Mac Pro :: Front Audio Jack On Mac Pro Just STOPPED Working?
Mar 27, 2012
I use my front jack ALL the time. It stopped working from one second to the next. confirmed that it is NOT the headphones. checked preferences, seems ok.
Mac Pro (Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Oct 13, 2009
- Volume is at max
- System Prefs>Sound>External Speakers>Volume Max>Not Muted
- No red light coming from the headphone jack
- Tried inserting and removing headphones, no sound in speakers or headphones
- Restarted computer while holding down ⌘ + OPT + P + R , no sound made
- A very very faint feedback, like when you plug an electric guitar in to an amp, can be heard when the first sound (the mac start up chime) is supposed to play on restart
- USB headphones work
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Sep 29, 2009
I bought my unibody MBP back in late July from the Apple store here. It's been a great machine. Except all of a sudden my headphone jack won't play sound. I realized this last night as I tried to listen to music on it while surfing the web. I've plugged headphones into it maybe 10 times total. And they worked every time before. If I unplug the headphones and plug them back in repeatedly I can get them to work after about the 4th or 5th time. When they do work, the sound is great. Anyway, I made an appointment with the genius bar this afternoon to show them and see if there is anything they can do. Obviously, after paying $2,500 for a laptop I would expect it to run completely flawlessly. But at the same time, I'm hoping they don't offer to replace it with a refurbished one. In fact, I would prefer to not even get a new one. I love this one, I guess I just hope it's fixable.
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Nov 12, 2009
i have a new MBP and for some weird reason the last few days the dead phone jack stopped working when i plug it in it almost sounds like a really snatched cd. When reboot it works again. Its happened a few times now wondering if anyone has run into this problem? its starting happening to the speaker as well a jumping in the sound. Can't make anything out. the only thing i can think of that i've done differently is i repaired the permissions and ran a weekly clean up with the program MainMenu.
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Feb 10, 2012
Sound is working fine on my MBA - but when i plug anything into the headphone jack i hear a millisecond of sound then nothing, as soon as i take it out again, it is still playing fine through built in speakers. I think it started happening after i downloaded and installed the latest update but i'm not 100% sure. Tested headphones, stereo etc. and nothing, working. (stereo & headphones work fine through iphone etc. so it's not the cable or the jack) It also does seem like it takes longer for the MBA to recognise something is plugged in? could be a software bug on the new update?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Jul 23, 2008
I have a 2006 Mac Pro and recently my firewire ports stopped working (front and back). I did a little searching around found a suggestion to try resetting the Mac's PRAM and NVRAM by holding the Cmd-Option-P-R keys down while booting. I have tried this numerous times and it doesn't seem to do anything (i.e. the Mac just loads OS X and doesn't re-boot like the instructions say). I'm using a MS Wireless Comfort Keyboard for Mac. Can you reset using a wireless keyboard?
Since I wasn't making any progress with that, I was toying with bringing in the Mac to a genius bar. Never having used the genius bar before - how does it work? Do I bring the computer in and leave it with them? Do they work on it while I'm there? I don't have an extended warranty so do they charge time and materials? I'm wondering if that might get awfully expensive and if I ought to just buy a PCI-X firewire card instead.
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Feb 10, 2009
I usually use an ethernet cable to connect to the internet. I recently bought a time capsule and in trying to set it up i plugged the capsule into the ethernet jack and my ethernet cable stopped working. I connected my computer into the capsule and its not the cable thats broken. I'm currently lost on what to try next, when i connect my computer to the jack, it says "nothing is plugged in" or something like that.
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Apr 24, 2012
This morning, the speakers on my MacBook Pro (Early '09) stopped working, but the machine transmits through the headphone jack just fine. I've done a PRAM reset, and that hasn't fixed it.
MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Nov 5, 2010
I've read other threads similar to mine but none of them seem to be exactly what I'm having trouble with.My internal speakers work fine but when I put my headphones in, or any kind of external audio device, it doesn't work. When I press the volume buttons it has the "no sign" underneath the audio gauge. Oh by the way this is a macbook from 2008.
