Mac Pro :: EVGA 8800gt Has Gone Bad, Wants To Replace
Sep 15, 2009
After about a year and a half, my EVGA 8800gt has gone bad, screen corruption, and eventual freezes, etc. and no problems with the original 7300gt in the machine. The part number on it is 512-P3-N801-AR, and it was used in a launch (1,1) mac pro.
Not a problem, the card has a lifetime warranty, my only concern is if I get a different card back from them. I have in the past, and just recently had a friend, perform a exchange with EVGA and had them send back a different card than was sent (it's always been a better card so no complaints at the time), but of course that would be an issue with the EFI32 firmware, etc. So if they end up being unable to send me another 8800gt which ones would be ok? I've read a bit about 9800gts flashed with the 8800 software working, etc.
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Oct 12, 2010
So whats the deal with the 5870, still listed as unavailable on Apple and barely anyones selling it. I'm trying to get an updated Mac video card to replace an aging 8800GT and one before Cataclysm comes out.
Any ideas on getting a 5870, not against buying a PC version and flashing a Mac rom to it if it gets me a working card.
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Aug 27, 2008
I am looking to buy a second graphics card as I now have a third monitor. Will all of the above cards work with an existing 8800GT?
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Jul 15, 2010
anyone using this mobo with SL or planning to?
2 Xeon E5620
GeForce GTX 460
2 Samsung Spinpoint F3 1TB hard drives
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Jun 10, 2009
EVGA is proud to announce the highest performing graphics card for the Mac today; the EVGA GTX 285 Mac Edition! With 1GB of DDR3 memory and 240 processing cores, your performance is maximized with graphics-intensive applications like 3D gaming, motion graphics, 3D modeling, rendering and animation. Take full advantage of the performance using NVIDIA CUDA and OpenGL applications. Upgrade your Mac Pro system with the EVGA GTX 285 Mac Edition today for extreme performance!
This has probably already been asked before, but I can't find if it supports the 2006 Mac Pro models? Wait nevermind. It says that it supports 2008 and 2009 on Apple's website. Darn! I wonder if it will work anyway? If someone tries it please let me know.
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Mar 12, 2009
Ok hope I am clear about this. I just got this little thing and works perfectly in my Mac Book windows and osx. I am trying to figure out why my MacPro OsX is not displaying but would display in Mac Pro bootcamp Windows XP. I tested different means but it would not indicate anything in the screen. Does anyone have any idea to this problem? I know its not the unit as it works with other computers but its something with Mac Pro OSX.
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Jun 11, 2009
Does anyone have any info on how loud the card is (compared to the ATI 4870, for instance)?
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Oct 12, 2009
I have a 7300gt in slot 3 at 4x and my 295gtx is in slot 1 at 16x. I'm on Snow Leopard, so didn't need drivers. I have two monitors, and I have my primary display on the 295 and the secondary on the 7300, which seems to boot just fine.
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Jul 28, 2010
Just recieved my Mac pro last week and was waiting on whats going to be updated in the new Mac pros and after yesterday I just decided I wanted a Evga NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285 but now that I want one it's hard to find one. Apple has 1 to 2 months before it's shipped and I checked ebay just not having much luck finding one.There's 1 Company I found that said they have 1 in stock just not sure if it's a ploy to make me order and try to sell me something else. I thought I would post in here maybe someone here knows where I can still pick one of these up.
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Oct 25, 2008
I have ordered a new Mac Pro which will arrive tomorrow. It will have the standard "ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT 256MB (Two dual-link DVI)" video card.
Thinking it would be a good thing to do, I also ordered from Amazon this video card:
"EVGA 01G-P3-N983-AR e-GeForce 9800 GT Akimbo Edition 1GB DDR3 PCI-E 2.0 Dual Slot with Upgraded Cooling Graphics Card"
Will the EVGA card work in the MacPro?
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Feb 9, 2009
I have been looking into solutions to have two external monitors hooked up to my mbpro and found these two. Both get the job done, but with a huge difference in price. I was wondering if anyone has experience using both? The matrox seems better, but I think the eVGA will do well enough for what I will be using it for (light photoshopping).
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Jul 7, 2009
I have an early 2008 Mac Pro with an EVGA 8800 GT installed. When I bought the computer the EVGA 8800 GT was almost silent even when under max load.
Now 15 months later the EVGA 8800 GT fan is making so much high pitch noise under load that I try not to use it for heavy 3d. The noises started after about 6 months after purchasing.
Monitoring the fan speed under Rivatuner shows that it goes to 100% performance under almost any load in order to keep it at a steady 80 degrees celcius.
I concluded that the fan was becomming less efficient over time and that it had to spin more and more in order to keep the temperature down.
Dust Cleaning
I try to clean the computer for dust every 4 month, blowing air backwards into the components of the computer to remove all the dust.
I normally use my mouth (trying not to spit) and a hairdryer. This seem to work okay for the most part, but not much for the EVGA 8800 GT.
After cleaning the fan is still quite audible and hovers at 85-90% under loading producing the annoying high pitch noise.
