Mac Pro :: How To Get VMWare Stability / Performance

Mar 21, 2009

I'm considering a new Mac Pro and one thing that I was curious about was VMWare stability and performance. I have a few applications that are Windows only and was wondering what everyone's experience has been running windows applications through VMWare vs if they were run stand alone.

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Windows On Mac :: Trying To Get The Best Performance Out Of Vmware?

Apr 6, 2009

I'm trying to get the best performance out of my vmware, so, what are the best settings i can put (remember I want the closest to bootcamp quality) on my Unibody Macbook pro 2.5 4 gigas RAM.

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MacBook Pro :: VMware Performance Boost With More RAM?

Sep 18, 2009

I run a late '08 15" UMBP. 2.53, 4 gigs of RAM.

Would upgrading to 6 gigs of RAM increase the performance of my machine when running VMware with Vista? I can't get any answers in any of the other threads.

I know about Bootcamp, that's not my question. I have another pc.

I use Windows for Lectora Publisher, which is an authoring software for online learning modules. It's basically interactive PowerPoint. It's not a super heavy software, but the content can get heavy with video, sound, animations, etc.

My Activity Monitor says I'm using nearly 4gigs when I open VMware and a few of my Mac apps, but don't actually load those apps with content: (Keynote, audacity, acorn, draw it, quicktime)

Would upgrading even help since I'll lose dual channel? I know nothing about how RAM benefits machines aside from higher numbers = good.

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Applications :: VMware Fusion Performance ?

Jan 10, 2010

Running Fusion on my 2+ year old MBP has become a near hopeless frustration. When I first got the machine, it ran pretty well, but it hasn't for quite awhile now. It tends to be sluggish to the point of uselessness. Currently, I'm doing a trial of Fusion 3. I'm a licensed owner of the prior versions.

I don't need it much, but when I do, I really need it. I gave up on using it with Windows 7, which is fine, XP will do. Once in awhile, I'll run it and all will be well. Other times, most of the time, it's unusable. I see no pattern to what makes it run well or not. Earlier today, I rebooted and started Fusion all by itself and didn't run anything else. Didn't help much.

Anyone had these problems and found a solution? I see lots of people with problems and plenty of others without. But not many who've bridged the gap.

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Windows On Mac :: VMWare Fusion - Crappy Performance?

Feb 19, 2009

I installed Vista Home Premium on a bootcamp partition. When I load it up in vmware, the graphics really take a fall. Is this normal? I have to use the vista basic theme since it won't let me run aero!

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MacBook Pro :: Vmware Fusion Performance Windows 7 Versus XP

Nov 7, 2009

I am tempted to purchase 2nd hand 13.3" MacBook Pro 2.26GHz, 2gb ram, 160gb hdd.

I have a need to run windows as a virtual machine for some occasional .NET development (which I am studying)

I have a couple of questions

What is the impact of battery life running a VM? I intended to run it in Unity mode and only have open .net tools such as visual web developer.

Also, does anybody know the performance of windows 7 in the new Fusion version? (What's aero like?)

Would the performance of an XP vm be better?

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OS X :: Unable To Get Stability In Snow Leopard

May 2, 2010

I'm running 10.6.3 Snow Leopard on my 2008 MBP. At first it worked great, but with an occasional beach ball. But it's gotten worse. Now i can't do anything if i have more than 3 pages of safari open, it just beach balls or freezes. If i have iMovie open and am working on a project, it beach balls every time i try to navigate the project (with 480 X 320 H.264 video!) Plus everything else freezes so much and then just spazzes out when the computer comes to. I don't have much stuff on here, only about 20 or so apps plus the stock apps (most i dont use that much but keep because i occasionally use it), plus like 40GB/185GB available on the partition.

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Graphics Update Stability

Oct 13, 2010

For a while, my MacbookPro, which is a MacBookPro5,3, has been telling me that I have updates. Among the updates was a graphics update. Back when my iMac5,1 ran Leopard, I blindly got the graphics update, so it is no longer usable, unless I use Ubuntu Hardy on it. I do not want to run into that issue again, since I have programs that I need on my Mac for me to be productive, as I started writing books and publishing them through Lulu (e.g. Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc.). Is the Snow Leopard graphics update going to cause stability issues, like the Leopard graphics update did on my old iMac5,1? Right now, I am getting all updates, except for the graphics update, that are available for my MacBook Pro.

