Intel Mac :: Timeline Won't Back Up (not Enough Space)?
Apr 14, 2012
Timeline won't back up because it says there is not enough space on my external drive. This never happened before.I have 10.6.8. I just restored my new hard drive from Timeline. It was an easy restoration. The first time I backed up on Timeline, it said there was not enough space. I do have my external drive partitioned. I thought old backups were deleted when the space was needed.
I need to revert my timeline back to where it was before it was saved. I made a compound clip and then trimmed it and exported it and then shut down fcp. So, when I opened it back up there was only the compound clip. How to revert back it back to the last time before it was saved?
Was poking ignorantly into the features of the project library of a project I had on the timeline. Something I did made the project on the timeline to change in appearance to this:
What I had done to get the appearance of clips to change and what I should do to get the appearance back!
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9), garage band, FCPX:10.0.9 version
I am trying to find out how to get back the space up top of window that appears when I click on safari. I used to be able to type in web addresses and go to places but somehow I lost the space which was just above or just below gray space that show apple, store, mac, ipod etc. I am 78 & sometimes get confused.I know I had my arrow on somewhere near that space and heard a sound and when I looked back at my puter that space was gone.
Can anyone explain to me why, on my iMac's 500GB hard drive, the displayed size of the only 4 items on it is 207GB, that the info box on the HD itself says 393GB used? Unless I failed grade 1 math, 500GB - 207GB = 293GB, right? So where's the missing ~100GB? That's a lot of space I know I haven't filled up.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 24" 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Im getting an error message "running out of disk space please delete files on startup" Im importing movie files to the imovie projects, but im getting this message come up. Ive deleted the trash, but is there anything else i can do to make some disk space and if so where do i do that ?
OS X 10.5.6, it's a .sparsebundle file. Total capacity 30GB, taking up 30GB on disk. There are only 10GB of files on the image. Trash is empty. I've zeroed my hard drive, and the disk image, and checked Whatsize.
I would like to gain back some space on my Macbook's HD. I would like to:
1) Burn all the photos and videos on DVD's. Re this, once burned, I'll delete them from the HD, via iPhoto.(show files, etc.) What would happen with the events? Say that, in the future, I want to import 20% of the photos with their corresponding events (already deleted from iPhoto): is this feasible?
2) Is there an app within Leopard OS (not Snow Leopard) that would allow me to change photo and video size, all at once or not. (batch processing?) Videos and photos where imported within iPhoto app.
I have had my Simple Drive 500GB External Hard Drive for some time now but I have noticed recently that whenever I delete a file from it the hard drive doesn't give the space back.
For Example: I Have 143.95GB on the External Hard Drive free but when I delete a 20gig file it doesn't give the space back on the External Hard Drive, it stays at 143.95GB. Also, this happens with many of my flash drives etc.
I tried a hard reset on my 2014 mac book pro ret display, but it did not open up the space on my computer after I exported all of my photographs onto an external hard drive. How do I get my space back on my computer?
20 gigs of my HDD is missing. I had a 20 gig torrent, but I deleted that (it wasn't fully downloaded), and the only other thing I have downloaded was (accidently) the 1.1 gig Garageband extra sounds etc and the Safari 4 update. Any ideas?
I film plays and put them on to dvds, well when I burn them as it is burning it slowly takes up memory. Does any one no how to get that space back? I do a lot of plays and it seems that it has taken quite a bit of space!
Does anyone know how to get back the disk0s3 hard drive space? (The one I used for Windows XP to dual-boot.) I want back the extra hard drive space. And does anyone know how to get back more hard drive space? I seem to have only 25.91 GB.
I installed iStat 2 days ago and just yesterday I noticed that my HD space slowly decreases; not by a lot. For example, yesterday it said that I had used only 12.06 GB of space. A little later it said 12.07 GB and then 12.08 or 12.09 (I don't remember which one). Today it started in the low 13's and then it went to 13.07 and then 13.09. Currently, it's at 13.17 GB used.
I called the help support and I told them that my back up is taking up all my disk space. They told me tolocate the time machine back up in hd and them delete the time machine and i did not know how to do this. how to get rid of this back up. I am trying omi sweep but I still cant find where all the back up data is coming from.
I just tried to back up my Mac Book Air and I use OS X 10.7.3.
I got a message which said that there was not enough space on my external hard drive. The message said that I needed 50 GB and the external drive only has 43 of space... Note, when I check out the hard drive, it says: ""Available 43.63 of 249.93".
The sole purpose of my hard drive is for back up purposes. So, there isn't anything other data or information on the drive..
I tried to Partiton my hardrive for bootcamp which was going fine. i then accidentally cancelled it in the middle of partitioning and now its saying that there is only 87GB of memory left
Info: MacBook (13-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
Irecently had my laptop (holding my itunes library) stolen. Grrr. So I have since purchased some software called Senuti which enables me to replicate my ipod back onto my Mac laptop. The problem I have though, is I have over 8,000 songs on my ipod and my laptop doesn't seem to have nearly enough memory for me to copy back. I have deleted everything possible from the Mac to free up space, but there is not enough.
Is there a way I can get my music back from my ipod, and be able to run ITunes effectively again and keep updating my library with new music and pictures? I have an external hard drive, but I'm unsure how I could either use the hard-drive to facilitate the transfer, or do I need to copy what content I have managed to copy to itunes, to the hard drive, then delete from the laptop and copy the next batch?
I really need to free up space on the windows partition of my Mac so that I can install certain software I need in order to complete a project due really soon. What would be the best way to accomplish this (I'd rather not increase the partition w/ a third party app)? I was thinking the best is to eliminate unnecessary files that I am pretty certain were installed as part of the Vista install so that I can recover as much HDD space on the windows partition as possible, but don't know what I can eliminate safely? Can someone please offer some ideas and very basic steps of where to find any of the items you reference?
I deleted some files that I don't need in Time Capsule by using "Delete All Backups of ..." inside "Enter Time Machine", but the disk space does not change. It stays the same as before.
I have a 500GB external Seagate HD that I have in two partitions, one for Time Machine and one for random media stuff. I was cleaning it out today and realized that when I delete things, it doesn't give me the space back on the hard drive. I've experienced this same problem with a USB drive that I use to transfer files from one computer to another, and it doesn't work unless I use disk utility to "Erase" the drive, then add what I need. I can't afford to erase the drive (not enough room to put it all on the MBP) and am starting to need my space back from the deleted files, how can I do this without ruining the files already on my partition?
I've noticed in the last few days that I've been gradually, but steadily losing disk space.
I've not downloaded any files bigger than a few Kilobytes (that I've kept) and all my email is IMAP, not POP, so I'm not actually downloading any mails.
A couple of days ago, my disk space available at the bottom of the Finder window said 152.36GB. Today it says 151.45GB.
I've checked my Download directory and other areas for any new data that I might have absent-mindedly downloaded and kept that I don't need, but haven't found anything.
Is there something else I should be checking and clearing from time to time?
I'm thinking about installing Windows 7 on my hard drive using Bootcamp. I'd like to know if in the future I decide to remove windows, am I able to remove the partition and revert back to the full hard drive space or not?