I got my Mac on Saturday and since then I have had 2 instances of the mouse ceasing to work.I have checked that bluetooth is on, which it is, and MM is listed there as an attached device. However, when you move the mouse, nothing happens, the cursor stays put.I end up connecting a spare mouse. Disconnecting MM from the bluetooth menu, then re-connecting.The batteries are new and I've tried a couple of sets.
I was on my Mac and this happens somewhat often. I loose wifi connection and I have to go to the little wifi tab and select my network again. It doesn't ask for my password but it connects again. I am quite irritated with this, and it is embarrassing when my friends who have pcs come over "you have got a stupid Mac!" I love my Mac I don't want to ruin its great reputation.
why my Imac looses connection with my tele2 broadband. It does not find the airport after a few minutes run. And when I do a diagnostics it findes it again and says "it seems to work normally" and then after a few minutes again it fails.
I have two iMac's (an old G5 and a newer Intel iMac -- about a year old). On both I have been using Apple's bluetooth keyboards and mouses with no problems. Recently (maybe when I updated to 10.5.8), the mouse behavior has been problematic on both machines. On the Intel iMac, the mouse and computer will lose the connection several times a day. I'll command-tab from application to application and then after a while connectivity returns -- until the next time. The behavior on the G5 iMac has been much more problematic. On that machine, the mouse only occasionally works.
Using a bt500 bluetake bluetooth mouse I keep losing the connection, and not being able to connect at all. The bt500 is super cool. I just got a new one because my old one stopped responding to the left button. Now it seems like every time I use the mba (also super cool) I have some kind of problem. Also the mba has frozen a number of times which never (or extremely rarely) happened with my MBPro and G4. I'm wondering if they've introduce a glitch into bluetooth.
Ever since I updated from 10.5.6 to 10.5.7, I'm now loosing my Apple wireless keyboard and mighty mouse bluetooth connection with my MacBook Pro. At least once a day, my keyboard and mouse both loose connection. There is no lag going on before it happens, it just happens suddenly. I can get connection back to both my mouse and keyboard by simply using the trackpad to turn bluetooth off then on again from the menu bar. Up until last week this was happening on my 17"/2.6GHz/4GB previous gen MacBook Pro. I have now sold that and as I'm sitting here setting up my new 17" uMBP, I just lost keyboard and mouse connection. Grrr. Obviously it's not my machine and obviously it's not my keyboard or mouse as they both loose connection at the same time - it's 10.5.7 I'm using airport wireless 'n' 5GHz only. I also have bluetooth enabled on my iPhone, but always have - and never had issues when running 10.5.6 (or earlier). I have searched here but haven't found anyone else mention this exact problem. Strange. I would have thought that it would be common now that I've experienced it with two MacBook Pro's running 10.5.7. Can I go back to 10.5.6 somehow without having to rebuild?
I have problem with my brand new Apple LED 24:In order to manage brightness (by keyboard or in the preferences pane), I must have the USB-cable plugged into the computer.Now, it seems as if the only USB-port my 24 likes is the top front one! (Mac Pro) If I try the lower one, or any one of the three in the back, nothing happens.
And as if that wasn't enough: after a while, it looses the connection, and I have to re-plug it.My first thought: could this be due to the fact that I'm using an USB-extender (5 metres)? Is there a signal loss or something?.
My G4 MacBook Pro keeps losing its connection with my wireless Airport extreme base station. Non of my other macs do this, and this is a failry recent problem. It doesn't seem to remember the network. I've played with all the settings I could find.
Since i've upgraded my 27 iMac to Yosemite my trackpad looses connection. i'm not able to establish a connection, the only thing that seems to work is delete the item in BT management and install it another time.
It works, but when i restart the OS the trackpad does not work another time.
Info: iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9), 1TB fusion drive - 4GB video ram
I have a strange issue with my TimeCapsule (firmware version 7.4.2). The TimeCapsule is connected to my router, an AVM FRITZ!Box 7140, via an ethernet cable, and I connect my MacBook Pro wirelessly with the Time Capsule. Every few hours or so (but sometimes once in every 10 minutes), the light on the TimeCapsule blinks yellow for about 10 seconds, and during that time the MacBook Pro looses connection to the internet. My best guess is that the TimeCapsule somehow looses its own internet connection.
Two more details: the TimeCapsule is in Bridge Mode, and I do not see any relevant entries in AirPort Utility's logs...
