Laptops :: G4 With Leopard OS X Not Booting - Beachball Spins
Aug 20, 2009
Can someone help direct me to the boot-up keyboard commands to mount the Mac when you see this icon on the screen:
(circle with diagonal slash through - international"NO" symbol)
It's an Aluminum PowerBook G4 running the first Leopard OS/X system. Need to recover the valuable data on the drive, but won't boot. Beachball just spins and spins with this screen showing.
I just moved back up to Jacksonville with my friend and now his iBook G4 is not booting. It goes to the white Apple screen and spins for about twice as long as normal, and then goes to a black screen with just a type-cursor in the top left hand corner which erases any text submitted. Now, from there I went ahead and booted from the Tiger Install disk and ran permission repair and also disk repair, without any glitches. Also, we then booted again and ran a hardware diagnostic and it turned up absolutely no problems with the computer. Any ideas? Luckily, he's still under his first year of AppleCare (and he's about to purchase an extension since you can now get it in Florida legally) and he should be covered.
I have a small problem with a MacBook. With OSX 10.5.6. I ran BootCamp on it to create a second partition for Windows XP SP3. When it's time to put in the Windows XP disc on the reboot, the MacBook gets stuck with a black screen and a flashing indicator in the top left corner. Supposely it must show a message that the CD is about to boot for the windows installation. But that flashing indicator just stayes there. Nothing happens.
I tried recreating the partition using bootcamp about 3 times, I made sure that the partition was working as I could see it on the OSX desktop. Tried about 4 different Windows CD's, vista included, but nothing changes.
I am now about to reinstall the Mac OS to see if that will help. I am stuck with this as I never had a problem like this and tried everything I could think of except for the reinstalling of OS X.
I have two user accounts. On my one account (the main one) Safari works fine but on the other account just today it started loading real slow. then once it finally pops up with the home apple screen and you click anything, the wheel spins and spins for like 3 min then safari quits unexpectedly. When i click to report to apple and then send it, again the wheel spins for a long time and then it says it was unable to send to apple please check internet connection and try again. But, there is nothing wrong with my internet connection because if i switch to my other account internet works just fine!
So my girlfriend boss wanted me to fix her computer. So I brought it home turned it on, and it didnt chime but it booted to the gray screen with apple logo/ slashed circle/and folder with a "?" So I made a USB Mac OS x bootable drive (FLASH) held down alt (try using a windows keyboard its fun) was able to select option and install a fresh copy. all seemed well was running really hot so I poped of the screen. HOLY MOLY! this thing is CAKED with dust, and I am not kidding it has literally piles of dust. So I ran updates, and did firmware updates. Turned it off for the night.
The next morning I went to radio shack and got Dust remove spray, opened it up made sure I was carful taking off the screen, and blew the sucker out. now its NICE and CLEAN. then i made sure I plugged everything in and turned it on. Drive spun like normal, Optical checked for a CD, and fans are also running normally. but no chime, no nothing stays as silent as normal but doesnt budge, it is like it hangs.
Since I use Snow Leopard I get randomly (around 1 to 10 ) freezes. When I get it I can click some applications but can't make changes in it. The beachball keeps spinning for some seconds and after the wait I can just continue working. I first thought it was Firefox, because it almost everytime happens when I am browsing the web, but I get the same with Safari.
It's getting verry annoying now :-(
I already checked: - Repair disk - Repair disk permissions - Run Apple diagnostics
Repairs my 1.5 year old mbp already had: - 2x keyboard - Topcase - Logicboard - Superdrive
I'm going to be upgrading my powerbook G4. I have an external 750 hard drive that is up to date with my system. What I would like to know is, should I do a clean install to Leopard(can't go snow intel. right?)and later add my pictures & music back from backup? And what is the best way to do that. I also am adding 1 g to the 512. I'm thinking I'm not going full memory for now. I'm just trying to make this wonderful laptop a few more yrs. Please can anybody tell me how you upgraded and why. :unsure: Machine Name: PowerBook G4 17" Machine Model: PowerBook5,5 CPU Type: PowerPC G4 (1.1) Number Of CPUs: 1
I tried to install snow leopard on my 3 mos. old macbook pro and received a failure message with the invalid node structure, rebuilding catalog B-tree message.
