MacBook Pro :: Adding Second Ethernet Port
Nov 11, 2010
I'm looking to add a second ethernet port to my MacBook Pro using this product designed for the MacBook Air: [URL:...] Comments on the Apple site indicate that the device can be used with other computers, but I want to make completely sure it's going to do what I want it to do before I make the purchase. The reason I'm looking to do this is that I want to link my MB (via ethernet) to another laptop running Windows 7 Ultimate and use the Microsoft Remote Desktop Client to operate programs installed on the WIndows machine. The catch is that the internet at my current location (a university accommodation building) is also supplied by ethernet LAN and has some kind of detection system that prevents unauthorised routers from accessing the internet. So basically what I want to do is have the university LAN/internet running into the existing ethernet port on my Mac and then connect the ethernet port on the windows machine to the USB/Ethernet adapter plugged into one of the Mac's USB ports. The Windows machine does not have to have internet access. Is this possible? Will I be able to configure the two ethernet ports separately to operate two network connections? I understand the connections would require a different subnet mask and possibly a static IP for the computer-computer connection. That was a bit long-winded in the end.
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Aug 11, 2009
How many of you would like to see a HDMI Port? Why the miniDisplay port? Why not remove ethernet jack and miniDisplay port and replace it with a HDMI port. That way one HDMI cable feeds digital video AND audio. Am I the only one thinking of this?
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May 20, 2009
I was just wondering if any other macrumorsmembers have been in the situation where there's no wifi, no decent 3G, but ethernet ports available to use, but you don't have a computer handy? Would it be possible that you could create an ethernet cable one end, dock the other, and literally connect e.g. an iPhone into the ethernet? At my place of work, there's no signal (dodgy GPRS/flakey Edge), some wifi, but in halls of residence, you get 1 ethernet port, and you can't put a wireless router onto it. It would seem that it would be an interesting solution, if it was possible.
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Mar 21, 2008
is there a adapter with both a usb port and an eternet port?
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Mar 26, 2012
My ethernet port is not working when cable is plugged in. Wireless works fine. Ethernet was working up until end of Feb. Then I turned it on and it wouldn't connect. Plugged into a friend's house still not working. Tried at work, still no luck. (I'm on a MacBook Pro late 2008)
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 26, 2012
Brand new 2012 MBP 15":
Network system prefs recognizes that the Ethernet cable is plugged in but flips between unknown state an cable unplugged. Never gets a DHCP address. When the cable is unplugged, it stays on the unplugged status.
As a note, I am having trouble getting Parallels to recognize any network connection at all, butmy immediate concern is the ethernet port.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Dec 5, 2014
Macbook Pro with 15" display has no ethernet port. Is there a way to make a wired connection using an ethernet adapter (external?) w/thunderbolt or usb cable?
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Sep 4, 2010
I just got to college and discovered that wifi didnt work (now I've learned that it only works with Firefox for whatever reason) so I just plugged into the ethernet port at my desk and it worked for a week or so and then it wouldn't work and I checked Network settings and it couldn't detect an ethernet cable. So I reset the PRAM and it worked... for a few hours, and now it doesn't. I don't want to have to do that every time I come back to my desk. What should I do about this? (and any suggestions on safari/chrome not working? I posted it in another subforum on here but I got nowhere)
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Nov 30, 2007
Been troubleshooting this one awhile...I even did an Archive and Ethernet port on my 2.16Ghz MBP won't connect to anything. I get an IPv6 address when plugging into a router, but DHCP never works and a manually assigned IP doesn't work either. Reboot into Windows and it works fine...I've tried removing the Ethernet port, and have futzed with all the settings trying to reset it, but no dice. Problem started somewhere around 10.4.9, I think...I'm on 10.4.11...I reinstalled to .8 and worked my way back up...never works.
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Apr 11, 2012
I seem to have a problem with my ethernet port not working after a specific location change...I have three locations I used frequently. Let's call them:
1) HomeWireless
2) WorkWireless (used when I'm in meetings)
3) WorkEthernet (used when I'm at my desk)
My general practice is to change locations just before putting my MacBook Pro to sleep, and then it is happily ready for the desired network when it is awoken.I'm not sure what this change in behavior coincided with, but as of ~1 month ago, I am finding that going from WorkWireless to WorkEthernet, my ethernet port appears to be completely dead and I have to reboot the computer to reactivate it (yes, I've checked the cable itself and the wall port at they're OK). I've tried a couple ways of disabling & re-enabling it in software, but I don't get the impression anything actually resets this interface - suggestions are welcome as perhaps I just didn't try the right thing. I couldn't find anything quite the same as "networksetup -setairportpower" for the ethernet port.Oddly, this is not an issue with going from HomeWireless to WorkEthernet. Both HomeWirelss and WorkWireless have the ethernet interface deactivated in the Network pref pane, and perhaps the only notable difference between HomeWirelss and WorkWireless is that I use a static IP on the former and dynamic on the latter.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 16, 2009
I want to add a single or dual 100/1000 ethernet card to my macpro 2008 Leopard for virtualisation using VM Fusion. The Apple Dual card retails for 147 here in the UK which seems rather expensive. Do you guys know of other cards that are known to work OK with Leopard 10.5.6?
