MacBook Pro :: Internal Speakers Not Visible In Sound Preference
Jun 3, 2012
One day I come home, turn on my mac, try to play music and theres no sound ! looked into the sound preferences and internal speakers are no longer one of the options. I tried all the solutions mentioned ; take off all external sources, tried plugging in and out the headphones 50 times, restarted OS, installed the latest software and still nothing. Did anyone face this problem and try eeeverything and nothing works
For reasons unknown the internal sound option has disappeared from my MBA. The little speaker icon on the menu bar is grayed out and nothing comes from the jack. Internal speakers don't even show up as an option under sound output. I do use an Airport Express for external speakers but it's been playing happily with the internal speakers for months.
I was watching a movie on the bus using my headphones earlier today, and when I got home just now, the internal speakers aren't working. There is a red light coming from the headphone port and the volume can not be adjusted. Is there a software fix, or do I have to take this thing to the genius bar? I restarted the computer, still no dice.
There is no sound coming out of my speakers- internal or external. This problem just recently happened (I didn't get my MacBook Pro with this problem). I have checked and double-checked the sound preferences. Nothing is muted or anything and the correct "device for output" is selected.
4. The same machine when booted in Windows (via Bootcamp/CSM-BIOS) plays perfectly and shows Cirrus Logic devices and the HDA devices. This should eliminate hardware issues.
5. I have checked for the Optical Audio microswitch being stuck, but that does not seem to be the case.
6. This was used with Apple Headphones which also have the microphone built-in [URL] ....
IORegistryExplorer showsÂ
Comparing it to another 13" Mid 2012 MBP which has working sound.Â
I've been unable to get sound from internal speakers of headphones on MacBookPro. Did updates, restarted several times, it's not muted, I can adjust volume control, settings are set for internal speakers, can't even hear an itunes song
I have iTunes 10.6.1 (7) an Airport Extream Version 6.0 Airport Utility (600.92) That I use with two airport express stations, an Apple TV 2nd Generation with latest software up date. Also have Ipad 3rd Generation and two I phone 4's. Issue: After installing the latest Airport Utility software update I'm unable to connect to my remote speakers in iTunes.  The speakers are visible in the pop up menu but iTunes times out when trying to connect. If I use remote to select Apple TV and then via Apple TV select my Computers Library I'm able to play music on the Apple TV / Home Speakers... but still not the Airport Express Stations.Â
When using remote on the iPhone or iPad the speakers are visible as well but I'm unable to select them... iTunes times out. I can steam music from that is on my iPhone or iPad to each individual speaker, but multiple speaker control is not available and the music from my library is not available. I believe the problem is in the Airplay feature of iTunes and I believe the problems arise when you install the latest version of Airport Utility.   You can play on remote speakers, only one at a time, and only if you have the music on a stand alone device (iPhone or iPad)... in summary, bypass iTunes and you can be successful... marginally successful.
the ONLY output device listed in my system preferences is Digital Output with Optical Digital-Out Port. I NEVER used headphones or any external speakers. I don't know what turned the Internal Speakers OFF But I would like to turn them back on. I can't find any thing any where in the OS that would do that. Any one has ANY Clue to why this would happen?
My iMac 27" 2.7 GHz Inter Core i5 has just stopped producing sound. The speakers seem to work fine, because I can hear the startup sound, but nothing comes out of iTunes, Youtube, Quicktime, DVDs or any other medium.
I have checked all sound levels including Audio Midi in utilities. In system preference the output is Digital Optical and nothing else is available to select. It also says this sound output has no controls - is this correct? The sound icon in the menu top right is greyed out and I can't adjust the level. I have an Apple TV and have turned off airplay on that? Also have checked computer speakers (not Apple TV) in iTunes. I had this problem before but rebooting fixed it. My son plays Minecraft on this computer and watches millions of uTube stuff. He may have used his earphones then. Could this be the problem? Nothing is muted in sys pref or utilities audio midi. The chimes work when starting up. The mic sound levels are moving.
Info: iMac2.16 Ghz intel core 2 duo, Mac OS X (10.5.6), Memory 1 GB 667 Mhz DDR2 SDRAM
A week ago my internal speakers disappeared from audio outputs on my 1G MBA (1.6/80gb). they would come back with a restart for a while, but now there just gone.
Another thing that is happening is that when the speakers are "missing", quicktime video is choppy, as is streamed video (like youtube). I also tried the garage band analysis and got the "Core Audio Selected Driver not found.(-10202)" message.
Other then these things, the computer is functioning flawlessly...
