Mac Pro :: 8800gt Card Works Great With 2600 In Leopard
Feb 27, 2008Just got my 8800 card today and I thought some of you may be interested to see what is in the box. By the way the card works great with the 2600 in leopard.
View 21 RepliesJust got my 8800 card today and I thought some of you may be interested to see what is in the box. By the way the card works great with the 2600 in leopard.
View 21 RepliesI've been digging up info and found a few sundry scraps, but any insightful personal experiences would be HIGHLY welcome. I'm getting an 8800GT upgrade for my Mac Pro. Since I'm considering driving more than 2 monitors, I'm considering adding it to the existing HD 2600 XT, instead of replacing the previous graphics card.
Any caveats I need to be aware of? Can I simply install the 8800GT on the 2nd-bottom slot above the HD 2600 XT? (It'll take up 2 slots, right?) Will this perform alright under Mac OS X and Windows Vista? Any power issues I should be aware of... or is it better to avoid the hassle and remove the HD 2600 XT, replacing it with the 8800GT?
I have an early 2008 Mac Pro 2.8 that came with an ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT video card. I'm thinking about upgrading this to something with 512 MBs of VRAM. What GPU for the Mac Pro is a good value right now?
View 13 Replies View RelatedI am in the market to buy a Mac Pro, and I have been reading through the forums and I couldn't find any straight forward information on how to install a 8800GT PC version graphics card on the Mac Pro. On the [URL] Store it says that for an upgrade 8800GT costs $349.99, damn expensive.. as the [URL] price is $119.99 after rebates. I am really hoping that I can opt out and just get the stock ATI Radeon 2600XT and then buy the PC 8800GT to put in with it. How do you install the PC version 8800GT?
View 10 Replies View RelatedSo I'm looking to upgrade my video card for my 1,1 '06 Mac Pro, I do some light gaming (TF2, L4D, etc) but my bigger interest is Folding@home. So for this reason I'm thinking 8800GT would be a great card to move up to (I don't want to drop the cash for a 285GTX). The only problem is I'm not sure how to find one that will work in a Mac Pro 06. I know Apple store had one model for older Mac Pro's and one for newer ones. Is it possible to flash a PC model 8800GT into an old Mac Pro? I'm comfortable flashing cards and such, but I just want to make sure it can be done. Also, I'll need to find a BIOS for it.
View 24 Replies View RelatedThe past few months I've made threads asking about eSata express cards and external storage and have received useful information. However, I've always neglected to ask this obvious and direct question. I've been recommended a few cards, one from OWC always comes up. But I never bothered to ask about "dual" versions because I thought I'd be able to find it on my own.
After weeks of casually looking around I wasted a few hours yesterday hard core searching online. I really need a storage solution for my exploding cache of photos and video that's been stockpiling and needs editing.
Perhaps FW800 or another interface could be a better solutions. But when I choose my new MBP 17" a few months ago I specifically kept the fact it retained the express card slot in mind because of it's higher transfer rates.
I'd get 1 TB but I'm thinking realistically I need 2+ TB of storage... and also I think I need to finally get my rear in gear about redundancy. I use Time Machine with an external FW400 HDD and back up my music separately there too but want to keep in mind future space should have redundancy in mind.
I purchased my Mac a few weeks ago, wanting to both upgrade my computer.......and play Diablo 3. I do always want the best out of my systems and the person who sold me the mac told me it would be fairly easy to upgrade the card...well he was wrong. He also told me a few days later not to worry about upgrading since the system is already great.
I went to a local Mac store and asked about the upgrade and found out it would be close to or above a grand for the part from Apple and the labor.
Heres the breakdown:
$875 - Card
$130 - Labor
$15 - Shipping (from apple)
Are there any other ways to find this part online cheaper and just hopefully pay for the labor?
I just really dont want to pay a grand just to upgrade my damn video card, and I know within the new year Apple will release a much better fast computer and I'll be mad. I really wish it wasn't such a hard upgrade.
So whats the deal with the 5870, still listed as unavailable on Apple and barely anyones selling it. I'm trying to get an updated Mac video card to replace an aging 8800GT and one before Cataclysm comes out.
