Hardware :: Partition For Regular Storage?

Jul 24, 2009

I just got a new external HD. I'm using it as a time machine so it's backing up 150GB now. It's 1TB so that will leave about 770GB...so once the backing ups done should I create a partition for like regular storage? My startup disk in my Macbook is full, so maybe set the time machine partition at 175GB and then set the other partition for the rest of the space? Is that right?

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MacBook :: Partition External HD For Time Machine And Data Storage?

Jun 15, 2010

I have a 500GB external HD but a 250HD on my macbook. is it possible to partition the HD 300GB for time machine and 200 for storage of data and files? If so, how would I go about doing that? I just don't want to waste a 500 GB external if my HD is only 250GB.

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MacBook Pro :: Remove The Windows Partition Completely Without Damaging Mac Side To Allow For More Storage

Jul 28, 2010

So I'm using bootcamp to load up windows, but now I have run out of room on my Mac partition. I still have 30GB on my windows partition, and I haven't even used it ONCE! Honestly at this point I don't think I will ever need it....

But so my questions is, would there be any way to remove the windows partition completely without damaging my Mac side to allow for more storage? Or maybe just shrink the windows partition so that I can free up an extra 20GB or so?

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MacBook Pro :: Free Storage Space Under Partition And Macintosh HD In Disk Utility Are Not The Same

Jun 26, 2014

Model - Macbook Pro 2013 Retina

Issue - In the disk utility, the free space under partition and Macintosh HD do not reflect on each other. There is the difference of about 10GB between these two.

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MacBook Air :: Realization - IPhone Storage Versus MBA Storage?

Jan 10, 2010

I thought I would share a cool realization. I am now eligible for any iPhone upgrades and most likely will be getting the new one coming out this summer - whatever it may be. I realized today that most likely it will have 64GB of storage - the exact same size as my Macbook Air - I think it is so wild my future phone/pocket computer will have the exact same storage capacity as my main laptop. I could potentially mirror everything on my Mac that is on my iPhone in the future.

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ITunes :: Changing Storage Location With Media In The New Storage Location?

Jun 30, 2012

Equipment: Mac Mini (Early 2009), Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GHz, 4 GB RAM, Lion. I started noticing my Mac Mini was having trouble reconnecting my Bluetooth mouse and keyboard, slow processing (spinning pinwheel of death), and programs freezing. I did a recovery within Lion from the recovery drive and it seemed to work for a week or so. It started acting up again. So, I decided to erase the HD and reinstall Lion. I basically use the Mac Mini as a server for all my iTunes content.  

My iTunes default save location is to my Drobo storage unit. Now that I have reinstalled Lion, I am looking for the easiest, most convenient, and safest way to change the default save location in iTunes and then importing the media. It would be nice if it was possible to just simply change the default save location to the folder I previously had all my media saved in and it would just magically appear in iTunes. Everything was organized perfectly, which took hours of time and attention to details.  

Mac Mini, 2 13 Inch Macbooks, Mac OS X (10.5.7)

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Mac Pro :: Regular Bluray Burner?

Sep 13, 2009

I know the Mac Pro uses a smaller bezel for their tray loaders, so would regular retail drive work? I know I can remove the bezel, but if I don't have to I won't.I'm looking at the Pioneer 8x burner right now.

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OS X :: Combo Update Or Regular?

Mar 31, 2010

I have SL Mac OS X 10.6.2...

Can I still get the combo update or should I simply get the regular update? I understand that the combo is all of the updates but just trying to see which will be better..

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Mac Pro :: Difference Between Xeon I9 And Regular I9?

Jun 9, 2010

So what does a xeon i9 bring to the table that a regular i9 doesn't?

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Applications :: Want To Crop A Regular Photo?

Apr 7, 2008

I've been trying to figure out how to crop a regular photo taken with my digital camera down to a 2x2 passport size photo. Everything I've found in the forums suggests ways I can change printing options, but since I'll be sending the photo out digitally, I'd like to know how to save the image in this size.

I don't have Photoshop (except for PS Express), and when i use iPhoto's "Custom Size" option to set it to 2x2, it looks to me like it's still in a rectangular shape. When I save it as a "Square" it turns into a square, but a square that fills the page. Are there any other options that I have?

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Mac Mini :: Upgrading Cpu - Regular T7400?

