I using a LAcie mini HUB to backup my macmini, store photos on, to store my itunes library on, and my iphone and ipad backups. Basically my whole life is on there. Well, my macmini does not recogize it anymore. I tried connecting it to my MBP and that does not recognize it. THe lacie drive has light that glows when it is turned on, but it looks like it is pulsing.
First, the drive kept triggering a "your external device may have been disconnected improperly" message. That despite repeated erasing of the disc and restarting of the set up a Time Machine backup usinig this 500GB USB2 drive with its own power supply. Finally, I placed the drive on its fronot panel and it stopped disconnecting. Then, it started the backup. It is now 9:30 in the morning. I started this backup at 9:30 last night. so far it has managed to accomplish 23.79 GB of a 64.45 GB back up.
Info: iMac (20-inch Early 2006), Mac OS X (10.5.8), Using a LaCie 500GB external Drive
I have an iMac and use a LaCie backup to, um, backup my files. I am confused over how to transfer my iTunes library from my backup into my MacBook Pro's iTunes library.
Time machine is having problems backing up to my La Cie drive. It will start and then show the progress, but it stalls at a very low #(256 kb, for example).
Left it to do its stuff overnight and it never budged. Pulled this off of the console (after reading some other posts). Not sure if this is associated w/the problem, though.
8/2/09 10:28:45 AM mds[34] (Error) Import: importer:0x872000 Importer start failed for 89 (kr:268435459 (ipc/send) invalid destination port)
This error was reported pretty much every 4 seconds.
I erased and reformatted (mac os extended, journaled) the La Cie but that did not seem to work.
I have to send my iMac 27 back to apple for replacement (flickering screen issue) and I would like to erase my personal information. How do I do that on a Mac? I have a Lacie Drive connected via Firewire 800 and have been using Time Machine for backups. I also want to make sure that I have a complete backup as well. I am new to Mac OS X
Information: iMac 27 & MacBook Pro Mac OS X (10.6.2)
I connected Lacie Backup Disk and used Time Machine to select the disk. But then a warning popped up telling me to eject the disk properly next time before disconnecting it, even though I never disconnected the device. Now time machine does not even recognize it.
I installed AirPort Extreme for my iMac to replace an old wireless router. Now my external LaCie 'Time Machine' backup drive doesn't show up in peripherals when I try to reinstall it. (It went away somehow) It only tries to lead me to the wireless Apple product.
I have a lacie external hd which comes with lacie's own backup software. I'm wondering if I should use that or use time machine to backup my mac. Is one better than the other?
I have three external drives daisy chained up to my iMac, an 80, 500 and 1TB. Recently the 500 has failed to show up on the desktop alongside the other drives. I can't remember exactly when it happened, but it may well have been after my computer crashed and forced me to shut it down using the power button.
All other drives appear to be fine, and the 1TB which is daisy chained through the 500 to the 80 shows up just fine. I've checked Disk Utility and there's no sign of the 500 drive there. However in System Profiler there is an "Unkown Device" next to the other drives in the Firewire section.
I've tried the 500 on a G5 and turned it on/off, restarted the computer and all the other usual things.
I just got an external LaCie hard drive with FireWire 400 to use when the HD in my iBook G4 dies (any moment now...). But now I'm wondering if I can use the LaCie as the main drive (boot from it, install Leopard on it) or was it built to handle just occasional back ups?
I have a 13" macbook running OSX. I recently bought a 1 TB Lacie Lacinema Premier to load all my dvd's on to for when I go on trips. My issue is, that I can't figure out how to put the DVD's on the the hard drive. My computer sees the HD fine.
Today I went to plug in my Lacie 250 GB USB external hard drive into my 13 in. MacBook to get a shirt template for a design I am making. I discovered that the hard drive just would not mount and show on the desktop, and I remembered that this happened a few days before, but all I did was unplug it and plug it back in, and it worked... except that today, that didn't work at all. I tried the other USB port, and the hard drive showed up on the desktop for about a second, and then disappeared. I kept on replugging it back into both USB ports, but nothing happened.
Then I tried to see if it would work on the PC beside me, and it was recognized as an external device; however, a message came up telling me the drive was malfunctioning. I am guessing this is from ejecting it incorrectly (because I am in a hurry to head to my next classes...I use this laptop at school), but I have incorrectly disconnected it before in the past and this problem never happened to me before.