Any ideas on getting a 5870, not against buying a PC version and flashing a Mac rom to it if it gets me a working card.
I'd like to restore my OEM Snow Leopard Installer disk (Disk 1). It won't read anymore. I've tried things like toothpaste which usually works and a metal polisher but those didn't work for this dual layer.
What's a good brand of scratch remover? How do I restore it? It's good if I get to restore it so that when it's resold later (for an upgrade), everything's original and complete. I'll do my best to find it in the stores here.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iMac Late 2009
I am looking to buy a second graphics card as I now have a third monitor. Will all of the above cards work with an existing 8800GT?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to find an updated screen capture program (not video recording, just stills) that works well in Snow Leopard and will run OK in 64bit mode too. One of my favorite old programs from Windows was called "Hypersnap" and I would like to find something that good or better for the Mac. In that program you could do things like add highlights to the image, draw arrows or place clip art on the image too. After looking at Google, I just could not find anything like that, at least current for Snow Leopard use.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo i have a mac Pro octo from May 2007. I upgraded to the 8800GT when they came out and not have any problems since. Today I encountered some problems with my hard drive and am trying to boot from either my Mac Pro Install disc or my Leopard Install disc and get an error everytime. When I try and boot from the disc it gives me an error and tells me i need to reboot. I have found out through the apple discussion forums that Leopard Discs before 10.5.2 do not have the drivers for the 8800GT, and therefore will not let you boot. What am I to do here. Is there any way I can get a newer leopard install disc? It seems I am going to have to reinstall an Ati X1900 to get my own install discs to work. This is really annoying to me, this is an awful design flaw. How do they expect you to upgrade your mac pro and not have problems like this.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am looking at buying either a MBA 1.86 SSD, or a MBP. Given the new graphics card in the MBA I was wondering if the following apps work well?
- GIMP / Photoshop (very basic stuff done on them. Image size is usually A4)
- Parallel / XP pro
- AutoCAD (in Parallel. Again just basic stuff)
- iMovie (edit together short films of my daughter)
I use other packages, but I know they will be fine. This will be a secondary machine to my pc so I will only use it on holiday or when I go to meetings.
I have the new 15 in MBP and bought a e-sata express card from OWC which is the Apiotek Extreme Dual e-sata [URL]. At first it could not be seen so I went to there site and downloaded the driver for it and got several grey screens of death kernel panics. I know the Sonnet Tempo SATA Pro ExpressCard/34 is supposed to work on the new unibody but after all that I bought to get this system up to the speed I need, was trying to avoid another 280 dollars and want another 4gb Ram chip more. [URL]. I am only running one external drive like this for PS scratch, OS backup and a working drive that is partitioned in 3 sections. Wondering if there is another express card that is working in the new 15 in 2.93 without any issues.
View 24 Replies View RelatedQuick question- will this model of iBook G3 work with an AirPort Extreme card, or do i have to get the original AirPort card?
View 10 Replies View RelatedThe Airport Card in my 2008 MBP 17" seems to work intermittently, sometimes when waking from sleep or restarting it shows up as "Airport Card not installed". Other times it will switch on fine. I phoned AppleCare (I have 3yr) and they made me reset the PRAM & SMC, which initially worked, but now it back to it's old tricks of not working. Not sure what to do, don't really want to send my MBP off for a week.
View 24 Replies View RelatedAny new news on what card with mini display out will work with the 27" imac? I want to buy a new card for my gaming PC, but dont have room for 2 monitors and would like to use the 27" Heard there were a problem with 5? series? has this been fixed or anything other cards i can use?
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone have for a good usb 2.0 card I can install on a power mac G5? I am looking for an internal card not a usb hub.
Power Mac G5
Mac OS X (10.5.1)
I need to make a slideshow with a ton of impact, I have about 80 images and and what we have now is very basic, check it out .its way too slow for the amount of pictures takes an eternity to get through.We found this slideshow on the net.its very effective and you can see our pictures in a minimal amount of time. Only problem is i have no idea how to replicate this effect, I was thinking maybe premier pro but have had a look and cant get anywhere close to it.
I just got a new 2.8 MP which obviously came with a 2600 card. I bought a 3870 and have in installed where the 2600 was.
