Intel Mac :: Itunes Crash When I Click On Movies Folder
Mar 11, 2012every time i go into my movies folder itunes crashes
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
every time i go into my movies folder itunes crashes
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Whenever i click on itunes and go onto movies itunes crashes. How do i fix this?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Here's an interesting one for all you intelegent people out there. Â
I have a 2011 iMac running Lion. I have a USB harddrive connected which stores digial versions of all my DVDs so that I can stream them to my AppleTV. Has no issues with it before now. A moment ago my Mac crashed and had to be restarted by holding down the button at the back (first time ever!!). When i turned the thing back on, the drive didn't mount so I went into disk utility and repaired the drive which resulted in it mounting. Â
Here lies the problem, I can access files on my drive in every other folder but the Movies on. See the below video. [URL]
have I lost my 660gb+ collection of movies?Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 12gb RAM
Is there a way in itunes to make a folder for movies? I have many clips of home movies and I would like to store them in one folder...
MACBOOK PRO, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
I've Handbraked a few DVD movies and extras.
They are scattered in the Movie folder by the name of each video, not by movie (album) title.
How do I organise them into Album folders like Music and TV Shows are
When i transferred all my Music and Movies from my PC, i put them into the specified Music and Movie folders, but when i used itunes to open all of them, iTunes makes a copy of all of them and put then into it's own folder.
doesn't this take up 2x the space then?
I love AirPlay. I use it on my iPod Touch the moment I get home to play music to my speakers connected via AirPort Express. I use it on my iPad too when i'm watching a movie..
Even on my MBP when listening to music from iTunes. But Movies in iTunes don't work. The AirPlay icon in a movie playing in iTunes only shows "computer" and doesn't show any other options.
I'll try and click on a link and nothing, then I click bookmrks in the menu bar, it works, then i can go back and be to click on the link and it'll work.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi was installing a program when suddenly something went wrong. if i open finder and try to open my applications folder, it looks compeltly empty and then finder crash... seme issue if i explore true the HD.Try already to remove the software but not change
View 6 Replies View RelatedI want to clear up some space on my MacBook.Â
Can I trash the folder called Crash Reporter? (It's in my Logs folder, which is in the Home folder.)
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
Finder crashes when using any option from the Go menu (or key combo) except Airdrop.
Once Finder window is open on Airdrop any navigation to home folder or any other folder using side bar causes Finder to crash.
Using Go To Folder causes crash, even on hidden folder like /var
Finder is OK when opening files on desktop
All other apps can browse file system and open/save OK
Google Drive is not present on system (this used to be an issue a long time a go that caused similar symptoms in other threads)
Drop Box is installed. But issue occurs even when dropbox is not running
Using spotlight to open applications still works normally.
Clicking the Finder icon in the Dock results in a non-functional blank window entitled "Window", all tool buttons are disabled.
Repeatedly opening the same folder over and over results in the message "The last time you open Finder, it unexpectedly quite while reopening windows. Do you want to try to reopen its windows again? If you choose not to reopen windows, you may have to open and position the windows yourself" Two options "Don't Reopen" and "Reopen". Both buttons have no effect except to dismiss the dialog.
Steps Taken to fix:
Booted into recovery mode and performed repair disk and Permissions - Finder Still Crashes
Removed finder preference files using terminal~/Library/Preferences/ ~/Library/Preferences/Â
Recent changes to system:iTunes 11.4 Installed with normal Software Update.Â
Possible Cause of Problem
Found app in iTunes that has File Sharing enabled and has a shared folder. Curious as to what was in the folder i dragged it to my desktop and double clicked. Im not sure if iTunes would have had enough time to copy the contents of the folder before i tried to open the folder. Finder crashed. This was the first time it happened.
iPhone app in iTunes that I picked in was "Ubersense".
So I want front row to look at the movies folder on an external drive instead of in my home folder...
View 10 Replies View RelatedEverytime i try to open my 'Movies' folder within my finder, finder crashes and restarts. I can still find the files and open them by spotlight searching. Im running a Macbook Pro with with 10.7.4? Â
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I just got a new Mac today and I have a problem. When I click on applications and then for example click on my music folder, it all opens up in a preview and then if i select another folder in my music folder that opens up like a preview as well. Its pretty cool but is there a way for the folder just to open when I click on it like with Leopard?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi have no idea why this is not working.
i have 136gb on my macbook pro and when i try to copy a video to the "movies" folder it wont let me.
