Intel Mac :: Its Not Booting After Changing Permissions

Mar 21, 2012

I have changed the Everyone permissions to "no access" in MacintoshHD, when I restarted I can see only the white screen. The OS is not booting. I tried using the Disk Utility from the DVD, but no changes, it is still the same.

Info:iPhone 4, iOS 5.0.1

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IMac :: Not Booting - Probably Due To Changed Permissions In Macintosh HD

Dec 19, 2010

I am guessing that is because I did something stupid.. i changed the "Sharing & Permissions" section in my Macintosh HD Get info window. To be more specific, I changed the Everyone's permission to "no access". I tried booting with the Mac OS install disc and doing the HD recovery from the Disc Utility but it didn't changed anything. In fact there is an error every time I am trying to do "Repair Disc Permissions", while the action "Repair Disc" is completed with no problems.

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OS X :: Can't Reboot After Changing Permissions

Nov 12, 2010

I changed some permissions on my mac yesterday, including enclosed items and since am unable to reboot the computer. I know there are similar posts on here but was struggling to find the solution applicable to my case. When I try to start up I get a grey screen with apple and spinning gear.

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OS X :: Command Line - Changing Permissions With Chown Utility

Oct 10, 2010

This has got to be an easy one for the command line experts. Could someone please tell me how to run the chown utility, so as to change permissions of a folder to read & write for the "currently logged in user"? I guess I am looking for a variable for the username, since I will be running this command as part of a shell script. I do not wish to specify a username, which would make it possible for me to run the script on any computer for any logged in user.

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MacBook Pro :: Blue Screen At Startup After Changing Permissions?

Oct 10, 2010

I have an '07 MacBook Pro running 10.5 I was on the desktop and I did a 'Command I' click on the MacHD icon to see what memory was being used and how much was available. While the window was open which displayed the memory, I scrolled to the bottom to the sharing and permissions portion and where it had the everyone box - changed the permissions to 'no access'I then logged out and shut the machine down. Now I try to start up and all i get is the blue screen with the spinning gear. I have tried to start with the shift key down, no luck. I tried with the startup disk and holding the c key then went to disk utility and did the disk repair which came back OK but the disk permission keep failing due to error of underlying task.

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OS X :: Changing The Time Machine Backup Interval Permissions?

Feb 21, 2010

I searched MRoogle already, I didn't find anything quite like what my problem is.

I know you can change it by editing the plist, However, I am unable to save it even if I do the following:

LaunchDaemons $ sudo chown [my username]
LaunchDaemons $ sudo chgrp admin
Of course, I changed it back to root and wheel, respectively. What did I miss?

This article, for instance, does not even mention the fact that root owns the plist!

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Changing Permissions From External Boot Drive?

May 29, 2012

Internal hard drive crashed, could not repair. Lion installed on external boot drive, using Forklift to recover files. Cannot access the files of other users from internal drive. How di I change permissions on the internal old boot drive so I can recover the files?  

Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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PowerPC :: G4 Screen Changing Color / Not Booting

Dec 24, 2006

Yesterday I installed the latest security updates for my ibook via software update. I'm not sure if this is related to my problem, but I thought I might as well mention it. A few hours after installing the updates, I turned on my computer. Everything was running fine, however as I was listening to music and surfing the internet, my screen turned black. I checked the contrast and it was all the way up. The screen then turned completely off. Upon restarting the computer, my screen got to the loading page with the apple icon and the loading circle, and then turned black and flickered every so often with a screen of vertical multi-colored bars.

I held down the power button to turn the screen off, and the flickering increased, before becoming completely covered by the multi-colored bars and then shutting off. This morning I tried again and my computer actually booted up. However, after a few seconds the screen went black, paused for a few seconds, then went completely red, then green, then blue, then three shades of gray, and finally black again. It repeated this cycle twice before the screen turned itself off. Is this a virus, or hardware/software malfunctioning. I've had my ibook for two years.

