Mac Pro :: Connecting LCD Display - Full Resolution?
Feb 18, 2010
I own an Apple 27" Core i7 iMac. I just bought a Dell 3008WFP (30" LCD Display) [URL]. It has full size display port, hdmi, vga and dvi. As you know though it's a 30" so it needs "dual-link" DVI from whatever is driving pixels to it. So the iMac, to my knowledge only has Mini Display Port, right? How do I get the iMac to push the 30" at full resolution?
The title says it all really... Quite a simple problem that I can't find any answer to!
I've hooked up my 30" Apple Cinema Display to the new iMac 27" and the highest resolution I'm getting as an option is 1280x800... The iMac correctly detects the ACD as a Cinema HD display but limits my resolution. Why oh why?!
I just purchased a Mac Mini and am using a DVI to HDMI cable to connect it to my 42" Sony KDF-E42A10. I am unable to achieve full-screen resolution and downloaded SwitchResX to manually adjust the display. Does anyone know the timing parameters for the Sony or how to achieve full-screen resoltuion?
I have a Macbook Pro I bought new in June 2008 (Not Uni-body). It's a 15 inch with the standard options. I want to make a desktop setup on a budget and I'm wondering if my MBP will fill up this display at the complete resolution (1920 x 1080) and if it will function completely with the peripherals on the monitor. [URL]. Here is the display I'm looking at. Seems like a good deal, but I haven't done a lot of shopping around. I don't do graphic design and as I said, I'm on a budget, so the Apple displays are out of the question.
I've just bought a MBP 15" and am wondering if I can connect a 24 inch monitor too make it a extended display. Can someone make a recommendation on what monitor (24 inch) display to buy? And Which connector to get so I get full resolution on the external display?
I own 23 and 30" Cinema Displays. I like the 23 because everything is larger and easier to read than in the 30". I mostly work in Logic and love that I see lots of things on the 30" but the 23" is much easier on my eyes.Is there such a thing as a display with 2560x1600 (like the 30" Apple) but that is LARGER than a 30 inch so I can see everything bigger in Logic??? Maybe a 34 or 37"? Did a search but haven't come up with anything other than other 30" displays.
my late 09 mac mini is showing a 3rd display called vga display and when i mirror it only lets me have 1024*768 i was wondering how can i get rid of it i am thinking it came from an app for my ipod touch that lets u have a part of ur macs display on it but i cant get rid of it of the vga still even after i removed the app
My brand new 15 inch MacBook Pro was working fine for a week. Today the display went to sleep and when I tried to wake it, it remained dark, items barely visible. I could see the display brightness meter changing, but the brightness did not. Restarting didn't help. Called Apple and they're going to replace the computer. Has this happened to anybody else? Note: I have the hi-res anti-glare display.
I want to do this with VLC. I'm use the streaming wizard and the help files say to input the start and stop times in seconds. Why wouldn't I use the counter on the video? When I tried to pick a start and stop in seconds it didn't seem to have any bearing on the real time counter on the video I had just played. It did save the video, albeit in a lower quality of .mpg.
1: How do I retain full video and audio quality? (I don't care about file size, only quality.) 2: How do I save everything, for example, from minute 10 to minute 11? You'd think that would be 600 to 660 in seconds but it didn't look like that when I played it. Also the counter started at 11 hours.
I am trying to send a 2 MB jpg file. My recipient consistently gets a thumbnail, JPEG file. This has never happened to me before. What must I do to send a full resolution jpg photo?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Mail 5.2 (1278)
When I plug my MacBook into my tv with a VGA cable, the resolution becomes significantly lower so that the windows will fit nicely on the TV screen. This is great. But when I unplug from the TV, and my resolution restores to normal, my window sizes are all messed up! For example, I normally have iTunes and iCal full-screen in dedicated spaces. Now they look like this (attached screenshots). Any way to have these windows automatically restore to their original size?