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Jan 17, 2009
I have a PowerMac G4 Quicksilver model M8667LL/A, Dual 1.0 Ghz, that I'd like to see about adding an additional USB port to the back of the unit. It only comes with two, one is being used for the keyboard-> mouse, the other I have an external hard drive plugged into. I recently bought a cradle for my Fuji digital camera that comes with a USB cord, I'd like to hardmount the cradle and plug it in but don't want to swap with the hard drive every time I use it or run the cable to the spare keyboard port, that looks like hell. Is this a feasible option to do, and if so, how? Mind you I'm not a computer expert so I'd either need a very basic set of instructions or an technician to do it locally, but first I'd like to know if it's even possible.
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Feb 5, 2009
Is it possible to use the second ethernet port on the Mac Pro to output internet to another computer or router?
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May 9, 2008
Basically, I have a wireless router in my house that my Mac Pro connects to from a seperate room. I have an xbox 360 in my room with the Mac Pro. Without buying the $100 360 wireless adapter, could I configure it so I could run my 360 into my Mac Pro's ethernet port and piggy back off of my Mac's wireless connection to get on Xbox Live?
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Jun 14, 2009
I used the MacRumors Buyer's Guide for several months to find the best time to buy a MacBook. I'd never had a Mac before and found it to be so valuable. I hope someone in the forum can be as helpful as the site has been.
Yesterday I bought a new MacBook Pro 13" and as a store option the RAM was doubled to 4GB. Everything has worked well so far, in both OS X and Windows XP through Boot Camp, except for either OS accessing the LAN cable on my home ADSL. Both my portable modem (EMobile network in Japan) and the wireless seem to work with no issue, and both OS will recognize the ethernet port. I'm concerned that perhaps the ethernet adapter was modified when the store installed the memory.
I can remove the ethernet cable from one computer (where it works without any settings changes on my Windows notebook) and plug the same cable into the MacBook and it will not be recognized. The Mac OS error is that no cable is inserted.
However, as it's my first Mac, I didn't know if perhaps some new settings are required to make things work smoothly. Is there any DNS settings etc. that must be set for it to connect? Also is there some kind of connection diagnostic that will specify the location of the error in the machine? I'd like to exhaust any option before shipping this back to the store to be repaired or replaced.
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Jan 3, 2010
First I have an early 2008 Mac Pro with 2 Ethernet ports. Port 1 works but port 2 doesn't. Do I have to lug this BIG machine into an store or do they come to the house and fix it. I have the 3 year Apple Care. The closest store to me is 75 miles away.
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Mar 17, 2009
I am using my TC as the main router on my network, this means that my DSL modem is connected to it, as are my Macs and my NAS.
I have setup port forwarding, to allow for HTTPS access to my NAS, and it is working, so I can access my shares from out-and-about.
Now I would like to add a level of security, and I remember that on my old Netgear router I could specify which computers the ports were open to, using their MAC addresses.
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Feb 12, 2007
Recently got a Mac pro. However my room only has one network socket going into my router, this goes to ethernet port 1. Internet works fine, no issues. However my old desktop (that the MP replaced) can't get online now - no second network port from the router into the room the computers are in. I have a crossover cable that I've used to connect the 2nd MP ethernet port to the PC ethernet port. However I can't get internet access on the PC. If the PC and port 2 are on their own subnet (not the router/port 1 subnet) I can get file sharing going between the MP & PC, but cannot figure out how to get the router/MP/PC on the same subnet together using both ethernet ports of the MP. I have already tried enabling internet sharing under system prefs etwork, but it doesnt work. Network: Router (connected to internet) at - connected to mac MP port 1 - - works fine in connecting to the net MP port 2 - - works in networking to PC for filesharing PC - - works in networking to Mac for filesharing Any combination of for the MP port 2 and PC, they can't fileshare anymore and there is still no internet for the PC. Anyone know how to do this?
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Jul 27, 2008
i have my mac pro using one ethernet port for net connection can i put a sec cable in the other port connect it to my macbook pro and share the connection?
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Nov 14, 2008
I want to set up my dual gigabit ethernet as a network team; one for incoming traffic and one for outgoing traffic. (My machine acts as a server, with 2 internal raid striped 1 TB hard drives, and 2 external raid striped 1 TB hard drives (time machine for the computer); and 2 10,000 RPM raptor drives striped as my boot drive. Anyways, enough about that.) How do I do this? I currently have both ports connected to my Airport extreme wireless N with Gigabit, is there a way to do what I want to do with these products, or is there something else that I need to get as well?
