Hardware :: Leaving The External Drive Plugged?

Sep 16, 2009

Is leaving it in ok as I erase my hard drive, and install snow leopard? How can I guarantee that my external hard drive won't be erased?

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MacBook :: Leaving Laptop Plugged In Bad For Battery?

Feb 7, 2010

I've heard conflicting reports that leaving the laptop plugged lowers the battery life and that it is not true since it stops charging the battery. So is it bad to leave it plugged in all the time?

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MacBook :: Leaving The Power Adapter Plugged In Without The Computer?

Aug 29, 2010

I think the title pretty much explains it all. I'm wondering if there's any harm that would come from leaving the power adapter plugged in all the time, but without the MacBook connected some of the time. I'm a college student, and with the way I have my desk set up, I can't really take the power adapter with me everywhere I go. So yeah, I was wondering if there was any harm that would come from it.

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OS X :: Two Macs Plugged Into One External Drive

Nov 20, 2009

I'm running SL. I have a MBA, an iMac, and a LaCie external drive. I want to plug the MBA into the USB port on the external drive and the iMac into one of the Firewire 800 ports on the external drive. (On the LaCie, I have two backup partitions for each of the computers -- one for ? backups and one for a CarbonCopy clone of the computers.) When I connect them this way, the iMac can see the drive, but the MBA can't. The MBA will see the drive only if I unplug the iMac from the drive. Is there some sort of trick for getting both computers to see the drive at once? I don't care if they see all four partitions; I'd just like the MBA to be able to see "its" TM and CCC partitions on the LaCie and the iMac to see "its" partitions.

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IMac :: Plugged In External Drive - How To Delete

Aug 13, 2010

I connected my external hard drive, formatted to ntfs.

I want to delete a few things but i can't. The drive seems to be read only.

How do i get around this?

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Mac Mini :: Won't Shutdown If External Hard Drive Is Plugged In

Apr 22, 2012

I recently bought a new Mac mini and Seagate goflex 3TB external hard drive. The computer is awesome but if I have the external hard drive plugged in, it messes with the restart/shutdown. The mac will act like it's powering down and go to the blank white screen but will never turn off and shows the little gray lines that go in that circular motion at the bottom of the screen. If I disconnect the USB from the Mac then it completes its power down. I've tried the suggestions of repairing disks or disk permissions, as well as resetting the PRAM, which have worked sometimes but the the problem reoccurs. I've also tried ejecting the external hard drive before shutting down on the Mac but I'll either get an error message or nothing happens and then the above shutdown issue occurs. 

Why does this happen and what can I do so that I can always have the external plugged in and not have to manually unplug it so the Mac can shutdown? 

Mac mini

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MacBook Pro :: Should External Hard Drive Just Work As Soon Plugged In

Dec 4, 2014

I have to have my hard drive replaced on my Macbook Pro.  I bought an external hard drive (Buffalo) plugged it in and nothing no pop ups for instructions.  Does a new hard drive (external) need something done to it on first time use?


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OS X :: External Hard Drive / Plugged Into The USB Socket Directly In The Back Of My Mac Pro?

Oct 22, 2010

Today I purchased a new external HD (Western Digital Elements 1TB USB 2.0) so that I can finally back up my files.I have it plugged into the USB socket directly in the back of my Mac Pro (Dual 2.6GHz 2007).I am backing up with Carbon Copy Cloner.Currently it's done 70GB in 1hr 30mins

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MacBook Pro :: Shutdown Immediately When External Hard Drive Plugged In

Jun 6, 2012

I plugged an external hard drive into my MacBook Pro and it immediately shut down. Now it will not start, it's completely dead.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), iOS 5.1.1

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IMac :: Stuck On Apple Screen If External Hard Drive Is Plugged In?

Mar 19, 2009

I upgraded the ram to 4gb crucial on my 24" intel imac (early 2008). Now it freezes at apple screen, but only if my external WD My Book hard drive is plugged in via firewire. If I unplug it from the firewire port.

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ITunes For Mac :: External Hard Drive Not Recognized Automatically Plugged In Via USB Port

Sep 8, 2014

So I plug my external hard drive into my IMac via a usb port, the drive turns on but the drive never appears on my desktop. How do I access my external hard drive when it is not recognized automatically?

iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)

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MacBook Pro :: Use Display While Plugged Into G5 As External?

Nov 9, 2010

I have this gorgeous 22" ACD that I have plugged into my G5, where I use it quite often. But my intention for the G5 was to be a server, which it is. I often need some extra display space when I'm doing school work, or coding, so I was wondering if there is a way that I can use the display, while plugged in to the G5, as an external display for my MBP. Preferably something that I could stream over my local network.

