Mac Mini :: Broken Folder Error On It?

May 22, 2012

I recently brought Mini Mac of i5 2.3ghz 8GB 500GB hdd, when i have got the system it's was perfectly alright and today when i have tried to install windows 7 on my mini mac by divided 500 into two partition while installing i did not found Bootcamp Drive on windows installation so by mistakenly i have removed the mac OS Drive and installed Windows 7 after installing i found that it's not showing the Mac OSX on booting option so i tried to make a bootable USB for installing Lion but when ever i am trying to install it's showing BROKEN FOLDER ERROR and switching of the system automatically i have also tried flashing PRAM etc but no use and i don't have a external dvd drive so i need to install any thing by USB only?

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OS X :: Boot Camp Broken In Leopard - Disk Error?

Nov 5, 2007

On my new MBP, I had Tiger and Boot Camp 1.4 Beta.

When I got my Leopard UTD disc, I simply did an upgrade. Last night, I was fed up with some of the weirdness, and decided to start with a clean slate.

I removed my windows/boot camp partition, popped in my Leopard disc, selected erase and Install, and within 30 minutes it was done (seems way too

Anyway, I go through the Boot Camp steps to install Windows. When I get to the Windows setup where you select a drive to install, it doesn't give me the option to format the Boot Camp C: drive, but instead just installs.

After rebooting, it gives me a DISK ERROR.

A bit of googling shows others have had this problem, too. Is EVERYONE having this problem? Did Apple break Boot Camp with Leopard?

Is there any viable workout other than formatting to Tiger, installing 1.4, then upgrading again?

Is it possible to uninstall the Boot Camp assistant on Leopard and find/download/install Boot Camp 1.4 on Leopard, and go from there?

I need windows for school - and this is driving me nuts!

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OS X :: Preview Application Broken - No Folder Icons

Aug 27, 2010

I'm working away today on my iMac OS X 10.6.4 mainly just screwing off visiting social networking sites on the web. Later, I minimize my windows, and notice the icons on my desktop are a little strange. Upon further research, all the folder icons are gone (or they are transparent). You can see the folder name, but no icon associated with the folder. Also, all my pdf, jpg, png, etc are now associated with Adobe (either Acrobat or Photoshop CS). They used to be associated with the Application "Preview". I've rebooted and tried a lot of other things to restore icons, and nothing has worked. Here is what I have found. I dont think it's an icon problem, I think it's a "Preview" problem. If I click on the "Preview" icon nothing happens. If I right click on a jpg (for instance), and select "Open With" - Preview is not there. If I Choose "Open With Other..." within the Application folder, "Preview" is grayed out. If I select "Enable All Applications" then "Preview" is no longer grayed out. But when I select it, and select "Open", nothing happens.

Everything "appears" to be working normally. Just I no longer have any folder icons on the desktop or within finder. And I am no longer able to open anything within "Preview" All my files are now associated with another application (which works fine) but not with preview. I finally found a way to copy a folder icon to the "invisible folder". If, for example, I right click on my "DropBox" folder (which I can see) and select Get Info, I can copy that icon to a "Normal/Default" folder such as Documents. So I did that to about a dozen folder and it worked. But there is no way I'm going to do that to 1000 folders! Today, Aug 27, I get a security update and a few other things from Apple and I install them. Then I'm asked to reboot. After I install the updates, and reboot my iMac, even the folder I cut n pasted are now gone. And so are the jpg gif and pdf icons are now gone too. Prior to the update, the pdf, jpg and gif files had a Photoshop CS icon (instead of the previous "Preview" icon and preview that I'm trying to restore.). Now even the Photoshop and Adobe icons are gone.....

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Broken Home Folder - How To Log Back In

Jun 1, 2012

I'm having serious issue on my MacPro 10.7.4, as I can't log in any more. My setup: System 10.7.4 on MacPro SSD (internal SSD)Data on my software RAID0 on 2 internal HD. Unfortunately I had the bad idea to move my home folder on the RAID0 cluster. One of the 2 hard drives just died, making impossible to reach any data on this side! So now, I just get an error trying to log back, as I guess the system can't find my home folder.

I just set up a second partition on my SSD, installed lion again and boot from here. So I can have access to the original SSD file system.I'd like to modify some files to update the path to a new home folder. (not on the RAID obviously but still on SSD). Could be done by terminal / command line. I used to know how to do that on linux by modify /etc/password, but I can't find the same files on OSX.How to modify / update the system user path, so I could boot again from by previous partition?