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Software :: Unable To Modify And Save Files / Changing Permissions To Read And Write

Apr 22, 2009

I recently had to create a new user, copy all apps and files to same, and then reinstall MS Office 2004 for Mac. I use a mini, 2gig Ram, and Leopard (10.5.6)OS. All my old office files have become "read only" and I cann ot modify and save w/o renaming. Is there a "blanket" way to change the Permissions to "read & write" for all my Office files? Idid not see a similar item in the FAQ's......

Also, when I open an Office application, I get the following message: "An unexpected error occurred while trying to load the Microsoft Framework library". How do I fix that?

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Software :: Changing Password On Powerbook G4 / Booting From A 10.1.2 Install Disk?

Feb 6, 2009

can i change the password by booting from a 10.1.2 install disk when my pwrbook has 10.3.9 installed on it

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Windows On Mac :: Changing Permissions On External Hard Drive - Formatted For Windows

Sep 21, 2010

I had a Windows based PC a couple of years ago that had crashed. So recently i tried to put the files from my old hard drive from my Windows computer to my Mac. In order to keep track of what i have copied and what I haven't i thought it would be good to delete the stuff of my windows hard drive once it was copied. However, it doesn't let me delete anything of the Windows drive since it is set to read only. Is there a way around this? i've tried everything i can think of, but haven't found a soluti

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OS X :: Disk Utility Repair Permissions / Permissions Differ On Derby?

Dec 23, 2009

I'm seeing this show up when I do a permissions repair in Snow Leopard 10.6.2

Permissions differ on "usr/share/derby", should be drwxr-xr-x, they are lrwxr-xr-x

Repaired "usr/share/derby"

It shows up each time I do this. Anyone else seeing this?

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Reset Permissions / Permissions Set To No Access

Oct 31, 2010

i accidentally set permissions in the Mac HD Info window for Everyone to "No Access". of course it locked up. i have an external drive plugged in running Time Machine. i understand i can use that to restore...?

I ran disk utility - it failed because it could not locate the clip art folder in word (?wha?) repair disk permissions ran for 24 hours and couldn't complete. anyway - I know there is an easy solution here - i just want to be sure i'm doing it correctly so i dont make it worse than it already is...would some kind soul please provide me step-by-step instructions to either use Time Machine to repair - or something.

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OS X :: Unable To Repair Permissions / Permissions Were Repaired Earlier

Feb 28, 2009

I repaired permissions earlier and I keep getting these that won't be repaired. Is it anything to worry about? Any idea what the issue is?

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Intel Mac :: Admin Permissions Is Disabled

Mar 23, 2012

My user name is shown as Admin but the checkbox for allowing user to administer this computer is disabled.  I can't add software.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: How To Change Permissions For ITunes

Apr 5, 2012

How do I reset my computer so that I can download purchased music from the ITunes store?

iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: No Sound After Permissions Check

Apr 11, 2012

I recently ugraded my fathers iMac to Snow Leopard and he complained of it running slowly, i performed a permission check on the system and restarted, once started up the machine now has no sound from any application. 


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Intel Mac :: Daily Permissions Repair On It?

Jun 1, 2012

For the past four days my iMac slows down in the afternoon after running fine for several hours. It runs fine after repairing the disk permissions but does the same thing the next day.

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Repairing Permissions And ARDAgent/fixing Permissions

Oct 26, 2007

I am getting this when repairing permissions : "Warning: SUID file System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/" has been modified and will not be repaired."

Doesn't look like permissions get fixed.

What can I do?

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Intel Mac :: Sharing Permissions On External Drive?

Mar 21, 2012

I'm having trouble setting the sharing priveleges on an external drive connected to my mac with snow leopard.My Drive is an external NTFS formatted drive.  I can share the drive across the wifi network just fine if I have the guest account turned on, but I want to restrict access to certain folders using "sharing only" user accounts.I want to use SMB sharing.What I have is a folder called Movies that I want to share across the wifi with my housemates via a user account called "house" only I have another folder called "iPhone shite" (no kidding) that I want to share via a user account called "devacct" only I have set permissions for Sys Admin(Read and Write). Admin(Write Only Dropbox), and Everyone(No Access)When a user logs into the mac over the wifi, what happens is that even though I have enabled sharing for both users, and turned off the guest account, regardless of what permissions are set for each of these users, "devacct" can see the Movies folder and "house" can see the iPhone shite folder.  This is not what I want. What also happens is that when I set the permissions, they do not save even though I click the lock.  The extra user permissions disappear and the basic permissions reset to default.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Computer Not Booting All The Way On

Apr 28, 2012

My iMac turns on. A white screen appears, then a apple appears, then the wheel starts to turn but my computer never boots all the way on?


