Mac Pro :: Safe To Buy Album Of Pictures On IPhoto
May 4, 2008Is it safe to buy an album of pictures I made on iPhoto. If any of you did give me feedback?
View 7 RepliesIs it safe to buy an album of pictures I made on iPhoto. If any of you did give me feedback?
View 7 RepliesHas anyone found a way to automatically find all the pictures in the library that are missing location information? I have tried creating a smart album to accomplish this with no success. This is the condition that I am using:
PLACE is {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}
Although there are some pictures in my library that haven't been tagged, the result of the query is zero (no pictures).
Does anyone know how to create a smart album that detects pictures that are not geo-tagged?
I have multiple artwork (pictures) for the same album. I have read many threads but I still could not find the answer.
View 6 Replies View Relatedthis is driving me crazy, how can i delete photo's while im browsing through albums instead of going to the Photos windows and find the file.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have my macbook sold and now trying to import my iphoto album (1 20gb file)into windows. Picasa web is the best out for windows by far so i will be using this. i am curious if there is a way to keep all my events in order, as they were on my mac and import them into Picasa. heck if there is a way to export all the events into folders on my pc at all. then deal with Picasa after that.
I dragged all my files to an external drive before I got rid of the macbook, but when I open the IPhoto library within windows using MacDrive, it gives me all these weird folders. I see the pics in there. But I have 8gb in 1 folder, 800mb in another and a few scattered around. labeled 2008, 2009, 2010, etc. but nothing is feeling right about it and don't think it will copy everything over..
I've created six albums in iPhoto and formatted them as contact sheets with names under each image (to make a printable sales catalogue). Is there a way of saving them in the same format to a disk/USB/into a Word document?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to make a folder and want to add more than 1 photo at a time. I can highlight all but then the copy button is not lit up.Â
MacBook Pro
In the past, I have uploaded albums in iPhoto to my Facebook page. Easy, peasy. Tonight, though, the Facebook link in the "Share" function is dead. What gives?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am opening iPhoto, and when I go to my iCloud folder the albums are their, but there are no photos in the album. My mac mini is all up to date and so in iPhoto. The odd thing is the photo albums are on my iPad and iPhone with all of the photos. I have tried signing out of iCloud and that did nothing.
Mac mini (Late 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I did the transition to iPhoto 11 after the update was issued and the only problem I've noticed so far is with Faces. Before, I had a smart album that showed me all the unnamed faces. I know prior to upgrading, I had tagged and removed all the faces, so that album should have been empty. Well, it detects about 20 photos and I went through them all and they had tagged faces. No problem I said, probably a bad Smart Album data.
I deleted the smart album, made a new one and the same issue. In a photo that has 2 people in it, it days the 2 peoples names and then suddenly 7 untagged faces. Again no problem but I don't see where these faces are so I can uncheck them. I even tried removing the tags from the current people and then trying it again (and sometimes, it piles up faces on top of each other) but no go. Anybody else having issues with faces?
I have several folders that have albums in them. When I click on a specific folder/album, "mushrooms", I receive the spinning rainbow wheel and then Iphoto crashes. This only occurs with this folder/album. All the other folders/albums work fine.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to copy a photo album from iPhoto on iMac to a folder on my flash drive?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), MacBook
My wife deleted all my iphoto album and trash it thus all my album in facebook is gone. How can I retrieve back all those album that she had deleted and trash it? I do not have any backup for all those pic that I post in facebook.
macbookpro, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
I am trying to copy 3 photos from an album in iPhoto to my iPhone. I have tried to move them to PhotoStream. I "select" the photos in the Album and then click on PhotoStream in the "Share" menu at the bottom of the screen. Nothing happens. I have also tried emailing them tyo myself but iPhoto won't send the email. It tells me it doesn't recognize my ID and password. My operating is Lion on an iMac.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 21.5" Airport Express
I recently imported a set of 14 photos and 1 video into iphoto. I got them all into the album i wanted except for 1 video. This single video can be imported to any other folder other than the one i want it to be.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Every single photos has the name of the image on the facebook photo description, for example: IMG00982.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have all my photos in folders, and I guess I must have imported some of them into iPhoto a while back because I just found a 2 GB "iPhoto Library" file. I don't actually use iPhoto at all, so I'd much rather use the 2 GB for something I actually use If I deleted that file, is there a chance I'd lose actual photos? All the photos are still located in the original folders, not any special iPhoto folders.