My Macbook has suddenly stopped having internal speakers in the sound preferences.When I turn it on, it plays that familiar synth chord sound to say all is ok, but it wont play any audio. So videos and itunes etc play but the sound isn't produced.When I try to turn the volume up or down, the indicator says the volume is up full, but I cannot adjust it. Underneath the volume measurement there is a little sign in white like a no entry sign, meaning that adjustment of volume is not available.I gues this must mean that the speakers have been disabled, but can't figure out how to enable them.
Saw a problem a member (steelfist) had awhile back regarding loss of sound from internal speakers. I needed to know how that was resolved since I have the exact problem on wife's ibook. Apple iBook Notebook 12.1" M9846LL/A (1.33 GHz PowerPC G4, 512 MB DDR SDRAM, 40 GB Hard Drive, Combo Drive, Built-in AirPort Extreme
Problem: Internal speaker option in sound preferences GONE all of a sudden. Only headphone option exists. Headphones sound good and so does any external speaker plugged in to that jack. But internal speakers are gone.
Tried: everything except reinstalling OS X. I've messed with opening and closing Garage Band, checked Midi defaults, tried to trip jack into not thinking headphones was plugged in - did the PRAM, power reset - no mutes on or sound lever out of balance either. Want to avoid sending unit in for repair if I can do it myself.
Need to know: Would opening the unit and unplugging / plugging the sound jack or speakers (if possible) make the system "see" the internal speakers? Or should I reinstall operating system? Just afraid of losing files.
I have my stereo plugged into the headphone jack but would like the sound to also come from the internal speakers when the stereo is off without unplugging the jack in back.I tried going to the sound control panel but it only lists the headphone jack. Is there a way to do this?
I use a MacBook Pro and until today the sound worked fine. All of a sudden the sound doesn't work, having checked the sound settings there is no option to select internal speakers the only available option is 'Optical digital out port'.
A headphone jack got stuck in my macbook pro as it fell down in a plane going thru turbulences (lucky me!).So that now it thinks there are headphones connected while there is nothing...I wont be anywhere near an apple store for the next month so I was just wondering if it was possible to force the use of the internal speakers over the output jack?
Yesterday I use my headphones to listen music from my mac. Today after I turn on my notebook I saw that my sound icon is grey and when I try to change the level of the sound nothing happens. When I put again my headphones the sound works.
I also saw that I have no option to choose Internal Speakers in Sound menu.
Situation: no sound out from speakers in admin and user account and newly created account. Headphones work, startup chimes work on speakers.
Go to Sound in Preferences and only shows Digital Out for output. Should show Internal Speakers. Ran Diskwarrior and Applejack and zapped pram. Took mac apart and confirmed speakers wired correctly which is verified by the start up chimes being audible on the internal speakers. tested all accounts and created new account all with the same results. Did search of Google and MacRumor. Found one unaswered post indicating same problem. Had same problem with another macbook pro, ran same steps, take apart, confirm wiring setup, Diskwarriored, applejacked and zapped pram and it fixed the problem. I'm not sure what else to try. Did check Audio Midi Setup util and it also did not see the internal speakers.
After I pulled out the jack for my speakers the volume icon was greyed out [URL]and soon I realized that internal speakers as such have been disabled from the system [URL]When I restart the startup chime is played as usual.Is it a hardware or software thing?
My 1 yr old mac book pro is having problems with the sound after an update to the lion software last night. The sound preference is not showing any out or in device. But, the startup chime works
Sound isn't coming out of my internal speakers. When I hook up headphones everything is fine, but when I'm on the computer itself, no sound comes out, a red light is coming from my headphone jack, and the volume controls don't do anything (volume stays at max and there's a white circle with diagonal sign thru it, like a no smoking sign) and I don't get sound.
So... for reasons unknown, my macbook pro is not recognizing it's internal speakers, in the sound options for output it only shows the digital out option.I searched trough the apple support site and the mac's help and all they say is to select the speakers, but that's kinda hard when they play hide and seek. Anyone knows what's up with that? Cause the weirdest thing is that they will make that mac sound when you first press the "on" button.
So the sound on my Macbook Pro is NOT working. I went to the sound settings and the internal speakers option under output is gone. I reset the PRAM and when it did its "second boot", the apple sound played just fine. As soon as I logged in again, the option is still gone and I am getting no sound.
The internal speakers in my MacBook Pro do not work. I went to System Preferences/Sound/Output and there are no Internal Speakers listed as an option to select. They used to work (and I assume they used to be listed as an available output device. I have been on hold with Apple Care now for 43 minutes.