Hardware :: Why IPad Is Missing Many Features In System
Jan 29, 2010
I would have liked a camera, ability to watch anything on-line and multitasking, of course, Apple can't add a camera this time around but they can certainly keep their pulse to the ground and add features via software. I also wonder, like those hackntosh groups, that since this is more of a computer then phone, if that community will develop programs? Which begs the question, why not release it from Apple if it's something the consumer wants and make a few dollars from Apple while doing it.
I switched to a MacBook Pro 3 months ago from using WXP with Outlook 2003.
I need to be able to hold my outgoing mail rather then sending it immediately. In Outlook I could set it to stay in the outbox until I was ready to send it.
I'd also like to have the "capitalize the first word of each sentence" feature that Word edit would do in Outlook.
I am presuming neither of these features are in iMail so my question is: Do I need to buy Outlook for Mac or Office for Mac to get these 2 features?
I cant change effects while I am recording a video. I seen other people do it that have macs. I Cant find the bubbles effect or letters effect. Is this only available for macbook pro? I just have the macbook.
What I am missing in messages beta is the possibility to see who of your contacts have the application, or are using a device with IOS 5.Now you write the message, and when you want to send it, yu find out that the people are unavailable to imessage. Big advantage of whatsapp or messaging through viber/Skype is that you can see the contacts which uses the application.
I can print and scan, but has no extra features. I use mapquest alot and now I have to print all including maps I don't want. I can't just select what I want to print. Â
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), also own iMac-- same problem there.
Apple has long had a business sales group ready to sell Macs to any interested companies, and with the release of iPhone 2.0, the Cupertino-based company made it very clear that it wanted the iPhone to fit the needs of corporate users.That has helped stoke a healthy interest in the iPhone platform among companies who develop custom mobile software. Apple hardened the iPhone's security profile, added Exchange support, and created mass configuration and deployment tools for the deviceFor the iPad, those same corporate-friendly iPhone features will all continue to work, thanks to the iPad being build on the same software foundation. However, the iPad adds a variety of new things that business users should find very attractive.
It seems I have to go a roundabout way in order to connect to the Internet using a USB Dial-Up modem. I thought you could double click on the Safari icon on the Dock and get connected to the Internet. But every time I try to do this, the Diagnostics page keeps cropping up. The only method I have found to get connected is thru the Network folder under System Preferences, which to me is a backhanded alternative to what should be a more direct means by clicking directly on the Safari icon. Is there something wrong with my Internet set-up causing this run around? Also, I am unclear as to whether my 20" screen is setup properly?
Is it true that in order have the sharpest screen readout/visual appearance and still cover the complete display area that everything seems actually smaller than when compared to a 17" inch display usage (which is the size of the LCD monitor I am using with a Power Mac). Finally, what is the best source to find out all about my iMac & its features? The documentation sent is very scant. Aside from the petite booklets (with same information repeated on the computer), is there any extremely pertinent guide I am overlooking that comes with the computer? Any other major sources?
I am tempted to jump on getting a new Mac Pro now instead of waiting. Primarily because i dont want to be priced out of getting the higher end model with more cores. If they do come out with a 6 and 12 core config. i would want to buy the 12 core but a lot of rumors around here and on other sites say that the new models will likely come with a price increase. potentially leaving me having to buy the 6 core model. 8 core current Vs 6 core future This makes me think i'll just get the 8 core current. BUT Are there any features that apple may add that would blow the current models away. USB 3.0, BluRay, etc. I can live without many of these things.. but perhaps i am missing something.
I have emails that show up on my iPad, iPhone and are visible when I log into iCloud but are not being shown on my Mac (Lion 10.7.4). I have checked my Junk mail and Trash and the messages are not there. I do not use Mail rules. I have restarted the Mail app and I've rebooted the Mac without any change. How to "re-sync" Mac Mail to iCloud or fix this issue?
I have seen that several people have experienced this, and one 'solution' is to delete the album from the iPad and then move it back from iTunes. However iTunes will not let me move the album again onto my iPad. Why not? (I am having to use manual moving rather than syncing because I have another iTunes on a PC, and the iPad seems to have attached itself to that.)
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I'm thinking about buying the new MacBook pro, the 15 inch i7 to be specific, and this thought just came to my head. USB 3.0. Will Apple likely adapt to this technology soon? I know it's dumb to always wait for the next computer just because the specs are not caught up. If everyone did this, no one would ever buy a computer, but I'm going to own this laptop for a long time, and am I really going to want to own something that will be missing USB 3.0 when that becomes the standard in a year?
When logging onto the mac the other day, a questions mark appeared, upon logon all of my system preferences had disapeared, including Itunes, mail etc along with a number of icons. The machine did do several updates and the icons re appeared, but the Itunes and mail are still missing.
Using 10.5.1, no problem up until now (new 2.8 iMac). Working all day with Adobe Lightroom 1.3.1, again, no prior problems.The computer froze, which I noted when the screensaver when I left to go eat dinner stayed static without fading out to a new picture. After force quitting and restarting, I went to the System Prefs and when I went to the Desktop/Screensaver section, I got a blank window. I confirmed all the other System Prefs icons work fine. It's as if the Desktop/Screensaver settings are erased/gone/whatever.
my hard drive icon disappeared from my desktop.My second internal hard drive icon is there, but not the main one.I've done every version of computer maintenance that I can think of and still no icon.Meanwhile, my computer is running fine, it just seems like impending doom is around the corner.
