or whatever?
I would appreciate some input from some people here.
I've installed Microsoft OneNote for my new Mac Air running OSX 10.9.4, but am unable to read OneNote 2007 files uploaded to OneDrive in the .one format. I'm perfectly willing to switch to Evernote, if there is a way to import .onr files into Evernote. Do I need to save them on my PC in a different format before uploading them?
Computer: Mac Air 13 inch, early 2014 with with OSX 10.9.4
Microsoft OneNote for Mac Version 15.2
Files I'm trying to read were created with OneNote from Office 2007
Time since boot: 7:26
Info: MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Windows App questions
So I have installed Windows XP on my mid-2009 MacBook Pro, and installed teh full Microsoft Office 2007 suite, but in all of the programs, it will not let me right click. In all of the programs, i right click, and the option bar briefly flashes, but then disappears, without letting me choose any of the options. Does anyone know why this is happening or how I can fix it?