I'm getting a high resolution, and it looks alright, but it's not fully using the widescreen. That's "aspect" right? Well anyway, I also have a 19" display and it works perfectly. My Xbox, cable box and movies all use the full widescreen on the Acer, but the Macbook with the super amazing Mini DisplayPort doesn't even use the full resolution. What's with that? I thought the reason they had this new port and a $30 adapter was for higher resolutions!
I've connected two LG 22 wide displays on my Mac Pro using both dvi and vga connections, because I have a vga splitter to split the image on the second display to three additional displays. The problem is that the recommended resolution for the display is 1680*1050 (which the primary display has ) but I don't have that option on the list of suitable resolutions for the second monitor. I'm totally new on Mac and probably asking an easy question, but I'm out of options now. How do I get the right resolution on the second display?
I have the white macbook and I got it a little less than a year ago. For the past week, sometimes when I go on the internet (firefox or safari) it just won't load. Like the blue bar that shows you how much has loaded isn't even visible and it will just say "connecting". But when I look at my airport icon that shows me how many bars of internet I have all the bars are full so I have internet connection. It is not just one type of internet browser because it does it on both safari and firefox. And it is getting really annoying because I will be browsing the internet and it just won't load or connect at all. Even if I wait.
My dad messed with my Macbook somehow, and now my display resolution isn't right. I can't find the resolution I was using (1280x800) in System Preferences. The resolution options are also different than before. I don't recall ever seeing them measured in Hz. Anyone know a quick fix for this?
EDIT: Apparently, the color profile I was using is also missing from System Preferences. (Color LCD)
I have a mac pro 2x2.66 intel I'm running os x 10.4.11 (i know i'm going to wipe and install soon) I have a 27" apple led connected with the atlong dp400 first, the issue doesn't seem to be hardware related and is user specific.
I have two user accounts. I have been using the monitor and converter for a few months now and it's fine.
A couple of days ago, i logged into user1 (screen res is set to 2560) then I logged into user2 (the res was set to 1920) and user2 was fine as usual. I decided to change the resolution to 2560 and the screen flashed but instead of taking me back to the desktop, it logged me out and when i tried to log back in, it hangs while loading the finder. actually, it logs me out once and then the second time, just hangs. it opens a few finder windows that I had open but doesn't load any desktop icons and then, just hangs.
I can log into my user1 account and even another that I made for guests but never use... I just can't log into user2 now. I have been googling and couldn't find the exact problem but i tried some solutions to things that sound similar. Because it seems to be user specific... By logging in with Terminal, i was able to move some preferences out of the users preferences folder and try to restart. plists like; [URL]
but it hasn't worked... I'm hoping I'll be able to get into this account, as i have some info I need to export before i wipe this machine and reinstall. and getting access would be the least troublesome way...
So I tried to set up bootcamp on my 10.5.6 17" iMac. the windows installation failed because of a bad disc so I restored my computer using my OS X disc and time machine. Now my display in OS X is being forced to 1024x768 and I cannot change it to anything else. It looks terrible and there are some artifacts... Any idea what the heck happened?
Here is what I am working with. White MacBook (Late 2007) Sylvania 22" LCD TV (1366X768 resolution) Mini-DVI to HDMI SwitchResX
So the problem is that the native resolution of the TV isn't a normal one. Called Apple. No help. Called Sylvania. Told me to call Apple. I've tried using SwitchResX to set the resolution to 1366X768 and have tried variations found on other websites (1368, 1360) but every time I restart it reverts back to 1080i. While 1080i works, the problem is that it is very hard on my eyes, and the text is hard to read, something I am assuming will hopefully be fixed when I get it to work at the native resolution.
Question: How can I set the resolution of each display individually? Details below:I have the new iMac 21" and an LG W2252 display from my old PC. I'm a newly converted mac user. I connected it to the imac and it worked. But the resolution is horrible. I can change the resolution when the displays are mirrored. But then when I uncheck mirror the resolution for each display cannot be changed individually. The LG goes out of range and won't show anything until I bring the resolution down and mirror the imac. Is this problem with the LG or the mac?