Not sure what to do, I tried booting up from the leopard install disk and it took about 15 minutes to boot up and everything is wonky, doesn't work right.
I have a MacBook 13" 2.0 GHz with 1 GB Ram and a 80GB harddrive 2006 model. This machine recognizes all ram, DVD, Hard Drive and ng usb etc. seems to work perfectly. BUT, it will only startup if I HOLD the PowerButton down all the way down until I see the the Apple Logo. If I just hit the powerbutton and go, it will t reboot over and over and over. I have bought new ram, nope. I tried a different HD, nope. I disconnected the DVD, nope. It simply won't boot properly. Once I HOLD down the power button to get it running it works fine, sees the camera, BT, WIFI, clock is at right time, all keys on KB work, and usb peripherials. I cannot reset the pram or vram at all, even while holding the power button down to boot. If I just hit the button and quickly press Command option p r it just reboots like always. Does anyone have any ideas??? I'm at a loss as it works fine once booted. While holding the power button to boot it I see my front led flashing and then hear the several beeps and it starts up just fine.
I have pulled the battery, removed the PSU, held the power button for a whole minute battery or power and let it sit overnight like this but nada, still does this.
o I took the plunge and giddily purchased Mac OS 10.6 aka Snow Leopard the day it was made available. Usually, I have very little worries being an early adopter to new OS releases considering the successful upgrade experiences I've had through the years of being a Mac user.
After upgrading to Snow Leopard from 10.5.8, my MacBook Pro 17" (2.6 GHz, 4GB RAM, 200GB @7200 RPM HDD, non-unibody) would consistently drop it's internet connection whether it was via Ethernet (wired) or through AirPort (wired and wireless are using DHCP). I've applied several supposed fixes suggested everywhere on the Googled web with limited success:* Reset Network settings, deleted "Automatic" settings and created a new setting (called untitled) * Zap the PRAM (hold Command+Option+P+R on restart) * Flush the DNS cache(using: dscacheutil -flushcache on the Terminal)
These 'fixes' worked only for a few minutes, and the internet connection would eventually drop again. NOTE: Although other computers and drives were visible on my network, and Instant Messaging via Adium is still functional, which is weird, I could not connect to the internet through a browser, or connect or even to the iTunes store.
Tired and frustrated at this point, I decided to finally call Apple Support (Case #134733179) and was suggested to try the following steps:* Shutdown the MacBook Pro, remove battery, disconnect the power, and then hold the Power Key for 15 seconds. After which I was told to replace the battery, reconnect power and zap PRAM and wait for 2 chimes before letting the keys go.
I was able to get connection for a while but lost it again after a few minutes of usability.And so I called again and was told this time to try:* Trash the SystemConfiguration folder (~/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration) and all of it's contents... then reboot.
The above suggestion seemed logical as it would obliterate any existing preferences that may be corrupted and affecting the connection setup. The system would then recreate a fresh preference file free of any lingering old settings. This again worked for a while, but sadly, my wired and wireless connection both drops within a few minutes of usage. It is also worth noting that simply restarting the MacBook Pro regains connectivity as well but drops after a few minutes on both Ethernet and Airport settings.
So today has been an unproductive day considering I spent all my efforts troubleshooting Snow Leopard (10.6) on the MacBook Pro, and couple that with the inability to use several key functionality such as SynergyKM to sync all three machines I have with one keyboard/mouse (not to mention the unpredictable behavior Adobe CS3 has been displaying (especially InDesign losing menus and drawing blank palettes!) and the loss of Letterbox's (plugin) features on and I am now forced to downgrade back to 10.5.8 via Time Machine Restore until Apple resolves or acknowledges this problem (or some knowledgable individual throws this dog a bone and help me out of this misery).In the meantime, I need to get work done and something as fundamental as a stable internet connection should have been high on Apple's "must work" priority list.
I have a macbook 2,1, the white one. Has anyone else had their regular built in sound just stop working right after upgrading to snow leopard? I can get sound to play through headphones, but once I up plug them the little sound icon in the menu bar will grey out and I will not be able to get sound to play through the internal speakers.