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Hardware :: Cannot Read External HD When Plugged In

Apr 11, 2010

I've got a simpletech 2tb hard drive which I've used for time machine, but all of a sudden it won't read when I plug it in. I can hear it power on when I plug it in but it won't show up. I've tried plugging in other devices to make sure the ports are still good and tried restarting with and without the hard drive plugged in. I've only had this hard drive a week and haven't done any improper device removals to it. Also, I am running snow leopard with all the updates.

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Hardware :: External HD Plugged In - IMac Not Go In Sleep Mode

Jan 10, 2009

Just purchased and hooked up a WD 2tb MyBook Studio Edition II external HD, the drive spins down on the HD but my iMac doesnt sleep while its plugged in.

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MacBook Pro :: External Speaker Buzz When Charger Plugged In

Apr 19, 2009

I've noticed a faint buzzing sound through my external speakers when a charger is plugged in to the laptop. Removing the charge kills the noise and makes the sound crystal clear again. Doesn't bother me to much, but as my uni-macbook pro is plugged in most of the time I can see this near constant buzz getting on my nerves a bit in the future. Any ideas, looking back I experienced the same thing with my macbook.

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MacBook Pro :: Trashed Contents To Show Only When External HD Plugged In?

Apr 18, 2012

I have put contents of an external hard drive in the trash but not yet deleted them. How do I remove them from the trash (not delete them) as every time I plug the hard drive into the Macbook pro they show up in the trash again. I do not want them deleted.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Windows On Mac :: Disable Trackpad Input When External Mouse Plugged In?

Aug 5, 2007

I don't know if anyone knows what I'm talking about, but in OS X, there's this option that disables input from the trackpad when an external mouse is plugged in. I couldn't find something similar to that for Windows, and since I use Boot Camp to play a few games in Windows and my palms keep swiping the corners of the trackpad (thereby making my aim wonky) I wanted something that would have the same effect.

So I Googled. And searched. And searched.

Best solution was to go to Control Panel and disable the mouse. But I'm lazy, I want something to do it for me, automatically, if possible.

So, in the interest of pure laziness, I... wrote a utility to do pretty much exactly that. It supports manually enabling or disabling the trackpad, and also automatically enabling and disabling it when an external mouse is plugged in/removed.


So, if any of you guys are using Windows to play games or do anything else, and you have the same issue with the trackpad that I do, hopefully this helps you guys out too.

If not, well, thanks for reading and I'm jealous of your smaller palms and/or dexterous avoidance of palm/trackpad slippage!

Note: Still might be bugs and things. Feedback appreciated, but constructively, of course.

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IMac :: Turn Off Main Screen With External Display Plugged In

Oct 2, 2008

We have an iMac G5 running 10.4.11 which developed some nasty colour banding down the screen and have now plugged in an external display. How can you turn off the iMac display so it only outputs through the external monitor?

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OS X :: Macbook Wireless Doesn't Work When External Display Is Plugged In?

Nov 11, 2008

I have a white plastic macbook which appears not to be able to connect to my wireless network. All the other PCs and a Mac Mini in the house connect fine, but the macbook does not.It has connected since i got it, both to the home network and a network in school, but today it promted me for the wireless password, connected a few times but did not give me a IP address, and now will not connect at all! The network appears in the list, i click on it, enter the wireless password, then it says connecting before connection failed.

The network setup is a Cisco router connected to the modem and then connected to the wireless too. There are no computers connected via cable to the network.

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Software :: IMac Froze When External HD Plugged In - Cannot Open Finder

Nov 7, 2010

I plugged in an external hard drive into my imac. Then all the sudden it froze. I restarted it and all my desktop icons are gone, I cant open finder or the trash. The bar at the top of the screen that has the time is gone / I have no idea what happened, or how to fix it.

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MacBook Pro :: Video Display Crashes When External Monitor Plugged In

Mar 13, 2012

My boss just gave me a MBP Core I7 2,66Ghz / 4GB Ram, model mid-2010 for the business. It is equipped with Nvidia GeForce GT330M as PCIe video card. If I plug an external monitor, I have, after some time between minutes or hours of work, a weird video problem, which obliged me to power off/on the MBP. Sometimes I even can see my mouse moving, but I can't do anything with it. If I do not use the external monitor I do not have problem. This type of problem appears around 3-4 times a day and make the MBP unusable, as I'm loosing the recent work each time the problem occurred.

Here is the extract of the console at the time of the crash :13/03/12 16:45:51,203com.apple.kextcache/: no supported helper partitions to update.13/03/12 16:47:29,000kernelNVDA(CopyEngine): Channel exception! exception type = 0x27 = CE0:
Unknown Error13/03/12 16:47:29, .....
The problem seems related to NVidia GPU. I've reinstalled everything from scratch without success.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X Mavericks :: Can't Access Shared Folder On External HD Plugged To WinXP PC

Jun 26, 2014

My Macbook runs with Mavericks and I can't access to a folder which is shared on a external HD plugged to a PC with windows XP. That was possible with my old Macbook with 10.5.

