My computer is not reading blank DVD-R - kicks it out. However, it will read a blank CD and DVD's that have content on them. Is this something I can fix or do I need to bring it into Apple?
My macbook air loses its internet connection after the screensaver kicks in or after it has gone to sleep.It means I have to restart the computer to reconnect to the internet, which is a real drag.I have phoned applecare who, in fairness, were really helpful but they were unable to solve the problem during my call to them.
Yesterday I was working with my MBP in one of my client's office and the computer went blank. The screen turn to black and it was still ON. I had to press the ON/OFF button to shut the computer.
im trying to connect to my other computer via ssh and the account has a blank password and when prompted for the password it wont connect because it wont let me enter a blank passwprd it just keeps saying password over and over. what do i do
I am going to install a new SSD drive on my MBP mid-2009. After it is installed, can I then start up computer and then insert the DVD Install operating system disk, or do I install the DVD install disk, then shut down computer and swap the HD drive? I know that I will reformat the disk when Installer begins, but I want to know if the computer will recognize the install disk with a new blank HD in place.
In the last few days, when I hit a key to start up the computer, all I will get is a blank screen with the small, multi-colored, rotating disk icon. I can't get out of this unless I hold the power key down for about 5 seconds, which I know is probably not the right way to shut down.
I turn on my computer and all i get is a blank white screen. No logo, no loading symbol, just a blank screen; though the start-up music still plays. I have tried almost all the solutions.
I have a ibook G4 that's been randomly shutting down. It started doing this maybe about a month ago but it's started getting really bad lately. At first it would shut down if I unplugged the adapter. Not every time I unplugged it, but probably about 50% of the time. When I press the battery button all of the green lights would light up. About half of the time it will start up again if I just hit the power button but the half of the time I have to reset the pRAM. Lately this same thing has been happening except when the computer is still plugged in. And when in say shutting down I mean essentially instantaneously. One second it's on and then the screen goes black and it makes that turning off noise. Not a chime, but like all the fans and hardware are coming to a stop.
I was trying to burn a new cd and before I used the application I had inserted a blank disk which my computer didn't recognize. When I tried the application to burn the burn folder, I got a message to insert a blank disk. I tried using the Disk Utility, but when I try to select the volume Superdrive, the option is dimmed. How do I eject the blank disk from my Superdrive? I tried restarting but that did not eject it.
I purchased my iMac i5 in June 2011.Since day one, whenever a pop up message appears, it comes up blank and it's driving me INSANE! See image below. I have no possible way of seeing what this is actually asking me to do. When I install a new application, the password block that pops up is also blank. The only reason I know it's asking me for a password is because there is a space to type something.
My iMac will not recognize a blank DVD-R that I am trying to burn. It also won't eject unless I "shut down" and restart while holding down the mouse button.
My Safari homepage is blank. Bookmarks and toolbar are there but my Earthlink page and address bar are blank. The Safari version is 3.1.2 and the OSX is 10.4.11 My Internet Explorer (which I rarely use) and Firefox are working fine.
My computer keeps stalling and rotating beachball won't allow me to move forwards or backwards. Ultimately I need to turn off the power. I have tried resetting the PRAM and SMC but neither seems to help for too long.Â
When I turn my computer on nothing happens. You can hear the drive or cooling fans but there is nothing on the screen. Normally there is the spinning wheel but now nothing.
As of last night, my MBP started acting very strangely. After entering my username and password, it would enter the desktop for a short period of time and then kick back into sleep mode; the screen would turn back to black. Sometimes it will let me stay on the desktop for a long time and other times it will hardly let me stay on the desktop. I called apple support and they had me start the computer in safe mode; even then it occasionally kicks me out.
The tech guy said that it was a "strange software issue" and not a hardware issue. I thought it was a hard drive issue; my hard drive makes an odd sound when it unlocks (a grinding sound), but it has been doing that for quite some time with no issues. I tried to reset the SMC and it didn't do anything.
How should I remedy this problem? Is this a hard drive issue? Hard drive failure? Has the grinding sound finally caught up with me? I am running OS X; not leopard or snow leopard. I know I need to upgrade, but this shouldn't be happening.
A small (about 1 inch square) blank, white box has appeared at top left-hand corner of my screen. Nothing seems to shift or remove it - cursor doesn't seem to recognise or register on it. I first noticed it soon after I'd had to re-start the Mac (it failed to 'fire up' as usual the other morning), but I can't remember exactly what I was doing when I first saw it.
Recently my iMac display goes black in the middle of using it. Initially I thought it froze up and I had to force it to reboot. But after this happned a couple of times I realized that I could stil hear the hard drive working and my peripheral lights (keyboard, etc) were still on. On a hunch I put it to sleep (Option-Cmd-Eject). After it goes silent I can press a key and the display comes back up and everything is normal (for a while).Â
It's now been doing this regularly for the last 3 weeks. Sometimes three or four times a day this occurs. When the screen goes black nothing seems to work except the sleep-wake thing. I've tried the screen brightness keys too - but that doesn't work either.Â
My software is up to date (Lion 10.7.4). This is a Mid 2010 iMac 27" with 12GB of RAM and the ATI Radeon HD5750.The regular software that I have running is:
When I try to print any document from a web page, i get an empty page, only the header line at the top of the page. Y work with Safari (last version) but the same I have with Chrome. From other sources there is no problem. I have two HP printers, one laser BW and a color HP Deskjet D1663.
I restarted my mac this morning after the time was broken (as far as I know, I cannot manually change it). When it booted, it booted normally. It logged me in (I am automatically logged in) then it threw errors at me. The 2 errors were from Steam and Skype, but none from the mac itself. Steam error: " Steam failed to load: *SteamStartEngine(0xbfffdea4) failed with error 1: Failed create pipe: 28". I forgot to record the skype error, but it was something to do with it not being able to find a file. At this point, the background is blue, I can see the top bar but not the dock. I then close Steam and Skype windows and the bar disappears leaving me with nothing. A blank blue screen. The dock wont come up.Â
I would take this to support, but they want a serial code that i cannot access because its not on the hardware and I cant access 'About this Mac" because it disappears.
a blank white screen appears whens i start the imac up, it doesnt seem to respond to anything i press on the keypad or the mouse. it just simply stays on a white screen and wont let me log in or anything. when i turn the imac on it just pops up straight away without the loading sign and bluescreen that appears after the white.
I tried to burn a photo cd with the burn folder, but the blank media disc does not mount on the desktop after I insert the blank cd. The computer doesn't know there is a blank media disc in the drive and won't even eject it. I have to reboot the computer for the Imac to spit it out.