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), QuadCore Xeon 2x2.8Ghz

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OS X :: ISO 9660 Restore Functionality In Disk Utility Broken In 10.6.5 - Error 254

Nov 17, 2010

Steps to reproduceOpen Disk Utility Drag an ISO image into the left sidebar Insert an USB Stick with enough space to contain the image Go to any restore tab in Disk Utility Drag the ISO file to the source Drag the Volume from the USB drive to the destination Check erase destination Hit restore

Results for me are (in any number of varieties to do this) either "Invalid argument" or in the log "Could not validate source - error 254".

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OS X :: Installing Mac OS On Mac Mini With Broken Superdrive

Sep 13, 2009

I've just installed a new harddrive into my Mac Mini (the 250gb drive out of my MacBook Pro) as well as 2gb of ram to max out the little thing, however I now need to install Mac OS on it as the harddrive is empty. Can I use the Mini in Target Disk mode and use my MacBook Pro to install Mac OS?

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HD Early 2010 Mac Mini Broken Again

Jun 6, 2012

The HD of my early 2010 Mac Mini has broken again. I'm trying to decide whether to get it repaired, replace the Mac Mini or give up on Mac Mini's altogether (it's ruined my confidence in Apple). I have the Mac Mini placed on a shelf above the television and about a centimeter from a reasonably small speaker (the centre speaker in my audio setup). There is a reasonable space for cooling: no shelves above, 20 centimeters from the wall behind but little to no room left and right (never heard any strange noises from the fan though which suggest overheating). Could something around it be causing the HD to break (magnetism)? I don't want to get the HD repaired and have it break again next year. HD's are too expensive for that!

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Broken Folder Icon On Start Up After Reinstall?

Apr 21, 2012

Yesterday I had to reinstall Leopard on my Mac.Everything was going fine until a little while ago I turned on my Mac, and after the startup sound and a few moments of the grey Apple, a No Access symbol appeared - or a "broken folder" icon as they call it in the support pages. Suffice to say there was a panic after the events of yesterday and I made several attempts to restart, but the "broken folder" icon keeps appearing and noting happens.I have been able to boot to an external drive.

I first tried to reset NVRAM and reselect startup volume, by holding down X on startup. It showed me a message - "efiboot loaded from device.....error loading kernel".I then tried resetting the PRAM and NVRAM - [URL] - but this just brought up the "broken folder" icon again - and if left for long enough a grey folder icon with a ? on it begins flashing on the screen.As best I can tell my only remaining option is to reinstall Leopard.

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IMac (Intel) :: Moving Mail From Broken MBP To New - Permissions Error Persists

Jun 28, 2014

My Macbook Pro from 2007 won't boot anymore, turns out to have NVIDIA GPU problem. It ran on Snow Leopard, but I can't enter it anymore to upgrade. I'm trying to move mail to my new Imac and have a TM backup on the desktop of it. I followed this [URL]..... Mail folder and plist are now copied in the same locations, new original Mail folder is parked on desktop because I didn't dare 'fuse' the two, let alone replace it with my old mail folder.

When opening the Mail app. I get the permissions message that I should set 'read and write' permissions on the Mail folder, but it says the info Mail wants to use is in the mail folder in the Backup folder, although I provided it with a copy in its own Library. The permissions via show info were ok, but I redid them and still the error keeps popping up. 


Why won't it use the folder from its own library?

Could this be because my previous version is too old?

I can't enter my mail or mail addresses, years of data there.. 

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Mac Mini :: The Operation Can’t Be Completed Because An Unexpected Error Occurred (error Code -50)

Apr 21, 2012

I am getting this error  "The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -50)." when I try to transfer files from my Mac Mini to my External Harddrive which is connected to my Airport Extreme. "  The error does not appear to happen all the time.  It does seem consistent if I am transfering files and then try to transfer more.   

The files I am transferring are .mp4.  It does not appear to care about the size of the file, it happens with small files and large files, I can transfer some large folders (2.54G). I can connect the hard-drive externally directly to the mac mini and it will transfer any file.

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Intel Mac :: Unable To Reinstall Snow Leopard From Broken Folder Startup Screen

May 16, 2012

I turned my 2011 iMac on this morning but it never loaded past the startup screen. Eventually the Apple icon which is usually displayed on the screen turned into the broken folder symbol. I read some articles on how to fix this and tried resetting the NVRAM and PRAM, but that didn't work. I was going to try reinstalling OS X next, but putting the disc into the driver doesn't appear to do anything, and now I can't eject it.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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OS X Mavericks :: 10.9.4 - Thunderbolt Display For 6630M (Mac Mini Mid-2011) Broken

Jul 1, 2014

10.9.4 has failed to fix what was fine in 10.9.2 and broken starting with 10.9.3 -- a display (Dell U3011) connected to a Mac Mini mid-2011 via either a DisplayPort cable or dual-DVI adapter suffers from frequent loss of signal. The elsewhere-prescribed-juju of changing spaces, unplugging and replugging cables, ... works randomly and for short duration. 