So, is it not possible to change the resolution of the anti-glare screen to a smaller one? Or why do people complain about the high resolution all the time... "I want the anti-glare design but I can't read text that small..."
my screen died so i had to get the 27 led and have the atlona converter between the display and mac ( which works fine) I logged into my main user and then into user2 my main user's display resolution is set to 2560 and user2 was set to 1920 i opened preferences and switched resolution in user2 to 2560 the screen flashed a bit and logged me out. then it would not log back in (it actually logged me out of the main user too)
what happens is that it starts to log in, there were a few finder windows open so, it starts to open those. but it doesn't show any icons or the text with available disk space... there's a beach ball for 30 seconds or so then it just logs back out.
it's totally user specific because i can log in and use my main user fine. i can even log in to another user account that i never really used.
I tried logging in in safe mode and get the same results. I can log in in with terminal with that user and see it's files, etc... I even tried using command line to move some prefs out out (i put them back after it didn't work).
I imagine some file related to the finder is corrupted or something? one of the prefs i tried to move was as well as bunch of others like windowserver desktop displays, etc...
I need to share my monitor with another (linux PC) computer; I bought a TrendNet KVM box which allows me to share one monitor between two computers. however, the KVM switching box only allows for VGA connections, so the first step was connecting my Mac via the VGA (rather than the DVI) video port. However, even before I can test the KVM box - I noticed that instantly, the resolution on the G5 Mac quadrupled, everything is enormous!
does anyone know what the factory resolution is? I will probably try just changing things - but I remember once in the OS 7-8 days, I changed the resolution willy-nilly on my PowerPC and the screen went blank - I couldn't fix it because I had screwed up the resolution and it couldn't show anything - it was a disaster because I couldn't even see anything to fix it... so I would appreciate knowing what the original default resolution is on the G5 so I can change it back, hopefully without fear...
Information: powerMac G5 (single processor, darn it!); 4 GB RAM Mac OS X (10.4.9) Worlds Largest iTunes library: Over a TB & Growing Daily!
Does anyone feel like the default text size in all applications is too small when your imac is set at it's best resolution?? I really hate to compromise some of the display quality by decreasing the resolution, but everything seems so small!!! I really hoped on a nice big screen i could look at things larger than I could on my laptop!! Is there anything I can do about this? I am new to Mac, so maybe I am just missing something.
I have 2 monitors connected to my mac mini. one with the mini displayport to vga, and the other mini dvi to vga. both of the monitors are exactly the same and they used to be set to the same resolution 1440 x 900. however one came unplugged and now it doesn't even give me the option to choose this resolution anymore. Is there anyway to fix this?
I'm thinking about getting a Mini to use as an HTPC with a 42" Sharp Aquos LCD TV. if I connect the two using DVI to HDMI, will Snow Leopard detect that it's an HDTV and allow me to use the new 1080p setting without having to use SwitchRes X or DisplayConfigX? The 1080p setting works on my MBP when in extended desktop mode, but not in mirroring mode (because resolution is limited to the 1440x900 of my screen). I'm hoping that since the Mini has no display, 1080p setting will work out of the box. If someone could confirm that would be great.
I currently own a 27" Core i7 iMac and already have a 24" BENQ (M2400HD) connected to it via DisplayPort to DVI. I was wondering if using a USB to DVI to display adapter would work with the 1920x1080 resolution.
What I want to do is buy a USB to DVI to display adapter like the one here: [URL] and purchase the 21.5" M2200HD BENQ monitor to add as the third monitor. I want to be able to utilise the 21'5" native resolution of 1920x1080 with the USB display adapter.
On the OWC website, it states that the USB display adapter could support resolutions of up to 2048x1152. Do you think that it would be able to support 1920x1080? Most other USB display adapters seem to only support up to 1600x1200 or around there.
I have set my display to sleep even when plugged in and when it is idle for only one minute. The screensaver is set for 5 minutes (after the display sleeps!), but the screensaver always comes on. I can leave my MBP on all night and the screensaver will run all night.This issue is sometimes fixed by a reboot, but then it comes back shortly thereafter. E.g. when I went to bed last night, the screen would sleep. When I left this morning, the screen did not sleep. I only used the computer for ten minutes in between.