Intel Mac :: Won't Boot When Usb Plugged In

Jun 17, 2012

I have a probleme since i got my Imac 27 Mid 2010. It just dont boot when a usb Drive is plugged in. I had i Firewire hard drive in the past and i had no problems to boot up on it. Turn the mac on, holding option key and bang !  BUT usb just dont work, it stay on gray screen and after a while (10 mins) it boot on my regular internal drive. 

I tried several usb drives and it's always the same. It look's that im not the only one that have this problem.

iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Mac Pro :: Wont Boot When Pc Is Plugged Into Mb Power?

Nov 5, 2010

When I unplugg my pc vid card 5770 i can boot to mac but when i plug it in the power port on motherboard i can only bootcamp to windows is this normal?kind of a hassle everytime i want to play games because i have to shut down then plug in vid card to crossfire

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MacBook Pro :: If Usb Is Plugged To Computer It Won't Boot

Feb 7, 2012

I have two usb hdds connected to a usb hub. I've never had any issue with it(the hub). After I installed the last update 10.7.3 everytime I restart my computer if I have the hub (with all my hdds and other devices) connected to my computer, the computer won't boot. It get up to the white screen (before the loading wheel). If I unplug the usb cable it starts booting inmediately.

MacBook Pro

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PowerPC :: IBook G3 Wont Boot With Airport Card When Plugged In System?

Jan 3, 2011

I have a G3 iBook I've put together from spares just as a project. Everything works fine and will connect to the internet over the ethernet cable.As soon as I plug an Airport card in it refuses to boot, it won't even try so it seems to be a hardware issue.Is it possibly a dodgy Airport card or something else?It's a 2001, 600Mhz, Dual USB, white 12" iBook.

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Find Battery Life Info / Plugged Or Not Plugged

Oct 17, 2009

I use my MBP 15" (the new one), as my primary machine in my office. I sit by my best usually 10-12hrs a day working on it.

I am trying to figure out what is best to do, keep the AC plugged in or have it un-plugged and only plug it in when the battery is drained (or less then 50%)? I have tried different experiments, plugged in, not-plugged and time is about the same for life of the battery. The true question is, how is is best to do it for the health of the battery.

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IMac (Intel) :: Plugged In IPhone 5s But Can't Find It In Finder

Jun 28, 2014

I have an OS X, version 10.9.3 

Processor 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5

Memory 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 

I have an iPhone 5s version 7.1.1 (11D201) 

I have plugged the iPhone into the computer with hopes to transfer my photos but I can't find the iPhone in Finder . . .

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IMac (Intel) :: Won't Recognize Any Device Plugged Into USB Ports?

Jun 27, 2014

My desktop will no longer recognize anything I plug into any of my usb ports!  I have rebooted and updated my software but still nothing….

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Intel Mac :: Desktop Won't Come Out Of Sleep Mode Until Unplugged And Plugged Back In

Apr 20, 2012

Computer will not come out of sleep mode (even when pushing the start button). I have to unplug and plug back in and and then push "start" switch to start computer. This has occured twice in a about one week.


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MacBook Pro :: 13" Intel Core I5 Battery Is Not Charging And It Is Plugged In?

Jun 24, 2012

I bought this MacBook Pro 13 inch, Intel Core i5 in June 2011 and it is Early 2011 model and today I am charging my battery and it plugged in and it wont charge. I have had it where the screen goes black and the plug wont show a light and it wont charge. The condition of the battery is Replace Soon. I dont know what it is.  

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Intel Mac :: Boot Partition Error Message - Mid 2010 I7 Will Not Boot Past The Apple Logo

Apr 8, 2012

My mid 2010 iMac i7 will not boot past the apple logo? I'm running 10.7.3. I have tried restoring from TM backup from recovery mode (worked the last time this happened) however upon completion it returns to the recovery screen? I made a disk of Lion when I downloaded the first time (followed same instructions sourced from numerous websites) which does not seem to work when i set to start up from this disk, just gets to the grey screen and flicks between the apple logo, a folder icon with a question mark and the circle with line through? Now I can't eject the disk either, a message appears that system can't eject and to make sure all applications are closed? Not sure how to go about closing these applications without being able to start the system? When I tried booting from the Macintosh HD I got a message that the boot cache partition was faulty? I have ran disk permissions etc all ok.  

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: Cannot Boot From Selected External Drive On Intel Core Duo 10.4.3?

May 29, 2012

OS X 10.4.3 IMAC Intel Core Duo. I backed up my HD on an external drive so I could upgrade to Snow Leopard. I wanted to test that I could boot from the external drive and selected it as my start up drive. When I did a restart I got the Apple and the turning gear and then suddenly a black screen with this on it:
"May 28 22:23:11 too quickly throttling, exited system abnormally bad system call too many failures in succession I have no name!"