For the shared folders which are in the internal HD of the PC, no problem. 

I precise that I would like accessing with the "Shared" menu in Finder sidebar. If I use "Connect to Server", I'm able to see in the folder, but not to open the "children folders", excepted if I reuse "Connect to Server", by complementing the path, etc

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Find Battery Life Info / Plugged Or Not Plugged

Oct 17, 2009

I use my MBP 15" (the new one), as my primary machine in my office. I sit by my best usually 10-12hrs a day working on it.

I am trying to figure out what is best to do, keep the AC plugged in or have it un-plugged and only plug it in when the battery is drained (or less then 50%)? I have tried different experiments, plugged in, not-plugged and time is about the same for life of the battery. The true question is, how is is best to do it for the health of the battery.

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PowerPC :: Won't Recognize Drive - Plugged In Via USB

Feb 18, 2008

I just bought a 320gb Western Digital MyBook Premium edition external hard drive. My issue is that my PowerBook will only recognize the drive if I have it plugged in via USB. I want to use firewire but its not working. What can I do?

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OS X :: Flash Drive Will Not Work When Plugged Into PC

Oct 6, 2009

I have/had a 16 GB Kingston Data Traveler flash drive with all of my work files on it. I travel a lot for work and I was just in Italy for 2 weeks. Anyway, I went to an internet cafe to print a document before a meeting. 20 minutes before I went to this place the drive worked fine. I got to the place, and it seemed to me that the guy didn't know what he was doing. He had machines running on XP and they were extremely slow, and he just kept clicking away. He finally turned to me and said that his machine wouldn't read my drive. I blanched and tried putting it back into my Macbook and felt sick when I saw that the drive was no longer recognizable on my Mac either.

I had backed up almost everything on the server before I left for Italy, and I had emailed most of the new documents I had created while away from the office. Unluckily, there was one folder of documents that I hadn't backed up on the server because there wasn't enough space there (grrr), so I had left them on the drive. A few lessons I learned:
-back up on the desktop or hard drive as well while traveling
-bring the portable printer next time
-don't let someone mess with my jump drive

Should I reformat the drive and attempt to use it again, or should I buy a new one that is a better brand? I definitely don't want a repeat of this. This is the first time I've ever had a problem like this--all the other drives I've ever used, from expensive to cheapies, all worked fine. Is there any way to recover any of these files or should I just accept that they're gone? My guess that being an internet cafe with PCs, the computers were full of viruses and the drive became infected corrupted. When I try to repair it or verify it, I get an error message.

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OS X :: Ok To Leave The Drive Permanently Plugged Into My IMac?

May 3, 2009

Might be a silly question:

I have an 8GB USB pen drive, formatted to Mac OS Extended (Journalled). I use it for backing up text documents (8GB goes a long way).

Is it ok to leave the drive permanently plugged into my iMac? I don't know what the life of these devices is supposed to be, so am I risking damage/failure by leaving it in?

My computer is pretty much awake 24/7.

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MacBook :: Flash Drive Won't Show Up When Plugged In?

Jun 17, 2012

I tried plugging my flash drive in to my Macbook today and it won't show up. I've tred it on multiple computers and nothing. I opened it on another computer a couple days ago and it worked just fine I also opened it on my computer about a week ago and it worked perfectly. But now nothing.  

MacBook (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Flash Drive Plugged Into USB But Can't Find It

Dec 1, 2014

I plugged my flash drive into the usb port to transfer photos but cant find it.  Where did it go?

iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Trash Won't Empty Ehen Hard Drive Plugged In?

Jun 22, 2009

I've been thru a million google searches and forums and I can't find this problem anywhere. I put a folder with music in it in the trash (from a Lacie portable HDD) and didn't realise it was locked. Now I can't delete it as I don't have sufficient privileges. I can't change it in the folder get info view either and no matter whether I try put it on my desktop or back on the HDD it won't move or delete whats in the trash. I tried doing a terminal delete and dropping the folder into terminal but it says the directory doesn't exist? I'm thinking it stuck in the HDD which is why whenever its plugged in the folder is in the trash. I'm looking for a way around having to format my EHD

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MacBook Pro :: Removing Optical Drive Not Leave Anything To Plugged In?

Mar 16, 2010

I have a late 2009 macbook pro unibody 15" and I hardly use the optical drive, in fact that startup whine is really annoying, would it be harmful if I just removed the drive completly and not leave anything plugged in?

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