I have an external hard drive connected to my Time Capsule that is loaded with a bunch of VIDEO_TS folders of all my DVDs, and I have that drive aliased in my "Movies" folder on my MacBook Pro, so when I open Front Row, it points to my external HDD, and everything is hunky-dory. But I also have other files in this HDD (a bunch of JPG files) that are also being seen by Front Row. For reasons that are too boring to get into, I don't want to separate the files into different locations, I would like to keep them together. But my goal is to be able to somehow block Front Row from seeing these JPG files and just display the list of my DVDs instead. Is there any way to tell my alias to block out the JPGs, or some way to hide the JPGs from that particular alias, or something along those lines?Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5)
I recently had an external 500 gig Western Digital that stopped working. I took to store and had them transfer the data onto a new external portable hard drive (1.5 gig). At store they hooked up to Mac Book and showed me the files in the itunes folder, however when I connect the drive at home to my imac running tiger 10.4.6 none of the files are visible in the itunes folder.
All the other backup files are fine. And when I right click on iTunes folder >Get Info. It says zero kb in the folder. However I know the files are there because itunes is working and playing them fine. And when I search for a band and open the folder of say "pearl jam" folder it then magically shows just those sub folder for that group in the itunes folder. It seems that the files are definitely there I just can't view them.
IMac (intel), Mac OS X (10.5.1)
Are we missing something other than two brain cells to rub together?
Customer support, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Customer support and reinstall disk
Since I installed Yosemite, I cannot right click on the desktop to make a folder, I cannot drag any files or folders or anything to it or use it at all. It's nothing but a slate and useless. I figured it was a bad install so I reinstalled it today and got the same behavior. I wish I could revert to Mavericks and I tried with time machine but it wouldn't let me.
View 4 Replies View RelatedGosh I hope this makes sense...we just converted to leopard at work, and I am wondering why I cannot get a follder that I double click to open in the same the list view.
View 6 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know of an application, utility, etc. that will allow one to �open� a folder in the dock with a single click instead of clicking on the folder and selecting open from the menu?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI like to have Finder displaying as a list. It's nice. However, when I try to create a new folder, it puts it at the top-most directory displayed. Very irritating. If possible, I'd like to right-click on an already existing folder and create a folder there (instead of creating it at the top-most directory and then moving the darn thing into place, which seems overly complicated for the task that I'm trying to accomplish.) Is there a way to do this? What about left-clicking on a directory and then pressing some other keyboard/button combination and have a new folder created in there?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a MacBook Air and when go to double click a folder on my desktop nothing hsappens.I can select it but double clicking does not open it. This also happens in some of my applications as well.
MacBook Air, IMac Intel, G4,G3, iPod5G, iPodTouch4., Mac OS X (10.6.7)
I am looking to change the location of my 'movies' folder to an external hard drive.
This is in an effort to use Connect 360 to play movies wirelessly that I have on this hard drive.
Any thoughts?
I used to have ccess to "Macintosh HD" and also my own "HOME" folder via right-click menu from Desktop or from anywhere in finder..... I can't remember if it was done using a program or a tweak , tried googling it but nothing came up. I had to reinstall OSX so now looking to regain that functionality/tweak.
Does anyone know how its done?
How can I select multiple file / Folder in a row i.e. continuously.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
I can't open a personal folder on my desktop without using my keyboard or right clicking then open. Is there a way I can change settings to just double click top open a folder or file?
MacBook Air
Could I move my "movies" folder in OSX 10.9.3 to another internal sata disk?
Unfortunately, my SSD disk has been full from the media of FCPX.
Also, I do not want to move my whole "user" folder.
I have the latest version of Itunes 10.6 and run a Mac Book Pro - suddenly since the update everytime I open iTunes it closes (crashes) and then I get the option to restart - and it just keeps continuing to crash. This means I cannot update any of my devices either.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have used Macs since 1983 and for the life of me I can't figure this out. I can create a folder on the desktop, double click it, and the folder actions are there. I double click on the hard drive itself and no folder actions, and no way to get them back.
I've repaired permissions. I've used OnyX. I've used TinkerTool to see if there's some hidden options. I've Gotten info and Finder/Preferences -- Nothing.
Image here: