MacBook Pro :: Should External Hard Drive Just Work As Soon Plugged In

Dec 4, 2014

I have to have my hard drive replaced on my Macbook Pro.  I bought an external hard drive (Buffalo) plugged it in and nothing no pop ups for instructions.  Does a new hard drive (external) need something done to it on first time use?


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MacBook Pro :: Shutdown Immediately When External Hard Drive Plugged In

Jun 6, 2012

I plugged an external hard drive into my MacBook Pro and it immediately shut down. Now it will not start, it's completely dead.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), iOS 5.1.1

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Mac Mini :: Won't Shutdown If External Hard Drive Is Plugged In

Apr 22, 2012

I recently bought a new Mac mini and Seagate goflex 3TB external hard drive. The computer is awesome but if I have the external hard drive plugged in, it messes with the restart/shutdown. The mac will act like it's powering down and go to the blank white screen but will never turn off and shows the little gray lines that go in that circular motion at the bottom of the screen. If I disconnect the USB from the Mac then it completes its power down. I've tried the suggestions of repairing disks or disk permissions, as well as resetting the PRAM, which have worked sometimes but the the problem reoccurs. I've also tried ejecting the external hard drive before shutting down on the Mac but I'll either get an error message or nothing happens and then the above shutdown issue occurs. 

Why does this happen and what can I do so that I can always have the external plugged in and not have to manually unplug it so the Mac can shutdown? 

Mac mini

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OS X :: External Hard Drive / Plugged Into The USB Socket Directly In The Back Of My Mac Pro?

Oct 22, 2010

Today I purchased a new external HD (Western Digital Elements 1TB USB 2.0) so that I can finally back up my files.I have it plugged into the USB socket directly in the back of my Mac Pro (Dual 2.6GHz 2007).I am backing up with Carbon Copy Cloner.Currently it's done 70GB in 1hr 30mins

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IMac :: Stuck On Apple Screen If External Hard Drive Is Plugged In?

Mar 19, 2009

I upgraded the ram to 4gb crucial on my 24" intel imac (early 2008). Now it freezes at apple screen, but only if my external WD My Book hard drive is plugged in via firewire. If I unplug it from the firewire port.

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ITunes For Mac :: External Hard Drive Not Recognized Automatically Plugged In Via USB Port

Sep 8, 2014

So I plug my external hard drive into my IMac via a usb port, the drive turns on but the drive never appears on my desktop. How do I access my external hard drive when it is not recognized automatically?

iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)

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MacBook Pro :: External Hard Drive Won't Work On It?

May 13, 2012

ive just got my mac book pro and was wanting to transfer all my music from my Windows Laptop, i have a Toshiba Stor.e Canvio 500gb which i have put allof my music onto i plugged it into my macbook via usb and nothing seems to happen the mac doesnt show any sign of the HD what so ever, is there anyway i can get this to work ??

MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X Mavericks :: External Hard Drive Won't Work On MacBook Pro

Aug 22, 2014

I have a western digital hard drive that had previously been working flawlessly on Lion, however when using it with Mavericks it had suddenly stopped working meaning it would no longer be found on the desktop or in finder. I have been using the hard drive as a time machine backup. the obvious next step was to launch disk utility and look for a solution. I have found there  two hard drive names in disk utility, the first is the HDD name of Western Digital and the second is the "Time Machine" partition. Running first aid on the partition resulted in an error and that the disk could not be repaired. This HDD is important and the data cannot be lost.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9)

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MacBook Pro :: ISight & External USB Hard Drive - Camera Won't Work?

May 30, 2010

Western Digital External Hard Drive (1TB w/ its own power source) Logitech Wireless Mouse 0 items plugged in USB = iSight works great with Yahoo 1 items plugged in USB = iSight will not even turn on 2 items plugged in USB = iSight works great with Yahooit does not matter the order or which of the 2 USB ports I use, this happens period.

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MacBook :: Reformat A Toshiba External Hard Drive To Work?

Feb 5, 2012

I purchased a Toshiba Canvio 3.0 external hard drive and I need to reformat it to work with my Mac.

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MacBook Pro :: Will Migration Assistant Work With An External Hard Drive

Apr 17, 2012

I have a new SSD which I am trying to use instead of my HDD.I have looked at options such as cloning softwares (CCC, SuperDuper, etc) but people seem to recommend doing a clean install of the OS and everything else.That said, if I manage to install OS X and the Applications CD to my new SSD, could I then boot into the SSD via USB Hard Drive Encloser, and copy my data over from my HDD?If not, what other methods could I use to effectively copy over my applications and files over to my new hard drive?ALSO,What will I be missing on my new SSD by using Migration Assistant? Any program data? Finally, will my registered applications have to be re-registered? Meaning if I had used a serial for these programs, will I have to re-enter all of that stuff, or will everything be the same?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Macbook Wireless Doesn't Work When External Display Is Plugged In?

