Mac Mini :: 2011 Makes Odd Occasional Screeching Noises But Is It Not The Hard Drive?
Mar 25, 2012
my 2011 Mac Mini that I bought back in January is making some strange noises occasionally. High-pitched screeching noises with some clicking. It sounds like it should be the hard drive sounds of doom, but what's odd is that I check the drive using SMARTreporter occasionally, and nothing really changes as far as error statistics, and the drive otherwise works fine. So I'm paranoid, just because I wonder – is it potentially not the hard drive and actually something else entirely? Is this even possible?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Bought in January 2012
I just picked up a Mac Mini today, after I lost all patience with my circa 2007 MacBook Pro when it stopped booting up this morning. I ordered more RAM and am planning to install the recently replaced hard drive from my MBP into my Mac Mini. I'm just wondering, will that drive just show up as another hard drive, similar to the way that external hard drives appear? And more importantly, the old hard drive has an older version of Snow Leopard installed, as well as a bunch of software, including my Adobe CS software. I've already jumped through hoops with Adobe to get my software reinstalled on my MBP a few months ago, and I don't feel like dealing with that again. So if the drive does show up as a separate device, can I just run my Adobe software from that drive? Or do I have to reboot but select that old hard drive at startup (if that's even an option) to run all software on it?
I just bought a 2TB OWC Mercury Elite Pro drive. And I'm passing data (mostly video) onto it from a WD MyBook drive. Both use the Journaled HSF format. I'm on a MacBook Pro (10.5.8).
Problem? Every so often I get a message saying "The Finder cannot complete the operation because some data......could not be read or written." And once this happens, the transfer falls into some limbo land � it won't copy any more but i can't get rid of the "copy" window showing the halted progress. I actually have to reboot just to begin the transferring process with another folder.
So what goes? In the last case, it was some JPG file that appeared to stop the action, usually it's some kind of video file. But I can't find any rhyme or reason to why this occurs, nor can I find any distinguishing characteristic of the offending files.
On random movements or just when putting pressure on it while typing, my 13 MBA makes light cracking noises which I'm sure are coming from the tiny bolts that run all along the sides of the bottom.
I know some have reported to make creaking noises, but mine isn't at that stage... yet.
I bought a 13" Macbook Air yesterday. I had a 2009 MBP before and have been waiting on the refresh to get this. The machine is great. Quick, responsive, light, But one thing Ive noticed is that when handling the machine it makes creaking noises.Sounds like the body is flexing. I took it into the genius bar and the guy took it in the back, said he heard it and then said that it is normal even for the previous gen because of the thin body design.
I bought a 13" Macbook Air yesterday. I had a 2009 MBP before and have been waiting on the refresh to get this. The machine is great. Quick, responsive, light, But one thing Ive noticed is that when handling the machine it makes creaking noises. Sounds like the body is flexing. I took it into the genius bar and the guy took it in the back, said he heard it and then said that it is normal even for the previous gen because of the thin body design.
SOOO, my question is , does anyone elses 2010 MBA do this as well? I tried the display in the store but it is too loud in there to hear it.
My MacBook Pro recently started to make strange noises like an electricity cable was sparkling. Today I closed the screen to move it and started to make a greater sound like an old ventilator when I opened back then it went into sleeping,?
I just bought a 750GB Western Digital My Book external hard drive to use for Time Machine backups and other storage.
The problem is, when my Macbook is writing to the drive it sometimes makes a weird scratching noise. Is it okay for a hard drive to make noises when it is writing data?
Also, when the hard drive is plugged in to my laptop, even when inactive, the two lights on the front flash. Does this indicate that something is wrong?
i was just carrying my MBP in my hand today by my hip and i started hearing some noises when i started walking. It looks like its the back door, if i touch down on it a little, it seems like it moves up and down a little (up meaning up towards the machine when its closed). Are the screws just loose or is this normal.
I have a Dual 1.8 G5 and my hard drive has started to make a clicking sound every now and then. I believe it may be on the verge of dying anyday. Since i have space to put in another internal hard drive i am planning to get a WD Black Caviar 1TB and put it in.
Now my question is how do i move all my application from the old internal drive to the new internal drive.From what i have researched it seems that using a enclosure is the way to go but all the info i have seen is referring to replacing the drive rather adding a new one.I would like to move everything to the new drive and make that a master.What is the best way to perform this task?
Specs: Mid-2012 13'' Macbook ProOS X Mavericks GHz Intel Core i54GB of RAM (never changed it from when I bought it)240GB SSD Crucial M500Intel HD Graphics 4000 So whenever I awake my macbook from sleep, it makes the same noise as when I boot it up or restart the machine. Is this something I should be worried about? I thought that SSDs isn't mechanical as a traditional HDD so I reckon the sound must be something else but I cannot pinpoint what it is.
So I just partitioned my drive to install Windows and noticed that my hard drive is now making that "crunching" sound that some hard drives make. It started during my Windows installation, and it happens regularly in Windows.
I also briefly hear it while OSX is starting up, but it doesn't seem to happen much in OSX. I've launched a bunch of applications and it is still pretty much silent. Any ideas what could cause this? Could it be NTFS? I have several hard drives in my PC that don't make that sound. I am using a 17" MacBook Pro unibody with the regular 320gb 5400rpm drive that it comes with.