If I go to the Sys Pref > Sound > Output Pane, it will say "The selected device has no output controls" in the Settings for Selected Device section.
I upgraded my girlfriends laptop to Snow Leopard even though she could care less. Now she's all mad cause the sound doesn't work.
I recently received a friend's iBook (G4 - not sure about other specs) and it isn't booting. The computer just hangs at the Apple logo when I try to boot from the hard drive.
So I decided the easiest way to fix it would be to simply take my retail leopard disc and install it on the machine (they don't need any data recovery). When I hold the option key the Leopard disc shows up fine, but after I select it and click the arrow to continue it just sits at the apple logo with a twirling loading icon. Anyone else had this issue? Any ideas?
Do I need to reset the system profile or something? Sorry I am an old-school mac newbie... my own machine is a MacBook and I'm much more familiar with it than this G4 iBook.
I recently purchased from a friend a Powermac G4. It was running Panther (i Think). Because it wasnt running all too well, I decided to give Leopard a go.
I had an extra copy of Leopard lying around, so I installed it. It booted up fine, and was working, until I restarted the computer. Now it doesn't boot up at all, and I get a grey screen with a folder with the mac symbol and a question mark on it. What have I done? And how to I fix it?
I know this has been somewhat covered before but.Should I be booting into 64-bit Snow Leopard?I have a 2008 Mac Pro with 16GB of memory.I mostly run Photoshop CS4, X-Plane, QuickTime 7 Pro, Compressor and FCP6.
I know you hold down the 6 and 4 keys but is anyone using either "Happy Cat", "K64Enabler 1.0.1", or "32- or 64-bit Kernel Startup Mode Selector 1.2.3" to enable 64-bit Snow Leopard?
I have mac osx 10.5 leopard. I shut my mac down to move upstairs, then when I went to boot up again it didnt start. So I got the leopard cd and hold "c" at start up and it still stays at the grey screen!
I remembred a few hours prior to shutting down Imoved some of the default os x applications into a sub folder in my applications folder ( isync, address book, capture, etc). But this doesnt seem like that could of caused it?
What I have done already is restore my USB Flash Drive with a .dmg of Leopard using Disk Utility. The next step consists of booting Tiger into Leopard by holding down the option key at start-up and selecting my flash drive. The USB flash drive comes up on my computer as a Leopard Install DVD but when I hold in the option key during start up, I do not have an option for my flash dirve to boot.
I have a MacBook Pro that came with Leopard. I am wondering if it is possible for me to shrink my Leopard partition and then install Tiger on a second partition. I have seen a similar thread about starting with Tiger and then adding a Leopard partition, but I want to go the other way around.
Also, is it possible for me to do this without having to reinstall Leopard, such as making a partition with Boot Camp and then tweaking it with the Disk Utility in the Tiger installer?
I currently have my Macbook Pro (newest version as of Aug 09) set up with Windows XP and Leopard via Bootcamp. I don't use Windows almost ever anymore so I wanted to install Ubuntu on it. IE, just load Ubuntu over Windows. The windows partition is NTFS formatted.
Before I attempt this, I was wondering if there are any simple-to-use tutorials out there. I have some experience with Linux, but it was years ago. Why I want to get back into it and learn a new OS again.
I have a MacBook pro running Leopard (10.5.8). I am updating to a legitimate copy of Snow Leopard. I'm not installing from the discs, though. I made my flash drive a bootable disk, and I'm trying to install from the USB drive. I'm pretty confident that I did it correctly, but I am still having trouble. This is a brand new 8 gb flash drive. Using Disk Utility, I changed the drive to GUID Partition Table and formatted it to Mac OS Extended (Journaled). Then I restored my Snow Leopard .dmg to the flash drive. Everything seems to be going smoothly at this point. I clicked on "Install Mac OS X" in the newly created bootable drive, and after going through the next few windows it started installing. The progress bar increased to about 7%, which took probably five minutes.
After this, it stated something along the lines of "installation will continue after reboot," and then rebooted itself. When OS X started back up, it was like nothing had happened. No changes, no continuing installation, it was like the installation hadn't begun at all. I tried a second time and the same thing happened: partial install, reboot, then nothing but regular startup. The USB Snow Leopard Install Drive does show up in the list of bootable drives in the "Startup Disk" portion of System Preferences. Even when I select it as the startup disk and restart, OS X just boots normally almost like it's ignoring my direction to boot from the Snow Leopard install drive. When I hold "alt" during startup to select the drive to boot from, only the regular Macintosh HD is presented as an option.
