Intel Mac :: Photoshop Keeps Crashing And Running Really Slow
May 8, 2012
I have an IMac with Mac os X 10.7.3, 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 with 8GB of memory, this should be plenty to run Photoshop with no problems , however Photoshop keep crashing and being really slow.
I have had my 27" Imac for about 2 years now and I am starting to have problems with it running slow. Iphoto and itunes and sometimes safari stop responding and then crash, I then get a problem report which has pages of information, what can I do? do I need to reload the OS?
Last week I got a malware attack from opening up a Facebook message. This caused my iMac to run very slow and to crash all the time. I ran the latest security update which found and removed the malware itself. But still my iMac is running very slow and crashing when doing two jobs at once. Â
Any reason as to why?Is it still infected? or has the malware corrupted my hd or memory?Â
I just brought a brand new IMAC 21.5" the base model (NVIDIA GeForce 9400M graphics) with 4 gb RAM. I downloaded the trial version of adobe cs5 to check if it runs ok but when I am starting things from scratch like just creating things from a blank canvas it runs so slow like trying to paint stuff and render it comes up with a loading screen it just doesn�t do it straight away. But when I am working on photos it seems to run ok. Is there away to solve this issue? Do I need to updated my RAM to make it run smooth?
i am a graphic designer and am very familiar with most applictions but not the technical side of things. Basically i have a white macbook which is about 3.5 years old, it has been running very slow for some time now and fails to complete very simple tasks, for instance when opening adobe photoshop or illustrator, both CS2, simply creating a new document can take minutes as with resizing images etc. illustrator and photoshop will not run together, one will 'unexpectidly quit' word takes atleast half hour to save an essay applications bounce forever before opening beach balls at the smallest task apps crash
about this mac: processor: 2GHz intel core 2 duo. memory 1GB 667 MHz DDR SDRAM.
my 4 year old IMac 2.4ghz intel core 2 duo with 2gb running 10.7.3 has been running really slow since I installed photoshop CS4 and upgraded to lion ( I have 137gb of free space on hard drive) I mean it wont quit out of photoshop I always have to do a force quit and most applications run really slow. Do I need a new computer , what should I go for to have a smooth running mac?Was thinking of a new IMac 27-inch: 2.7GHz with 4gb memory.Â
Over the past month Lion has been crashing, running slow and freezing constantly.\Â I am not used to having so many PC type issues on my Mac. I have done Disk repair in utilities and removed unecessary programs at start up.Â
My computer is running very slow. Beach ball all the time. I have about 35mb hard drive free space and 4 MB RAM. I monitor with Activity Monitor. Everytime I open a program, like Safari, Adobe, Activity Monitor shows they use up to 99% CPU. It goes downafter a little while to a small perecntage, until I try to do something with them. Then many times, it will jump back up to high %CPU and give me the beachball and run very slow. This is a new thing. Does anyone know what may be the problem with my computer?
My 2008 iMac started running very slowly yesterday, taking ages to start up and showing the spinning wheel on the desktop for ages making it impossible to do anything. It particularly doesn't like running iTunes or Spotify and got worse when I plugged my iPod in. Another thing I can think of is I downloaded an album from iTunes yesterday and this seemed to coincide with it having a breakdown. Chrome is also running slow and I get frequent unresponsive script messages.
I'm running OS X 10.5.8 and have upgraded to iTunes 10.6.1. I recently installed the Flashback removal software.
Got a 21.5 inch iMac desktop summer of 2010. I think it is the base model. All other info I can't get to on "about my mac" because my Mac is running like frozen molasses.
Anyway, last few days I thought the internet/Safari was running kind of slow. Pages would load, I'd get stuff done, but I just thought it was being glitchy. Then last night, my Mac would all out freeze. Rebooting took at least 5 minutes, and it doesn't matter what I try to use (chrome, firefox, safari), pages just won't load at all or freeze if I am able to make it to Google/Facebook/etc. Now the computer just sits at the blue screen part of the startup, and I had to just finally hard shutdown since I am not getting anywhere to even run a virus scan.
