Mac Pro :: Minimize On A Mac From A Square Back To The Regular One
Apr 4, 2012how do i fix my minamize thing for my macbook from a little square back to the original one.
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.0.1
how do i fix my minamize thing for my macbook from a little square back to the original one.
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.0.1
The large square in the middle. I don't know how it got there.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSince upgrading to 10.7.3, the top right and left corners of my finder windows (as well as many other apps) are square. The bottoms remain rounded. I have even reinstalled 10.7.3 using the combo installer, to no avail.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I can't work out how to search for images where the image's width is equal to the height. This is regardless of the actual number of pixels.
View 6 Replies View RelatedTo see how it looks: [url] I can not find the cause of its pixels that appear on the screen. Only in the viewer. They occur randomly when I add an effect FCPX. (not just a plug-tier) These pixels are found embedded in the video if I made one!It does not appear immediately launching FCP but after 5 minutes after playing withthe settings of my corrections.When they appear in FCP if I run photoshop, I have the same pixels in the window of my image in Photoshop I did not think I shall give my card GT120 But I have an ATI 5770 with an Apple MacPro 4.1 What I tried: reinstall FCP New partition with 10.6.8 and 10.7 fired FCP preferences Reset PRAM + SMC Changed the cables and adapters of my screens Does this card is defective? Why do they not appear in the screen
Final Cut Pro X, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
All of a sudden, when looking at my photos on my external hard drive in a specific folder, all of the folder icons in Finder appear as the black squre with Exec in each square.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
I used to use Command-shift-4 or Preview/Grab/Selection to capture screenshots, which worked great - capturing as png and saving to the desktop. However, now I just get a black coloured square captured with both methods. Capturing a window is fine, this just happens when it is a selection.
View 1 Replies View RelatedBeen on a Mac in one form or another but never saw this. It's not even mentioned on the site under startup problems. Started up on my eMac and got this blinking blue dot that looked a bit like earth in a gray square. Whole think was about an 1" square in the middle of the screen. The startup tone was normal.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a small white square that appears on my screen, it's not just on my background it's on whatever I open. What is causing this and how do I get rid of it? I have a brand new laptop, less than two months old.
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014)
A bizarre thing: when I wake my Cube from sleep, the mouse pointer seems to have converted itself into a black 1" square. As soon as I click in a program it changes back to an arrow.
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy two previous older macs have been perfect to me, but this new MBP I5 model is giving so many issues lately. Every once in a while, my computer's graphics (I am assuming) goes crazy, and I get this pixelated distortion that's right in the middle of my screen that's about 2"x5" on my 17" screen. This happened just earlier, while I was using Safari. However, even after closing all of the Safari windows down, the distortion will still be there, and will stay there regardless of what I have or don't have open. Logging in and out will fixes the problem, and everything goes back to normal for the mean time. Any one ever experience similar problems or know what I could do to see what's going or fix it?
View 9 Replies View RelatedSuddenly the text in the bodies of most (but not all) of my yahoo emails is displaying as a series of little square boxes with the letter "a" in each box.
MacBook Pro
I intermittently see the question mark inside a blue square where a picture should be. is there a way to correct this?
When I click on the play button in DVD-player, the button becomes a purple square. Has someone got a solution?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
For some reason i can't minimze any windows?!? the little yellow icon in the middle of the red and green icons isn't even there...Im not sure what happened but it is really annoying!
View 16 Replies View Relatedso this has been bugging me ever since I made the switch. No this isn't a complaint about how the red X does not work like in Windows in closing an application. This is about hitting the red X to close the window which is what it's supposed to do, but then having the window go minimize in the dock instead of closing. Sometimes it takes two hits of the button after being minimized to finally close it.
This doesn't always happen but when it does it is annoying as hell. am I the only one experiencing this issue? Or is it purposely made that way?
For the life of me I can't figure out why this feature is still here. I've been searching for ways people use it, but I can't really find much. Any time I need to clear things, I just hide them. The only thing I can come up with is in the event that someone wants to hide just one of an application's window. But also, it seems inefficient. There's a keyboard shortcut to minimize windows, but there doesn't seem to be one to bring it back. Most of the time, it's just annoying because I accidentally click it. How do you use the minimize function if at all?
View 21 Replies View RelatedI know I can just move all my windows out of the way by moving 4 fingers up on my trackpad, but how do I minimize all of them at once?
View 11 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to minimize all the other apps, for instance say I had a finder window open (and I'm doing this and that), and I want to quickly minimize all the other apps/open windows (apart form the one I'm using) with out doing it manually (like squeezing the mac mouse and an clicking minimize) ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm using OS 10.4.11, PowerPC Suddenly, I can't minimize Finder windows. The button is greyed out, and the menu command likewise. Application windows work normally.
View 3 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know if they have any additional minimize effects available for Leopard? Although the Genie is cool, I'm wondering if anyone has developed any themselves or if Apple supports additional for download. I didn't see any anywhere and Google has proved to not be very helpful, but thought I'd ask.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI just did a clean install on SL and I see something weird. I can no longer minimize an app that's running by double tapping the app's window.
View 6 Replies View Relatedyou cant double click to minimize anymore. Any way to change it back so that you can. I hate having to click the stupid circles.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm new to the Mac and have been getting used to it quite nicely, but there's one thing that I peeves me just slightly. That one thing is that whenever I click somewhere that is off the application I'm using, it just disappears into the background and there's no minimized icon of it on my dock. Now if I hit the orange minimize button manually it will minimize off to the right side of my dock, but I would like to know if it is possible to somehow get the same thing to happen automatically when I click somewhere off the application I'm using.
This mainly annoys me on my MSN conversations. A lot of times, I've clicked on the video I was watching. Paused it to go do something and then when I was done watching the video and wanted to start chatting again, I find out that my friend had said something and I missed it. (My MSN dock icon only jumps up four times before sitting still).
I am having an issue minimizing windows. Double-Clicking the top bar of any window (this is pretty much system wide) does not minimize the window to the dock as it should.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI can't minimise the screen. When I hover in the top right hand corner I don't get the menu drop down or the double arrow to shrink the screen (sorry if my terminology is wrong) so I can't get rid of Safari or get to the dock at the bottom or anything. I am stuck. Is there an alternative to the ctrl-alt-delete function on a PC as short of turning the Mac off I can't think what to do.
MacBook Pro
Using Command + M means minimised a window. But in CS3, pressing Command + M out comes the curves. Is there a command key to minimise the image. When image open in CS3, it automatically occupy a small space at the top left corner but leaving a large space that I still can see desktop folders or files in the background. How do I default it so that it autmatically occupy the whole screen.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have reinstalled the OS twice now and I am running 10.5.1. Oddly enough sometimes the minimize button just becomes greyed out and I have to closed the app and reopen it. It seem to happen to all apps including finder.
View 8 Replies View RelatedIs there a key command to minimize every window that is open? I used to use Win+M on Windows to do this, but I really miss being able to do this since I switched to OS X.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI've got a MAC OS X, version 10.5.5. When I put my mouse down to move it, it will continually minimize all windows (about 3 per second) almost like it's stuck. If I squeeze the sides really hard I can stop it for a second or two, but still does it. I've tried disconnecting the mouse, resarting the computer but cannot figure it out.
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