HDMI connection works (producing non-native resolution on the U3011). 

This was filed as bug 17083693 and closed as a duplicate of 16197028.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Printer Won't Work, Keep Getting "broken Pipe" Error Message?

May 3, 2012

My printer stopped working.. I keep getting message saying " broken pipe"...

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Mac Mini - Wiped Hard Drive - Broken DVD Drive - Install Leopard?

Mar 6, 2009

Clearly there must be a way to do this, right? Can I install off an external hard drive? Off a USB drive? Share my macbook pro's DVD drive somehow? If the hard drive on the mac mini is completely reformatted and I plug it into the USB port on the external hard drive which I partition and install the Leopard DMG would it be able to boot off of it?

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OS X :: Won't Modify Resource Folder / Getting Error

May 24, 2009

I am trying to change the default blue apple icon on my menu bar to a flowery apple. I followed a procedure online and have saved my Extras.rsrc and Extras2.rsrc files to the desktop, the first in PPC and the second in Intel, yet I cannot seem to move these files back into the Resources Folder. When I try to copy and paste them or insert them into the folder I get an error with a number and the message "this folder is not modifiable". Does anyone know where I can go from here to change my apple icon?

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OS X :: Deleted Private Folder - Keep Getting Error While Restoring

May 2, 2010

I deleted my private folder. It's still in the trash, and it's also in my applications folder if that makes a difference. I turned off my mac and now I can't boot it back up. I can boot into single user mode and tried entering some codes in there but I keep getting errors. I have a new Macbook Pro with Snow Leopard, and I have the install disk but I can't get the computer to start up with it.

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MacBook Air :: Flashing Folder Error Keeps On Appearing?

Jul 2, 2012

My Macbook Air has been working fine up until recently. Now all of a sudden I get a white screen and a flashing folder on start up. I've looked into this on the support forums and found nothing.  The following did nothing for me and I can't get to Disk Utility:

Pressing Option+C

Pressing Option+D

Resetting VPROT. 

However I thought I had some Joy with Option+R. It gets to the Internet recovery stream but then won't connect to any network. I have no Bootable version of MacOSX and can't create a copy on USB because the only other computer I have is a PC.Specs: Macbook Air (2011), 2GB Ram, 64GB SSD, i5 Processor, Mac OS X Lion.

MacBook Air

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Mac Mini :: What Does Error Code -36 Mean

May 10, 2012

I have some files on an external disk, and when trying to copy them from the external disk to the mac mini harddrive I am getting the following error message: 

'The finder can't complete the operation because some data in <file name> can't be read or written (Error code -36)' 

This is strange as I haven't changed anything and have previously been able to copy files?

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Cannot Connect To Share Folder - Unexpected Error Occurred

Mar 13, 2009

When I try to connect to folder shared by my windows computers, it says "Sorry, the operation could not be completed because of an unexpected error occurred (Error Code -41). It was still working fine yesterday.

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Software :: Finder Error 36 - Folder Won't Copy To Flashdrive

Nov 28, 2009

I have been pulling a folder with sub-folders from iMAC Desktop to a flashdrive so as to use on my Macbook when I travel. Suddenly after several months with no problems I am getting the msg "The Finder cant complete the operation because some data in * cant be read or written. (Error code -36)" The folder won't copy to flashdrive. I have checked flashdrive with Disk Utility, tried different flashdrive, to no avail. the only way I can move the folder is by moving sub-folders one by one and if they generate the same msg by moving their files one by one. I cannot move as a whole. Running Snow Leopard 10.6.2. It is possible that this commenced after installing an OS X update but i can't be sure.

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Mac Mini :: Won't Boot / Disk0s2: I/O Error

Oct 31, 2009

I have boot camp installed, and when I hold the Option key down at startup, I see the Windows Vista drive (but can't select it). After about a minute, the Mac OSX drive shows up. I can select the Mac drive, but then I get stuck at the grey screen again.

I tried starting up in Single User mode and at the command prompt, ran /sbin/fsck -fy but got a couple "disk0s2: I/O errors" followed by "Invalid node structure" and "The volume Macintosh HD could not be repaired." (see attached photo of exact message).