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Apr 19, 2009
i have a macbook and an airport express, which is plugged into a cable modem. i plan to buy a samsung blu-ray player (model 1600), which can plug into an ethernet port or, for more money, use wireless. i'd like to use an ethernet cable because I think the airport express gets overloaded sometimes (music stops if two computers using wireless, for example) and the wireless attachment for the blu-ray player is a little pricey. how do i create a second ethernet port? do i plug a router into my cable modem and then plug the airport express into one of the router's ethernet ports? if i do that, will it just work or is there some set-up work to do?
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May 17, 2009
I've had the 13" aluminum macbook since October 2008 and I've never had a problem with the wireless or an Ethernet connection. I turned on my computer the other day and I couldn't connect to the internet through my ethernet port. I've determined it's not my connection (friend's macbook connects fine) and I've tried connecting to other ports around my campus and it still doesnt work. On network settings, the light is green, cable detected, assigned an ip address and dns but it simply times out when I try to connect to anything (firefox, itunes store, mail, etc.). I'm fairly new to mac os x.
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Sep 16, 2009
Internet, file sharing and screen sharing all work on Ethernet Port 1. None of these work on Ethernet Port 2. Would anyone happen to know how to fix this problem?
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Oct 27, 2009
I have added a new switch to my network and it seems that ethernet port 1 does not work on this new switch. My network consist of dhcp server>switch 1>switch 2. Switch 1 is in my entertainment center and had ethernet port 1 connected to this switch since I have had my computer but when plugged into switch 2 which I have just added to my workstation and on the switch there is no lights and in system preferences port 1 flashes between not connected and no ip address. For port 2 it connects fine and both ports are set for dhcp. I have tried different cables setting a static address and can not find a reason why it won't work.
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Dec 2, 2009
Can I connect a wireless router to the second ethernet port of my MacPro? I have the main ethernet cord from the modem connected to my ethernet port 1, then I connected my router to my computer through ethernet 2, thinking that it would broadcast the internet connection. However, it is not working. The router is broadcasting, but the internet isn't working (and the light indicating internet connection on the router is yellow, not green). Is this something that isn't possible? Or do I need to change settings (not just plug and go)?
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Jul 18, 2010
Is it possible to somehow use both ethernet ports on the mac together for faster internet browsing?
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Mar 23, 2012
What is the process used to direct certain IP addresses or a range of IP addresses to the second ethernet connection on a Mac Pro? I have a set of Mac Pros that use the first connection for internet access and corporate server connections using Samba. But the second ethernet connection is used for a lan between the Mac Pros and printers. It currently works but it take a bit for the "connect to servers" dialog to connect to a Mac Pro on the lan because I think it is searching Connection 1 first which has hundreds of Windows servers attached to it. And it takes several minutes to connect if our service has an interruption on Connection 1. All of the Mac Pros and printers are set up to use a manual IP address (192.168...) The Mac Pro workstations use Snow Leopard and we have a Mac Pro Server running Lion Server that we use to conntrol a network RAID.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5)
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May 4, 2012
I have an iMac 27 inches, all was working fine, however, since this AM the ethernet port is not working thus I am unable to go online. I know a heavy thunderstorm happened last night. The machine is working perfect I can go on line ONLY via wifi.
I did check cables with another computer, and modem is working fine.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 9, 2007
I'm one of the $200 suckers who bought an iPhone. For my $100 "rebate" I bought the new USB AppleKeyboard. I'm typing on it now. But when I first plugged it into the USB port, I got an error message like this: "The USB port is drawing too much power and it will be disabled." This is the same port the computer's original keyboard was plugged into and it worked fine. Now it's dead. The port is one of two USB ports on the back of my (original) Cinema Display. It's still dead. The AppleKeyboard is plugged into the second USB port now, and it works fine. But I thought I'd alert someone at Apple that this happened. Further, I'd like my USB port back but cannot find anywhere in the help files how to re-enable it. Unless it's fried, of course. But then again, how could the keyboard fry the port?
Power Mac G5
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
Original 21" Cinema Display, AppleKeyboard
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Nov 29, 2007
I have a G5 DP 2.0 and have been using it's built in ethernet port connected straight to my BT home hub (adsl/router) for years. Any way I add into the mix a netgear 1000Base layer 2 switch and the G5's ethernet doesn't work, reconnect straight to the router and all is fine. Now tested with new cables and tested on every port on the switch. By the way the port light on the switch don't light up when G5 attached. Now have tried the switch with a g4 and all is fine on every port and supprisingly I've stuck a PCI card in the G5 and that works as well. Just can't work out why the built in won't work through the switch but will direct.
G5 + PB G4 + G4
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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