Mac Mini :: Intermittent Mouse Drop Outs, And Loss Of Internet Being The Worst Symptoms?
Nov 2, 2008
In short, we got a new Mac Mini on Friday. I hooked it up to the wireless keyboard/mouse from the Dell dimension 2400 we are replacing. It seemed okay at first but developed issues the first day. Intermittent mouse drop outs, and loss of internet being the worst symptoms. I am thinking of ditching the Mini and getting something else.
I have a March 2009 Mac Mini that was working fine under Leopard when sending out a signal from mini display port to hdmi and then to a Samsung HDTV. Now when I upgraded I get more options for monitoring HD signals but my TV signal drops out intermittently. I suspect this is a bug with Snow Leopard and HDMI. Anyone have any inklings on how to solve this issue?
My MBP listed in my signature is having keyboard drop-outs fairly regularly even after a reinstall of OS X so my best guess is it needs replaced. Anyways, back in the fall I had a friend of mine (who is an Apple certified tech) install a 500GB 7200rpm drive in my system. Now, if I send my system to Apple, will they complain that the drive is in there and not replace the keyboard/topcase if they see that a new non-apple marked hdd has been installed? Would it be best too see if this friend will take out the 500gb drive and re-install the original 200gb drive?
My November 2011 17" MacBook Proi has on several occasions gone to a black screen, which requires hard shutdown and re-boot. It happens in two ways: coming out of sleep, the screen appears for a second and then goes black, and sometimes when jjust using the Mac.
It comes back on after re-boot with no apparent problems but seems to be occuring more frequently, so I need to get this fixed.
I am running iTunes 11.2.2, which I assume is the most recent download.
During playback of songs in iTunes I get momentary audio drop outs or interruptions of songs. They happen once every 45 seconds or so but it varies, and they are not consistent from playback to playback (they happen at different times in the song when the song is played multiple times).
My mouse pointer disappears when still, if I open a webpage or app store the page drops to the bottom and I cant get back to the top with the mouse. I have tried six different mice (blue tooth and wireless including mac magic mouse) , all the same. Also when the sound is on and the system starts up there is a low buzzing sound until I move the mouse or open something up. Should I just restart the whole os as this is only one week old and I am over it already!
I'm having weird Air Tunes drop out issues after some recent hardware changes.I've been using he same Airport Express for 5 years now. No issues. Yesterday I got a new MBpro and suddenly I started having issues with the Air tunes. When playing music from the new computer to the Airport Express, it works fine until... Any serious downloading occurs, any new computer joins the network, or any iphone tries to manage the iTunes library via remote.
I love the mouse (is it the mighty mouse?) which comes with the imac. The little scroll ball is brilliant especially for say scrolling down in itunes. But I always find that sometimes it won't work in a variety of different ways. i.e.
1) Sometimes it will let me scroll down but not up 2) sometimes up but not down 3) sometimes not up or down 4) occasionally it works both up and down.
As I type this I can go down but not down. I've had this problem on both our older IMac and now our new one. It can't be dust and muck and the ball does rotate. Why can't the ball just work all the time.
My Internet connection periodically stops. Email access stops, web pages stop, etc. Other comps on my network don't have the issue. It's not all the time, but it is every day. I haven't tested with a new test account, because I simply don't have the down time, but I would love some diagnostic tool or technique that will allow me to continue working and test when the connection goes down...
Recent update was midweek of June 17-23. Have been having constant issue with connecting to the Internet. I have to stop the airport then restart airport and wait a minute then it's working fine for like 5 minutes. It is unbearable! I get an exclamation on the airport icon in the menu bar. I have to repeat steps again, over and over and over.
My wireless network is connected to my iMac but the internet goes down a lot and I have to reset the wifi up in the menu bar. It doesn't lose bars at all or say its disconnected. My wireless printer always works just fine. None of the other computers in my house have this problem.
I have a 24" iMac that has completely all of a sudden stopped wanting to connect to the internet. However, my Macbook, connected to the same ethernet cord or wireless network, works flawlessly and has no trouble. The iMac will find the wireless full bars...then drop a bar....then another bar, then another, until only the smallest bar is available. It will transfer data but only for a few seconds until it wont work at all. Now the macbook, sitting right next to the imac will show full bars and stay that way. So i tried a ethernet cable to the iMac and it will not even pull up 1 single page, but the same cable connected to my Macbook will work flawlessly.