View 4 Replies View Relatedwhen I start to import my photos in to iPhoto it says there isn't enough space for it. I know that every picture I import in to iPhoto makes a copy for iPhoto, there an easy way to delete photos I don't need anymore from iPhoto and from my hard drive in order to clear up space? I can't even find the folder where the iPhoto photos are.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI used iPhoto to import pictures off of a camera instead of manually copying them to my Photo folder and then using iPhoto to get them from there. So, my question is, where did those pictures go? I'm hoping that they are stored in some folder somewhere (which I have been unable to find) and that they are NOT just part of the monstrous "iPhoto Library" file in the Photos folder where I can't actually get at them.
View 9 Replies View RelatedMy photos are stored on an external hard drive, and we recently uploaded a new batch of photos. All of a sudden, we can only see those new photos. The iPhoto Library says it's 24GB so I know the other photos are still there.
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
Where did all of my pictures from iPhoto go? I can't find them on my Mac? How do I download my pictures from my iPhone? If I can't download pictures from my iPhone then Apple just killed part of the reason I have an iPhone in the first place. Fix it. I want my pictures back. I have no option to download photos from my iPhone to my Mac. Apple you should have given us a replacement program that just transferred everything over. Now what the heck do I do?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a album structure in iPhoto like this:
20090101 New Years Day Pics
20090704 4th Of July
20090829 1st Day Of School
20091225 Christmas Program etc. (This is just a sample. I have tons more pics than that.)
When I select all, then export so that I can read them on a pc or at a photo store, All of the pics are stuck in one directory. The album names are lost. I normally back up all of my year's photos to dvds, but to use them, iPhoto will be required in the future. I became concerned that if iPhoto isn't prevalent in 25 years when my grandchildren look at the photos, what will they do? So, what's the best way to keep my naming structure in place so that I can export to JPG's?
I have set up three different accounts on my iMac. My Account, Kids Account, and a Guest Account. I have a large collection of photos in the iPhoto program in My Account and I would like the Kids account to be able to see the photos. Is there a way that the Kids account can see the content of iPhoto in My account? I looked around and couldn't see any settings that would allow me to do that.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhere are all of my old photo's in iPhoto? Preferences only let you choose 18 months back. The concerning part is when I look in finder and show package contents of my iPhoto library it does not show my photos back to 2005 which I know were there.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just got my wife a digital frame as one of her Christmas presents and had high hopes of uploading a load of pictures via USB today. The software included with the frame (from Brookstone) has both PC and Mac apps. If I go into my users/*name*/Pictures folder, I don't see all the photos I would normally see in iPhoto'11.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow do i move all my photos from the location that iPhoto has set to an external HD? Anyone got a easy way how to do it?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI main HDD and one time machine HDD that basically clones almost everything. On top of that I have Airport extreme with a usb hdd connected to it. I would like to know how to best back up my iPhoto pics? I thought about time machine but that would require me selecting and deselecting things and therefore would be a pain and would mess up my regular internal backup hdd.I also noticed, that iPhoto doesn't store the pics in a simple folder. You need to select "show folder content" which shows many folders ( I believe one regular and one with changes) but its a pain to always go through this.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAll of a sudden all of my pictures in iPhoto have a bit white! Instead of showing the picture. If I resize iPhoto you will see the actual picture flash a few times then it goes back to this.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI imported all of my photos to iPhone, great program. But when I go to my PICTURES folder under my user name in the finder, the only way to access the pictures is to open iPhoto. Is there a few to also have the files shown individually in my photos folder so I don't have to open iPhoto each time I want to view them?
View 24 Replies View RelatedGF went through my mac and deleted some pictures that meant alot to me lol leave that to your imagination... Ether way is there a folder they end up in? Deleted? Trash? How do i reverse this? How do i find the deleted pics?
View 3 Replies View Related