Intel Mac :: Sudden Decrease In Wifi Download Speed
May 5, 2012
My iMac has had a sudden decrease in wifi download speed. Upload speed hasn't changed and all othe connected devices still work as normal (the iPad still clocks in at around 30mbps and the iMac used too, now it's at 5.0 mbps). How do I fix the iMac? We have determined that it is not the internet provider and I have exahusted my ideas on how to get the speed back.
iMac 2.4 GHz Intel Core Duo, Mac OS X (10.6.6), 4 GB 800MHz DDR2 SDRAM
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Feb 8, 2012
My iMac has just gotten all grumpy and weird with me, when attempting to browse anything on the internet (or even trying to access the router via everything is ridiculously slow or just doesn't load. At first the speed went down dramatically - i went on and did a test, the page took a good 5 mins to load and after the test it turned out that i had a speed of 0.2 Mbps (my average speed on a good day is about 2.5 Mbps, shocking i know!) Ive tried turning the computer off and restarting it to no avail. Im doing this on my Macbook Pro which is sat next to the iMac and with a speed test is coming up with speed of about 2.2 Mbps, so its clearly the machine and not the internet/router. Ive tried using Safari, Chrome and Firefox they all provide the same, unusably slow responces.
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Apr 9, 2009
I've got a real odd problem with safari 4. For some reason it is cutting my download speeds in about 1/2 from my server and many other places.
If I restart safari I will be able to download close to my 18 Mbps for a little bit but then it will just start to slow down and after about 30 minutes it will be down to about 6 - 8 Mbps.
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Jun 12, 2012
I've recently upgraded my internet speeds through my ISP to have 50Mbps download and 2Mbps upload. I use my 2TB Time Capsule as a router as it has by far provided the best connectivity than any other router. I run dual network - connect my iPhone 4S through standard network and my iMac through 5GHz network. Since upgrading my speed, I have noticed that my iMac speeds vary greatly, but most of the time I'm struggling to get more than 10Mbps download, however on my iPhone I easily achieve almost 40Mbps. I have tried different browsers, and ensured all other applications are closed and even switched the iMac (2009 i7 quad core) to the standard network. At that point I noticed a slight increase in speed but it was short lived.Â
I am stumped on what to try next. Does anyone have ideas? The iMac is a little hot, but nothing that isn't normal so I can't put it down to heat or anything. I recently installed Windows 7 through bootcamp but didn't expect that to impact anything, however it was around a SIMILAR time that I noticed issues, as previously I was getting a consistent connection of 20Mbps before I upgraded.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 17, 2012
After many years on PC's, I just got myself a 21.5 iMac. Everthing is great so far except for my ftp downloads. Last week on my pc the download speeds would vary from 2 to 12 Mbs per second depending on conditions. Now on the iMac I am lucky to get .5 to 1 mbs. Could some longtime Mac user share a few tips on network settings to improve my ftp downloads?? I ran the speed test on my Comcast support site... and it showed my download speed as 23Mbs.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), using Filezilla or CuteFTP for Mac
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Jun 16, 2012
My iMac desktop has a download speed of 2mbps. My Mac book Pro is at 17Mbps at the same time.This seems to have started when I upgraded to Lion. It is a Wi-Fi connection?
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Apr 30, 2009
Sorry for the title but I couldn't think of anything better. Hopefully I'll be able to explain my problem. I have a MPR 2.53 ghz, 4 gig ram, I'm using Safari 4.04. I am using the WIFI at a guesthouse in Thailand (but I had the same issue in China, Vietnam ...). I ran a speed test and it said download 7mb/sec and upload about 1mb/sec. I have an "app" that says bandwidth in 1.3kb/sec out 1.0kbs. I thought maybe it was Safari so I downloaded and installed Firefox. firefox gives me similar speeds. When I downloaded Firefox though I had a download speed of over 1mb/sec. But as soon as it finished downloading the speed went back to around 1kb/sec. I have rebooted my MBP many times. I did some Google searches but didn't find anything helpful.
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Jan 7, 2010
I have a MPR 2.53 ghz, 4 gig ram, I'm using Safari 4.04. I am using the WIFI at a guesthouse in Thailand (but I had the same issue in China, Vietnam ...).
