Intel Mac :: Error - There Was A Problem Connecting To The Server
Apr 19, 2012
Eversince I updated my iMac to 10.7.3 I get this message every 5 minutes. "There was a problem connecting to the server. That server was gone for almost 1 month now.I have checked Login items, launchdaemons, startup items pretty much gone to every website and I cannot get this error message go away.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 17, 2012
I'm trying to copy files from one server based backup to another but after completing part of the transfer I keep getting "error code -50" and only part of the files copy. How can I keep this from happening?
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 9, 2012
I am running a 10.7.3 Lion Server bound to Active Directory. There are only several local admin users on the machine; everyone else authenticates against AD. AFP connections work fine, using both local and AD accounts. SMB connections work fine if you use a local account but any AD account is rejected as having the wrong password when connecting via SMB. I've tried using the adusername trick (our AD server is named "ad") even though you're not supposed to need that with 10.7.2 and above... it doesn't help.
I have tried both a Windows 7 client and a 10.6 client, specifying SMB as the protocol in the Connect To Server dialog. Both fail, and they also take several minutes before reporting the bad password (the slowness in responding is yet another problem I've read as being an issue). Checking the kdc.log file on the server I see:
2012-02-09T09:54:22 digest-request netr: failed user=AD\dlennie DC status code c000006d
2012-02-09T09:54:22 digest-request: netr failed with -1073741715 proto=ntlmv2
2012-02-09T09:54:22 digest-request: od failed with 2 proto=ntlmv2
I am using the full DNS name for the server, and on my test clients there are no firewalls or other network issues that would prevent connection to the server. We're mostly Macs here but the Windows users become a rather vocal group when something doesn't go their way. The confusing part to me is that AFP authenticates just fine and SMB doesn't.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), OSX Lion Server
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Feb 14, 2012
I have a Snow leopard server with a folder shared Via SMB for the 2 PC's we have, all the macs can read and write to this folder OK. About once a week the 2 pc's take 10 mins to start and then cannot connect to the share. Web/email and sharing betwen them still works. I can ping the server from both. I've turned off the smb and restarted it. Also tried restarting the Xserve. This still has no effect. All internal firewalls are off. I've tried guest access.
Xserve, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 2, 2012
Keep getting this error message when I open my Mail: The server returned the error: The server [URL]cannot be contacted on port 993.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 28, 2012
Since last day, i can't access my wiki server from any mac on my network.I've got the first web page, but when i select "Wikis", an 503 error occurs.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7), Server
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Mar 14, 2012
Having some mail issues lately with my gmail account Imap set up. I can receive mail but when trying to send mail it pops up with the following: "Can not send message using the server [URL]" I tried deleting the gmail account on my iMac and setting it up again. in the set up It gives me two choices as an outgoing server: [URL] and just Gmail.If I choose Gmail I can send the messages, but is this secure? I've always used [URL] for outgoing without any problems.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 27",3.4GHz i7, 8GB DDR3,1TB HDD
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Jul 2, 2012
I'm trying to empty the trash on my iMac (running Snow Leopard) but I just get an error message: The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code - 8003).
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 22, 2012
This first time problem has persisted since the most recent Apple updates. I have a 24" Mac w/Lion 10.7.4 Whether I use Safari, Camino, Firefox or Opera eventually I get a "server can't be found" message when attempting to open a site ( including Apple, blogs,newspapers, etc). This error isn't consistent. not always the same site won't open ... sometimes I'll get the 'can't be found message', then after opening other sites and returning to the can't open site ... it opens. Also, mail, especially those from businesses, will open but any pics, drawings, etc. aren't there, just a small box with a question mark. Again, this is erratic problem and doesn’t happen every time I open mail. I visited an Apple Genius and she said it was a network issue, then removed a folder named, "CaptiveNetworkSupport" and 9 files ... including a preference.plist,, NetworkInterfaces.plist, etc. The Genius said the problem was fixed ... but returning home, I reconnected everything and the original problem is still exists.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 26, 2012
I am having problems connecting to my remote computer using afp and also sharing Filemaker Pro since upgrading to Lion. We upgraded the remote computer to Lion and 10.7.4 and also upgraded to Filemaker 11 on both computers at the same time. I have been able to access the remote computer and share Filemaker Pro as normal, until I also upgraded to Lion on my Mac. Since I upgraded, I have been unable to access the remote computer or share Filemaker.