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Software :: Trying To Delete The Messages In The Deleted Folder And Keep Getting Error 4363?

May 26, 2009

I'm trying to delete the messages in the deleted folder and keep getting error 4363.

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OS X :: Error - Don't Have Permissions For Folder - Make Textedit To Write That File

Oct 1, 2010

I have a config file, /etc/my.cnf that has permissions set via the finder gui to have read/write for anyone that's an "admin". My user is an admin (turns out I'm the only user as well), but when I open this file (it's plain text) in text edit it gives me an error on save saying that I don't have permissions for the folder that it's in. I can, however, use nano via the terminal and modify the file without any issues. I don't want to set read/write permissions on /etc to everyone, so how do I make it so TextEdit (and thus other programs having the same problem) can write to that file?

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MacBook Pro :: Folder With Question Mark - Error No Valid Packages

Jul 26, 2009

My macbook greeted me with the gray screen and folder with question mark this morning - I've tried everything listed on the Apple website for this issue, I've tried running the Disk Utility (although I'm getting an "error no valid packages" message) and I've tried running DiskWarrior. Disk Utility sees the harddrive - DiskWarrior does not.

The hard drive only "clicks" 3 times at bootup, but it stops immediately after. Can I conclude that the hard drive is not entirely defective that it's just a bad header, or boot sequence or whatever "fixable, I won't lose all my data" error? My other question is that if I can see the hard drive in Disk Utility, is it possible to create an image of it that I could say extract the data from on another Mac?

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Applications :: Encoding Error Shows - Tried Saving As A Video TS Folder Rather Than Directly

Nov 22, 2010

I'm attempting to burn an .avi file to DVD using iDVD. I've tried every tip on the web including, reducing the encoding quality & reducing the burn speed and de-install and re-install iDVD, but still manage to get the same message 'Encoding Video - There was an error during movie encoding' after having waited an hour for it to encode.I'm using iDVD '08 Vir.7.0.1 on a MacBook (10.5.8) with over 20GB of free space and 1GB of memory.The .avi file is 500mb in size.I've tried saving as a Video_TS folder rather than directly to a DVD, but still get the same error.

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OS X :: Unable To Burn Video_TS Folder In Toast / CSS Encryption Disk Error

Nov 27, 2008

I have been trying to backup a few .avi files I have onto DVDs and after reading over the forums I have aquired ffmpegx and Toast 8. I place the avi file into ffmpex, encode it with the dvdffmpeg format. But once i burn it with toast, it takes the original wide screen avi file and stretches it to full screen.

I tried re-encoding with the DVD 16:9 setting selected with ffmpeg and it seems to look better in a preview, but when I try and burn the Video_TS folder in Toast it gives me the CSS Encryption disk error, which I do not understand because I'm not copying a copyrighted dvd.

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Intel Mac :: Showing Error Screen With File Folder And Question Mark

Mar 8, 2012

My IMac has a white screen with a file folder and a question mark. It is also making strange noises. What is the error?


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OS X V10.7 Lion :: An Error Occurred While Moving Messages To Mailbox “Trash — (folder)”

Jul 1, 2012

An error occurred while moving messages to mailbox “Trash — (Folder)”.  Leopard/Lion ... who cares.  I've always been able to set up my corporate Exchange email account using OSX Mail application.  However, I have NEVER been able to delete messages from my InBox. Is this just a set up issue I am unaware of or is this a long-standing bug Apple refuses to fix?

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Aperture :: Error Message - Don’t Have Permission To Save File Xx In Folder

Sep 6, 2014

When I am trying to import images into Aperture 3.4.5. I get the message:

- You don’t have permission to save the file “nilpe” in the folder “Användare”.

- To view or change permissions, select the item in the Finder and choose File > Get Info. 

To my knowledge there is no account nilpe on this computer, the account name I use is different.Somehow Aperture has mixed up permissions.(Have run the "Repair Disk Permissions" in Disk and restarted, without any effect)(Mac Pro with Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 (11G63), start up disc is a SSD and the Aperture Library is on another disk.I have previously imported thousands of images into Aperture, I am at a loss as to why this has suddenly appeared.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5)

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Mac Mini :: Remote Disk Error - Operation Failed

Feb 2, 2012

I have a 2011 Mac Mini. I try to connect to another Mac via Remote Disk. The other computer shows up and the disk appears in the window. However, when I select the disk, I get a message telling me that the operation failed because the original could not be found. Apple Troubleshooting tells me that it has something to do with the firewall. So I turned off the firewall, but I still get the same message. Both computers are running 10.7.3.

Mac mini (Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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