Mac OS X Lion Server :: Make Subdomains Default To External Address?
Apr 9, 2012
I have set up DNS with the following settings:
I thought I may be able to use a wild card (url..) but Server Admin does not allow me to do that, some documentation reccomends against it and I dont think that would work for [url].
I'm trying to setup mail on Lion Sever (7.3). The only way I can get it to accept incoming mail is to specify the whole FQDN of the server in the address.For example the domain name is and I have a user set up called john. Sending mail to works.
But sending mail to (which is what I want) returns an error: 554 554 5.7.1 <>: Relay access denied (state 13).
For internal DNS, I have: - primary - alias - [URL] - alias server.example.comMX record [URL]
I see references here to problems in mail on 7.3 but not this specific problem.
This is the error log im getting back from the addressbook server error log. I noticed that the push notification is not working for the addressbook server.
Is there a way to change the which SMTP address is used as default. Even if I have the work account selected and move that account to the top of the list, my home account is always the default account selected to mail from.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
When printing from Address Book, the Style settings you select are supposed to be remembered as the default for the next time you print from that Style.For example, if you print an envelope from Address Book, you select Style: Envelopes and then choose your options such as "Print my address", Print Company, the font, page orientation, etc. Normally ALL of the options you select under "Style" are remembered for the next time you print and select that Style.
I know this because it works flawlessly on one of my machines (both machines are running 10.7.3).However, it doesn't work on another machine. For example, when I select Style: Envelopes and select a certain font and page orientation, etc., these selections are not remembered as the defaults when I try to print another envelope.I tried deleting the address book .plist files and restating Address Book, but it didn't work.
I like to be my primary app to open pdf and pictures. When I want to edit I will open the app I need and drag document to the icon to open. Something changed and now Adobe Acrobat has become my default.I want to change back to Preview.
I am using Exchange (2011) and Lion. When I try to attach a file from Finder to a new email it defaults to my personal iCloud account. Is there a setting that would make my Outlook email the default for this operation?
Just upgraded a Snow Leopard Server to Lion Server 10.7.3 and the Web Service works along with all of my virtual hosts BUT the default site that shows isn't the one that says should show, its the first virtual host that shows.
I've tried adding "ServerName" params into the 0000_any_80_.conf which hasn't worked. Anyone know a workaround for this? Can't use the Wiki or Webmail without it.
I need to add index.cfm to my default document tree. I finally found where to change it in Lion Server. When I try to edit the file, it wont let me. Any way to edit the file?
Working on an image and would like to know if anyone knows how to include booksmarks that all new users that log in to the machine will have access to?
I am setting up a default user profile to be used across many macbooks. I have found instructions on how to setup a default profile for 10.6 but are there any differences for 10.7. These machines will also be joined to Active Directory.
All the names I want in the group are already in address book. I made a group with the title.....but how do I get the names into the group? I've tried everything but obviously not the RIGHT thing. There is obviously a change in address book with Lion because I had no trouble before.
Is there anyway to change the listening port for the default website without messing up the server app?? I have a program that need to run on port 80 for ease of use, however lion listens on all ports because of the default website.
Anyone can help? I bought a Macbook pro last weekend,but when I try to use the mac mail,I cannot find any way to input an email address.
1、update my gmail contacts to the macbook addressbook
2、Synchronize the local addressbook to icloud
3、Open the mac mail,and then create a new mail
then comes my problem,no matter what I type , the address has never show. As I know , the correct result should be:1、Just need to type a few main words in the "sent to" column ,os will search the local addressbook and show the corresponding address for user to choose.
When I try to save any address in the webmail addressbook, it says "An Error Occured while saving." It's probably a permissions problem with the addressbook database RoundCube uses, but I'll be darn if I can find it...
I have change some DNS-Entries on my lion server. (new hosttname). Ich checked everthing with "sudo changeip -checkhostname" and it seems to work fine. Also the OD. Now it sorted out that i have some Problems with my ical & adressbook server. How can i delete them an make the straight new, so that i got a new entry for the old
At this moments a couple of time a day it complain that their is now connection for this Calender. Also the Adressbook refuse to save new entries. I both want to reset this ical & adressbook server part, but i can't find how to do it?
I have setup profile manager. Trusted profile is installed.When a user logs in the profile is added. In the profile the users email address is correct. [URL] When i turn to Mail, agenda and contacts in the system preferences the mail address is displayed as : [URL]This is also being displayed in the Mail account settings.
The following error comes up on the server's screen when I turn on the stations:"IP is used by 00:0d:95:34:ee:60"Another device in my room or building is using the server's static IP address, this causes connectivity problems. I loose connection to the server. How do I find out what device is causing the problem and what do I do to resolve the issue? I am afraid it might be the CISCO 290XL switches used in the lab. I used ARD to check the Ethernet ID's and didn't come up with any workstation using that Ethernet ID or address.
I have Lion Server 10.7 running on a quad core mac server. Everything is working internally and I can access all the services etc. I have purchased a ssl certificate for the server. With all the correct port forwards in place (using a pfsense router) I can not get any external access to work no matter what I do. I have other servers behind this router and they all work. It seems to be just a OSX thing.
I feel stupid for even asking this because it seems like something I'd normally be able to figure out but I've searched a bit with no results. Oddly enough, this only seems to have become an issue since the 10.6.4 update. In Mail, I can't seem to set the default email address to be used when composing a new email.
I have two email addresses set up with Mail. But I want one of them to be the default email address when I compose a new message. I often forget to change the email address and end up sending with an email address I didn't want to use.
Mail 2.0 has this, but I can't seem to find it anywhere in Mail 3.0?
I need to disable any external device like hdd usb or hdd firewire and usb key as well. Is there a way to do it in osx lion server ? I've heard that deleting some extension could do that job but which one ?
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4), LION SERVER 10.7.4
I have acrobat installed, and every time I view a pdf through safari, it views it with acrobat. I want it to do it with Preview instead, but I don't know how!
in other words when I'm in Safari, and I click on a link of a pdf file, I want it to display the pdf in the browser with Preview instead of acrobat.