I don't have much knowledge of networking etc so i am completely lost as to what to do to try and fix the problem. G3, G4 and Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.4)
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Jul 4, 2009
After installing Windows 7 on my mac, and installing the Apple drivers, I made an attempt to pair my Apple Wireless Keyboard with Windows. Well, Windows recognizes the device, but whenever I attempt to connect the two I get an error. The error states: Adding the device failed resulting in a unknown error. The reported error code is: 0x80004005. It then tells me to contact the device manufacturer. Did anyone else get this error?
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May 9, 2007
I'm running 10.4.9 on a PPC, all recent updates performed.
I have the feeling the problem surfaced after doing the latest security update. I'm not 100% sure though.Whenever I connect to a (samba) share, the progression bar dialogue box just won't disappear. You know, the one saying "Connecting To Server".
The connection itself works without a problem.When I disconnect and reconnect, it shows me two of those progression bars, progressing away in some networked void.
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Feb 19, 2009
I have a PC laptop and I'm trying to connect to a work Mac OS X server. I read notes from Mosguy on 10.20.06 and followed those steps. I am not connecting. I need to be able to connect offsite for when I travel or work from home.
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Jun 10, 2012
[URL] is not connecting to server. has anyone had this happen?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 13, 2012
We are currently running a 10.7.4 Server with 10.7.4 clients. The problem is with the calendar system's sharing funtion. Some users will consistently receive an error message "403" Stating that the user does not have permission to edit the item when they edit an item or change an existing event to another user's shared calendar. After some troublshooting I found that if I made the claendar in question the default calendar in iCal, I was able to create vents without problem. I have tried removing the problemed users from that calendar's list of shared users, and changing permissions back and forth from Read to Read/Write without any success. There are no iCloud or MobileMe accounts on any of the client machines, a pertinent negative as searching for a resolution to this issue yeilds many similar problems related to those services.
Summary:Creating or editing an event in a shared calendar within iCal (while not the host of sdaid calendar) results in a error code 403. However, when the user in question changes their default calendar to the shared calendar, there is no issue creating new events. The issue is only persistant with a few users. Other users have no issue manipulting existing records in the same shared calendar.
OS X Lion Server (10.7.4)
iCal service is configured properly
Clients are all running 10.7.4
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Apr 10, 2012
I bought a pair of beat's by dr.dre wireless bluetooth headphones and they work fine with my iphone but not my macbook pro. "error while connecting the device"..comes up when I try to sync them with my macbook it possible that a bluetooth transmitter would help ?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 4, 2005
At the moment, I have an ADSL modem/router (1 port) connected to my switch (ethernet port 1 on the server and all my clients are also connected into this same switch). ADSL router has IP address (assigned manually - outside my DHCP range). X Serve operates as DHCP for everything else and I put the default gateway as Internet works fine on all computers (including server). But I want the ADSL modem/router to be connected to ethernet port 2 on X-Serve (not straight into the switch). If I just unplug the ADSL router from the switch and plug it into port 2 of the X-Serve, the server can access the internet, but all clients can no longer. Anyone have *any* clue how to fix this?! It doesn't seem that complicated, I feel I have done everything right.
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Mar 21, 2012
I am tryiing to connect to a remote desktop servere which , I think, is Windows based. I know the IP address which, for example, is
When I type this into the "connect remote server" (Finder>Go> Connect remote server) Apple adds a prefix afp:// . In the "missing manual" book by David Pogue he suggests the prefix ought be smb:// for a windows server. Either way, a dialogue box informs me that attempt has failed whem I try to connect
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Aug 1, 2008
Getting error could not connect to the server because the name or password is not correct. I am able to connect to another server on the network.
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Apr 28, 2009
I have always connected to my server remotely through an IP address.I have not been able to do this with my Macbook pro OS X 10.5.6.Apparently something about not being able to use active X on Mac.Anyone have any insight? Can't believe I am the only person trying to do this!
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Feb 8, 2007
I'm trying to diagnose our new intel servers and VNC.They're of varying configurations in terms of memory, disks, etc, but all are the new xserve model.
Here's what happens.
When connecting to VNC either through ARD's built in software or chicken of the vnc we can see the login screen perfectly, but as soon as we login it suddenly "scrambles." The second a monitor is plugged in the remote display "clears" and again becomes usable.