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Software :: Safari - Finding Stability When Enlarging Text?

Jan 16, 2010

In Safari (4.0.4), if you are in the middle of a website that covers several pages and you enlarge the font, the text you are reading can shift off-screen.

If you do this in Firefox (3.5.7), the text that you are reading remains where it is.

The Firefox behaviour makes sense.

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OS X :: Install Mac OS 10.4.6 In Vmware Fusion?

Jan 11, 2009

I'll like to install Mac OS 10.4.6 in VMWare Fusion for stuff that I need to use 10.4 in. How might I do that? I've noticed they support 10.5 and 10.6 server but why not client? and why not 10.4 intel?

I have the install disks with me, if I need to make an iso or cdr of it, I know how.

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Mac Pro :: VMware/Bootcamp W/ MacPro?

Feb 10, 2009

ok Im pondering buying a mac pro once they release the updates and I am wondering if I can take a 3.5" SATA drive out of my current desktop running XP and transplant it into the mac pro then use it with either VMware or bootcamp. So will this work or will I have to partition my hard drive and buy another copy of XP?

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Windows On Mac :: DVD Not Recognized In VMware Only On MBP?

Feb 11, 2009

I am having an issue using some software I have in windows to clone a DVD because when I insert the DVD in my MBP it only shows on Mac desktop. I have my VMware window active and I can't seem to get it to recognize the disk drive. Is there a trick I am missing to get it to recognize the disk on the VMware window?

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Windows On Mac :: CounterStrike On VMWARE?

Feb 13, 2009

I have tried to run CS Source with both Parallels and VMWare steam crashes at the same time in both applications. I upped the allotted memory, and that made no difference. I get a fatal error it reads something like exception fault hl2.exe,Has anyone got it running on using XP?

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OS X :: Screen Resolution With SL 10.6.2 On Vmware

May 21, 2010

I set up SL 10.6.2 image using vmware player, and I installed Mac VGA driver for VMware. [URL]. Indeed I can change the resolution now, however it seems only the screen size is changing but everything else it still acting according to the default res. Meaning, the windows maximize won't open all screen (I have to stretch it myself), the tray icons (safari, system preferences etc..) are all very small, and more.

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MacBook Pro :: Not Handling Vmware Well?

Jun 23, 2010

I have been using Vmware just for some MS Office stuff, and the i7 processor runs it fine it doesnt get hot, fans arent running too loud but after looking at the memory info it seems there is none left? OSX also becomes laggy too.

I am running WIndows 7 Standard, 1.5 GB Allocated and 2 Cores allocated.
But the memory for some reason reaches up to 26mb left?

I have 4GB Standard, is this just common when virtualising as the wired ram reaches 2.5 GB and i thought wired ram was just ram allocated to osx?

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OS X :: USB Drive Not Detected On Mac Running VMWare

Jun 20, 2010

I have installed Mac OS X on vmware. When I put my usb drive, it is detected on the host OS not on Mac OS X which is running on vmware.

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Software :: Should Use VMWare Or Parallels For Windows

Jan 26, 2008

I just bought a Mac Pro, my 2nd Mac to compliment my MacBook Pro. The different is this Mac Pro is replacing my Windows Desktop. Since I'm going to be using one of the internal drives as a server drive for my home network I don't want to use Boot Camp since I don't want to have to reboot. My question, which of the virtualization products should I go with? For Windows I don't use it heavily. I don't do much gaming and just use a few programs such as QuickBooks, a couple other accounting programs, and I also burn some DVD's and CD's on it. I assume this won't require heavy use and with 6GB of memory memory shouldn't be an issue. For now I plan to use just Windows XP but if Vista ever gets more stable I will switch to it. At the office they also have some Linux machines and my husband wants to set up a Ubuntu Linux machine so someday we could even have Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Linux machines. I have read so much both ways of which to go with and it seems it all depends on when the last one was updated but I also don't want to go with one just to switch soon so am wondering if one is more safe and future proof.

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OS X :: Mac Viruses With VMWare - Parallels And Bootcamp?

