Intel Mac :: No Input Sound Coming Through (External Microphone)
Apr 25, 2012
My external mike (Samson C01U, USB connection) isn't working; there's no input sound coming through. I'm certain it's not a hardware problem with the mike On preferences > sound, there's no sign of any input (with input volume level turned right up). Trying to record on Camtasia / Audacity / Quicktime also isn't giving any input.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 8, 2014
My mic isn't picking up sound on my iMac, but it works on any other computer i use it on.I have multiple USB Microphones and they all have the same problem. They seemed to be working a couple days ago.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jun 28, 2014
where the external speakers i am running through my Focusrite Saffire 6 USB interface have ceased producing any sound at all when linked in to the Macbook Pro . I have plugged them in elsewhere and they are working fine , so that is not the issue . Â
i had performed the software update on my Macbook pro to get OSX 10.9.3 . I have gone in to sound settings and made certain that both input and output are set to the Saffire interface . A signal is certainly coming through and sound can be recorded , so input is fine . I have also done this in both Garageband and Logic , to no avail . However this issue is effecting ALL sound in the sense that nothing is coming out at all from any source . No sound is coming out headphones when plugged in to the interface.Â
Thought it might be the interface but this literally happened as soon as i tried using my set up with the new OSX 10.9.3 software installed . Oh and i also get an error message whilst playing a track on garageband : "Error while trying to synchronize audio and midi...Sample rate 42212 recognized , check conflict between garage band and external device". Here's a reminder of gear used :Â
-Macbook Pro OSX 10.9.3
-Focusrite Saffire 6 USB Interface
-Yamaha HS50's Â
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Mar 25, 2012
When i am pressing the volume keys on keyboard it is showing muted sign on the screen. No sound is coming from the speakers. Sometimes the muted sign automatically goes and also suddenly display on the screen. But when i am connecting a external headphone sound is coming.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 9, 2014
I can feed sounds into my iMac with line input but no sound comes out vis internal speakers. I can record the input sound using Amadeus and play through gives me sound output. When not using Amadeus although input is set to line in and output to internal speakers no sound comes out. There appears to be some internal disconnection between input and output.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9), printer, scanner, ATVs, external hard drives, USB DAC
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May 22, 2012
Just today I have installed an application which was to do with sound switching , called "soundflower" once iv installed and run it there was an option "create multiple sound switch" did chose and start to creating a multiple, as soon as it started my sound card panel display as "no sound card founded" and my sound icon on the top bar turned to light gray.
Double click on that and when it opens you will see your hard drive (usually Macintosh HD) on the left. Highlight your hard drive and click on Verify Disk on the far right. If that is OK click on Repair Permissions on the left. If Verify Disk is not OK try to Repair. If Repair is successful then Repair Permissions if it is not successful let me know. But problem still remains.
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Oct 10, 2007
first time i have ever come across. I have a Intel 2 MacBook Pro. There is no sound coming from the speakers even though it is not muted and the vol is turned to the max. There is sound coming if i plug headphones in the jack. Just noticed that there is a red light coming from where the headphone jack is...anyone have any idea how i can get my speakers to work again?
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Mar 22, 2012
I am using an IMAC. I am facing the problem that sound is not coming from the inbuilt speakers. When i press the sound keys on the keyboard muted sign comes on the screen. I also chkd the system preferences but all options are Ok. I am unable to understand the problem. Either it is of the speakers, the keyboard or any hardware error?
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 29, 2012
When I try to listen to any music on my IMAC on you tube or even if I face time my girlfriend I get a loud banging sound from my speakers when I shut off the vol it go's away but as soon as I turn it on there it is bang... bang...
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), IMac
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Apr 24, 2012
I was in Audio MIDI Setup and I clicked one of the checkboxes to add a device to something or something like that and all the devices vanished from the list and sound stopped working. After closing Audio MIDI Setup I am unable to open it again, even after restarting and getting all the updates. Skype now freezes and doesn't load. Sound preferences also have trouble and freeze up if I try to load them. I would really like to have sound from my computer again!
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 9, 2014
Internal (built-in) microphone is not listed in sound input devices, though it present in equipment list in System Report / Hardware / Audio...
Hence, it not works.Â
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Mar 31, 2009
There is a new humming sound coming from my parents iMac, I think it's the processor cooler but I'm not sure. It could be the hard drive as well, I just know it kicks up sometimes when there is a lot of activity. The problem is they don't do a lot on the computer so it scares them.
They are convinced that it is going to die because it's soo old, I think under two years, but this is the second computer they owned. The first was the first 20" G5 iMac that, instead of turning it off the correct way, they just unplugged from the wall outlet. Needless to say it died, but they think it was because their son in law used it too much. I try to tell them that it's because how they turned it off, but they didn't like their son in law, who is now an ex-son in law, so they blame it on him. Yes, I know, my parents are the last people to own a computer.
They also don't want to spend any money on their computer, so worse case scenioro, taking it to the Genius Bar without this computer being under warranty and having them replace the processor fan and/or the hard drive, what would it cost? I think it might just require a new fan for the processor cooler, but what if they need to replace a lot more?
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Jun 21, 2014
When accessing the website; 'WhatUsersDo', which is used for testing websites, you are required to provide an audio recording of your thoughts about the website which you are testing, However, I am unable to submit an application to become one of the testers, as it is saying that I need to enable a microphone before I can continue with my application (as you are required to take a practice test during the application). Â
I have looked through other forums, and my microphone is working fine.
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May 31, 2012
In prefs I've highlighted Line in, plugged in a mic, put input vol up but the nput level is still low
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Dec 21, 2009
I have a 2.1 Logitech Z4 setup, and the sound is only coming out of the left speaker. I have checked the wires, they are fine, and both speakers do work - but it could be the socket that's the problem. It's plugged into the line-in socket, I have put the output in System Preferences to Headphones, and everything is inserted correctly.