Every single project I have ever created for my design career is on that hard drive, and all I want now is to get my files back. All I need it to do is show up on the desktop for just the right amount of time for me to copy my files onto my computer.
I read online to put it into the freezer for a while and it should mount, but that didn't work. I tried using Disk Warrior, Data Rescue 3, and Tech Tool Deluxe, but the hard drive did not show up on any of those apps.I tried plugging the hard drive into an iMac as well, but it did not show up either.
Just started partitioning my new LaCie 500GB External Drive using OS Leopard and am wondering how long the process usually lasts. My LaCie icon has disappeared from the desktop and my Disk Utility has been saying "Creating Partition Map" for about an hour.Am I on the right track and need to wait, or is does this mean the Disk Utility is frozen, etc.
I am new to this forum and hoping for some advice with this hard drive issue.
I opened a brand new Lacie 500 GB Hard Drive. It is connected to my macbook via usb. I selected it as my hard drive destination in Time Machine and ran the backup option.
The hard drive did mount. About 5 minutes in the backup option failed - a time machine error: time machine backup failed.
I ejected the drive and unplugged it/turned it off and rebooted my laptop. Now the hard drive does not mount on my desktop however will show in disk utility. It lists with the Lacie name and another subdivision under the name.
When I try disk repair, erase or partition..I always get the same message: resource busy. After the error, the hard drive subdivision disappears leaving only one name on the list in disk utility. (It does not have the name underneath it).
I apologize for my semi technical description. I am new to mac and appreciate any advice on how to fix this issue. All I want to do is backup my laptop using the new hard drive with time machine.
I have an external laCie Usb drive, that as the header implies, is ejecting itself randomly.
I use the first partition for general storage, the second is for TM backups.
It has never failed to finish a backup, nor has any large (5gb or larger) file transfer to the storage partition ever errored out. It appears to be completely random.
All of a sudden my macbook pro won't recognize my Lacie hd. I changed f/w cable and plugged external hd into an older mac but the icon does not show up on either. The drive powers up when connected either mac's but still on icon. How can I get the data off of the drive?
I could use your expert advice. I have a Lacie D2 250GB hard drive hooked up via FW800 to a Dual 1.83Gzh G5 Powermac. Recently the Lacie drive has been writing really really slow. I tested it with a Kona Speed Utility and saw that was only writing between 4MB and sometimes only 1MB/sec. Is this drive about to fail? I ran disk utility on it and hit repair disk and it says the disk health is fine. I ran diskwarrior on it and it said there was a major error in the directory and as I replaced it, Diskwarrior quit in the middle of it.
I'm trying to re-install mac osx from lacie external usb dvd drive. But I've realised it can't be done. Is there a way around this. At the moment I'm trying to copy the contents of the 2 mac osx install cds on to my HD using Disk Utility.
I hooked it all up. MacBook sees the external drive. I get a Lacie set up icon on the desktop. Click it and I get password, do that and I get a bouncing arrow icon on the lower tool bar, then it goes away afte about two seconds...then nothing. This is for my MacBook Pro.
I have a G5 (Late 2005) and I just bought a LaCie Quadra 500GB hard drive last week and I have it connected with Firewire 800. I was away for the weekend and left the surge protecter unplugged while I was gone. I came home today and plugged everything back in and powered up. My G5 does not recognize the LaCie Drive. It powers on and I can hear it running, but it will not mount on the desktop. I checked the cables and everything is connected.
I have what I thought was an external FW HDD made by LaCie. In checking a backup log, I noticed that my supposedly LaCie HDD is actually a Hitachi drive. Does anyone know if LaCie actually manufactures any hard drives or do they just put other drives in all their enclosures?
I just purchased a MacBook Pro running the latest Leopard OS. I hooked up a Lacie external HD using FW 800 to backup a bootable system of my complete HD. I used Intego Personal Backup. All seemed to go well and the backup showed up on my startup screen in Preferences. Problem is it will not boot my sytem up. Tried twice and cleared my Lacie prior to backup. The Lacie also showed up as a startup disc when I did an Option startup. Never had such a problem with Tiger but I always used FW which the MacBook does not have. I am now trying Carbon Copy Cloner to make a backup but it is not complete. Does the MacBook using Leopard have any special requirements for a backup such as a particular cable cable to use?
i have the next problem wiht the lacie rougged 500 gigas, it's format (by mac) in fat32 , conection with firewire 800, sometimes freeze (hangs)my macbookpro (13,3 , 4 gigas ram, 250 gigas), until i unpluged "manualy".... the hangs is no more...