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IMac :: Booting From USB External HD From Intel On PPC

Apr 28, 2009

My Intel MacBook is in the shop, and I swapped out my hard drive before I sent it in and put it in a USB enclosure. I was able to boot my friend's MacBook Pro from the drive, but my G4 Mac Mini is not seeing it as an option (upon startup or otherwise). I can read files from it, but I really need to boot from the drive for some other things (cookies, passwords, and especially the ability to sync my iPod touch).

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Intel Mac :: Booting Up To A Blue Screen?

Apr 10, 2012

I'm trying to boot a relatively new intel iMac. I can boot to a blue screen, in which all that happens is the music that happens with the welcome video of mac OS X.  

I currently have no keyboard to do diagnostics with because I don't have the wireless keyboard that came with the mac, nor a wired keyboard. I'm planning on borrowing a simple wired keyboard to use to diagnose the mac in verbose mode and safe mode etc. 

The owner of the mac has done a complete reinstall, hence the welcome video music, and that hasn't worked, as the screen shows no sign of anything other than blue.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Keyboard Is Not Responsive Upon Booting Up

Jun 19, 2012

I powered down my iMac for one day.  Upon booting up, my mouse and keyboard do not communicate with the screen.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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IMac (Intel) :: Running Disk Permissions Repair In Mavericks 10.9.3

Jun 4, 2014

I just got a new Imac last week.  When I try to go into Command + R the repair mode it looks like it changed to a reinstallation mode which is what I don't want.  Is there another way to run disk permissions or disk repair in Mavericks?

iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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OS X :: Suddenly Booting Into Firmware Command Line But CD Not Booting?

Mar 25, 2009

G4 DP 450 booting straight to firmware command line and I'm not sure how to proceed from here. Unable to boot from CD.

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Intel Mac :: 24" Not Booting And Screen Went Black?

Apr 25, 2012

I Upgrades to Lion last year. Two months ago, suddenly the screen of the iMac went black. I tried to boot but it didn´t. After waiting one day, it worked and i made a backup and I installed Lion again but this time not updating.It worked, never happened again till yesterday. The screen went black, I still could listen to the song that was playing on iTunes but after a while it crashed at all.Hours later could start the computer doing everything i read here: SMC, PRAM reset, start with D, with shift.... and i made the backup but when i was going to install Lion again it went black again and I couldn´t restart my iMac.I´m afraid it´s the NVIDIA card, but i can´t be withouth the computer some weeks. Is there anything i can do to fix it or to boot at least?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Lion Server

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Intel Mac :: Gray Dots Onscreen When Booting?

Jun 3, 2012

Display has black lines when turning on

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Intel Mac :: Very Slow, Locking Up And Not Booting Unless Powered Down?

Jun 24, 2012

IMAC very slow, locking up and not booting unless powered down and unplugged. (IMAC OS X 10.6.8 2.5Ghz Intel core)  I have performed a detailed HW test twice with no errors and run the disk drive utility with no errors.  The computer generally is slow and can spend 3 – 5 minutes with the spinning color wheel between activities.  After the computer is fully powered off and plugged it seems to boot normally and work for awhile but then all of the symptoms return.  Should I reload the operating system?  Today when I booted the machine funny color lines whent across the screen prior to slowly booting. 

I do have parental controls set which automatically log my daughter off at 930pm when she tried to log in this morning the spinning color wheel ran and ran I could not get the machine to boot by hitting the power button.  I need to fully unplug the machine to get it booted.  I have also performed all of the software updates.  Another strange thing occurred 2 days ago.  The machine was locked up and the fan was running at full speed.  I had to again power down and unplug it to get it back to life.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Turns On, Gets Half Way Through Booting Up, Then Just Stops?

Jun 30, 2012

my imac turns on, gets half way through booting up, then just stops.

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