Mac Pro :: Item In Finder Sidebar Cannot Be Selected Or Deleted
Apr 9, 2012
After performing a Time Machine restoration, the "Places" list in the Finder sidebar contains a folder icon that can not be selected or deleted. It does not appear on the list of places to show in Finder Preferences, so there is nothing to uncheck. How do I get rid of this erroneous icon?
Mac Pro 2010 Hexacore 12GB SSD, Mac OS X (10.6.5), Logic 9.1.3
For whatever reason, my finder sidebar has one of my thousands of files which has made its way into it. I'd like to get rid of this, but have tried finder prefs without success. Clicking on it just opens the file.file://localhost/Users/home/Desktop/Finder.tiff
my usb is connected with my Mac air,but i accidentally click =hide from sidebar=.and now it cannot be shown in the sidebar.what can i do to show it back?
I accidentally moved "My Pictures" folder from the My Favorites sidebar in Finder, and I can no longer find the folder. I've searched "all my files" for a My Pictures folder and nothing has come up, not even in the trash (that I haven't yet emptied). I am wondering if there is anyway of getting this folder back, as I had several pictures and folders organized within that My Pictures folder. All of my pictures are somewhere still on my computer but even they are hard to locate now without them being in any folder. Would be difficult to have to re-organize every single thing that was in that folder.
Documents is not showing up on my Finder's sidebar, I went into Preferences and under sidebar the box for Documents was unchecked so I tried to click it to make it appear, it appeared for maybe a millisecond and then unchecked itself.
Say I'm viewing the contents of a folder containing a 1,000 files in list mode. I can "page" through the list and all the items scroll but the selected item doesn't change. I have to "mouse" to the item I want when it comes into view.
I am looking for a contextual menu item for Mac OS X, which allows me to create hardlink(s) for the currently selected file(s) either "here" (at the current directory) or "elsewhere" (filebrowser follows for selecting a target directory).
So far my research within general Web Search Engines (Google, Yahoo) and Software Repositories [URL]) with all possible permutations of my search terms "hard link hardlink contextual menu item cm" was without success.
I was looking to access the file sharing functionality of one of my apps (AV Player HD) in iTunes 12 and wasn't able to find out where or how to do this in the new version.Â
After a bit of searching on the internet I gathered I needed to select my device (iPad in this case) from the devices drop down, then on the left hand sidebar under the menu heading 'On My Device' I should see "Apps" listed there along with Music and Movies etc. I have:
Music MoviesTv Shows Books Audio Tones
and then some music playlists..That's it. So my questions are:
1. where is 'Apps'?
2. how am I supposed to access file sharing on AV Player HD if I can't see this menu item?Â
Info: MACBOOK PRO (RETINA, 15-INCH, LATE 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9)
Recently (past 3 days) this thing has been in my trash, no matter how many times I empty the trash or delete it from there individually it always comes back.
I bought me a brand new iMac. I freaking love this thing, don't know why I didn't make the jump (back) sooner. Anywho, I have two external hard drives in which I used to transfer data, including some pictures and audio from my Windows Vista computer to the new Mac. I go ahead and finish transferring over the files. When I go to delete the files off my external hard drive, I am met with a "the item (insert file name here) can't be moved to the trash because it can't be deleted". Now, I notice that this happens with ANY file or folder that I attempt to move to the trash can from either of my external hard drives. I can't seem to find a solutions anywhere either via a Google search or on this forum.
I was trying to add my home folder to my dock from dragging it from the finder sidebar to the dock, but it wasnt draggable. It did drag, but it wouldnt stay in the dock, when I let go of the drag, it vanished in a puff of smoke. How do I get it back in the sidebar, it was pretty helpful over there. Just to be clear I'm talking about when I open a new finder window, I see a few folders under 'Places' --> Desktop, Applications, Documents and My name which is the home folder. Now all I see is Desktop, Applications, and documents. How do I get it back if possible, and when I do how do I put it on the dock? Next to apps and downloads folder? Nevermind I found out how to add it. CMD+, for finder prefs, and then sidebar. I still have no idea how to put the home folder on the dock now.