Since the update I have had applications hanging and crashing. Mostly Mail, iTunes, and Safari. What is more annoying however is when the computer is inactive for an hour or so, I lose internet connectivity and have to shut down and reboot in order to get it back. I am on a wired connection and sharing another wired connection through the second ethernet port.It seems like 10.7.4 really messed with my machine...
I have here a mac mini 4,1 that keeps losing it's Ethernet connection. If the mac is shutdown and restarted there is no connection, however, if the mac is shutdown, all the cables pulled from the back and replaced then restarted it boots and the connection is back. It was reporting a very strange mac address starting with 00 which I've never seen before and I also had difficulty connecting to it via ARD as it would show in the scanner but not connect unless specifically connected via IP address. At first I thought it might be a system upgrade as it happen when we upgraded to 10.6.8 since then I've wiped it and installed 10.6.3 and still no luck.
I recently purchased a new MINI (2.3, i5, 2GB RAM) and I am totally disappointed with the performance. Specifically, I am fed up with the terrible audio stability. I have a MOTU Ultralite MK3 Hybrid and generally use the Firewire interface, but this problem also happens when I'm just using the internal audio. I've never experienced this before on any of the MINIs I've had (this is my third) nor on my old G4. Now, on what should be the best of the lot, I can hardly stand to listen to anything while trying to do anything else on the computer. Even simple things like opening a JPG in Preview causes the audio to cut out when the file is being opened. Virtually every move interferes with the audio and causes a dropout. It is worst of all when using any kind of browser and trying to have a YouTube video play in the background while surfing on another tab. I used ot be able to do this all the time without dropouts on my last Mini, but this thing seems to have a serious CPU bottle neck and I don't know where to even begin to try to find out what's going on. I'm really heart broken by this because I am not working and spent money I can't afford to replace my last computer and now I'm stuck with this junky thing that can't even play an MP3 and open a JPG at the same time. It's like the whole process of dealing with multiple threads has been trashed somehow. What happened with these new MINIs? Am I the only person having this problem? Why can't my computer deal with ANY kind of multitasking without crapping out on the audio? It shouldn't be like this. It wasn't like this before.
Configuration: I have the latest iMac running Mountian Lion. I connect via WiFi to a Linksys modem that is connected to my ISP's WiFI modem which connects to a tower a few miles away which, in turn, connects to the ISP's processors somewhere nearby.
On the network diagnostics Network status there are indicators for WiFi, WiFi settings, Network Settings, ISP, Internet and server.
Occasionally the internet and server indicators go to yellow and then red resulting in no connection. I have reset the Linksys, the ISP WiFi modem, both and it does not seem to make any difference. Eventually the Internet and Server indicators return to green and the connection is restored. When they are yellow or red, it affects all processors in the house (iMac, Macbook Pro, iPad, iPod, etc).
i have mac mini, but this is one partition. I want to create partition of disc, but i doughtful that when i create partition, data and software will delete. Can i create partition without data loss.
I have a MacBook Pro 2012 (Lion) and am connecting to my monitor via the mini displayport and a VGA adapter. This worked fine for a while, but now is intermittent. It's not the cable or the monitor as I have tried with several and get same results. The port works fine with an Apple monitor and no adapter. I've seen several threads on this, but no solutions other than starting up with monitor plugged in which I've done.I updated the OS and it worked fine yesterday, but today not working again.
i accidentally hit the power switch on the wall during an upgrade (might even have been a firmware upgrade, I didn't really look at what was going on). Anyway, now it hangs on the silver Apple logo screen with a spinny wheel on reboot. It's only 3 months old, it's the $599 model.
What to do? I see that you can download firmware restoration disks but they appear to be limited to earlier versions of the Mac mini.
Info: Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7), I think the OS is OSX 10.7...
Somehow I can't drag and drop files/programs/icons any more. Not on my desktop, not within my dock. When I click on an icon to drag, it will stick to my mouse pointer, but only as a ghost. When I try to release it, it won't drop to the designated area or folder. The icon just keeps sticking to my mouse pointer, where ever I take it. Only after using esc and clicking.
I using Mac OS X 10.6.2 iMac iMac8,1 Intel Core 2 Duo 3,06 GHz
I have funny problem, well more of an annoyance than a problem. On my MBP, after maybe a day or two without rebooting (ie. just closing the lid), the mouse cursor drop shadow disappears and the cursor gets jaggy/aliased edges (imagine the cursor from Windows XP, but black). A reboot will bring it back.