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Jan 8, 2010
The audio on my 2006 MacBook has recently stopped working. I thought the internal speakers might have blown, but the audio doesn't work even if I use headphones or external speakers through the headphone jack.
When I use the volume control buttons, everything looks normal - I don't get that symbol that it seems most people do when their audio isn't working. The levels will go up and down but without the sound usually associated with the volume control. I checked out the sound option in System Preferences, and everything is normal. I'm running OS X version 10.4.11. I've tried rebooting and nothing changes. All the other threads I've seen seem to have that symbol when using the volume control, or something is different under System Preferences, but everything is normal.
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Feb 22, 2012
I started to have a perplexing problem that I narrowed down to the audio in-put port on my Mac Pro (MacPro3 ,1). It was working fine then the sound level increased and the quality became distorted (like a "fuzz base" but affecting all sounds)I was in the process of digitizing records, and believed the record played broke. So I got a new record player (audio-technica AT-LP120-USB). The same thing occurred with the audio in-put port, so I switched to the USB port and the audio was fine. I also checked with music already on my HD and it played fine. Consequently it has to be the in-put line port and/or a software issue.
Mac Pro (Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Dec 4, 2014
After upgrading to Yosemite, my computer is no longer an option in the sound preferences. I can't hear anything.
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Nov 25, 2009
Is it possible to reassign the front panel 3.5mm jack to mic in?
I'd like to connect a headset (mic + headphones) to be able to talk on Skype, but unfortunately there is no normal mic in just like on all Macs. I bought a cheap jack-to-USB converter (basically, small USB soundcard) on eBay but the sound is a little noisy when I use it.
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May 13, 2009
I installed 10.5.7 yesterday. Immediately after the installation was complete, my Apple bluetooth keyboard stopped working. Went into Bluetooth system settings, and it said that there was no bluetooth hardware found... (it's built into the machine!!)...
Also, every time I start iTunes, it gives some weird error about Adobe Flash player. I'm not at home now so I don't have the exact wording of the error with me, sorry...
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Nov 19, 2010
I've read that many people have been struggling to get the rear audio jack their Mac Pro to behave under bootcamp. The issue stems from the Realtek drivers 'Jack Detection' which normally allows windows to detect when you plug in headphones or speakers. On some Windows PC's the Realtek Audio Manager has the option to disable this detection, but the latest drivers don't include any advanced options.
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Jul 6, 2009
I have installed Windows 7 RC on my Mac Book pro. Everything seems to working fine but Red light in the Audio jack is always On. This happens only when i am using Windows. In Mac the Red light is off. I don't have any issues with sound. Does anyone know why it is on and how do I turn it off?
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Nov 7, 2009
My current speakers aren't built to utilize the rear audio jack on my Mac Pro, they only work with the front headphone jack. Anyone know if the Swan M-10s can run on the rear analog audio port?
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Dec 16, 2009
- On the current white Macbook, how can you choose whether the "user selectable" audio jack works as an audio-in or an audio out?
- If you get the right adaptor, could you use the audio-in and audio-out simultaneously?
- I presume the audio-out is stereo, not mono. But is the audio-in stereo or mono?
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Apr 23, 2012
A few days ago I use a headphone do listen to music on my macbook pro but the headphone I was using was a bit old so the end of the pin it was a bit lager than the normal and now the other headphones I have (newer ones) stay too loose when plugged and disconnect very easily.Do you think it is possible to replace the audio out port without having to replace the hole motherboard? And do you think Apple would do that without charging me (I'm still covered by the warranty)?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 8, 2008
Having an odd problem with Front Row. I have a G5 w/ dual 2GHz processors running the latest of Leopard. I've seen a lot of complaints about FR with laptops, but not much with towers. The menu system and interface works fine, but when I select a trailer to view, it comes up, but no video, only audio is playing. On other boards, some have said that it gets flaky with dual-monitor set ups, which I have. Does anyone know if Apple is aware of this problem and is trying to work a solution? Is there something I can do on my end to coax it into working?