What do I do?
EDIT: My sound system is plugged into the headphones jack. I have tried putting headphones into the headphone jack and the sound also only comes out of the left earbud.
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Feb 9, 2009
I just bought an iMac 24" 2.8Ghz Dual Core, 2Gb RAM, 320 HDD. This nice iMac has been with me only 2 days and the problems already started. I don't know why when I play a song either in iTunes or in web(audio streaming) the audio suddenly changes. It's as if you applied an EQ and removed all the low frecuencies and after a few seconds the sounds returned just as normal. When this "auto EQ" happens, the sound becomes "brighter" (I hope you understand what I am trying to say) but just as I said, after a few seconds, the sound is played normaly. I am running Mac OS X v 10.5.2.
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Jun 9, 2012
I have a late 2009 iMac with Firewire 800 input on the back. I have a Western Digital Passport external hard drive with USB Micro-B input that I would like to connect to the Firewire (4 USB inputs aren't nearly enough on the iMac). I can't find an adapter to do this. As an alternative, is there an adapter that will convert the Firewire 800 to standard USB2.0?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 8, 2012
I have a new iMac OS 10.7.3Â I am using a SeaGate 1.5 TB external HD for backup.Â
If I leave the computer on continous everything works fine. It backs up every hour. It has been running fine for over a week. If I set the iMac in energy saver mode, say 10 minutes, when the iMac comes out of sleep mode there is a warning that Time Machine failed.Â
I get the following errors messages:Â "Time Machine could not complete the Backup" "Error while creating the Backup Folder"Â
There is no way to correct it or retry. I have to run disk utility and erase the external HD, re-format, then back everything again.Â
I would prefer to use the energy save feature of the iMac if I could. I tried the Apple Support number and they just said leave the iMac in "energy saver NEVER" so the iMac stays on continous. Â
Anyone able to let their IMac go in sleep mode with Time Machine turned on? It seems like a possible bug with 10.7.3?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 30, 2010
I changed from Windows to Mac (MacBook pro) as I was told time and time again that Macs are much better when it comes to audio and video editing.Since I got the Mac I have been learning about different programs and which program would be able to do what I need it to do, but I have no luck in finding a solution, therefore, I decided it?s time to come to the forum and seek some help.I will explain what I used to do in windows and would like to do the same in mac therefore I would appreciate any info on what programs I need to get and if I need to buy any external sound cards for mac (if they exist) or recording sound mixers?
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Feb 25, 2012
I see the microphone recording, but no sound happens on playback (youtube for example).
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Sep 2, 2014
I have a Bose speaker system connected to my Audio Out port of my mid-'10 Macbook Pro but I can no longer control the volume: System Preferences has the sound controls set to the maximum but the sound output is weak and the microphone icon at the top of the display is grayed out (but shows it at maximum when I click on it). Apparently, then, the sound is only coming out of the laptop. How do I get it to go out of the audio out port through my Bose Companion 2 and be adjustable?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 9, 2012
The speaker on the top of my screen is muted and I cannot get any sound out of the internal speakers. When I try to raise or lower the volume there is a circle with a line through it underneadth the speaker level window that pops up and everything seems frozen. I've checked online to find a solution and did see a red light in the headphone jack. So I plugged back in headphones and a USB and pulled out the headphones, the red light went off but I still see no option for internal speakers in my Sound preferences. What do I do? I'm trying to avoid a trip to the apple store...
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Sep 20, 2007
Is there a simple way to play the sound coming into audio input over my speakers (headphone jack)? I have two macs running side by side and I would like my new mac to act like a receiver for the old one.
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May 9, 2012
I know there have been lots of questions about no sound on my mac book pro. I have the same issue, I have tried updating all my software, checked the input and out for sound and still no luck.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 19, 2009
how loud the sound is coming through a USB mic.
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Mar 31, 2012
I didn't play any music. Not beep sound or something similar. The sound comes from one side of the speaker. I closed all application but the sound is still there. Sounds like fan or something blowing inside. I ain't sure. It stops only when I completely shut down my computer. When I switched it on, it's gone. My battery level is low (22%). Does this affect?
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 22, 2010
I have a MacBook with the internal webcam/microphone, and had been using it for video chat recently. In the last week or so, the people with whom I'm chatting can no longer hear me. The video is fine on both ends, and I can hear them, but they can't hear me. I've gone to System Preferences > Sound > Input. Internal Microphone is selected, and from testing it, it appears to be fine. I've tried both Skype and GMail chat, so I don't think it's a software issue.
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Aug 24, 2010
I've read in several posts in this website's forum that there's a CPU noise problem with the MBPs, i even got to this site: o-noise-update...The thing is, that my computer is experimenting completely different symptoms, and that's quite annoying. I feel I'm alone in this The thing started like this, I sent my 13" Mid 2009's 2GHZ MBP to AppleCare to be repaired after the audio jack stopped working, they told me the audio card was to be replaced, and they did fix that problem, little did I not notice in the Apple Store (due to the store's natural noisy environment) that after this repair they gave me the computer back with the infamous hissing sound.
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Mar 10, 2008
for about 3 secs then start working again however i can use the mouse, i recently brought some ram and figured it could be that, however upon using some files on my HD i heard a ticking noise which i'm pretty sure is coming from my main HD, so is it on it's way out ?
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May 4, 2008
I noticed that when I move my MacBook Air when the fan is running, it makes a slight buzzing/grinding sound. Is this just air hitting the fan at a different angle or is it a bigger problem that needs to be fixed ASAP?
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