I tried several dozen times with no luck. I think when I made the copy of my HD on the external HD I may have neglected to make it "bootable" (moving too quickly). My internal CDROM is busted so I use an external CDROM. I can't boot from it at all with the proper start up buttons pushed. It keeps trying to boot from the external drive. If I turn the external drive off and try to boot from the external CD I just get the grey file with the ? in the middle of it.

I tried using another external HD I have with OS 10.4 on it, but it won't recognize it either with fan, alt, shift, delete pressed at start up. My internal drive (a Seagate 2 tarabite drive) works great, but how do I reset it as the start up drive when I'm stuck with this black screen. One more thing, when I try to reset PRAM I don't get a second gong.

iMac Intel Core Duo 2GHz 17", 2006 model

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Intel Mac :: 27" With I7 Intel Processor Does Not Boot

Jun 13, 2012

My iMac was working perfectly till two days ago, I shut it down normally, but haven't been able to start it since then. When I press the start button I can hear the HD and fans working, and also the USB ports are powered, but screen keeps black and no boot tone. 

Since I have a bluetooth keyboard, I am not able to start in safe mode..

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.1)

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Intel Mac :: Ethernet Cable Is Plugged But It Says "cable Unplugged"

Jun 9, 2012

I just brought a brand new IMac today but could not connect the internet with the cable though the cable does work with other computers.  Do I have to change the settings or .....? Or its the problem of the jack?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Mac Pro :: OCZ Vs Intel SSD Boot

Dec 14, 2009

I think i'm going to be investing in a SSD Boot drive for my 09 2.93-Octo MP. Have a few questions regarding the size needed for boot, and brand! Before I begin, I have my DL/User files on another drive already and I'm still right around 80GB in Apps, but I do have a lot of fonts and other little files Floating around that I'm sure could be moved to another drive. So

A. What size is common for boot drives SSD?
B. I'm reading better speeds in the OCZ Vertex than the Intel X25M, which drive do you trust?

Is there a drive out there with a 64m Chip thats 80g? Or do i need 120(128)to get the good chip. Also who is a good online or retail supplier for these drives? OWC?

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Intel Mac :: It Won't Boot Up

Apr 16, 2012

I have started my imac today and it doesnt seem to be loading up it comes with a status bar at the bottom which gets stuch after a bit and then goes away and then nothing happens except it just keeps loading. you can see the screen I get below.


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Intel Mac :: It Will Not Boot Up

May 23, 2012

imac powers on. You come to the gray screen with the apple & the circle below it just keeps spooling around.  imac at that point not making much of a sound. I have powered on & off a bunch of times. Just stuck & not booting up.


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Intel Mac :: Won't Boot From CDs?

Jun 23, 2012

i have an old iMac8,1 running 10.5. i've been trying to run other OSes off the bootcamp partition, but i can't get it to boot off any bootable media. so far i've tried Windows XP DVDs, Ubuntu DVDs, bootable live CDs on USB drives, and even 'dd'ing a live cd to the bootcamp partition. all of these result in the same outcome: a blinking cursor on a black screen. i thought it was just slow, so i left it for a whole day waiting a couple of times, after all that it was still the same blinking cursor 

i also tried rEFIt, which works fine, but apparently it doesn't make a difference. both the rEFIt and the original mac bootloader won't boot anything but what's on the hard drive. oddly enough, if i boot off something that's not bootable, i do get an error saying no system found, so at least that is working 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), iMac8,1

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Intel Mac :: I7 SSD+HDD Boot?

Jul 4, 2012

I've just bought a 27" iMac with the SSD and 1TB drive. The problem is that when i boot the machine it asks if i want to from Macintosh HD or Recovery HD.

iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), i7, 256GB SSD+1TB HDD

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Windows On Mac :: Boot DOS On Intel?

Jan 13, 2007

can you boot DOS on an intel mac? Not dosbox, not a emulation of some sort, but actually boot DOS from a flash drive/ cd rom?

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Mac Mini :: Intel Won't Boot From USB Or DVD

Jul 31, 2010

I have a 2009 Mac Mini 2ghz that I was trying to install Leopard Server on. I have tried by booting from DVD, a second partition with the ISO burned to it, and even an external USB drive that has a full install of Leopard Server on it that successfully boots up a 2007 iMac. I have also tried to boot from 10.5 DVDs without any luck. The symptom is consistent - it attempts to boot and then reboots about 10 seconds later. This happens regardless of whether it is a physical DVD or an external USB drive. All DVD drives and USB drives are capable of booting the iMac.

I've reset PRAM, held down option keys to select boot drives, etc. I can't try target disk mode as I don't have a firewire cable handy. Booting into diagnostic mode detects no problems for both the short or long test. The machine is just out of warranty but did have a weird problem with network where it wouldn't recognize the network connected to a Netgear 716GS switch, no matter which port. 10 other computers connected to the switch without problem. I had brought it to the genius bar who couldn't determine any hardware problems and it worked with their network just fine.