After only a few weeks its back at 100% under load. I tryed getting Apple to replace the video card, but they refuse to since it is still working. ( I hate this kind of deffinitions. )
- Would buying a can of compressed air and blowing it backwards into the EVGA 8800 GT remove more dust than the method I normally use?
- Would anyone recommend taking of the fan in order to clean it better or should the can clean enough? - trying to compare the risk of not being able to assemble the card again.
- Has anyone had any luck reducing the high pitch noise of the EVGA 8800 GT fan, and if so how?
Aftermarket Cooling
I did buy an aftermarket cooling system called Accelero S2 without the turbo module (fan) which recieves top reviews.
Despite having build some computers in the past I am a bit reluctant to install it by removing the fan completely because I am affraid that I will somehow break the video card in the process or accidently install it in a way that fries it when temperature rises under heavy load.
It sure is tempting to try the Accelero S2, but with the EVGA 8800 GT Mac going out of market I would have to dig deep in my pockets to get a replacement if something happends to the video card.
I think I also read somewhere that the instant you take of the EVGA 8800 GT fan you cannot put it back again. Which also makes me a bit nervous if the aftermarket cooler is not able to keep the card cool.
- Has anyone had luck installing the Accelero S2 without the turbo module (fan) and if so is it easy?
- Would anyone recommend installing the Accelero S2 without the turbo module? - I am not familiar with the success rate of aftermarket cooling and how skilled you need to be to be successfull.
- Has anyone had any problems not being able to keep the video card cool with the Accelero S2 and in that case was force to reinstall the default fan again?
I really wish I could reduce the noise of the fan so I can stand using it for 3d heavy stuff again.
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Jul 7, 2009
Plan on ordering the following card from NewEgg later on today, as I can't find a retailer online that will sell an 8800GT and let me return it if something goes wrong.
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Oct 30, 2009
Ok, here we go about dual monitors. First and foremost I know that the Matrox is available but I haven't found a source that stated for MBP unibody 17" will it work properly. Even if it does, the price for it is expensive!
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Apr 12, 2008
couldn't find an answer so far: Is it possible to run 2x 8800GT (Apple or flashed PC) in one Mac Pro 2008? I know, SLI doesn't work but I am curious if I can run 2 monitors (e.g. for FSX in Bootcamp). Did anyone try this or is this outside the Power-limits of the PCI bus?
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Apr 23, 2008
This is the 'upgrade' card that is for my new mac pro... I got one when I ordered the machine... near as I can tell I should be able install a second one. Is that true?
NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT (early 2008) Graphics Upgrade Kit for Mac Pro
The NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT features 512MB of dedicated GDDR3 memory, uses the PCI Express 2.0 interface, and includes two dual-link DVI ports.
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Nov 30, 2008
I am using 7300GT and 8800GT on my 2.66 Mac Pro But my mac can't enable OpenGL on Photoshop. (Because 7300GT not support Open GL?) Can I buy one more 8800GT to replace 7300GT? Than have 2 8800GT on my Mac. Need to add one more PSU? or just use another 6 pins power on Logic Board?
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Feb 20, 2008
I bought my machine about 3 weeks ago (8 core 2.8ghz), didn't think I'd need the graphics as I'm a console gamer so I stuck with the ATI 2600XT.
Over the past week I've really been getting into gaming on my mac pro (the 12gb of Ram helps!)
Can I buy an off the shelf 8800GT and upgrade the card myself or do I need a special apple voodoo version?
also, if I can buy one, anyone know which? I have no idea and so far online I've seen -
Xpertvision 8800GT 512mb
Gigabyte NVidia 8800GT 512MB
and about 10 others, all claiming to be the 8800GT but the prices vary
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Mar 13, 2008
On my 2008 MacPro, I have two 8800GT's working fine in all regards to normal Desktop Usage. But in World of Warcraft, when I move the WoW window onto either screen on card 2, the frame rate drops to less than 10fps. If I move it back to either screen on card one, its fast again. This may be a localized issue with WoW.
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Mar 18, 2008
All we know the [URL] test about the 2600 are be better for pro apps... I dont know if its true or what but with if its true with drivers update in the future the 8800gt can be a better card that 2600, I hope so I order the 8800gt!
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May 30, 2008
Haven't seen anyone mention this yet, has the performance improved with the update?
Answered my own question. :P
Definitive "no"
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Mar 29, 2009
I have an early 2008 2.8x8, want something that will work in OSX (both DVI dual-link possibly) and also be much better in Boot Camp than my 2600HD.
So, which is better . . . 3870 vs 8800gt? Or another?
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Feb 13, 2008
So I was curious to see what the difference would be between10.5.1 to 10.5.2
2 gigs of RAM to 6 gigs of RAM
So, when I first got the Mac Pro I ran both Geekbench and Xbench. I haven't tallied the Geekbench results, but the overall scores go like this:
10.5.1 |2 gigs RAM = 7324 | Memory Score = 2486
10.5.2 |6 gigs RAM = 7793 | Memory Score = 2693
I forgot to run Geekbench with 10.5.2 and 2 gigs of RAM.