I ran a speed test and it said download 7mb/sec and upload about 1mb/sec. I have an "app" that says bandwidth in 1.3kb/sec out 1.0kbs. I thought maybe it was Safari so I downloaded and installed Firefox. firefox gives me similar speeds. When I downloaded Firefox though I had a download speed of over 1mb/sec. But as soon as it finished downloading the speed went back to around 1kb/sec. I have rebooted my MBP many times. I did some Google searches but didn't find anything helpful.
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May 10, 2009
When downloading small files online they will download through Speed Download. Before I installed Speed Download it would just download through the regular downloading client. How do I change it back to using the regular one as standard? I use firefox btw
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Mar 20, 2012
my mac osx 10.7 lion suddenly became very slow to work on safari. How can I bring it back up to speed?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Jan 7, 2010
I generally get about 700kbs download speed, which is what my ISP (Sky uk) tells me I SHOULD have, but they also tell me that my router upload speed should be similar and it's not anywhere close to it.
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Jun 4, 2014
I've been having a problem with my WiFi-connection for at least two weaks, and to me it seems as if it started with the latest OS update I installed. When I turn on my computer the wi-fi connection sets up just as usual, with a strong signal and the networks I frequently use. I can run my browser, e-mail programs and downloads just as I'm used to, everything works fine - and then all of a sudden connection is lost while the wi-fi symbol still shows full signal. When I open the menu to see what networks I can connect with, there are no networks shown by name, the signal-symbol sill having all its stripes filled.
It is neither a router or network problem, because the same happens when I'm on campus and my girlfriend has no similar problem with the connection on her MacBook (nor have I on my iPhone).
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Aug 22, 2009
I am currently running 3 systems on my home network. 1 Notebook. Apple Macbook (Core Duo) running 10.5.81 Netbook. Acer Aspire One D250 running XP1 PC. Dell Dimension 3000 (PoS) running XPThe Macbook and Netbook are both connected via Wifi, while the PC is connected via network cable to my Macbook with Internet sharing on.Out of curiosity I ran a speed test ( to see if there was any difference between what I was getting through Wifi, and through sharing. I could understand losing some speed going from wifi to internet sharing, but I also get 8-9 mbps download results on my netbook.
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Apr 3, 2009
Ive got a pretty fast internet connection at home and I have just realised that when I plug my iBook and desktop pcs into my wireless router ethernet (LAN) ports I get a much faster internet connection speed compared to the wifi.I.e. 12-17mbps when through ethernet and when I connect to the wifi I get 2-4mbps. My computers are all located in the same room no more than 5 metres away from the router.
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Aug 3, 2010
I have a wifi network running with two Airport Express units. One unit is an Airport Express "N" and one is a "G". The "N" is connected to my router and configured as the main basestation. My "G" is connected as a remote station and extends my network and I connect my stereo to it.I've noticed that my wifi network starts off relatively fast (speedtest from my Powerbook laptop is about 10-15mbs), however it soon slows down significantly (to about .2-.5 mbs). My line connection is fiber optic. My PC (which is connected directly to the router) gets very fast speeds (about 80mbs).
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Jun 12, 2009
I have a really crappy connection at home, about 50 ~ 60 kpbs. LOL. Cheapest AT&T DSL, $19.95. I have a wireless router hooked up right now. Is it possible to utilize my WIFI and ETHERNET all at the same time to double my connection speed? If so how? I'm running 10.5.
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Aug 11, 2009
around my house, even right next to my wireless router, I have a pretty slow WiFi speed - normally my downloads are under 20kbs a second (I have a hard time even watching YouTube videos). When I plug my laptop into an ethernet port, it greatly increases and I sometimes see speeds above 100kbs. I'm using a really cheap router, but I've used other routers with the same results.
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Jun 7, 2012
macbook air only connects at 130 M/Bits on a 5Ghz wifi connection, all other devices including pre unibody Macbook connect at 300M/bits ?
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Aug 21, 2008
I upgraded my internal airport card for wireless N. What's the screen on my mac to check if i'm using 802.11n?