I don't understand why it would show up in System Preferences>Startup Disk, but not show up when pressing alt at startup. I noticed in Disk Utility that the "Owners Enabled" option was set to "No," so I used Terminal to change that to "Yes," even though I'm not sure it makes a difference at all. I named the USB Drive "Snow" and entered the line 'sudo /usr/sbin/vsdbutil -a /Volumes/Snow' in Terminal to do change owners enabled to yes. So this is where I am stuck. From what I can tell, I think I created the bootable usb drive properly, but I can't seem to boot from it and running the install off of the drive while already logged into OS X halts at about 7% and reboots.
I had a problem with apple macbook pro (core2duo,1Gb ddr2,80Gb HDD) laptop. I've erased my partition by accident, so the hdd was empty. then insert Dvd mac osx Leopard 10.5.2 to install it, partitioned the hdd as GUID partition table & formated with mac os extended (journaled). the install going smooth until finish, but when came back to boot from dvd. I turn of and put it on again with option button pressed, but only the dvd is the option to boot..
I sign in and when Safari opens, whilst Microsoft Messenger is downloading, the monitor screen vibrates between Safari and Messenger at a very, very, fast pace. Back and forth, back and forth, alternating between the two. When the booting process is completed the computer is fine. Everything is OK. Any know what is causing this, and what to do about it?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 2.4 GHz Intel 2 Duo Pen
Lately, my MacBook's been popping-up window after boot that says, "Connection failed. The server may not exist or it is not operational at this time." I don't know what server my Mac is trying to connect to. How/where can I look to see what's trying to connect, and to shut it off from trying at boot?
I have Snow Leopard installed on an 8GB Flash Drive. It works all good and fine. The only thing is I don't want to do an upgrade, I want to do a FRESH erase and install of my machine (macbook). I tried plugging in the USB drive and restarting the computer while holding down "c", this proved to not work.
Any way that I can erase the computer completely and fresh install from my USB drive?
Environment clones ( made by Leopard compatible SuperDuper and Carbon Copy Cloner) to two separate LaCie Firewire drives will not boot from those drives Leopard (10.5.6) running on an old 14" iBook G4 1.1 GHZ. Both SuperDuper and Carbon Copy Cloner declared the clones bootable, and they are selectable as Startup drives. All three drives (internal included) are partitioned using Apple Partition Map and OSX Extended Journaled. Has anyone met and solved this problem? BTW - I did read somewhere that Leopard is designed to use the GUID partition scheme; but this is of no use with a PPC Mac. Could this be the source of the problem?
I have an old macbook pro 15 inch from around late 2005. It has a Core 2 Duo processor with 2.4 ghz, etc. and installed snow leopard on it awhile back. Yesterday after running software updates, the computer won't boot. what I could do to get the update de-installed?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.11), 2 GB Memory 2.16 GHz Intel processor
i just bought a new uMBP 15 2.53 last night and i bought a Seagate 500GB 5400rpm HDD to replace the one on board. I installed the HDD and SnowLeopard install went through great but after install every time i boot up, it takes a long time on spinning gear. It eventually loads up but takes a while, I ran Repair Disk Permission and Verify disk and everything turns out fine. I even ran Apple hardware test on HDD and tests passes. I haven't installed 1.7 EFI Firmware since i've read that it doesn't work so well with third party HDD or doesn't work at all.
I'm running Leopard 10.5.8 on an iMac and continuously have problems booting the machine. The boot process occasionally hangs at the gray screen, but more often it hangs at the blue screen. Sometimes it makes it to the login screen where the cursor occasionally freezes. Whenever these problems occur I have to shut down by holding down the start button, then restart again. Usually the second boot is successful. This booting problem occurs frequently, even after running Disk Warrior and repairing permissions. I don't think this is normal behavior. Has anyone else had such problems? Is there anything I can do to correct this behavior, or is this something that needs to be fixed by Apple?