Mac Mini :: Can't Select Audio Output If Using ACD And Speakers
Mar 25, 2010
i'm using my mac mini with the ACD 24" and i get the sound from the screen because it is "very slightly bettter" than the speaker of the mac mini (even if both are quite disappointing)
when i connected external speakers on the jack of the mini, it is simply impossible even with the soft soundsource to switch audio outputs on the fly
external speakers seem to have the priority over other outputs
For some reason, I can't get Logic Express 8 to output audio to my Mac's attached speakers. It outputs fine through my M-Audio interface, though, but I'd just like to listen without headphones.
I am streaming iTunes to another room using an Audioengine AW1 (over usb, not the analog input) and it works fine. Looking at JACK audio, Soundflower or Apple's AudioMIDI utility, I feel I should be able to use one or a combination of these resources to output iTunes to both the AW1 and my desktop's headphone port. Unfortunately, I can't seem to perform both. Well, technically I can in using a "y" audio cable to output from the Mac headphone port to headphones and to the analog-in on the AW1's, but that really doesn't work adequately. The output volumes are considerably lower and tied together. I am looking to figure out how to add a usb audio device as another, and simultaneous output.
I have owned my MacBook Pro since June 2010, and have always used a pair of independently powered (via adapter) external Dell speakers for audio output. Since upgrading to Lion about 1 month ago, I was having intermittent audio issues, which were resolved by re-starting my computer (not ideal but it worked). Today, the speakers just stopped working. The internal speakers work, but when I plug the externals into the headphone port, they don't produce sound. Earbuds in the same port also don't work (I know the earbuds are good). The external speakers are being recognized by the sound panel in system preferences.
For some reason, I can't get Logic Express 8 to output audio to my Mac's attached speakers. It outputs fine through my M-Audio interface, though, but I'd just like to listen without headphones.
I feel like I once had a PrefPane for this problem but just am having a hard time searching for it. Currently I have my heaphones jack Line-In routed to my AV Receiver for iTunes music in my room, but whenever I am YouTubing or other stuff while listening to music the System Sounds come out of my Loudspeakers too. I am interested in routing only the iTunes audio through the headphone jack, and everything else to run through my iMac's internal speakers (2007 iMac AL).I saw the SoundFlower thing out there but didn't think that was the ticket
The speakers on my Macbook have suddenly stopped working. If you plug headphones in, fine. In the system preferences, 'built in speakers' are no longer an option for audio output. Just 'digital out'. When I try and change the volume of the speakers, the symbol is greyed out, and there's a little "you can't do this" symbol.
everytime i unplug computer from wall outlet after a storm,,,,the external speakers wont work when i i went to the sound on preference and the output channel will only list headphones and no option for external speakers.
I have the 2009 Mac Mini and was wondering if the mini display port has audio output. Does anyone know? I just want to minimize the amount of cables going to my tv.
Trying to push audio to my larger display. I have the audio via HDMI cable but cannot select audio in settings. It always reverts to the headphone port.Â
I've got a Mac Mini at home, but I'm at work now and just have a quick question. I've noticed on the Apple marketing blurb that the Mini audio output will do Line Out as well as headphones. Do you have to switch the output over in Audio/MIDI setup or something?
I have the latest and greatest Mac Mini. 2.26 with 4 g of ram. I update to Snow Leopard, and now it will not recognize that it has Digital Audio Output via a mini to a Toslink connection. Heck. I am running it through a Classe' Processor with B&W 804s Speakers and it previously worked with the previous Leopard.
I just picked up a new 1.83 core 2 duo at a price I couldn't pass up. I am going to use it as a HTPC so I have my hdmi cable, etc. All hooked up and ready to go. Last bit is the audio but I am having a bit of trouble. I bought a standard miniplug cable and assumed it would plug in just like my macbook. The problem is that the miniplug doesn't fit in the jack on the mini. I understand that the jack on the mini is a combo analog/optical jack but as you see below, it seems as though a standard miniplug y cable should work.
From the Apple support website: The headphone / line output jack accommodates digital optical audio output, analog audio output with a 24-bit, 44.1-192 kHz D/A converter, digital audio output up to 24-bit stereo and 44.1-192 kHz sampling rate and supporting encoded digital audio output (AC3 and DTS). For analog headphone / line output a standard audio cable with 3.5mm metal plug should be used.
For digital audio, a standard toslink cable with a toslink mini-plug adapter can be used.I have done my research and some reading and can go out and buy an optical cable plus a miniplug/optical adapter but would rather go the analog route (I understand the quality difference) because I already have the cables and don't have a receiver or speakers, just my tv speakers.
Alright so I go the new 21.5 inch and love it but I was wondering if the Mini-Display Port does audio for the HDMI output. Because if it did, that would be wonderful.
