Mac Pro :: Updated Mac Video Card To Replace An Aging 8800GT?
Oct 12, 2010
So whats the deal with the 5870, still listed as unavailable on Apple and barely anyones selling it. I'm trying to get an updated Mac video card to replace an aging 8800GT and one before Cataclysm comes out.
Any ideas on getting a 5870, not against buying a PC version and flashing a Mac rom to it if it gets me a working card.
So I'm looking to upgrade my video card for my 1,1 '06 Mac Pro, I do some light gaming (TF2, L4D, etc) but my bigger interest is Folding@home. So for this reason I'm thinking 8800GT would be a great card to move up to (I don't want to drop the cash for a 285GTX). The only problem is I'm not sure how to find one that will work in a Mac Pro 06. I know Apple store had one model for older Mac Pro's and one for newer ones. Is it possible to flash a PC model 8800GT into an old Mac Pro? I'm comfortable flashing cards and such, but I just want to make sure it can be done. Also, I'll need to find a BIOS for it.
Ok so I have a old Mac Performa 640CD/Dos that I am trying to to get up and running again. I had a monitor for it but it fell off the couch and broke. So I thought maybe I can use an adapter with it in order to use PC VGA monitor. Well after getting the first adapter and trying it, no luck, then I tried one that had dip switches on it. Tried 640 x 480, 800 x 600, almost all the dip switch combination with no luck on getting anything on the screen. Could it be that I might have a bad video card and it needs replaced? Or is this particular model not compatible with PC VGA monitors?
After about a year and a half, my EVGA 8800gt has gone bad, screen corruption, and eventual freezes, etc. and no problems with the original 7300gt in the machine. The part number on it is 512-P3-N801-AR, and it was used in a launch (1,1) mac pro.
Not a problem, the card has a lifetime warranty, my only concern is if I get a different card back from them. I have in the past, and just recently had a friend, perform a exchange with EVGA and had them send back a different card than was sent (it's always been a better card so no complaints at the time), but of course that would be an issue with the EFI32 firmware, etc. So if they end up being unable to send me another 8800gt which ones would be ok? I've read a bit about 9800gts flashed with the 8800 software working, etc.
I am in the market to buy a Mac Pro, and I have been reading through the forums and I couldn't find any straight forward information on how to install a 8800GT PC version graphics card on the Mac Pro. On the [URL] Store it says that for an upgrade 8800GT costs $349.99, damn expensive.. as the [URL] price is $119.99 after rebates. I am really hoping that I can opt out and just get the stock ATI Radeon 2600XT and then buy the PC 8800GT to put in with it. How do you install the PC version 8800GT?
Just got my 8800 card today and I thought some of you may be interested to see what is in the box. By the way the card works great with the 2600 in leopard.
first off i'm a aerospace engineering student at the University of Texas. I know ill be taking classes using matlab and solid works so i wouldn't think it that farfetched to be using them on my computer.I initially was planning on buying a new MBP whenever they are updated with a newer graphics card (next summer?) with an external display. Lately though ive been rethinking that, i already have a MBP (specs in sig) that stays at my desk 95% of the time. Seeing as i really don't move my laptop around a lot, i am just thinking it would make more sense buying a Mac Pro (especially since i had already planned on buying an external display.) I would go for the 3.2 Quad seeing as apple is undoubtedly going to price the 6 core out of my price range. This would give me way more CPU power than whatever next years MBP update would be, not to mention the graphics (plan on going for the 5870) would blow the MBP's future graphic card out of the water.
I have a late model G5 Quad 2.5 Ghz that I'm trying to sell.The video card is dead and causing all sorts of kernel panics.So, I'm trying to replace the card with the cheapest one I can find, so I can sell the machine.I found this one on ebay:[URL]It says it will work with the G5 Tower 8x AGP, but I don't know if thats mine or not. Do you guys know if that will work in my machine?