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Apr 6, 2012
My iMac is all of a suddden very slow and the incoming gmail is no longer working. However my incoming mail works fine on my iPad and other devices? The slowness is on every thing?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Very slow
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Sep 28, 2010
I am sorry if i have posted this in the wrong topic, i'm not sure where this would go. I am trying to download a file off the internet, but my download speed is only 12 kb/s on average (Sometimes it will go up to 13 and sometimes down to 9). I have every application that could be using internet turned off and still no help. I have also set my utorrent to unlimited download speed but it still stays on 12! I have a good router so i don't think thats the problem. What am i doing wrong? Is there a program i can use to speed it up?
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Mar 1, 2010
I currently have a Belkin wireless-N router (the cheapest one I could find, regrettably) so that I can have wifi in my dorm room, but this router isn't cutting it anymore. I've given the password to a couple of my friends, but their favorite things to do while on my network are Skype, Hulu, and ESPN streaming--leaving me with an unreliable, slow wireless connection.To help with this problem, I want to buy a Time Capsule--I'm really looking forward to using its wireless backup and printer sharing features. My first question is, though, will a Time Capsule be able to handle multiple bandwidth-hogging wireless connections faster and more reliably than my cheapo Belkin router, or will it also choke? (I know for a fact that the problem isn't my university's network, because I get blazing fast download and upload speeds via Ethernet.)
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Apr 18, 2012
Why is my iMac all of a sudden take several minutes to do tasks it usually does in seconds?.
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May 11, 2012
My IMac runs slowly all of a suddent with the catherine wheel appearing often as i move between porgrams and browse web sites
I have downloaded a sophos anti virus and have run all the security updates from the Apple site
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 20, 2012
My imac has been working fine for the 5 years I had it.As of last week my mac had been running great. When I open up an app is opens right up. When I jump on Safari it opened right up. Sometimes I keep my imac overnight but let it stay on sleep on mode. Nevertheless, after 3 days of not using it when I cut it on everything started working slow. Apps takes 2 to 3 minutes to load. Safari takes for ever to load and have broken images on the site. I havent used Time Machine since the last week April, but when I left my mac on overnight (just yesterday) to update it, it was stuck on "preparing to back up". That's over 10 hours of preparing, and unable to back up. So bottomline, something has gone wrong and I dont know where to start.  Â
I read on a blog to repair disk to see if that fix the problem. In disk utility when I highlighted the 500 GB hard drive the only 2 option was highlighted, verify disk and repair disk. When I press repair disk, it checked fast with no issues. When I highlight the Macintosh HD which is under the 500GB hard drive, verify disk permssion and repair permission were highlighted. I chose repair permissions and its saying that it will take 1 day and 9 hours to repair. After staring at for almost an hour the progress bar hasn't really moved. Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 7, 2008
This may be MacHeist related... . I was just curious as to what the consensus is regarding these two download managers/accelerators. If you were being offered iGetter for say... $10 and Speed Download 5 for... I don't know... $15, which would you get?
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Aug 26, 2010
Lately, my download speed has been unacceptably slow. Could I have downloaded some spyware or something by accident? Can you get anything like this from just being on a website or do you have to download and install it?
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Mar 28, 2009
From various parts of the house my download speed (wireless) varies from 19 mb down to 3 mb. It relates directly to signal strength. Is this normal or do I have some problem with the system?
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Jun 12, 2012
I'm running the macbook pro 2,3 GHz intel core i5 version 10.6.8. Me and my friend are on the same wifi connection, but his macbook (thats 1 year older than mine) downloads 10 times faster. I'm getting around 0.24 Mbps while my friend gets around 1,8 Mbps. My internet is really slow and I have trouble opening a lot of internet sites. I wonder if ive done something to my settings so that the download limit is limited or something.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Slow internet
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Jun 19, 2012
My laptop is fully up-to-date, with not a large amount of programs on it. There is plenty of hardrive space because I took all of my music off, but nothing seems to work. I've had it for 4 1/2 years. Any recommended software (or even do-it-yourself) ideas to clean the system up and speed it up?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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