Intel Mac :: Get Rid Of A "loose" Version From My Desktop?
Jun 8, 2012
Somehow (inadvertent keystroke combo) the Stickies app from my dashboard came loose and I can't get rid of it from my desktop. I've replaced in in the dashboard, but how do I get rid of the pesky desktop version?
I just bought my wife a new Al MacBook and need to migrate her Treo 700p from her old Windows machine to the new Mac. I used to use Palm Desktop for Mac and know it is a little quirky and may have some issues with Leopard, so I'm trying to decide whether I should go down that path or just install Fusion and run the windows version in a VM. Anybody have any recommendations either way? She uses Palm Desktop only for syncing, so I don't need to worry about the Leopard iSync issues.
My son deleted the mail application. Tried to to re-install it from download version. Get error message: You have mail version 4.3 (1081/1084). Cannot be used with Mac O/S version 10.6.8. build 10K549.Â
The download desktop icon went up in smoke and I can't get it back...before when I downloaded a file from email I could go on my tool bar and access the I can only get them in finder. How can I get the download file icon back?
Why will my upgraded version of picasa not work on my IMac??It will start to load and then error message and cuts off. ( Picasa is photo editing software)
I have a Mid-2011 iMac running 10.7 right now.I partitioned the boot drive, creating a new space so I could load up 10.6 (in an effort to be able to play my older Diablo II and Warcraft games) but my retail CD version is not working. I did some research, and found that this is because my hardware is incompatible with the oldest versions of 10.6. What I am confused about, when reading through threads, is how can I get around this? Is there a way I can load up a newer version of 10.6 (like 10.6.3 or newer) onto this partition? Do I need an older Mac to do this (right now both my laptop and iMac are running 10.7 but I could always borrow my Mom's laptop for a bit since she is running 10.6.x)? Since I have a legal version of 10.6 I assume there is a way to do this, but I am not sure how to approach.
I installed my Pioneer Bluray drive in the second optical bay on my Mac Pro 2010. It works fine but when computer has been on for a little while it has lost connection with the drive entirely. I'm not sure when exactly. I mostly notice it when I try to open the tray and get no response. When i check in Toast, the app freezes due to the faulty connection and when checking for it on the computer info it's not there anymore. Anyone know why this is? One possibility I can imagine is a sleep/wake issue where this connection is somehow lost, but I never put the computer to sleep so this can't be it. I would hate to remove the Bluray drive entirely, but maybe I can switch places?
Seems to be a pretty hot topic right now, personally I want to loose it since I never use it, and would far rather have an external DVD drive for ripping the odd movie than lugging an external HD everywhere so I can access all my photos.
I'm looking to purchase 12 GB of Ram for my 2009 Octo Mac Pro. I've heard it is always better to go with 3 sticks of Ram rather than 4 with the 2009 Mac Pro, but is it better to go with 6 sticks rather than 3? What I'm looking to do is at 12 GB with either 4GB x 3 all on one side, or 2GB x 6 with 3 sticks on each side. I would prefer the 4GB sticks so I can upgrade later if needed to 24 GB. What I wanted to know is will I lose performance by only have 3 sticks of memory rather than 6 or does it not matter?
Is it possible for a sharp and sudden fall to disconnect the battery in the Macbook Air? My friend just emailed me--her husband dropped the MBA from the kitchen table to the floor (so just under 3'). She has an X icon where the battery icon should be and for the first few restarts, she's had to reenter wireless password information, as well as date/time. The MBA works fine when it's plugged in. But there's "a teeny dent in the upper left corner. Really tiny."
Is it possible to downgrade OS's without having to loose any files? I'm really mad that I didn't catch this earlier about Leopard (see my other threads).Does anyone know of a way to do it? If so,
On my single 1.8 G5 PPC 10.4.11 about every 90 seconds my desktop goes blank and the current application window looses focus. It just started doing it so I did a full virus scan and found nothing. It doesn't matter if I am in the middle of making a selection or typing in doc and it stops if I logout and login as root--but then I keep getting keychain dialogs.
I bought a new keyboard to get the Mac Pro keys matched up with my Mac Book Pro keyboard and much to my surprise my keyboard keys on the keyboard are coming loose. I'm told my warranty on this was one month? I guess I am buying some kind of logitech product to work on my mac pro?
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 10.6.8 with 64 bit Win7 in Parallel
Each and everytime I put my Macbook Air 11 to sleep, it loses internet connection and I have to go into the Wi-Fi panel to rejoin my home network. Â It's quite annoying because I like to close my MacBook and hide it in the television cabinet when it's not in use. The first time I encountered this problem was when I left the MBA for an hour to download some big files, only to open it back up and find the download had not moved at all since I closed it. Â
We have Imac Intel Mac OS X version 10.7.3. When I put to sleep the screen goes to but no the hard disk.
From the console I get the following message. 06/05/12 20:34:16,805 [0x0-0x19019].com.elgato.eyetvhelper: ***Wakein::CancelEvents: requested event type: wakepoweron06/05/12 20:34:16,805 [0x0-0x19019].com.elgato.eyetvhelper: ***Wakein::CancelEvents: requested app name: com.elgato.eyetv06/05/12 20:34:16,806 [0x0-0x19019].com.elgato.eyetvhelper: ***Wakein:
0 entries in power event schedule table I have Eye TV program install since 3 years ago, I can see it stops the sleep mode, I have look at preferences of Eye Tv but can not find anything that says not to put the Mac to sleep! I have had this problem for the last 2 weeks and before there was no problem at all.