Intel Mac :: Can't Stream All Videos Off The Internet
Jun 11, 2012i cant stream all my videos on the internet.what plug-in do i need to install?
iMac, iOS 5.1.1
i cant stream all my videos on the internet.what plug-in do i need to install?
iMac, iOS 5.1.1
What's agood way to test the ethernet port on my G5 Power Mac SP 1.8G? I have other Macs on the network.
My wife complains that the internet is slow & can't stream video.Th is computer is wired to a gigbit switch, then to 100 Mbit switch then to the router. I have a 24" iMac connected to same gigibit switch and have no problem with the internet speed.When I try to send a large file between my iMac & the G5, the transfer is slow. I checked in System Profiler and both computers detect the ethernet speed as 1000 Mbit (1gigabit or something like that).
Ideas on how to resolve? Gigbit ethernet cards that will work in the G5?I don't have Airport on the G5.
First of all, my (stand-alone) DVD player has recently broken so I'm currently having to watch DVDs either on my MBP or hooking up an old Powerbook to my TV and connecting it via VGA cables (old TV that doesn't have HDMI). I will buy a new TV when budget permits but wondered if there is anything else I can buy as an alternative.
AppleTV looks OK but I only watch a few movies from iTunes. I still hire DVDs, movies for the kids mostly, and also watch TV using the Slingbox application. Neither of these will work through AppleTV.
So is there anything that I can connect to a TV and stream everything, the whole display rather than a single application like iTunes, from my Mac? I just need something that will replace long cables stretching across the living room.
how can i watch you tube videos and video stream on my mac mini
Mac mini, iOS 5.1
why do videos from a shared photo stream not appear in iPhoto? Within iMovie, it appears as though videos can be imported from the iPhoto library. However, within iPhoto there are no videos that appear within the Library. Is it possible to import photos into iPhoto from a shared photo stream? if not, how can videos be imported into iPhoto?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I have just uploaded with iMovie in theater on an iMac to iCloud. I can now open on MY iPad. But can I create a shared Stream on iCloud for my Videos. Running latest OS and iMovie.
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan I use a mac mini to watch TV, streamed over the net using Airport extreme, on a 37 or 42 inch TV?
View 24 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know any apps out there that can stream live video and audio to the internet so that visitors to my website can see what my webcam is broadcasting?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I try to play videos nothing appears except a message saying Missing Plug In, no videos will play on any site. A pop up window sometimes also appears on safari saying "Flash Player (Safari Internet Plugin) quit unexpectedly". I installed chrome after I identified that videos didnt play in safari but videos still didn't play. I also tried uninstalling and re-installing flash which did nothing! I'm on a 2008 macbook model 2.4GHz, 2GB RAM on OS X 10.6.5.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhenever I click on a video clip to view it tells me I need to install Adobe Flash Player, which I did, supposedly successfully. However I still can't view videos from the internet.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI bought my Mac book pro 6 dias ago and I tried to view videos on internet but it had been imposible
I just got my first Mac and I am really happy with it. Just recently I started having a problem with my QuichTime Player. The player works perfectly with videos that I play from the laptop but when I try to play a video from [URL] the QuickTime player pops up with the message "URL not valid"! I have tried playing the videos from a different computer and that works without a problem.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was just watching LOST on hulu 5 min ago. Now, I can't hear any audio on video files whether they be hulu, youtube, aol, etc. Audio does work on iTunes music still and when I hear the blips when i turn my macbook volume up and down.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a MacBook OS X 10.5.7. None of the QuickTime streaming choices worked for playing videos from the internet correctly (they kept starting, then stopping before going on). My internet provider is Verizon DSL. When I checked my connection speed, none of the numbers matched any of the QuickTime choices and I got a message saying my PC had not been optimized and another message saying that the Verizon optimizer is not compatible with Mac. I was directed to websites for broadband tuners. I downloaded a tuner (IPNetTunerX) and got video from the internet to show correctly with the tuner set to "DSL with PPPoE" and QuickTime set to "112Kbps Dual ISDN/DSL" and "Instant on" set to "off". The tuner is only a trial version. Is there any way I can accomplish the same thing without having to buy the tuner?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am running Lion 10.7.3 on a early 2008 Intel based Mac Pro. I cannot play most internet videos. No error message with Safari. Firefox notification indicates Adobe Flash crash. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Flash over a dozen times. I have also reinstalled Lion. My other Macs (iMac and Mac Mini) have no issues. I recently upgraded my graphics card to a Nividia Geforce 8800 Ultra 768MB. I have no issue playing my own video materials be it home movies, DVDs, or downloaded videos. Could their be a conflict with the graphics card driver and Adobe Flash?