I have a friend who's first gen Mac Pro's graphics card died. (It's the 8800gt) I was looking at replacements for him and wanted to check and see if this card will work: [URL] I read online that the 3870 is compatible, but I just wanted to double check.
Taking my mbp to apple store to get my gts8600 vid card fixed or somehing and they gotta replace the logic board. i heard on here it takes a few hours but the guy said 3-4 days?
I am trying to install an airport card into my eMac ATI graphics machine. I bought the airport card (product number 630-2883/C) recommended for my model number. i was able to take apart the machine to find the slot I was supposed to insert the card into, but the width of the empty slot is just a tad to narrow; and I don't know why I can't insert the airport card when I bought the recommended version.
i want to ask if i can change ((Replace / add)) a graphic card on my macbook pro 13 inch? so i can do more gamse on it and if i want to change my RAMs can i buy them from here ((apple website)) or there is some other where is cheaper ?
I just recently updated my Safari, to have it up to date.Now all of a sudden it will not play any video in Safari.How can I get my videos to play again?
First off, is this even possible? I can't figure out if my internal wireless "card" is a removable piece like it was on the iBooks of the same generation. I know that wireless G was standard on the Alum Powerbooks, but does that mean it was soldered in somehow? When I replaced my HD last year I don't recall seeing one...
If it wasn't soldered, and it's a replaceable card, does anyone make a compatible N card that I can drop in it's place? Times are changing and both my house and my work will have N routers, and I would like to take advantage.
You can get updated Nvidia Drivers for you Macbook here:
For XP:[URL]
For Vista:[URL]
It has updated 'forceware' and installs without problems. I noticed better performance in games than i was getting with the stock apple drivers. These are for the new late 2008 aluminum Macbooks with the geforce 9400m chipset.
Well I got rid of the quicksilvers since they died. Power supplys gave out and took the motherboards, So I sold what was left on EBAY.
My G4 Ethernet was sold to a co-worked and he is quite happy.
And I got this off ebay today:
Dual 1.8GHz PowerPC G5Procs 2GB RAM (2 x 1GB PC3200U DDR SDRAM) Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-117D Samsung HD160JJ/P 160GB SATA HDD (not apple labeled, not original to this system) (1) Power Cord pci106b,9 PCI Ethernet Controller
Well I didnt' read the fine print and BAZINGA! I noticed that it comes without a video card.
So For video editing, watching hulu and youtube and netflix What do you guys recommend.
I do have a PCI GEforce at home with 512 megs for PC and I was wondering if I could flash it and if so, does anyone know of a good walkthrough?
I have a first gen imac g5 (bought it in dec. 2004). So far I've had three major problems with it:
1. After 6 months of use, the power supply burned out and had to be replaced. 2. 3 months later the well known video problems due to faulty capacitors appeared. The midplane board was replaced. 3. I was out of the country for 6 months; after the midplane board was replaced in August my imac was sitting unused. Booted it up yesterday and the computer would just hang. Took it to the genius bar at the apple store today and was told the logic board has to be replaced. Luckily, though the computer is out of warranty, Apple has extended the warranty for this specific problem.
At this point, I am very frustrated. I am going to call Apple and request that they replace my imac with a new one. It is obvious reading the posts here and Apple's boards (btw, before Apple's board monitors started censoring and delting posts that address these problems - my post on the Apple board yesterday was deleted by the monitors) that many users have had lemons with the first gen imac g5. I consider three major problems in less than a year to be symptomatic of a "lemon". If Apple doesn't replace lemon imac g5's what are the alternatives...I wonder if they would buckle if enough people threaten a class action lawsuit. Something must be done to alert the general public about this problem.
I see here that my Mac Pro (Early 2008) is compatable with:
ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT NVIDIA Quadro FX 5600 ATI Radeon HD 4870
It looks like in many cases there's two versions, and the mac version costs about 10x as much on ebay and in stores. Is that accurate, or is one of these models mac and pc compatable, and therefore the laws of supply and demand work in my favour?