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Intel Mac :: Can't Use External HD To Boot It

Feb 3, 2012

I bought this Seagate hard drive go Flex from Costco and backup my HD using Carbon copy cloner. At the time of my backup the lion version is 10.7. I am now at 10.7.2 at my internal HD although the external remains at 10.7. When I choose the Seagate HD from system preference as the start up disk you will hear the dong sound and the screen would appear but then it will shut down and the external drive would go into low energy mood. In other words the computer recognizes the external HD as having an OS but would not go through with the boot.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)

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Intel Mac :: 10.5.8 Cannot Boot Or Restart

Mar 18, 2012

My iMac will not start up when shut down, or awake from sleep.To get it to start i must turn off the power, and turn it back on, then it starts up and runs fine.If i Restart it, it switches off, and will not power back on. The machine still works great but is begining to be a pain in the back-side cycling the power every morning.I have done an SMC Reset, and that did not change it.

I have also added a new user, and when i logged in as the new user, it did restart a couple of times (cannot remember the exact amount) and then when i switched back to my normal account it restarted fine... i assumed it was fixed... but after that it's gone back to it's old painful self..

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Work iMac

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Intel Mac :: Cannot Boot From OSX Disc

Mar 27, 2012

I recently partitioned my internal drive with an 80 gig partition to run Ubuntu , removed Ubuntu and now can not resize hd to recover the 80 gig that I used , there was a program with this Ubuntu install called rEFIt that was installed for the dual boot , My problem is that Itunes keeps crashing and I have spent somewhere around 8 hours trying to fix this issue and in the process I discovered that I now can not boot from the osx disc but I can boot from the Ubuntu disc , what can I do to correct this issue or is there anything that I can do to correct this and recover the 80 gig that I used ?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Won't Boot Up From A Shutdown

Mar 29, 2012

Tried to start our iMac get the normal chime, then the gray screen with the gray apple......but then I get a narrow progress bar on the bottom of the screen. The progress bar in the screen gets about 1/8 filled and then it disappears and then I get a second bar ant it also gets about 1/8 filled and then the computer shuts off. I did try to do a reset of the pram ( only thing I could think of) ...did not work. Fortunately, I have Time Machine..

17, Mac OS X (10.6.8), (2) 3G iPhone 4. (2)iPads 4.33

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Intel Mac :: Won't Complete Boot Up

Apr 11, 2012

My imac has been shutting itself off the past few days and now won't complete boot up.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: Boot The Mac Over Hardware?

Apr 15, 2012

what key i have to push for start Manu?  

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: RAM Errors Now It Won't Boot

May 27, 2012

My 24" iMac had some graphical glitches and froze up, so I ran MemTest86 on it and got a number of errors reported on my RAM. 

I had upgraded from 2x1gb to 2x2gb and kept the old RAM, so I gave that a try. This time MemTest86 itself came up with graphical glitches and reported problems on this RAM as well. 

I gave up for the night and the following morning when trying to boot, all I get is the monitor powering up and the Mac boot sound. The system then reboots immediately and does the same thing over and over. Screen powers on (stays black though) and sound plays. I never get to a gray screen at all nor does the Apple logo ever appear. 

Trying to boot to safe mode, off cd, single user mode are all unsuccessful, I never get out of the boot sound loop. 

NVRAM/PRAM reset attempted, likely unsuccessful. 

I've tried booting with 1 DIMM and 2 DIMM across the different RAM I have, but the same thing always occurs. Only time I get different behaviour is when booting with no RAM, and then I just get a beeping tone. 

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Intel Mac :: No Video On Boot

Jun 22, 2012

Odd problem that just started with my 2008-ish iMac. Probably not related, but iTunes did it's typical thing of hard freezing my entire system. I hard rebooted my iMac, and it rebooted with no video. It chimed, but the screen remained black. I searched for the problem and found an old Apple article that suggested resetting the PRAM. Not really believing it would work, I tried it anyway and, still no video.

I let it boot for what I believed was a reasonable amount of time to get to the log in screen. Then I hit the F-buttons for volume and received the chirp letting me know that I was changing the volume. I hit the F-buttons for brightness, but did not get anything from the screen. I was working, so I shut it down again, let it sit, and started it up later. Video!  It started up just fine. I know it probably needs to go to the Apple Store, but I am not going to be able to get down there for a day or two.

Info:iMac (24-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4) video.

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Intel Mac :: Why Is It Slow On Boot

Jul 3, 2012

I have recently done an update and had to re boot my iMac only to find its slower than windows at re booting. I have tried resetting the PRAM and tried cmd-r then going through disk utilities to repair disk, once this was finished it said the disk appears to be ok. It's still just sat there at the grey screen with the apple logo and the loading symbol. 

iMac, iOS 5.1.1

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IMac (Intel) :: Won't Come On Or Boot

Jun 19, 2014

My iMac won't come on or boot. What can I do?

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