Info:Mac Pro
i need to know how i can download videos and music from the internet to itunes
Installed Adobe Flash-player as Safari requested; no video from Internet will play.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I would like to know what the lowest processor speed of a PC that you can watch streaming videos thru the net that keeps up with audio and video at the same time.
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow can I copy or download a flash player video on the internet??
View 3 Replies View RelatedTried to watch a stream from Odyssey of the Mind World Finals at [URL]. Both picture and audio kept breaking up so it was worthless.Is there a way to watch this on my MAC>
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), I have VLC 1.1.12 installed.
if i can stream movies to my tv via my playstation 3 ?
i am using mplayerX to watch them on my imac i will shortly be buying an appletv unit but wandered if it can be done Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
is there a way to record a live stream?
iMac (20-inch Early 2009)
How do I only have photos from my iphone stream to my iMac? I just downloaded from my digital camera close to a 1,000 pictures from my vacation on to my iMac and they all streamed to my iPhone! I don't want all those pictures on my phone. Is there a way to only have the photo stream work in one direction?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy iphone has malfuctioned and is not useable, but everything is saved to icloud. I cannot figure how to access the photo stream from iCloud from the iphone camera , onto the new iMac. I was able to download my entire iTunes library onto my new iMac, but need help figuring out the photos.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iCloud
or is it not considered an iOS device here?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I thought I fixed it with a wireless-n router and it worked perfectly till now. I was loading videos on youtube in seconds with no buffering and fully loaded, and could stream even 1080hd videos on there and other sites no problem. Now the MBP is going slow again, like there's this lag when browsing, and I can't even watch youtube videos anymore unless their 240p as anything else buffers every couple of seconds.
It's not the internet, as like I've said before I have an pc in another room across the condo on the wireless network and its blazing fast browsing and watching/streaming videos. I've seen other post about this lately and really leading me to believe these $ MBP just suck on wireless networks, b/c I can be right next to my router and no changes... and my girlfriends cheap netbook can stream videos faster with no buffering then my expensive piece of aluminum.
I saw someone else say enter this for DNS and I had already done that, so is something screwed up here?:
and Search Domains next to that says: domain
The only problem I'm having so far is converting videos for my Nokia N810 (Internet Tablet). I used handbrake to rip my personal dvd's and tried using Internet Tablet Video Converter to convert the AVI files for viewing on my N810. When the final file is transfer, all I can see on my tablet is a blank screen, no audio, the file doesn't seem to play at all. Does anyone have the correct handbrake settings for my issue?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIm using time capsule and MBP trying to watch hd videos on youtube . Its running to slow and wont keep up with the videos. What can I do to make it faster. Or is it my macbook?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have used an ibook with 10.4.11 for several years, but only for basic functions. Â
I am wondering if there is any way to stream my music from itunes on my imac over wifi to listen to it on my iphone. I like to listen to music with headphones as I work around the house, but the phone doesnt hold as many files as the imac. Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have the new Iphone 4s have not been able to use Icloud to download my photos in photo stream to my Imac. I have Iphoto 09 version 8.1.2 so I assume I would need to upgrade my Iphoto on the Mac but is there any way I can import my 400 plus photos in my Iphones photo stream to my Mac. It will not work when I try to sync the two.
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