Can I put the 2600 in the other 16x slot and use the crossfire cable between the two? What would be the pros/cons of this?
I'm not a gamer, but edit a lot of HD video in FCP, use PS, AE, C4D, etc. Also want to be able to run XP in bootcamp for some Windows software.
[URL] I just found out about these. Looks interesting, and fairly cheap too. The specs are fairly low, but they are absolutely quiet, smaller than the Mac Mini, and still does what it was made to do... basic web browsing, HD video streaming, maybe a music server, etc. basic stuff. And it is fairly cheap, too. Just thought you guys might want to know about something cool I found on the intronet.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI wanted to see if there were any alternatives to the $100 superdrive that seems pretty fragile and some people suggested this Fastmac [URL] for $110, which can ready Bluray discs.
I did a little diging on this forum and found this tread [URL], which basically says it's a Panasonic (Matshita) UJ-120 drive in an external enclosure and an IDE-to-USB bridge.
Then I went on eBay to see if they sell the UJ-120 and found this seller ([URL]) selling it for $80.
I took the plunge and bought it, and it works fine. When I plugged it in, nothing happen, but when I inserted a DVD it played it and when I inserted a blank disk, it let me burn it with itunes.
Anyway I just wanted to let everyone know that this is a great alternative for $80. I haven't tried the bluray yet, but I got what I wanted.
my Screen Sharing within my LAN isnt verygood. Its very stuttery and screen splintersa lot and doesnt update some things. My router is a 'G' router which should be able to cope with these things.also, the screen res on my Mini is slightly different to my MBP, which i use as the remote screen to control it and therefore the picture isnt as sharp. Can i make it as sharp as if i was looking at MBP stuff?
MBP 15.2, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I just bought a refurb MP (sig) with the standard ATI card, but it's ... the loudest part of my system (even with 4 HD's).
With nothing going on, the fan spins up, slows down, spins up, slows down, like it's pulsating. Is that normal?
Also, the 2nd Dell 2005FPW that I bought won't work via DVI with it, and I can't tell if it's the card or the monitor.
The monitor works fine with the VGA and the adapter, so I'm leaning more towards the DVI output on the monitor. But with the annoying fan, I'm not so sure.
I replaced the 2600 XT that came in my mac pro with a 3870 HD. But I feel like the 2600 XT is being wasted just sitting on its own gathering dust. I was thinking about putting it in a Hackintosh, or just a new PC with Windows 7. Does a mac video card work in a PC?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAnyone know of a program like shapeshifter that works for leopard?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI had problems with Finder, it just crashed on me when I opened folders that had a bit more files. I have an 24" iMac with v10.5, 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 3GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM. I bought it a year ago, add a month or so... So after I got all the glitches with Finder, I transported Applications, Documents, Music, Pictures and some other folders on my desktop to an external Hard Disk, when I finished with ERASE & INSTALL, Finder doesn't crash, but it's VERY VERY slow, for example, in my iTunes Music folder, I have about 560 folders, and when I click SELECT ALL(on the keyboard) it stops for maybe a minute or so, and then I try to copy them to a folder, when i try to drag them, it stops for 2 minutes or so... I haven't even copied much from the external Hard Disk. Except going back to Tiger, is there any other way, because my iMac is...not new, but not old enough to have those glitches... PLEASE HELP ME, this isn't the first time, this is actually my 3rd time doing a reinstall, 2 ARCHIVE AND INSTALL's and 1 ERASE AND INSTALL... what could it be?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if Snow Leopard will work with Kindle 2 if connected to a Mac. Or do I not need to connect it to a Mac because it is wireless? Also, does anyone know if the Kindle 2 will require signature on delivery when shipped and delivered to Canada using Priority International Courier?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a Snow Leopard Install Disk for the 13-inch Macbook Pro model.I also have a 21-inch iMac. I have OS X Lion installed on both. I have Snow Leopard installed as a partition on my Macbook Pro, which I installed via the install disk. I want to do the same thing for my iMac but I am unable due to (seemingly) my install disk is for a Macbook Pro and not for an iMac.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I am looking for a great grammar checking software, I have downloaded the demo for Grammarian Pro X and really enjoyed it; however, I wanted to ask you guys if there is anything better than Grammarian?
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