(fyi: I just want the cheapest one, I don't do heavy GPU work)
I have 2 30" Cinema Displays (the older ones with DVI plugs) and I'm looking for the right video card to go in the new box. Currently, I have one nVidia GeForce 8800Gt with 1/2 Gb RAM. Video refreshes are a little tardy.
SO: Do I go with the 1 Gb. ATI card that Apple sells as stock with the new Pro's, or is there an nVidia or other unit that will give me better performance?
I know I could use 2 of the ATIs, but if I'm gonna do that, I'd rather do the nVidia Quadro FX 4800. I just happen to prefer nVidia, but it looks like their offerings in the Mac side are limited.
I'm not doing a lot of video, but I will be virtualizing with Win7 for some medical visual applications.
So I was given a first gen Mac Pro (2.66 dual dual-core "quad") which has taken a beating cosmetically, but hardware wise it's fine, just bulging caps on the video card: GeForce 7300GT.
This is going to be my testing and OS restore server once I get it up and going, assuming I can do that for less than the cost of a Mini Server.
On GSX the system is listed as "Ver3" so I assume that means it's a later revision that has the PCI-E 2.0 slots.
I need a new video card that will work with this system. Doesn't need to be anything special, I won't be gaming with it. Cheap is always good too. Mac OS X Server's going to cost $500, so if the price goes over $1,000 total, it's probably just cheaper to get a Mini Server. I already need to get an Airport and BT card which is about $150 total.
Apple's TSPS was completely useless at helping with this one, so hoping someone out there will maybe be a bit more helpful. So far I can only really pin down the GeForce 7300GT, GeForce 8800GT, Radeon HD 2600XT and Radeon HD 4870 as being compatible. None of which are very easy to find... At a reasonable price anyway.
So, looking for video cards compatible with Mac OS X, and the first gen Mac Pro. ATI or nVidia makes no difference, preferably sub-$150. I have searched in vain for some kind of list, and wouldn't be posting here if I had any luck, but if someone has better luck with Google than me,
Got 6GB RAM on 2009 2.66 Mac Pro with 4870. The upcoming 5870 is $450. 12 GB (3x4GB) is $320 and 16 GB (4x4GB) is $425, and finally 24 GB (3x8GB) is $820. Which purchase or combo of purchase is best for video edit on Final Cut Pro? BTW, any additional benefits of getting the 5870? Gaming would be better (I game a little; X-Plane & Call of Duty), but wouldn't some apps off load to the GPU to make the CPU faster, though I don't know what those apps would be. I could run 2 displays with 5870 with ease, not sure if the 4870 can handle 2 displays.
I've been reading, researching, etc like crazy on flashing PC video cards for mac. Cindori's Post: The Golden Guide to Flashing Graphic Cards [URL]. This guide is GOLDEN!! And Rew's post: Step by Step: How to flash a PC 4870 1 Gig Video Card for your 2006 Mac Pro (1,1) [URL]. Have been really helpful. Only my ATI Radeon HD 2600XT stock card in my 2008 mac pro, totally fried/died out. So I have zero video card (I'm using a PC laptop now). And the tutorials on how to flash a PC cards requires plugging in both the old card (using it while dumping the ROM) and new card. I was looking into buy a Sapphire 4870 1G and I don't want to pay the $300 and plus already used flashed cards on eBay. The 4870 are cheaper compared to the 5870 at $400 plus. I was wondering if anybody got to flashing the 4870 using just the one video card on a mac pro 2008 (3.1)? I need a good video card to do 3D modeling in Maya and Mudbox. But don't want to pay double the price, or lesser choice for 'apple' approved hardware?
Is it possiable to get a off-the-shelf video card for the 2008 MP? I've seen that the MP uses the same graphics card as other PC computers (i.e. PCI-E) or, do I have to get the Apple Nvidia 8800?