OS X :: MIDI, Microphone And Sound Recorders?

Apr 30, 2010

I changed from Windows to Mac (MacBook pro) as I was told time and time again that Macs are much better when it comes to audio and video editing.Since I got the Mac I have been learning about different programs and which program would be able to do what I need it to do, but I have no luck in finding a solution, therefore, I decided it?s time to come to the forum and seek some help.I will explain what I used to do in windows and would like to do the same in mac therefore I would appreciate any info on what programs I need to get and if I need to buy any external sound cards for mac (if they exist) or recording sound mixers?

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Software :: Mac Boot ROM Sound (QT Or MIDI)

May 16, 2002

Anyone know where I can get a QT or MIDI of the Mac Boot Chord. I thought about using it on a project.

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MacBook :: Microphone Recording But No Sound Happens On Playback

Feb 25, 2012

I see the microphone recording, but no sound happens on playback (youtube for example).


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Intel Mac :: No Input Sound Coming Through (External Microphone)

Apr 25, 2012

My external mike (Samson C01U, USB connection) isn't working; there's no input sound coming through. I'm certain it's not a hardware problem with the mike On preferences > sound, there's no sign of any input (with input volume level turned right up). Trying to record on Camtasia / Audacity / Quicktime also isn't giving any input.

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Sound Level Microphone Icon Is Grayed Out

Sep 2, 2014

I have a Bose speaker system connected to my Audio Out port of my mid-'10 Macbook Pro but I can no longer control the volume: System Preferences has the sound controls set to the maximum but the sound output is weak and the microphone icon at the top of the display is grayed out (but shows it at maximum when I click on it). Apparently, then, the sound is only coming out of the laptop. How do I get it to go out of the audio out port through my Bose Companion 2 and be adjustable?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Sound Somehow Got Set To Digital Out And There Is No Red Light On Inside The Microphone Jack

Apr 9, 2012

The speaker on the top of my screen is muted and I cannot get any sound out of the internal speakers. When I try to raise or lower the volume there is a circle with a line through it underneadth the speaker level window that pops up and everything seems frozen. I've checked online to find a solution and did see a red light in the headphone jack. So I plugged back in headphones and a USB and pulled out the headphones, the red light went off but I still see no option for internal speakers in my Sound preferences. What do I do? I'm trying to avoid a trip to the apple store...

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Applications :: Logic Express 9 Not Sending MIDI Data To External MIDI Devices?

Mar 13, 2010

I just recently purchased Logic Express 9. I am having difficulty getting the application to play my external MIDI gear.

I selected the appropriate track type (external MIDI), then selected from the library a MIDI device and channel. Logic sees the MIDI devices that I configured through Apple's "�Audio/MIDI interface� app".

This is my setup�

Logic Express is installed on an iMac with 4GB Memory running the latest version of MAC OS 10.x Snow Leopard.

I�m using a Motu Fastlane 2x2 MIDI Interface with Motu�s latest driver installed.

Connected to the Port A input of the Fastlane is a Yamaha P-80 that I am using as a MIDI controller and whose sounds I also want to use. Connected to the two output MIDI ports of the Fastlane are the Yamaha P-80 and a Roland JD990 MIDI synth module. In are correctly routed to outs and vice versa.

The Fastlane is recognized by the MAC computer. Also Logic Express sees the instruments I configured within the Apple�s �Audio/MIDI interface� app.

I am able to use the P-80 keyboard to record MIDI data to Logic Express for either an internal instrument track or an external MIDI track. The soft synths in the internal tracks play with no problem. For an External MIDI track, I see the data in the Piano roll view. When I play the track, no sound comes out but I see the output MIDI data indicated at the bottom of the arrangement window. Also my external MIDI gear�s audio outs are patched into an audio mixer connected to powered monitor speakers. So I would definitely hear the devices if they were receiving MIDI information. The MIDI indicator lights on the external devices are not flashing when Logic is playing back the data.

So obviously I have an output communication issue. Either something is not set properly within the Logic software or the �Audio/MIDI interface� app.

When I open up the �Audio/MIDI interface� app and click on test. I am able to here the tone when I press the keyboard which indicates the Motu Interface is receiving data from the keyboard. However, when I click on the port�s output arrow that is supposed to send a tone to the MIDI instruments, I hear nothing which is consistent with what is happening within Logic.

I know the Motu Fastlane works because I used it for a long time in a Windows based system. I have checked each wire and they check out as well. I have checked and double checked each connection and they are set properly. At this point, I am not sure what to do to correct this problem.

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MacBook Pro :: Plug In Microphone Jac Into The IN, MIcrophone Stil Doesnt Work?

