Intel Mac :: Connect Cricut Cutting Machine?

Apr 28, 2012

how to get a Cricut Mini cutting machine set up on my Mac?  It's plugged in, it's on, I downloaded the program for using the machine from the net, but my Mac doesn't seem to recognize that the machine is connected.  It is supposed to be compatible with PC or Mac, and I thought I could just plug it in and it would be recognized as a new thing.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Why Does Wifi Keep Cutting Off After Loading Lion

Feb 20, 2012

I have to continually reconnect the wifi. This has only started after I loaded Lion.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: Magic Mouse : It Just Randomly Freezes, Cutting Off All Ability To Navigate The Desktop

Mar 22, 2012

It just randomly freezes, cutting off all ability to navigate the desktop.Re-booting the system resolves the problem, but leaves me with a lot of lost work.SOMETIMES taking out and putting back in the batteries resolves the problems, but not often.The kayboard continues to work, so it doesn't seem to be a bluetooth issue. 

iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: Error : Unable To Connect To The Database:Could Not Connect To MySQL

Jul 3, 2012

Unable to connect to the database:Could not connect to MySQL I just started to receive this message, when I try to go to this one website.  What caused this? and how can I fix this problem? I an geet to website using other browsers.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.0.x)

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Why Does Macbook Pro Battery Keep Cutting Out

Jun 27, 2012

A couple of weeks ago, my 2011 MAcbook Pro started to cut out for no reason when not plugged in, despite the battery life showing as 40-50% full. I originally thought nothing of it, as everything works fine when the machine is plugged in, but gradually this has become an issue. After researching online and trying various solutions (eg reset SMB), I checked out the battery status and it says Service battery, after just over 200 cycles. My Istat pro widget has battery health at 37%.Baring in mind I've had the machine for less than 13 months, it seems odd that the battery should depreciate so quickly. Is there anything I can do about this? I'm losing work through it cutting out so suddenly!Having checked it seems that I'm about 2 weeks outside my warranty, but if the battery is at fault I would still like to avoid having to pay for a repair/replacement if possible! 

MacBook Pro

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OS X :: Program That Allows Cutting And Pasting Files

Dec 9, 2008

I still DO NOT understand why apple does not have a cut functionality in the mac. It is really frustrating, as having the cut capability is very useful when moving multiple files through different directories. So is there a way to get this functionality?

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Applications :: Preview Cutting Off PDF At Margins

Mar 27, 2009

Whenever I use Preview (v 4.1) to print certain pdfs, it often cuts off the bottom line (eg page numbers, last line of figure captions) which is really frustrating. I know it's not the printer's problem because I can print the same document in Adobe Acrobat on my Windows side (via Bootcamp) without any cutoff. Adobe has the "center" and "fit to scale" options or smthg like that in the print window, which was checked. In Preview's print window, the print preview image looks just fine with no cutoff, but it never prints out that way.

I think the problem may be in the lack of proper centering and fitting to scale in Preview in contrast to Adobe. I read somewhere that Preview likes to scale the pdf not around the center (which would prevent any bottom margin cutoff) but around a corner (like the bottom left corner, leaving the bottom margin problem unchanged). I really would like to resolve this within Preview. I don't want to hav to download the bloated Adobe on my Mac side. Also I really like Preview except for this issue.

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Hardware :: AirTunes Keeps Randomly Cutting Out

Jul 7, 2009

I stream my iTunes library wirelessly to an Airport Express in the other room. A few months ago I had problems with it cutting out all the time. The music would just stop streaming and then a few minutes later would kick back in. The green light stayed on. I chalked up the problem to an old wireless router that was really starting to act up, so I upgraded to a Time Capsule with Airport for a seamless Apple network. Now I've got my iMac hooked up to my Time Capsule and the Airport Express in my wireless network and it is starting to cut out again.

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OS X :: Internet Sharing Cutting Off Connection?

Jun 3, 2010

I use internet sharing on my Mac Mini so I can surf on my MBP. I notice that if I try to upload or download files for too long, my internet will completely disconnect for both computers. I have to reset my aircard on the Mini to get it working again. This also happens if you are watching YouTube vids, and the file size is relatively large.