I've been experience intermediate issues ranging from not showing icons standard in OSX (such as in my shared devices, HardDrive icons tha tmount on the desktop, etc) this is a unibody 2.4ghz i got in February that came with 10.5.5 and used combo updates on each update...ive done a blank install from scratch with nothing on it and i still experience the missing icon issues that dont happen on other unibody mbps i use ??
((the other macbook pro im connecting to is an identical model 2.4 and the other one is a unibody 17, they display the proper icons under 10.5.7, unlike shown below))
My system gets random freezes even when nothing but the browser, word or small applications, it will beachball for aboud 30seconds to 2minutes even after a clean install and a combo straight to 10.5.7 any ideas on these issues? Am I the only one who is having these missing icon issues...even after a clean isntall with the original OSX Install Discs?
I clicked on my HD and I have 124.5 Used and 61.51 Free, which adds up to 186.01. I then clicked on Macintosh HD and selected all the files and hit "Get Info." It all adds up to 117.5 GB. I'm missing about 7 GB and I don't know where it is. Are there some hidden files or something?
A couple of weeks ago I had a mess by copying fonts on /Mac HD/Library/Fonts. I Used Lynotype Font explorer to "Clean" my system folder. The problem that I have found is that it has erased (or I Have Erased) some of the files thst should be on this library/fonts folder.
Now Im getting a lot of Not found files. Doing a Spotlight search I connot find the files in My HD. Checking one by one from a list published by someone in this place I have manged to identify at least 15 without even getting to the letter D.
The question is... Is there a way to "Reintall" this fonts from the DVD's without having to reintall my whole operating system?
I have an Imac 5,1 2.16 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo running Mac OS X version 10.4.11 and am fairly new to Mac. I made the cardinal sin of not leaving all of the pc world behind me when I made the switch to Mac and one day after examining my software, I noticed what appeared to be an excessive amount of folders containing only 1 or 2 photos apiece, scattered throughout the system. I got the bright idea to "tidy up " a bit so I created a folder where I could easily find it, and moved the single pix there and then deleted the original folders. My mistake was soon obvious, when the slideshows I had created in Iphoto would not work and some pictures were missing.
My problem is this: I bought the computer used and it came with nothing but the main unit , the mouse, and keyboard. I found a fix to the Iphoto problem, but it requires the original system disk which I do not have. I do however have a factory Mac OS X Tiger disc from an old powermac G3 I have. I was wondering if that disc would work to reinstall Iphoto? If so, are there any special instructions to get it to work? And lastly, if it doesn't work what are my next best options?
I recently tried to use bootcamp to install Windows 7 everything went good till I tried to reboot the Mac portion....I was greeted to a black screen that says missing operating system?
Just upgraded to Lion on my desktop machine (iMac) and laptop (MacBook Pro). iCloud is working fine between my laptop and mobile devices (iPhone and iPad), but not with my desktop iMac. This is most obvious with iCal, which still tries to sync with MobileMe (even though the account info says its been upgraded to iCloud.Â
Friends were having major problems with Mac OS 10.5.8. I tried to install 10.6 but the installation stalled several times. Through it all, I got OS 10.5.8 running for them again but the sound application is now missing, so I can't get the iMac to play sounds effects nor will it show the Harmann Kardon sound sticks as a sound output. They can't find their original install discs and I do not have that version. Will the sound application for system 10.6 work if I drag that file into their 10.5.8 system?
Since installing Lion, the icons on my system preferences pane have all changed to the same icon as the system preferences app. i.e just the cogs.how this may have happened and how I can revert back to the standard images please? The selections are all there, but all showing the same cog image.i have seen some previous discussions about removing apple.com/preference panes cache but I dont have it in my Library.
I recently installed a couple font management tools and ever since I have noticed that I don't have the full list of default system fonts. Below is a screenshot of what I have. I notice that there are a lot of missing fonts that should be there such as Georgia, Trebuchet, Verdana and many more. Is there a way to reinstall them or restore them? I tried the restore Standard Fonts option in Font Book but says no problems encountered. I also downloaded a program called Pacifist but don't know what to do next.
My account setting icon is missing in system preferences. Can anyone provide me with advice on how to fix this problem. Also, whenever I start the computer it makes me log on now.
My macbook pro is an OSX 10.5.8, purchased in January 2009.
All of a sudden I restarted my computer and the dock didn't show up and the fonts for the clock and battery were different. The widgets also would not show up. Also missing was some of the icons for random programs (applications, illustrator, pictures etc.) I am thinking I might have deleted some of the systems files? In safe mode the dock and widgets work and the fonts are correct however the icons are still missing.
I thought nothing of it until I started rebooting and STILL couldn't get the computer to see it.
I've tried the drive in all 4 of my internal bays and looked to see if shows up under BootCamp but no luck yet. My other internal drives work in any bay slot, so I don't think it's a fault with the MacPro.
As far as I know, it's spinning up and isn't making any dead-drive sounds I've heard in the past, it just seems to be invisible to the computer.
I noticed that System Preferences, App Store no longer shows a padlock at the lower left hand corner, yet other System Preference windows show the padlock. Why is that? Is there a way to restore the padlock? I have already tried "repairing" my install and the padlock did not come back.