Where did all of my pictures from iPhoto go? I can't find them on my Mac? How do I download my pictures from my iPhone? If I can't download pictures from my iPhone then Apple just killed part of the reason I have an iPhone in the first place. Fix it. I want my pictures back. I have no option to download photos from my iPhone to my Mac. Apple you should have given us a replacement program that just transferred everything over. Now what the heck do I do?
Maybe going to Mavericks is a problem! Just went to 10.9.4,Â
I used to be able to "automatically" (click on icon in mail) to add/import a picture that was an attachment to an email I received in my inbox to iPhoto by one simple click on an icon in the header area of the mail.Â
I don't see any icon to do this any more. Is there a setting that I need to change?
Info: iPhoto '11, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Mail 7.3
Messages keeps switching the conversation view from "Show Names and Pictures" to just "Show Pictures". This is in the menu under: View > Messages > Show Names and Pictures. I have to change it multiple times a day, including every time I open the app from a closed state.
This is very confusing in group iMessage conversations where all the iMessages are coming from the same grey silhouette icon. The issue is only happening on my Mac mini. It's not happening on my MacBook Air. Both are running Mavericks 10.9.3...So I keep changing the setting here, but it somehow just switches back to Show Pictures only:
when I start to import my photos in to iPhoto it says there isn't enough space for it. I know that every picture I import in to iPhoto makes a copy for iPhoto, so...is there an easy way to delete photos I don't need anymore from iPhoto and from my hard drive in order to clear up space? I can't even find the folder where the iPhoto photos are.
I used iPhoto to import pictures off of a camera instead of manually copying them to my Photo folder and then using iPhoto to get them from there. So, my question is, where did those pictures go? I'm hoping that they are stored in some folder somewhere (which I have been unable to find) and that they are NOT just part of the monstrous "iPhoto Library" file in the Photos folder where I can't actually get at them.
My photos are stored on an external hard drive, and we recently uploaded a new batch of photos. All of a sudden, we can only see those new photos. The iPhoto Library says it's 24GB so I know the other photos are still there.
I have a album structure in iPhoto like this: 20090101 New Years Day Pics 20090704 4th Of July 20090829 1st Day Of School 20091225 Christmas Program etc. (This is just a sample. I have tons more pics than that.)
When I select all, then export so that I can read them on a pc or at a photo store, All of the pics are stuck in one directory. The album names are lost. I normally back up all of my year's photos to dvds, but to use them, iPhoto will be required in the future. I became concerned that if iPhoto isn't prevalent in 25 years when my grandchildren look at the photos, what will they do? So, what's the best way to keep my naming structure in place so that I can export to JPG's?
I have set up three different accounts on my iMac. My Account, Kids Account, and a Guest Account. I have a large collection of photos in the iPhoto program in My Account and I would like the Kids account to be able to see the photos. Is there a way that the Kids account can see the content of iPhoto in My account? I looked around and couldn't see any settings that would allow me to do that.
Where are all of my old photo's in iPhoto? Preferences only let you choose 18 months back. The concerning part is when I look in finder and show package contents of my iPhoto library it does not show my photos back to 2005 which I know were there.
I just got my wife a digital frame as one of her Christmas presents and had high hopes of uploading a load of pictures via USB today. The software included with the frame (from Brookstone) has both PC and Mac apps. If I go into my users/*name*/Pictures folder, I don't see all the photos I would normally see in iPhoto'11.
I main HDD and one time machine HDD that basically clones almost everything. On top of that I have Airport extreme with a usb hdd connected to it. I would like to know how to best back up my iPhoto pics? I thought about time machine but that would require me selecting and deselecting things and therefore would be a pain and would mess up my regular internal backup hdd.I also noticed, that iPhoto doesn't store the pics in a simple folder. You need to select "show folder content" which shows many folders ( I believe one regular and one with changes) but its a pain to always go through this.
All of a sudden all of my pictures in iPhoto have a bit white! Instead of showing the picture. If I resize iPhoto you will see the actual picture flash a few times then it goes back to this.
I imported all of my photos to iPhone, great program. But when I go to my PICTURES folder under my user name in the finder, the only way to access the pictures is to open iPhoto. Is there a few to also have the files shown individually in my photos folder so I don't have to open iPhoto each time I want to view them?
GF went through my mac and deleted some pictures that meant alot to me lol leave that to your imagination... Ether way is there a folder they end up in? Deleted? Trash? How do i reverse this? How do i find the deleted pics?
I want to procted pictures or the iphoto itself with a password so certain persons can't see my pictures. I know i can hide them, but is there any way to protect them any further? That way anyone who acesses my computer can't have them and i don't want to.
I open iphoto and its blank. I go to my HD and I see the pictures in my iphoto folder. Also the side part on iphoto won't show, the option to look at events and past 12 months and so on...How do I fix all of that?
Certain photos in my iphoto library cannot load. When I attempt to enlarge, move or edit these photos a grey screen with a large "!" appears. What is wrong? Can I fix this and save the affected photos?
Somehow, iphoto has assigned the same file number to several of my photos and it had made my library totally stressful to go through. The photos on the top don't always match up with the highlighted photo on the bottom.
When i open iphoto, my pictures don't display. You click on the "events" or "photos" and the picture isn't there, only a square dotted box appears. The title of the file is still there, and the photo info is still there, but no pictures. This problem occured shortly after i tried to export my photos onto a 2 gb zip drive. There were to many pictures and it wouldn't fit onto the zip drive. What happened was the pictures i had on the zip drive appear in i photo now and that is all that displays.
I presently have many photos appearing in my All images folder in finder yet they are not in my Iphoto library? When i try to import them across from all images to the Iphoto library it will not allow me to as it states "The following file could not be imported.
I tried to email pictures using my Iphoto and I get a message saying that the email server didn't recognize my username/password combination.I went to Iphoto preferences and change my password but still doesn't work. I can't email pictures from my Iphoto.
So once again my mac has crashed after being backed up by Time Machine. After restoring the system I have lost pictures from iPhoto. This isn't the first time I have had this problem and I usually have two back up copies of the pictures, however I have managed to lose some pictures that I need :-(Â
If I go onto Time Machine the iPhoto Events are black with black photos. fantastic MacBook Pro15-inch, Mid 2010Processor 2.53 GHz Intel Core i5Memory 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3Graphics NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M 256 MBSoftware Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 (11E53)
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I downloaded a bunch (500 or so) photos from my friend's MobileMe gallery. The pics went into my download file compressed and then uncompressed automatically in the download file. So, now, how do I import them into iPhoto, preferably as their own event?
Wanted to know if it was possible to save pictures in iPhoto to an external HD. Same question when using GarageBand/Logic. Is there a way to save the projects in the Ext HD so that they dont save on the MBP? Do I just drag em to the ext HD? I have a Seagate 320GB that I wanna use on my 17" MBP i5, 500GB HDD, 4GB RAM.