Apr 25, 2010

so i bought an imic since i heard it was suppose to work.i plug in my microphone jac into the IN, switch the imic thing to mic, and my microphone still doesn't work.

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Intel Mac :: Using External Blueray Recorders

Apr 21, 2012

I've seen pretty good deals on external blueray recorders/players. I would like to use this to create offsite backups. I also have lots of video projects that are took big to back up on a normal dual layer DVD. Will it work on my iMac? 

iMac 3.06 GHz Intel Core i3, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 12GB RAM, iPhone 3gs, iPhone 4s

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Mac Pro :: Line-in Microphone Or USB Microphone For Mp?

Jul 5, 2010

I want to know if anyone can point out the advantages and disadvantages of using a line-in microphone (for the 1/8" analog jack) compared to a USB microphone for a Mac Pro. Do I need some kind of amplification for a head-set microphone with a 1/8 analog jack? I can't get mine to work, but I wonder if there's something I haven't selected correctly in my Preferences.

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Applications :: Possible To Convert M4a To MP3, Or MIDI

Sep 3, 2005

i need to assign a background sound in my page, and i have used garageband to create a very simple tune, and export it to the iTune.IS there anyway i can convert from m4a to MP3, or MIDI file?

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OS X :: Software To Convert MP3 To MIDI?

Jan 13, 2008

MP3 to MIDI conversion software? (I'd like to import songs in Finale or Sibelius x music notation)

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Software :: Midi To MP3 Converter

Feb 13, 2003

I've been searching versiontracker for a week now looking for a program that will convert my midi's to MP3. Likewise, i only found a command line app that doesn't install.

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Software :: GarageBand And MIDI Out?

Aug 7, 2007

I know that GB '08 was JUST released so I don't know if anyone would have a definitive answer. I've already checked on Apple's support pages to no avail, so here it goes. Does GB '08 finally have support for MIDI out? Previous versions did not have this feature, so I'm hoping that this version will. one?. I've used midiO in the past with my version of GB (the iLife 05' version) but it's always locked up GB for me, so I'm hoping for a native feature this time around.

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ITunes :: Can't Set Audio / MIDI To 24-bit / 96 KHz

Jan 31, 2012

I am running an optical cable to a Channel Islands outboard DAC that can handle 24/96. I downloaded some 24/96 albums from HDTracks and convertd them using XLD to 24/96 Apple Lossless in iTunes. When I go into my Audio/ MIDI program and try to change the output on the Mac (13" Macbook Pro from 2010) to 24/96, the computer won't accept it. It just bounces the setting back to 24/44. Why won't it accept a 96 kHz sampling rate?

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QuickTime :: Midi Playback Is Too Low

Mar 3, 2012

Midi playback is Quicktime is unusable. It is barely audible. I am running Lion on a 2011 MBP.

MacBook Pro (17-inch Core 2 Duo), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Air :: No MIDI Device Tab?

Jun 2, 2012

I am trying to use a M Audio MIDI keyboard with my MacAir. No MIDI device  tab appears in the MIDI setup. What to do?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Is Any Interface Ok To Connect A Midi Instrument

Mar 12, 2009

I just realized that there's a way I could hook up my midi controller board (piano with no sounds...actually it's a keytar!)), to the garageband organ simulator's!! But all I have for an interface is the older model Tascam us122. And the power source for that is when the usb connection is plugged in. But when i've recently tried to plug that into my Mac, the Interface won't turn on, or the Mac doesn't even recognize that something was plugged in. I am a new Mac owner, from a PC. So is this normal...should I have to search to find where the source is to be turned on??? Or do you know if Tascam is even compatible with Mac

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Applications :: Siblelius Midi And Garageband

Mar 9, 2010

Have MacBook Pro, running on OSx and on 10.4.8. Using Sibelius 3. I am the only music teacher in my school so do not have the luxury of an accompaninist. I thought all my problems were solved when I discovered the wonderful real sounding steinway piano in garageband. So I input my piano score note for note into sibelius, then save it as a midi. Before I do it I input all my tempo edits such as rits, pauses and accelerandos and so on. I then drag my new midi into garageband and yes it plays beautifully only problem is it doesn't play any of my tempo instructions. Yes I have checked that they're playing back correctly in sibelius before I saved as midi. Pleas help me as I have practical exams for my students coming up very quickly and it is causing me severe stress

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MacBook Pro :: USB Midi Controller Not Showing Up?