Sep 6, 2007

With all the new software partitions available for the mac for users to be able to utilize any Windows OS on their Mac, many ask what about all the viruses that comes from windows? Will the Mac still be protected even though Windows is running on it? does the Mac saying "114,000 viruses, not for a Mac," still stand? Give me your input.

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Mac Mini :: SSD + VMware Fusion Very Slow?

Sep 5, 2010

My Mac mini 2010 model with 60SSD 4GB ram, vmware fusion windows 7 ent. Very choppy and bad performance,

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MacBook Air :: VMWare Or Parallels - Best Option To Go With?

Dec 25, 2010

I've just got a 13" 1.86GHz with 4GB RAM. I'm wondering which is the best option to go with. I've been using VMWare up until now as my Hackintosh does not support intel-VTx or whatever. I think parallels looks much better, but don't know how it is with performance. So does anyone have experience using both on their machine and can recommend either one? I'm looking for best performance mostly as I run in single window and not Unity.

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Windows On Mac :: File Sharing Between Mac And XP Using VMWare?

Jun 7, 2007

File sharing between Mac and XP using VMWare?

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Windows On Mac :: Switching From Parallels To VMware?

Aug 27, 2007

I am currently using Parallels and I've been fairly satisfied with it.

I have read a lot of good things about VMware and I'm thinking about changing.

My question is this - would I be able to simply 'point' VMware to my existing windows installation (the one that parallels is using)? Or would I have to do a fresh install and lose everything on the Windows side?

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Mac Pro :: Using Boot Camp And VMWare Fusion Together

Jan 29, 2008

Hello, everybody. I just discovered this forum, having finally taken the plunge and bought a Mac Pro to replace an aging Dell PC. (My wife has had a MacBook Pro since early last year, which is what convinced me to switch.)

My main use for the new machine will be photo processing, including astrophotography. I will obviously be able to use Photoshop natively, but will have to use Windows for one or two astro packages (and also for occasional use of an old Windows version of Mathematica).

So, my questions:

Am I right to think that it is possible to install Windows with Boot Camp and then also use the same Windows install under Fusion? If so, is there anything special that needs to be done when first doing the Boot Camp install?

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Applications :: Bootcamp Vs Parallels / Vmware?

Mar 23, 2008

Which is better to use? I understand you don't need to reboot to use Parallels or Vmware but is it fully functional? And do either of these kill the performance of the system?

And what's the difference between Parallels and Vmware?

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MacBook Air :: Using VMWare Fusion And CPU Shutdown

Apr 20, 2008

Anybody using VMWare Fusion with non-Windows guest OS? Just wondering if you are getting core shutdowns when the guest OS is running.

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OS X :: Internet Not Working With VMWare Fusion?

Apr 23, 2008

I did a search on these forums, but came up with nothing. I have two virtual machines set up with VMWare Fusion, one is my Boot Camp partition for Windows XP Professional, the other is Mandriva Linux. In both of these virtual machines, the internet doesn't work. I tried changing the network settings for VMWare Fusion to both NAT and bridged, and neither of them work. It's a little annoying because there's not too much you can do without an internet connection.

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OS X :: Installing Mac On A PC Using Virtual Box Or VMWare Workstation

Dec 16, 2008

I am trying to install Mac OS X on my PC which is running Windows XP. I have tried both VMWare Workstation and Sun xVM VirtualBox and neither one can recognize the DVD in the drive.

If I use windows explorer to look at the DVD, it shows me the "Windows Support" partition of the DVD.

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OS X :: Snow Leopard In VMware Fusion?

Jan 19, 2009

Does anyone know how to get Snow Leopard to work in VMware Fusion? When I go to make a new Virtual Machine I can't select the .dmg. I even tried to convert the .dmg to .img but that didnt make any difference.

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OS X :: IPhone SDK Installation On MAC Running On VMWare

Apr 26, 2009

I am trying to install iPhone SDK 2.2.1 on Mac 10.5.5 , running on VMware6. During installation it's asking me to restart the machine. Once i restart it's not resuming the rest of the installtion.if i go to the devloper->application folder and start directly the XCode an EXC_BAD_ACCESS(SIGBUS) error is coming.

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OS X :: Using Boot Camp And VMware Fusion?

Jun 25, 2009

Is it possible to use both Boot Camp and VMware Fusion to access a particular virtual Windows PC? And if so, which should I set up first?

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