Once in a while the trackball or the keyboard loses its connection to the computer. The situation is corrected by unplugging the USB connector (the trackball from the keyboard or the keyboard from the iMac) and reinserting it.Here is the System Log from the most recent loss of keyboard:Nov 16 16:32:35 His kernel[0]: Hub in Apple Extended USB Keyboard
my MBP with SL 10.6.2 keeps loosing the bluetooth association with my Magic Mouse after a reboot. As a result, MagicPrefs does not work either. Only way to get working is to delete "com.apple.Bluetooth.plist" from the Library folder and restart. It's very annoying.
My Imac loses it's Bluetooth connection when asleep. The only way is to reboot in order to reconnect : magic mouse, keyboard, trackpad This is a real pb, it happens frequently.
Has anyone had a problem with their Intel iMac mouse freezing after it wakes up from being asleep. Check my sig for specs. In particular, we have a wireless mighty mouse and everytime you wake the computer from sleep, the mouse won't work. That includes taking out the batteries and putting them back in. Keyboard still works. Is the bluetooth going bad? Could it be the mouse? We're going to schedule an appointment with the Geniuses here in Memphis so maybe they can figure something out.
I loaded a linux iso on a usb. Loaded it on a reboot. It may have been corrupted or something, because it did not load correctly. I rebooted the computer again and now the bluetooth keyboard and mouse will not connect.
For some reason when i turned my imac on tonight my bluetooth is turned off and my wireless mouse is not recognized so i can't use it to turn my bluetooth back on. Not what do I do?
I am trying to reconnect a magic mouse to my iMac, but "set up Bluetooth Mouse" is not an option in the mouse preference pane, and the Bluetooth pane is nowhere to be seen.
If I want to format my Mac Pro (6 core 3.33 GHz) and I have an Apple wired keyboard and a bluetooth Magic Mouse will the Setup Assistant be "smart" enough to pair the mouse with the computer or will I be stuck with no mouse during the setup process? Do I have to run the entire process with a wired mouse?
I just upgraded from a MBA rev A to a rev B. I experienced this with both machines, so it's not just a rev A issue...
I use a Bluetooth Mighty Mouse and everything is fine... until my hourly wireless Time Machine backup starts. Then the mouse cursor becomes very choppy and sluggish. As soon as the hourly backup completes, the mouse's responsiveness returns to normal. Throughout all this, the trackpad is just as responsive as always -- no change there. I don't have another bluetooth mouse to see if its just the Mighty Mouse.
When this happens, the Activity Monitor is not spiked. The fans aren't running loud (so I don't expect its an overheating issue). This doesn't happen during a large wireless download -- just Time Machine. It's not a big deal, but rather an annoyance.
Any ideas why? Or even more to the point, any ideas on how to fix it?
I know mighty mouse might be the perfect mouse for iMac. But is it too big for MacBook pro 13" and downgrade portablity? Should I buy bluetooth mighty Mouse for my new MacBook pro 13" or go for those smaller, lighter and cheaper bluetooth mouse from logitech/Microsoft? Besides, does bluetooth mouse work while using iPhone tethering over bluetooth?
I turned off the bluetooth function and my keyboard and mouse wont now work and I cant get back into the system - how do I reactivate without the use of the keyboard ?
I have a 2009 MP and I hate the unreliability of bluetooth in OS X. I constantly get drops of my BT keyboard and/or mouse. The funny thing is they work well in the Windows 7 Boot Camp. 2 there may be 2 culprits: 1) Logitech MX 5500, which is not officially supported on Macs 2) Steermouse. What have other people's experience been?
I use Skype a lot, with a Sony Ericson HBH-602 bluetooth headset on my powerbook G4 1.25GHz with built in bluetooth and airport. I also use an isight. Anyways, sometimes the Skype connection dies and the call terminates. About 60% of the time, the bluetooth icon in OSX doesn't 'free up' and it still thinks there's a connection to the bluetooth headset. The BT icon still has the dotted line through it as if there's a connection even after the call has terminated. This might be a Skype bug, but it means I can't use the bluetooth headset again and continue the call again until I restart OS X. Is there any way of doing this without restarting the computer? Sometimes i can talk for 3 hours with no problems, sometimes the call drops after 5 mins, and messes up the bluetooth connection.
I'm trying to setup my MacBook to allow internet connections to devices via Bluetooth PAN. In other words, getting a Palm Centro/Motorola Q9h to access the internet via the mac's internet connection over Bluetooth PAN.
I've enabled Internet sharing correctly, checked all the relevant boxes.
When the device connects to the Macbook, the Bluetooth PAN connection shows 'active', but it seems that the Macbook is not assigning an IP address, nor routing the packets.
Setting up the bluetooth so that I can use my mobile phone to access the internet on my mac. I have an LG phone but there isn't an LG option in the dropdown bar, does LG perhaps have another name that's in the list. Also what do I put in the username, password and phone number sections? I have tried to do it but it has failed.