I own a Mac Mini and am considering a LaCie 1TB external drive, model number 301304U. It's the one designed by Neil Poulton, is a sleek black box with a blue light on the bottom. It has a USB 2.0 input and an on/off switch in the back. I'd like to know which manufacturer really made the drive inside the LaCie box. I know LaCie uses different manufacturers, but I can't find out any information anywhere about which manufacturer's drive is inside this model, or other LaCie models in general. I guess the same can be said for many other hard drive companies. Heck, even Apple uses Hitachi. That's what came inside the Mac Mini (a 120GB drive), though I now have a 320GB drive inside.
Sorry if i posted this in the wrong section. I have a LaCie d2 Quadra 500GB hard drive that has a broken power brick (for the second time) and i'm wondering if it's possible to take out the hard drive and install it in a Mac Pro (2010, 8 Core, 2.4GHx)?
I'm on an early 2008 mac pro - used to be on a Powerbook G4. I have a 300 GB LaCie d2 Extreme external HD connected via firewire 800. Both are in 10.5.2. While on my powerbook, the drive behaved normally - fell asleep after no use, then awakened when I needed to access something. On my new mac pro, the drive behaves strangely. I only use it for backup, so it's only accessed once a day. The rest of the time I do not use it. When it's not in use, the drive sporadically wakes and sleeps. I've tried to pinpoint the cause to no avail.
I've tried all the usual suspects: browsing the forums, checking the "hard disk sleep" preference in energy saver, switching the firewire 800 cable with usb and firewire 400, watching activity monitor to see if there's a program accessing the drive (haven't found anything, but that doesn't mean it's not there). None of it works.
I have a 500 GB LaCie hard drive that I bought 11 months ago, so its still under warranty. It's formated with two partitions on it: Time Machine Backups and Storage which are both 250 GB. I also have windows installed on my mac via bootcamp and i have a program installed called MacDrive which allows me to view the contents of my mac hard drive and external hard drive.
Ok, so about a week ago, my hard drive wouldn't mount on my mac. I couldn't see it in Disk Utility or the Finder. It's not making any weird noises and sounds like its running normally, so i don't think anything is physically wrong with the hard drive. I booted up windows and plugged it in and this is what happened.
I pressed OK and windows asked me what I'd like to do with the two partitions. I chose "Open files in folder" or whatever that option is and i can see my files, open them, and copy them, even the time machine partition. But when i go to my computer and click one of the partitions, it shows this.
This EVEN shows on the Macintosh HD which worked fine before. So, does anyone know what the problem is? Should I try reformatting the external hard drive in windows? Should I reinstall MacDrive?
I had just purchased a Lacie 500GB xternal drive for my G5, I also have another xternal drive hooked up which is a Western Digital. I copied everything , music video files ect... onto the Lacie drive to clean up the WD drive, now when I went to clean up the new Lacie drive the files I deleted are gone but it is not freeing up any space. I went to disk utilities and re-formatted but it wiped it clean, is there such a way to delete a few files here and there and gain the space they were taking up without going this route?
I recently got myself a hard drive but because my father took it with him he used it for a while. When i got it back it was al f*cked up he offcourse needed to mess with it and made it partitioned...
So well no big deal, i plugged it in on windows, works fine. Tried on iMac, doesn't work... i said probably because it's partitioned. So i installed partition manager. Deleted the partitions. And made it back too 1. Made it NTFS and everything worked fine. But again when i plugged it in on my iMac it wouldn't work. It makes some crazy ticking sounds but it doesn't mount i cant even see it in disk management.
So well, i reformated in FAT32, same result.
I did everything what i could, bought disk warior or something but still it won't find it.
It works fine on windows, it doesn't on mac, i want too use it interchangeable between mac and windows
Today I received my brand new LaCie grand 1TB external hard drive. So I formatted it on my vista laptop and put stuff like my documents music and videos on it as I am getting a macbook pro next week. I've gone to my mates who has an iMac this eve with my hard drive and realized as I formatted it on vista its in read only mode and i cannot edit it. I have put all the files i need on my mates leopard imac so I am happy to erase the hard drive and format it to mac.