What is weird is, if I turn airport off on my MBP, and try the same thing just on the Mac Mini, the internet can stay connected all day. Is this a flaw in OSX internet sharing? Or in one of the computer's Airport? Or possibly in my Aircard? (But why would it completely disconnect just because two computers are sharing the same connection?) By the way, I have Alltel wireless. The card is old, but if I upgrade to the Verizon card, they will limit my bandwidth.

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ITunes :: Keeps Cutting Out On IMac Running OS X 10.6.8

Feb 29, 2012

Today my imac has decided to cut out when playing itunes. Is there any reason for this?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Laptop Cutting Off When Not Plugged In

Mar 11, 2012

When not attached to the charger, my macbook pro (3 yrs old) will abruptly turn off. I can use it for 5-15 minutes and then the screen just goes black. At that time I can plug it in and turn it back on without a problem. I assume the battery is going bad.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ITunes :: It Is Cutting Songs Short

Mar 11, 2012

My iTunes used to work fine, but today it started doing this.  Whenever I'll play a song (this affects probably 1/5 songs), it'll start normally.  Then, when there are about 30 seconds left, it'll skip to the next song without playing the last 30 seconds. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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ITunes :: Suddenly Cutting Off Songs?

Apr 6, 2012

Running iTunes 10.6.1 under OS X 10.7.3 

Just in the last couple of days, iTunes has apparently decided that I don't need to hear the endings of some of my songs. This isn't a cross-fade issue; they just abruptly stop, often in the middle of a verse, a line, or even a word. 

It seems mostlyto be affecting older, DRM-protected songs purchased from the iTunes Store, but it's not affecting all of them and I'm not 100 percent sure that it's only affecting them. I'd sure like to know how to get it to stop.

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ITunes :: Music Videos Cutting Up

Apr 9, 2012

My videos won't play properly, they cut up and it looks like they have to upload for playing but I have them in my laptop, I don't use iCloud

Info:Mac, Mac OS X (10.3.9)

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ITunes :: IPhone Cutting Off Song

Jun 5, 2012

Ever since I moved my library from an old iMac to a MacBook Pro, iTunes has been cutting off some songs before completion.  This is true in playback both on iTunes on the MacBook and when I listen on the iPhone.

Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), iOS 5

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IMac PPC :: Time Machine; Transferring An Intel Lion TM Onto A Leopard Machine?

Feb 27, 2012

I have my data saved on an external hard drive (OS 10.7) as I sold my previous Mac and am thinking about buying a power pc iMac using Leopard - does anyone know whether this will be able to open and transfer my data to the older Mac?

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Software :: ITunes Suddenly Cutting Of Songs?

Jul 29, 2010

My iTunes sometimes cuts off songs. No, I'm not talking about crossfading, I'm talking about iTunes actually cutting off the song file. For example, I had "So Fresh So Clean" from Outkast as an MP3 for years now, and I'm one zillion percent sure that I had the complete song, nicely fading out at the end. A few days ago, I played it on my iPhone and noticed that it ended abruptly at the end. When I got home, I immediately checked that song on iTunes, where it also got cut off a few seconds before it actually ended. Playing the file in Quicklook and VLC I found out that the file has actually been physically cut off! It's a few kilobytes shorter than before. What the hell is this? This isn't the first song that this has happened to, and I also had this on my previous MacBook. I'm running the latest versions of OS X, iTunes, iOS etc.

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Applications :: Searching Around For Some Wood Cutting Software?

Sep 14, 2010

I've been searching around for some wood cutting software.

So that I can minimize the amount of ply wood I need for a project.

They all seem to be PC based. Yes I know I can boot camp, but I don't want to.

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IMac :: Screen Was Flickering And Cutting Out Due To Heat?

Nov 23, 2009

im guessing this is a heat issue. My screen was flickering and cutting out. This is the first time it has happened. I was only surfing the internet and using itunes. I will post videos of what happened soon.

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OS X :: ICal Cutting Off Ends Of Names Of Events

Feb 17, 2010

On Leopard on more than one Mac I've noticed iCal cutting off the ends of some of the names of events when in month view. Happens whether or not I've got it set to also show the start time in month view. It may have been happening in Tiger too but I can't recall. Resizing my iCal window can get the full ext to appear in full on some days, but it just makes it disappear for other events.