May 17, 2010

I have a usb midi controller (vestax spin to be exact) and my mbp doesn't seem to recognize it but I know it's on because of the power light, what can I do? Also sometimes I get a message to power down my computer or restart.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can't Get MIDI Setup To Open

May 8, 2012

I am unable to use any of my midi controllers with my new Macbook Pro OS X 10.7.3. Checked on M-Audio's website to see if I needed any drivers for the controllers and it says that all are class compliant.

I tried to open Audio-MIDI Setup I got this message. "Audio MIDI Setup couldn't open the MIDI Server so you can't view or edit your MIDI configurations. If you recently installed a new MIDI driver, try uninstalling it and then open Audio MIDI Setup again. If Audio MIDI Setup works correctly after that, contact the driver's manufacturer for further support." I never downloaded any MIDI drivers FYI. I will also attached a screen shot of the window that popped up that reads the above statement. What should I do next? How can I get my MIDI Setup?  

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.3), 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 2 GB ram

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OS X :: How Can I Use My Microphone

May 4, 2010

I can't find a way to use the microphone on my mac. I want tobe able to use it like Garage Band, since that app is taking forever to load each time I record, so if anyone knows where to find the microphone/recording on a macbook,

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Software :: How I Can Download A General Midi File

Jun 14, 2008

Does anyone know how I can download a general midi file (from any of the various places online), import it into Logic Express 8, and then (this is the important bit) be able to change those general midi instruments into one of the OTHER instruments in Logic? Logic only shows me the much more limited range of general midi instruments.

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Applications :: Garage Band Midi Keyboard

Jun 20, 2006

I have a cheap little usb keyboard that I use in Garageband. It sounds great but I have a problem doing drums with it. It seems that the bass drum is lower than my keyboard allows me to go. Is there any way of changing the octaves that a keyboard controls so I could lower down to the bass drum? I found the bass using the software keyboard but it is just a few notes lower than my keyboard goes.

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OS X :: Logic Express 7 MIDI Options With M-Audio?

Dec 2, 2007

I am running an M-Audio Keystation Pro 88 MIDI controller via USB into Logic Express 7. I use Mac OSX. I'm going straight from the Keystation Pro 88 into the MIDI port of my MacBook Pro. I use a Pre Sonus Firepod as my audio interface (not sure if that's even relevantWhen I begin playing too many notes (especially after pressing the sustain), the piano (Garage Band grand piano .exs) starts to cut out. It sounds like BAD static, as if the MIDI were overloading Logic. I've tried changing the buffer size in audio preferences - it gets no better, only worse when I lower the size (32 being nothing but static).

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OS X :: Korg USB Midi Driver Installation Fails?

Jul 24, 2009

I've tried to install the USB Midi driver several times and all I get is a "Install Failed!" (Korg m50)I attempted to install the driver that came with the keyboard (CD) and the one downloaded from Korg.com to no avail. FYI, I have a Macbook 2.4 Ghz, Intel, 2GB Ram running OS X v 10.5.7

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Applications :: Way To Record Audio And MIDI At The Same Time

May 19, 2010

having recorded my Piano playing in Garageband with my oh-so-sexy Apogee Duet, I'm more than please with the quality of the Audio I'm getting.However, I'm wondering if there's a way for me to capture the MIDI at the same time.I'm using a Roland RD700x series Professional stage piano which has a lovely sounding sample in it which is good from an Audio perspective, however I also want to record the MIDI events while I'm capturing the Audio.

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Software :: PCR M30 And Garageband - Bulk Reception And Midi I / F Off

Feb 8, 2009

I'm a complete novice to Garageband, but have been having fun with it so far. One thing I would really like to be able to do, but can't figure out (and not for lack of hours spent trying) is assign tracks in GB to the sliders and twist knobs on my Edirol PCR-M30. I've read the manual for the PCR-M30, but for a casual user like me, I just don't understand what it means by "bulk reception" and "midi i/f off" and the like. Can anyone help me to understand in simple terms how I can assign volume control to the sliders and panning to the twist knobs on a per track basis in GB for my PCR-M30?

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Can't Add Device In Audio MIDI Setup?

Feb 26, 2012

I can't add any devices in Audio MIDI Setup (Apps, Utilities); in the Aggregate Device Structure list in the Aggregate Device Editor, when I click the + my devices (Built-in Audio 1 and 2, and an M-Audio Duo) briefly show, then disappear; I can't select anything to aggregate.  

How do I fix this? 

PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Late 2005 G5 PPC

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Safari :: Unable To Read Midi File In It

Mar 21, 2012

I can't read .midi files in Safari : ( And I really need to, cause i have to download one for my music homework. It guess it is a plug-in issue

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Safari and mac os are up to date.

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