I have a MacBookPro, model: A 1278 (Mid-2010 13"). Is its mini-display port capable of delivering both video and audio output to a HDMI adapter? or just video output only?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Model No: A1278 (Mid-2010 13")
I purchased a Bose wifi speaker. When I leave work and come back I cannot select my speaker using AirPlay. I see my speaker name available for AirPlay output, however, every time I select the speaker it automatically goes back to my built-in speakers. I have to restart my system in order to select the external speaker for AirPlay.
Situation: no sound out from speakers in admin and user account and newly created account. Headphones work, startup chimes work on speakers.
Go to Sound in Preferences and only shows Digital Out for output. Should show Internal Speakers. Ran Diskwarrior and Applejack and zapped pram. Took mac apart and confirmed speakers wired correctly which is verified by the start up chimes being audible on the internal speakers. tested all accounts and created new account all with the same results. Did search of Google and MacRumor. Found one unaswered post indicating same problem. Had same problem with another macbook pro, ran same steps, take apart, confirm wiring setup, Diskwarriored, applejacked and zapped pram and it fixed the problem. I'm not sure what else to try. Did check Audio Midi Setup util and it also did not see the internal speakers.
Trying to figure out if something is up with mine and a buddies machine specifically or they are all buggered....
Please post if you have an audio pop or click type sound that is intermittent (every few minutes or couple hours) on your i5 or i7 machine while playing audio through external speakers.
If you have it, please describe your situation as it occurs so we can perhaps isolate it:
I.e. Plugged in / on battery, programs running, usb plugged in, etc.
Mine happens whether on battery or not, iTunes, games, movies, Locked in video card...
I have an iMac at home. I have two airport express devices with hifi systems connected. I use iTunes to play music, podcasts,radio, .. on the different hifi systems dependent on where I am in the appartment.When using the remote control on the iMac it seems to me that it isn't possible to select the wireless devices for sound output.
I have a white Macbook, Intel Core Duo 2, 2 Gb Ram. (October 2008) Under Leopard, my volume (audio output is a shame); under bootcamp with Windows XP on the hard drive, volume is almost double: is there any work around on this?
I recently purchased a set of Logitech Z-5500 speakers. I have the proper optical cable, and all my speakers are set up properly. For whatever reason, I can't get 5.1 to output from my Macbook Pro when using iTunes.
Audio MIDI Setup is currently set to 44100.0 Hz 2ch-32bit digital output. I can't change it to 5 channel. (I don't know anyone who has to, anyway.)
I use a MacBook Pro and until today the sound worked fine. All of a sudden the sound doesn't work, having checked the sound settings there is no option to select internal speakers the only available option is 'Optical digital out port'.
I usually listen to any output from my iMac (Intel Core 2 Duo 3.06GHz, 27", early 2010) through an external amp and speakers, via the analog output (headphone socket). However - I recently disconnected the jack plug to listen through the machine's internal speakers but was greeted with silence. I checked the volume via the kb controls - the mini display appeared on screen suggesting that the volume was set on full, though I could not adjust it at all. I reconnected the jack plug and sound came out from my external speakers as usual. On disconnection, no volume. I searched the forums for ideas, and came across this support article: [url],,, which I followed to the letter.
When I open 'Sounds' in System Preferences, the only output option available to me is 'Digital Out' - there is no option for internal speakers or headphones. However, if I plug in the line-out jack, the options change - only 'Headphones' is available (no 'Digital Out' any more). Following the article, I checked to see if there was a red light in the digital output socket, which there is not.
My friend is looking into buying the new 27" iMac Core i7 to replace his PC desktop. The only thing holding him back is that he has an analog surround sound system he uses for his speakers. I am having a hard time myself finding a converter that can make his speakers work in the iMac's optical digital output port. Any products out there that will do that?
I've recently started using headphones more and more and something that really bothers me is that I can't change the output source to the Mac's speakers unless I unplug the headphones entirely. Is there a way to do this without unplugging the headphones? I've looked through Audio MIDI Setup Utility as well as the Sound system preferences but found nothing.
A headphone jack got stuck in my macbook pro as it fell down in a plane going thru turbulences (lucky me!).So that now it thinks there are headphones connected while there is nothing...I wont be anywhere near an apple store for the next month so I was just wondering if it was possible to force the use of the internal speakers over the output jack?
My MacBook Pro seems stuck on digital output thus no sound from speakers. Headphones recognized and work but internal speakers don't revert to default or even show up as a sound option in System Preferences. Any way to get internal speakers back? Restarting computer did not do it.
The sound output in my Macbook Pro has been going in and out now for a number of months. And yesterday it finally got stuck on "Digital Output" meaning when I take out headphones from the jack, the internal speakers do not work. I am planning on taking it in and wanted to know, since I am still under warranty will Apple repair it, or give me a new one?