Sep 30, 2008

I have a core duo 1.66 mac mini. I've read a few posts here on the forum and someone even PM'd me a guide/howto for replacing the cpu. I came across a T7400 ES? Is this the same as a regular T7400 or is there something about the 'ES' that will prevent it from working in the mini?

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OS X :: Can I Use A Time Machine Drive As Regular Hdd?

May 18, 2009

this may seem strange to ask but i recently purchased a 1 TB drive and formatted it correctly to use it as a time machine archve.

after a few HOURS my 160 gig mac primary disk was backed up.

i then created a second folder entitled "not time machine backups" and am copying my iphoto library etc to it.

i plan on using that drive to store my photos from now on. it this ok?

can i use this so called "time machine" drive as a second hdd? i figure as long as i dont actually touch the time machine folder, i should be ok, right?

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Applications :: Downgrading To Regular Leopard?

Jun 15, 2009

Basically I installed Snow Leopard but am not happy with it, buggy etc. I want to downgrade to regular Leopard. Is there any way I can do a Time Machine backup now just to save my "user files" and not my system files. Basically I would like to do a system restore but take my current state of user files in Snow Leopard. Is this possible?

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OS X :: Is UTD The Same Disk As Regular Snow Leopard?

Aug 28, 2009

My girlfriend bought a new mac over the summer and is eligible for the UTD program. I am worried though that the UTD program may only be an upgrade for Leopard - and not the regular install disk - so if we ever had to do a complete reinstall (hey, you never know) we would be unable to do so. Does anyone know if the UTD & regular snow leopard disks contain the same bits? MD5 comparison might be helpful.

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OS X :: What Is The Difference Between SL Family Pack And The Regular SL?

Sep 1, 2009

personally I thought that the family pack was for if you had 2+ Macs to install Snow Leopard on. I didn't really care for upgrading my mac mini so i just bought the regular Snow Leopard for my Macbook Pro. Out of curiosity i tried installing SL on both and it worked.

So what are the differences between the regular Snow Leopard and the family pack?

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Mac Pro :: Minimize On A Mac From A Square Back To The Regular One

Apr 4, 2012

how do i fix my minamize thing for my macbook from a little square back to the original one.

MacBook Pro, iOS 5.0.1

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MacBook Pro :: Loosing RAM On Regular Basis?

Apr 8, 2012

My macbook pro came installed with 4GB of RAM but this is slowly being eaten away. Brand new there was 2.77Gb available. Yesterday there was 2.4 and today there is 1.43Gb free. ( I know this as I am using free memory) Nothing is running but Finder and now this browser. Without the browser (Safari) I cannot seem to get more than 1.7Gb free. Something seemnd s to be gobbling up about 1Gb in the background this is not visible to Finder/Force quit

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ITunes :: Convert Regular Songs To MP3?

May 12, 2012

Can I convert songs in my iTunes library to MP3 format?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Defragmentation Required On Regular Basis?

Dec 28, 2010

I'm aware that with windows computers you need to defragment regularly to keep processes running top notch. However, I read that the macbook runs on fragmentation, thus, defragging is not necessary.

However, I saw in another thread that defragging is also important for a macbook. My question is:
1. Is it necessary to defragment?
2. If so, what is a good program for defragmenting on a macbook?

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OS X :: RAID Striped Increase The Speed With Regular USB HD?

Mar 18, 2009

I'm quite new to the OS (Level) Raid concept provided by the Disk Utility within Leopard OS X 10.5.6 and other OS X OS's, but I saw a great video showing 2 USB External HD's hooked up to a macbook running a raid to tie them together (striped or mirrored). This concept is simple! But heres my situation:I have an iMac 22" 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM, Running off of a "298.1 GB WDC WD3200AAJS-40VWA0 Media Hard Drive". I also have an External Drive "465.8 GB WD 5000AAV External Media".

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Mac Pro :: How To Flash Regular PC 8800GT Into Compatible Mode

Mar 26, 2009

Ok, so now that ball bearings on my second 1900XT have worn out and the noise has started drilling into my temple, I've decided to upgrade my video card. I hear that the 8800GT is very quiet, but the Apple store is offering it for the jaw dropping price of $279. Did anyone ever figure out how to flash a regular PC 8800 GT into a mac-compatible one? I tried a search on these boards but never found a success story or a link to a rom.

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Applications :: Looking For Best Regular Auto Backup Software?

Apr 25, 2010

I just got a OWC Elite 1TB HDD and its epic.