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Nov 27, 2010
i just got a macbook pro from my fiances sister as she broke the headphones off inside of it and just decided to buy another ive tried everything to get it out...crazy glue and every object imaginable tweazers you name it ive probably tried my question is can i use a hot needle to poke through the backside of the audio out on the logic board? and if that wont work i want to completely disable the audio out jack and just use the speakers....(PLEASE NO POSTS ABOUT TAKING IT TO APPLE CARE THEY WANT $700 TO REPLACE THE LOGIC BOARD AND IM NOT DOING THAT...MAINLY JUST IDEAS ON HOW TO DISABLE THE AUDIO OUT....TRIED SYSTEM PREFS BY THE WAY....
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Oct 2, 2008
My mums macbook has gone crazy! There is no sound coming from the macbook, and when I went to check if the volume was up the volume box popped up as usual but with a symbol, similar to a no entry sign. Circle with a cross through it. Then I saw a bright red light from within the audio jack itself. When I plugged in ear phones it works fine but the built in speakers are not working.
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Oct 27, 2008
I'm out of warranty. I looked behind and it looks difficult to reach in order to replace it. Is there a sound card that I can pop in one of the PCI slots?
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Jul 9, 2009
I was using my 13" White Macbook (Spring 07) all day today, listening to music on headphones while working. I brought my computer over to a friend's house and attempting to line out some audio from Garage Band to speakers through the headphone jack and suddenly all audio began to have skips & spaces every second or so. I can still the hear songs but they are constantly interrupted. I tried Itunes & audio from the internet, and two different pairs of headphones I know work. Same problem every time. The strange thing is that the audio works perfectly out of the internal speakers. Has anyone had this same problem? I haven't seen anything on the web that was similar. I tried the Q-Tip/Toothpick trick suggested on a bunch of other threads. But I don't think it's an issue of the computer not adjusting to the headphone setting. Also tried to resetting the battery, but that didn't work either.
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Nov 24, 2006
transition from PC to Mac soon, but now I have my Creative 5.1 sound speaker system (with 3 lines of output, 1 for rears, front+center and the sub-woofer). The iMac only comes with a single optical audio output (Realtek HD?), I wonder if there is any hub-like device or so that allows me to fuse/connect physically the 3 lines in my 5.1 Creative system so that I will have a single line to transmit sound from my iMac to my set of speakers without compromising the 5.1 environment (6 speakers in full working working potential).
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Nov 19, 2010
Is there an optical input on the 13" 2010 macbook pro? Or is it strictly output only?
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Feb 23, 2008
i have an intel macbook running leopard with the most recent update. A problem arose a day before the update was installed wherein my macbook no longer transmits sound through the headphone jack. i have no reason to suspect a hardware failure, there has been no damage to the computer. is there any way this could (please, god) be a software failure? and if so, one that i can fix?
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Jun 5, 2009
I have several speakers (Logitech) which I had hooked up to my PC with three cables, black, pink, green...the Mac Mini only has one plus for Audio...what do I do to get sound out of these speakers all at once?
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Jun 24, 2010
I have a Macbook Pro and something happened to the audio jack recently. Not sure what but I have a 3 year old and pc husband at home. Basically the inside of the jack went from being an inny - where you can plug in an audio plug, to an outie - where you can only insert about half of your plug and it won't go in any further. When I go into Sound settings - Output it says the selected device has no controls, and the speaker icon on my status bar is greyed out. I brought it in and they said they would need to replace the logic board in order to fix the jack - $1,000.... yikes.
So long story short I am wondering if it is just the audio jack then could I buy usb speakers and use those instead? Any work around at all? I wish there were a way to just tell the computer to ignore anything the audio jack was telling it, but I was told that is not an option either.
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Aug 5, 2010
Basically I dropped my macbook pro and ever since I have not been able to get any noise out of the speakers or the headphone jack and there's a constant red light in the headphone jack (I have tried the toothpick method).
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