Attached are the numbers for Xbench. I also graphed them in Numbers. For all those who enjoy this stuff, here you go.
If someone notices something that seems jacked up with these numbers for this system in its various states of configuration, PLEASE let me know!! I'm not savvy with these benchmarking programs.
I just thought some folks out there would like to see the info.The chart can't fit in all the chart titles, so you'll have to look at the raw data to interpret what belongs to what.
Feedback always appreciated. I'm off to finish loading some Windows programs and my games, and then move that partition to the 400 gig drive, and then tell VMware where to go git 'er done!
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Apr 7, 2008
I was just wondering if you can overclock the 8800gt from its stock rating? If you can is there any real benefit? And lastly if you can and there is a benefit how do I go about doing this?
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Apr 8, 2008
I am in the market to buy a Mac Pro, and I have been reading through the forums and I couldn't find any straight forward information on how to install a 8800GT PC version graphics card on the Mac Pro. On the [URL] Store it says that for an upgrade 8800GT costs $349.99, damn expensive.. as the [URL] price is $119.99 after rebates. I am really hoping that I can opt out and just get the stock ATI Radeon 2600XT and then buy the PC 8800GT to put in with it. How do you install the PC version 8800GT?
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May 7, 2008
I have been beating my head against a wall for weeks trying to boot into Windows. So after weeks of searching for a solution and many attempts of re-installing both Windows and OSX. I am at the mercy of some of the very MAC wise folks here. So I will try and be as brief as I can.
I have a first gen Mac Pro that has worked great since I bought it in 2006. I have bought a Gforce 8800GT 1st gen upgrade video card. Bought it the first day it shipped, like a lot of other people. I followed the the thread that pushed apple for a upgrade for us early adopters. And am glad that apple listened to their customers and made a compatible ROM for the card.
So now to my problem and why I think it maybe a EFI issue. While waiting and reading about the then rumored video card upgrade, I tried to use a PC version of the 8800 GT, same card with a PC ROM. Well If I would of read more first I would of known that it would not work, and was really just taking a chance and thought that somewhere someone would make this work. Boy was I wrong. So after taking out the card and putting back in my 7300 stock card, I can no longer boot into windows. I get a blue screen stop error 0X000000CA (0X0000002, 0X89A0B0C0, 0X00000000, 0X00000000). Didn't turn up much searching for that error. So the symptom I have is as follows: power on holding down the option key, click on my windows disk partition on a separate NTFS formated HD, the computer try's to boot into windows, but after just a quick flash of Windows XP splash screen then straight to the blue screen. Now fast forward a week. apple releases the upgrade, took the PC cad back, ordered the MAC upgrade hopping this would fix the problem, It didn't. So I do a total re-install. I totaly reinstall OSX on a fresh HD, run all updates for 10.5.2. I put in another fresh drive in and run Boot camp to install a fresh copy of XP. The CD installs the startup files to RAM, then enters the setup partition/format screen. I chose new partition select NTFS full option, the HD formats. Now windows loads the install files to the hard drive and reboots. Now I am back to where I started. OSX works perfect XP will not even install new, much less boot into the old partition that is on another HD that I have pulled out right now, I also went back to the 7300, no change. I can hit F8 and get the advanced menu, if I select safe mode it freezes and goes to blue screen. If I move either of the cards to another slot I get the same result but the Mac Pro reboots in an endless cycle after a quick blue flash. In the 16x slot it just freezes on the blue screen.
So after searching for someone with the same problem it seems I cannot find a solution other then what I have read about EFI and that it is basically emulating a BIOS so windows can boot up on the Intel hardware. So am I even thinking in the right area? Have I some how corrupted the EFI firmware? Any suggestions? I bought the Mac Pro to run Pro Tools in windows along with Windows only apps. I use final cut pro in OSX, but I spend most of my time in Windows using the awesome power of the machine. I like OSX but it is not a total OS solution for me, I really like having a hybrid, and VM's and such in OSX will not work with Pro Tools.
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Nov 2, 2008
What would be better for gaming under bootcamp?
8800gt vs 2 3870 crossfire
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Mar 12, 2009
Got my 2009 2.26 today and I'm just getting things setup. My initial plan was to place the 8800gt from my 2007 2.6 quad core in the machine along with the default 120gt until i could get the 4870 upgrade. To my dismay I have not been able to get the 8800gt to work It appears as if the 8800gt that I have isn't recognized! Does anyone know why this might happen? Was there an EFI change between the two? I also tried the orig. 7300gt that came with my previous box and received the same results.
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Jun 8, 2009
Would I have to flash the rom of a Mac pro 8800GT to get it to work in a PC? If so, can someone point me to ROM? Also would it get flashed while inserted in the PC?
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Oct 14, 2009
I may buy an 08' Mac Pro that comes with a 8800GT is the GT120 a step up at all? if I decide to get a new graphics card (which I really may not since I don't game at all) would the GT120 be an upgrade or would I have to go to 4870? Those two cards are both compatible right?
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