I have been using time machine to regularly back up all my stuff. I don't really care for time machine nor will I ever use its special stuff. I simply want my information back up on a semi-regular basis (maybe once a day TOPS or once every few days). Time Machine backs up every hour and its incredibly annoying.

Anyone have any tips for stable, great AUTO back up software?

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MacBook Pro :: Use SSD And / Or Regular Hard Drive On Machine?

Apr 29, 2010

I have been the proud owner of a 17" MacBook Pro that I have owned for 4 years now without any problems and still running perfectly. I am not interested in picking up a 15" MBP and once question that I have kept on asking myself is whether or not to go with the less memory of the SSD or just get more memory with the older hard drives. My question is if I go with the default hard drive can you swap that out and use a SSD drive later on? Or do they both fit into the MBS's differently?

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OS X :: Same External HD Can Be Used For Time Machine / Regular Backup?

May 28, 2010

I have a seagate 320 gb external hard drive(with usb). Currently I am using a hackintosh and I will switch to Mac in a month. In my external HDD I have 200gb of pictures-movies-tv shows-documents. It is formatted with NTFS so I use it with Macfuse and NTFS 3G. When I get a macbook pro 15" i5 with 320gb hdd I will transfer all 200gb to my MBP, format the HDD to Mac os journaled instead of ntfs and use the hard drive for time machine.

After that I will still have some space. I want to use that space for carrying around documents for example to carry my presentation with me to the school. Can I use it like that? Also computers at school uses Windows, can windows read and write Mac OS Journaled format? Additional quick question: In windows if HDD is full pc gets slower, do macs get slower when hard drive is near full?

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MacBook Pro :: Regular And RAID Ready SSDs

Aug 19, 2010

I am checking out the market on SSDs for my Macbook Pro and I've found a few manufacturers differentiate their product lines as "regular" SSDs and Raid-Ready SSDs. The raid ready's being more expensive and having a little less space. I'm not as tech savvy as I should probably be, so I don't know what Raid or Raid-Ready means and what value it might have.

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Software :: Regular Vs. Smart Playlists In ITunes

Jul 4, 2008

I'm currently using a combination of normal and smart playlists in iTunes. I've got normal playlists for all my albums, and smart playlists for music I have as an album but never really listen to as an album, for example, my Jazz smart playlist consists every song with the genre as "Jazz".

Needless to say, this takes a lot of organizing but it's definitely worth it. Now I've been thinking about making them all Smart Playlists, this would make organizing even more miticulous, but there wouldn't be "accidents", like songs I accidently deleted from a playlist when hitting the delete button or w/ever.

Since smart playlists update on-the-spot if you add new songs, I was wondering if they use more CPU? iTunes is already a memory/resource hog, will adding hundreds of smart playlists make a big difference in resources used?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can Regular Use Of Onyx & Other Utilities Show Down Mac

Feb 1, 2012

Am I right in thinking it's better to leave your Mac alone and maybe run disk utility once in a while.Will regular use of Onyx, Memory Freer, Disk Diet etc slow down the Mac and cause more problems longer than benefits they give you in the short-term.I do use these apps regularly especially Onyx. I have noticed the beach ball appearing recently and I have read tonight that programs like Onyx can slow down your machine.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Intel Mac :: Popping Sound At Regular Intervals

Feb 4, 2012

My iMac is making a sound that seems like a "pop" every few minutes. It seems like a notification, but it isn't one. It never did this in a year, but it started two weeks ago. It's really annoying. I called the Apple Support but they didn't manage to help me out.

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can Use Time Capsule As Just A Regular Had Drive

Feb 12, 2012

I have an older tme capsule and I'd like to use it as just a 1-tb extenal hard drive with my Mac Pro. I messed around with the Time Capsule configuration and finally have a green light, yay! BUT, I was hoping it would show up on my desktop like the other drives.The Time Capsule: Is connected directly to my Mac Pro via a cat 5 cable. It is showing a solid green light. I have wifi turned off. I have a time machine set up with a western digital 2TB external drive. I see it show up in my finder side bar as a shared device.  When I right click it the TC icon in the side menu and select open, the window shpw "not connected" at the top. (Even thought the light is green) 

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OS X V10.3 :: How To Make Regular Folder For Saving Mail

Mar 9, 2012

How to make a folder for mail I wish to save. I do not want a Smart Mailbox, just a regular folder in my mail.

G5, Mac OS X (10.3.9)

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