The MacBook Pro is a stock late 2009 17" - 2.8Ghz, 4GB etc. with Mac OS X 10.6.3 (this annoyance has happened since 10.6.1). I have the graphics mode set to performance as 90% of the time I use the machine, I'm plugged in.
I've tried to see if there's a pattern to it, but it's seemingly random. Sometimes it's the same day as a reboot, sometimes I go a whole week without rebooting and still have the proper cursor. It's pretty weird. I originally thought it may have related to opening the lid while on battery power, however it's happened a couple of times when I've opened the lid while plugged.
Edit: Another interesting point.... if I plug an external display in, the cursor gets back its shadow, but then when I unplug the screen, it will return to the jaggy look (until a reboot).
I've had my MBP 13 inch (base model) for less than 4 months and I've been experiencing crazy dropped internet connection, both at my house and at my dorm. At my home, I have a 2WIRE portal modem and it drops at least 10-12 times a day and the only way I can reconnect is if I turn Airport Off and On. Same situation at my dorm , only thing is that I connect via wirelessly. Anyone have a solution to make this annoying dropping go away? My roommate has a Windows Vista Laptop (Gateway) and He has perfect connection and can play WoW and COD4 without lag or disconnection. My Windows XP Desktop (eMachine) and My Windows Vista PC (Dell Inspirion) are running on the same portal at home and they both are connected perfectly.
My 4 year old macbook air has become nearly unmanageable when playing on-line bridge. The cursor flits all over the cinema screen tho is stable on the laptop lcd. Also, the wifi drops off intermittantly, and takes upto 2 minutes to refind. The software is original, but up-to-date.
Info: MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.5.8), bluetooth mouse, cinema hd display
My bro is having one heck of a time with RAM upgrades. First he popped in two Kingston 2 GB sticks and thought all was well. His MBP 2.26 was fine for a few hrs until when he tried to restart and he got the 'gray screen of death' where nothing happened. just clocking, no apple logo. So we removed the RAM and put in the stock 2 GB. Started up fine. Put the Kingston back in. Would not start. Ok prob solved. Then he just got OWC RAM and put in 2 sticks. Ran fine for the night but he called me over late last night and he is getting the SBBOD when trying to open Photoshop, iMovie, and iTunes. I had to hold the power button down to get out. Definitly not normal. Restarted and it was fine. It shows 4 GB RAM...but again the machine locks up and we have to do a force shut off. So I just said pull that stuff out and let's look at this more closely. Maybe the sticks were not seated right or whatever. Inspected and everything looked fine. His friend was so fed up he ran and got his MBP 13 and opened it up (he has stock 4 GB) and put it in his machine. His MBP booted up fine and we played with it for about 1.5hrs and did not crash. He had photoshop and iMovie up at the same time running and the thing was working very good. With the 2 GB he said it lagged a lot.
So we're not sure. I told him to return the OWC and buy Crucial but now he's all up and arms saying "I'm just gonna waste my money and buy Apple RAM at the Apple Store and be done with this crap!!!!" he was pretty frustrated as he needs to get going on some work projects I guess and he now doesn't care if its gonna cost him $200. He says its peace of mind. Well not peace of mind for your wallet! thoughts? just a fluke? OWC I've heard a lot of good things but I've never used the stuff. I normally used Crucial. Isn't Apple RAM the same thing anyway?! his $... just think its weird that his machine didn't like 2 brands of RAM, kinda made me think its the machine...
after updating to 10.6.3 google chrome seems more sluggish, and slower(spinning wheel) and some tabs won't close at all. not being able to close the tab is the worst part.
My iMac has just gotten all grumpy and weird with me, when attempting to browse anything on the internet (or even trying to access the router via everything is ridiculously slow or just doesn't load. At first the speed went down dramatically - i went on and did a test, the page took a good 5 mins to load and after the test it turned out that i had a speed of 0.2 Mbps (my average speed on a good day is about 2.5 Mbps, shocking i know!) Ive tried turning the computer off and restarting it to no avail. Im doing this on my Macbook Pro which is sat next to the iMac and with a speed test is coming up with speed of about 2.2 Mbps, so its clearly the machine and not the internet/router. Ive tried using Safari, Chrome and Firefox they all provide the same, unusably slow responces.