I received a Mac Mini for my birthday from my husband. I've had my wonderful Mini for less than 2 weeks and am trying to get used to it after working with a MS/Dell system since the early 1990's. I accidentally deleted Bootcamp and now when I click on the bootcamp icon on my desktop I get the following error message: The alias "My Boot Camp" can't be opened because the original item can't be found. What do I need to do to reinstall/make this work again?
My problem is that I can't drag a file to the trash. When I try to delete a file by right-clicking and choose "move to trash" I get a message telling me that the item will be deleted permanently and that I cannot undo this action. In other words it is possible to delete a file permanently, but I would like to have the option to move them to the trash first. I have recently tried to partition the internal hard-drive using Boot Camp, however unsuccessfully. I don't know if the two are related. I have Macbook 13,3" early 2010 with the latest version of Snow Leopard, 10.6.4.
I frequently want to grab a ton of junk on say my desktop and sort them into folders. Process is "make new folder, select all the items I want to go in it, drag them to it, name folder, move folder to where I want". What I want it to be able to do is select all those items and have a contextual menu command "Make New folder from selected". Ideally, popping up an Open/Save dialog letting me choose where to put the new folder and allowing me to name it. On closing dialog, I have my new renamed folder with all my selected stuff in it, wherever I want on my HD with no extra dragging and clicking. Does this sound worthwhile to anyone else? Am I missing some way that this can be done? Seemed like an obvious thing to me, was kind of puzzled to discover (AFAIK) no way to do it.
I tried to GTFA but could not find a solution to this anywhere and I guess there is no solution. how to lock the items that appear on the Finder's sidebar?
We put a network folder in the sidebar for students to submit their work and kids keep removing it.
I have had an app called Total Finder installed, they recently did an update, which caused me to have sidebar problems. I have since deleted this app, because I couldn't work without my sidebar.
After deleting the app, and re-launching finder, I now have no sidebar, no options, search box or back buttons in my finder window, and my folders open in new windows when the 'always open folders in new windows' box is unticked.
How do I get it back? Tonight my finder sidebar has disappeared and I can't work out how to get it back. When I open Finder there is no side bar showing my HD, Apps, Docs, Movies, etc. Don't know where it's gone or how to get it back.
I added some folders in finder sidebar a while back, and suddenly, they disappeared, such as the documents shortcut. When I try to put them back, finder removes it again.Also if I go to Finder - Preferences and try to check the documents shortcut to appear in sidebar again, the checkbox doesn't work. I'm pretty sure this happened after I synchronized my iPhone for the first time. How can I add favorites to the finder sidebar again?
one of the most convenient things for me as a photoshopper about Snow Leopard was to be able to have sort cuts in the finder side bar under "Places" so i could just drag the image i wanted to open to the left onto the App icon and it would open it from there. NOW I have drag it to the dock to open or open the dropdown menu... both slower. I am not happy about this.... Is there a way to get this function back... I have looked and looked and can't find it!Â
My finder window's sidebar appears to be locked and I cannot resize it. I've read that when putting my mouse in the line between the sidebar and the files area to the right it should change to a bar cursor that I can then use to resize the sidebar. But the cursor never changes when I do this so I cannot resize the sidebar. Any suggestions to re-enable this?
I've googled and search here, and I just can't find the answer to this.
I renamed one of my computers at home. Now both instances of it show up in the Shared section of the finder sidebar and I can't remove the old one. When I do a Get Info, it shows as a PC Server, but I can't actually access anything on it. Is there any way to keep this from showing up?
In Leopard the Finder sidebar text was always too small. Is there a way to control the font size in Snow Leopard, maybe through the Terminal if anyone knows? Apple made everything else resizable in the new Finder but I can't figure out the sidebar text.
I am a reasonably experienced iMac user but can anybody tell me please why the (grey) sidebar in Finder has gone missing and tell me how to get it back? I have never seen this happen before.
I am running Snow Leopard on an iMac (intel). Obvious things like preferences/Sidebar checked (all items in there ticked including Devices, Shared, Places, etc).
How do I remove shortcuts in the sidebar of the Finder? I tried to drag them out of the Finder to let them 'poof' and go away outside the pane, but this doesn't seem to work in Lion.
How do you change the icons in the Finder's sidebar? For no apparent reason, Apple took away the ability to add custom folders or color to the sidebar, but I'm hoping for a workaround.