Here's what's been done so far;
Rebooted the server (VNC broken)
Ran software update (VNC broken)
Booted the server with a monitor attached (VNC works)
Unplug the monitor after reboot + login + monitor plugged in. (VNC continues to work.)
Here's the problem. When I reboot the server I don't need to go through a song and dance to login remotely after a reboot.
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Apr 10, 2012
I'm away from my local network so the server that my macbook connects to is not available. How do I stop OSX Lion from trying to connect to it every 2 mins?
Mac OS X (10.1)
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Sep 12, 2014
For a few weeks now, I can no longer send E-mails using my apple mail program and my iCloud mail address. The error message I get is "cannot send message using the server (iCloud)". When I get the error message, I can start the "connection doctor", but it takes more than 5 minutes until the doctor eventually establishes a connection "Connection and login to server succeeded".
OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Aug 20, 2014
This error message keeps popping up on my screen. How can I make it stop? I tried restarting and it still does it.
iMac core duo, Mac OS X (10.5.2)
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Apr 23, 2009
out of nowhere, my iMac acts all up everytime I connect an USB drive, being a flashdrive or WD 1 TB drive.
When I plug the device in, the screen dims, and an error message onscreen asks me to reboot the iMac in several languages. If the device is still connected during reboot, the reboot loops (WITH the error screen showing first every loop).
Tried with 3 different devices,... everytime - the screen appears.
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May 2, 2009
Today my mouse ran out of batteries, so I went to get some new ones. I replaced them, the light on my mouse went on, and it seemed to be working. But, when I tried to move my clicker thing *on the computer* with my mouse, it didn't move. So, I looked at the bluetooth symbol on my computer, I'm on a MacBook, and it showed that my mouse wasn't connected. So I tried turning off the bluetooth, shutting off my mouse and turning it back on, taking out and putting the batteries back in the mouse, and none of these worked. So I went to "Browse Device" and my mouse was there, I clicked on it twice and it said "There was an error connecting to the device". I also deleted it from the bluetooth list, and I am now unable to get it back on the list!
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Jun 3, 2010
I have been using my MBP (2010, i7 17" model) with a 24" HP external HDMI LCD monitor. The connection is via the Apple's Mini DisplayPort to VGA Adapter. It was working perfectly the first day I tried. However, when I connected the external monitor to the MBP yesterday, I found that the LCD screen of the external monitor was blinking. It lasted for about 5 minutes and then the problem was gone by itself. I have just reconnected my MBP to the monitor again. The problem reappears. Anybody knows what is going on and how to fix it?
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Jan 23, 2010
I recently bought a used apple ibook with the Mac OS 9.2 operating system on it. So far it seems to be working pretty well. It has an ethernet port, and I have AT&T Uverse at home. So I decided I wanted to get on the internet, so I plugged the ethernet cord into the port, and called AT&T to help me through the "internet setup assistant" So we went through the whole process, then I went onto Sherlock 2 and tried to access the internet, and the error message: "A network error has occurred. Check your internet connections and settings, then try again." which is exactly what it says when it is not hooked into the internet at all.
The guy at AT&T basically said that they were not familiar with the operating system that I am on, and transferred me to tech support that wanted to charge me $175 to help me get connected to the internet. It seemed to me that AT&T just didn't know what they were doing at all, and they could get a replica screen to mine so they didn't know what to tell me. The asked me if there was any way to test the internet connection and I didn't know b/c I am accustomed to windows vista. Does anyone know if I am supposed to do anything else or how to test the connection?
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Dec 7, 2010
At my company we are using windows exchange server 2003. Now my boss bought a new macbook pro (snow leapard) with Mac office 2011 installed. Apparently Outlook '11 and exchange server '03 doesn't work together. Only exchange server 2007 and up are compatible. Is there any way around this? My boss hates Office 2008. Can't blame him
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Aug 19, 2010
I looked for a introduction forum but couldn't see one so hello guys and gals. Great forum you've got here..Right my issue is as follows.I have a new iMac Pro on snow leopard 10.6.4 and it is linked to a Windows SBS server 2007 but i don't think i've done it properly.When i switch the machine on all i get on boot up is 1 local user Sometimes i can leave it and it will offer me the 'Other' option which i can then login to the server But most times it doesn't to that... I have to logon as that local user and then unbind the windows domain and rebind it then when i logoff it shows me the 'Other' user Also another thing thats annoying is it doesn't map anything automatically i have had to create a alias icon on my desktop to go to my server space and it can take up to a minute to connect to the server..
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