I have an iMac intel from 2009.. the computer is used only for simple internet exploring, word documents, emails... etc. The hard drive has 140GB of free space, and I have erased the free disk space with 1 pass.The computer runs SO slow to the point where it's almost unusable. To me, it feels like a memory issue, even though the programs that are used require very minimal memory... I tried ejecting the RAM stick blowing on it and popping it back in, but no luck... It has 1GB of ram total. Â
even when i dont have any programs actually running i get the stupid coloured spinning circle and i can hear the computer thinking like ive got 20 programs running at the same time , kind of like the windows CPU usage stuck on 100% problem.
I tried to stream a movie on Netflix, the website opened just fine but the video won't play. I tried another website and no video. When I went to the dock to get to my utilities it looks like the graphics are skipping and freezing. It's lagging a good five seconds when I try to open the applications folder is lags and freezes. Not sure what is going on, not very IT oriented but I'm not an idiot all my apps at closed out and it's still happened. I verified and repaired the disk permissions and everything said it was fine.It's an iMac about a year of 500 gb and 4 gb ram?
error code 4 mot /1/40000003: HDD having problem starting my imac pc takes about 20 times before i can turn it on.Getting a gray or white screen with error message turn off your computer by holding down the power button and restarting your pc computer running slow when it starts imac 2006 2 GB intel based snow leopard 10.6.8
My imac - Running - 10.5.8 Processor - 2.5 GHz Intel core duo 2 Memory - 1 GB 800 MHz DDR2 SDRAMÂ I run logic studio on it in my studio. For a good few months its been always having the ''system overload'' message come up on logic so ive been using my laptop instead but i really need to use my imac now as ive just finished builing my studio. About a month ago the memory on the Mac HD was completly full except 1GB. Ive been through deleting almost everything! and trasffering it all onto my new 3TB external HD. Yet still the memory on the Mac HD is still used mostly up;Capacity - 237.57 GB Avaliable -Â 24.86 GB Used - 207.71 GBÂ My questions are, how do i free up more space? I can't seem to find much saved on my computer anymore only my itunes music which is no more than 10GB. Surley Logic Pro and a few other programs dont take up loads of space.My other question is how can i speed up my computer? so it doesnt come up with the ''system overload'' messages? Â
Info: iMac (20-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.5.8), logic studio
I'm running Leopard 10.5.8 now and haven't upgraded my OS in years, and my computer is running slow. I have 4 GB RAM and plenty of hard drive space left.
My Imac has been running super slow and the hard drive will not stop writing. Current Specs running 10.7.3, 2.8 Ghz Intel i5, 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3. I have had it for less than a year bought refurbed from the online store, I wiped the hard drive once before but it did not help at all, I am currently running parallels but the problem existed before that. I also have an external hard drive but makes no difference in whether it is hooked up or not
I'm using an iMac and find it difficult when running SketchUp/ Layout. It takes up to 5 to 6 mins to load a Layout file or it re-calculate and halt every few minutes when I am using SketchUp. While waiting for it's re-calculation or loading up, I can still use other softwares normally.Â
I wonder if it is one of the following problems: -Â
1. The softwares use massive RAM that my computer don't have? if yes, how can I allocate more RAM for these 2 softwares?Â
2. My computer is not powerful enough to run rendering softwares, like SketchUp/ Layout? Â
The following is the spec of my computer, Intel Core i3, 3.06 GHz.Â
I'm using an iMac(seen in sig.) and I had installed Photoshop, and while of course a little slow due to Rosetta it worked. Then maybe a week ago, it just seemed to stop opening up and crashing immediately. I'm running OSX 10.4.8, everything is properly updated and I've reinstalled photoshop a few times to no avial. The problem didn't seem to occur after any change, I might have just not noticed it though.
I just upgraded to Snow Leopard and CS5.5 about three weeks ago. All was working fine and then two days ago Photoshop stopped opening files. The Adobe crash report indicated that it's an Apple bug on file save/open, and when I did some research on the internet it indicated that (even from back i 2009) this is known bug.Â