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Windows On Mac :: Internet Cutting Out In BootCamp - Fine In OS X

Jul 4, 2010

Ive been using windows 7 32bit to play battlefield bad company 2 via steam for about a month now with no problems. A week or so ago, I booted into bootcamp, loaded bc2, found a server, played for a few seconds then started noticing major lag. After a couple of minutes of this, the connection would be lost with the server and very shortly after the internet light on my router would go from green to red. I boot back into OS X and the connection goes back up. It now does this every single time i boot into bootcamp and the connection is always perfect in OS X. I tried reinstalling windows 7 (64bit this time) and the problem is still there.

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Wifi Keeps Cutting Out On IMac

Feb 12, 2012

for the last few days my wi fi cuts out. If I go to the diagnostics it turns back on. It says that my network configurations have changed but then allows me to access it. But the next time I go to use it it has gone again.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Purchased Downloads Cutting Out Halfway Through

Jun 25, 2012

My purchased download cuts out halfway through. What do I do about that?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), iTunes

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OS X :: Time Machine - Does The HD Have To Be Connect At All Times

Jul 17, 2010

I do backups the old fashion way of dumping everything onto a HD from time to time. I'm thinking of going the Time Machine route. I'm wondering if the HD you are using for backup has to be connect to your computer at all times for time machine to work.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Cannot Connect To 10.6 Machine Using Back To Mac Under 10.7

Feb 18, 2012

I haven't been able to find any other threads on point with this isue and just want to determine whether or not this is some issue on my end. I have Back to my Mac enabled on three machines that are running Lion and can connect over the interent just fine. I also have my Apple ID signed in on my AirPort Extreme at that location. For some reason, I just cannot get any machine running 10.6 with Back to my Mac enabled (and signed in under the same AID) to come up. I'm assuming this should work, but is that not correct? Is there no way to connect to a 10.6 machine using 10.7 under Back to my Mac?

MacBook Pro 2.4GHz 15" Unibody (2009), Mac OS X (10.6.5), 6GB RAM/500GB HD/3TB External •

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Mac Pro :: Motherboard And Graphics Card Makers Cutting Back?

Aug 17, 2009

Considering this report from Digitimes... I wonder how long Apple can sustain the Mac Pro product line?Motherboard and graphics card makers cutting back"Several motherboard and graphics card makers saw serious overstock problems in the second half this year and started to cut prices several months ago in order to clear their inventory due to falling demand.In addition to clearing inventory, makers have also cutback production capacity and reduced component purchasing, and have also started laying off personnel or have suspended hiring to prevent cash shortages.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Safari Cutting Out About Every Ten To Fifteen Minutes

Apr 13, 2012

My Safari has been cutting out a lot lately. As in, a lot lately, about every ten to fifteen minutes. It says that .NaturpicDReal.tmp plugin. has quit. Can I load another plugin to do the job?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Time Machine Connect And Share Web Connection?

Sep 12, 2009

I want to connect my MAC PRO to my time machine by ethernet and then my time machine to my ADSL Modem Router by wireless..e.gINTERNET >> ADSL MODEM >> TIME MACHINE >> MAC PROat the moment I have..INTERNET >> ADSL MODEM >> MAC PRO >> TIME MACHINEwhich I dont want.. And please could you give me a step by step walkthrough.. really detailed..

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MacBook Pro :: Connect Time Machine To A New Network?

Mar 19, 2012

how do i connect my time machine to a new network?


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Hardware :: AirPort Express Is Constantly Cutting Out And Has Connection Problems?

Jan 1, 2009

All of a sudden my MacBook Pro (early 08) and my Airport Express (n) are having massive problems keeping connected. Over the last couple of weeks I've had a lot of:

MBP not finding my APE, even though it's in the drop down list. When I click it it says I need a password (which it has pre-input in the password box) and, when I click OK, it tries to connect but fails saying "Connection Timeout".

It connects but then, 15 secs later, disconnects, then reconnects, then disconnects etc. and this goes on with the wifi symbol in the toolbar switching between black and grey until I restart the MBP.

If it does all work, it will often just stop. The internet will hang and when I click to reload, Safari says I'm not connected - even though the wifi is connected.

Often, no amount of restarting the MBP or APE will put it right (I've managed to get on right now by completely reconfiguring the APE).

Does anyone else have these issues? Anyone know what the problems are? I thought Apple stuff 'just worked'?!

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