I have a Unibody Macbook, and recently it has been very slow. But not with processes as much has hard drive related actions such as playing back saved video, loading files in the finder, especially applications, and its been temporarily freezing lately for like 10 seconds. I have also noticed unusually loud clicking noises from the hard drive, which i am pretty sure screams imminent hard drive failure. Do this sound , does 4 gigs of ram make a noticeable difference over 2?
Ok, i have a MacBook Pro, running OS 10.5.6, i have all the updates complete. My WD mybook is a 500G,.. the one with the blue circle button in the font [on/off button and blue ring light] you can see it at:
this is my issue: Few days ago it just stopped mounting, I had to force reboot my computer and it hasnt come up sense.
Odd things: Disk Utilities reads that there is a drive connected, but wont mount nor give the options to mount and says that the total capacity=0 bytes [when connected by Firewire 400] when i connect it with USB2 to USB [the square USB to regular USB] it comes up the same but with total capacity = 2TB
STARTING UP: when the WD started up, or powers on, it turns on, the light goes around the ring as usual then it dims down and slowly illuminates the entire ring up and just stays all lit.
NOISES: It makes these odd [sort of soft] clicking noises when starting up,.. not sure if its done that all the time or if it just started,..
COMPUTER START UP: i have tried having it start up by powering everything down [computer and WD] and starting up the computer so the computer starts up the WD, which it does, but then it locks up my computer,..
Disk Utilities [DU]: shows the nice little yellow external WD drive icon on the left panel with the name WD [NOTE: it does not show the double icon, WD and then a sub icon with the drive name] and it wont eject the WD icon, even if the drive is no longer connected, it locks up DU and then if i try to force quit it locks up the mac.
It does give me the option to Partition/Erase and all the rest, but this is my main drive and i am a video editor,.. sort of NEED the files on the drive,.. so i am not all about erasing my data and loosing all my work.
NOTE: the Drive was never formatted, i know i was stupid not to do that,.. but we can move on from that, its in that FAT format, never partitioned or anything.
I have tried hooking it up to a PC running vista, it installed all the "New Software bs" and then never mounted or anything,.. [that was only with the USB, my pc doesnt have a firewire connection]
I have two newer WD 500G drives as well [the ones with the white bar light in the front] and they both come up fine. but if i try to link them up through the older one nothing happens [they dont mount]
what can i do to get the data off the drive? can i reformat the drive and still recover the data? If i throw it at the wall and bust it up,.. is the data still good?Was that too much details?
my macbook pro superdrive destroys cds/dvds makes funny noises and high pitches sreaches, the sd slots stopped working and apple care in maintenance mode,anyone got any ideas or are they covered under warrenty ?? Software Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3 (11D50)Processor 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duomid 2009
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I've just ordered an i5 Mac Mini and while it's destined to be used as a media-centre/ streamer connected to my TV via HDMI, initially I want to hook it up to the display on my 2011 iMac. Can one of you clever bods point me in the direction of what cable I need, and also what do I need to do to the iMac to make it behave as just a monitor? Is it just a matter of plugging in the cables and off I go?
I've got a serious issue that needs to be solved, one way or another. I have a Seagate FreeAgent 1.5 TB External Hard Drive with two partitions on it: one for Time Machine, and one for extra storage. Yesterday, I tried to plug the drive in and nothing happened. It didn't light up; it wasn't recognized by my Mac. Just a strange buzzing noise that occurs every 2-3 seconds. So, I left it alone overnight. Woke up this morning, plugged it in, and same results.
I'm extremely upset and concerned over this. Losing this data is not an option, as there are more than just backups on this. It should be noted that the day before this started, it took a short tumble off my desk, and when trying to eject it yesterday, the drives would not eject so I had to pull it out. Please, if you know of any way to get it working again or to salvage the data on this thing, please help. I've attached an audio clip of what the drive sounds like when plugged in.
So my macbook pro makes semi-constant clicking noise from the hard drive when web surfing or anything.. is this normal? they are very slight, but noticable. base 13" 2010 model
I've got a seagate 7200.4 500gb hdd, although it is fast. It vibrates a lot in my mbp. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm thinking of swapping to a 640gb 5400rpm hdd.
I have a new Mac Mini and occasionally (once every couple of hours) a static pop comes through the speakers. These are Logitech Z-2300s that worked fine without this issue on a Windows PC a couple days prior.
I recently purchased a new (to me) iBook Clamshell off eBay running Os 9.1. This is my first Mac, It has a 6 gig HD and the HD seems like its spinning really loud and it makes chirping sounds whenever I change the screen saver
Does this Mean the HD is failing? Should I get a new HD
I have acquired a used 2011 Mini and want to "take possession" of it. The only painless way I can think to do this is to wipe it and install a new OS and user account. If I could make the existing user account mine I would be happy to do that. Indicators are that I can but it seems like a minefield.
I put the Lion DVD into the Min/Air Superdrive. I made the DVD from the first Lion download last summer. It has worked fine since for installing Lion onto my MacBook but the Mini said "No". If I boot from the Recovery disc I am invited to download the whole OS all over again and the time estimate is 75 hours. I cannot afford to be without my keyboard, mouse and screen for 7 hours, let alone 75, so I must think of something else.
That's so creepy... I just came back from watching Tv. and i hear some weird noises like there's papers inside the Mac Mini's Fans. And it's a bit scary.Does anyone have any clue why is that? I have no Disc inside. And it seems like it stopped but who knows maybe it can return back.