Nov 11, 2008

I have a white plastic macbook which appears not to be able to connect to my wireless network. All the other PCs and a Mac Mini in the house connect fine, but the macbook does not.It has connected since i got it, both to the home network and a network in school, but today it promted me for the wireless password, connected a few times but did not give me a IP address, and now will not connect at all! The network appears in the list, i click on it, enter the wireless password, then it says connecting before connection failed.

The network setup is a Cisco router connected to the modem and then connected to the wireless too. There are no computers connected via cable to the network.

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OS X :: Won't Work With External Hard Drive For Back Up

Sep 4, 2010

My iMac is slowing down and I wanted to upgrade the RAM and upgrade to Snow Leopard from Tiger. Here are the specs:
Version 10.4.11
Processor: 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory: 1GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM

I want to back it up before I upgrade to Snow Leopard. What external hard drive do you recommend? The only things that I want to put on it are my pictures from iPhoto and music from iTunes. I have 12GBs of music and 1,109 pictures in iPhoto. Also, how do I go about getting these things onto the external hard drive? Will it mount on the desktop and then I just drag my files into it?

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OS X :: Won't Work With External Hard Drive / For Backup

Feb 21, 2009

OK, I read about formatting Fat 32 to transfer files. I will try it tomorrow. My other question has to do with using this for backup. it is a 750 hard drive and I was wondering if I should do anything special if I want to use it for both Timeline and video storage separate from timeline.

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IMac :: Won't Work With External Hard Drive

Mar 11, 2009

which external hard drive (for backup purposes) or empty hard drive enclosure (so I can buy my own drive and install) to get for an iMac, which meets the following criteria:

- has Firewire 800 (or Firewire 800 and USB 2)
- stylish to look at (preferably matches the current iMac)
- has a good quality, reliable hard drive (no cheapo Maxtor drive or whatever)
- preferably is bus-powered (saves yet another wall-wart and power cable)

If it comes with a drive mechanism it should be around 400 to 500 GB.

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PowerPC :: Unable To Work With G3 External Hard Drive

Aug 27, 2008

I was wondering how much external memory an iMac G3 1999 will accept! And I'm looking for an external Hard Drive that uses the built in Firewire 400.

btw: it's blueberry. and 400MHz with 512MB SDRam

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IMac :: Unable To Work With WD External Hard Drive

Feb 16, 2010

I'm praying someone can give me a miracle cure here but im pretty sure its a terminal case. i have a 24inch iMac 2.66ghz core 2 duo and a western digital 1tb external usb hard drive....this hard drive was bought a month or so ago with the sole purpose of store years and years of media to free up valuable space on my iMac hard drive....tonight without any warning at all the drive icon disappears from my desktop with an error message and now refuses to load, when i click initialise on the error dialogue box it takes me to disk utility.

in disk utility i have tried repairing disk and i get the message "invalid node structure". it then tells me it cannot be repaired and i need to re-format my hard drive.

as i said there is literally YEARS of info on this drive that i really really dont want to lose, is there anything i can do, or anything worth trying. as a side note on the front of the drive it has a capacity gauge and has gone from 3/4's full to not showing anything.

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OS X V10.6 Snow:: External Hard Drive Hasn't Work

Apr 15, 2012

My backup external hard drive hasn't work since I installed Snow Leopard. Bad:(  I am still learning about my MAC and would just like to re-format the hard dive and set everything up again. I want to upgrade to Lion but can't untill I backup what I.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Will An USB 3 External Hard Drive Work On An USB 2 Computer?

Jun 2, 2012

I am looking to buy an external hard drive for my intel Mac and MacBook Pro to download and save some 8,000 plus photos.  My computers only have USB 2 connections.  I am finding that most new external hard drives have USB 3 connections.  Can I use an external hard drive with a USB 3 connection on my older Mac computers?  If so do I need an adapter to connect USB 3 to USB 2?

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OS X Yosemite :: WD Passport External Hard Drive Won't Work?

Dec 12, 2014

Just bought a Retina Imac with Yosemite and now the WD My Passport external hard drive won't work with it anymore. 

At first it started to copy files, very slowly though, and then would just get stuck despite updating the firmware on the drive. 

It works fine on my Mac Book Pro running Mavericks so it must have something to do with Yosemite ....

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IMac :: Won't Work With External Hard Drive Hook Up Options

Aug 24, 2010

After debating the need vs. want of the iMac and Mac Pro, I'm going to follow my brain and go with the iMac (27" i7) since I use it for work, though my work is in the business side of the music industry dealing more with email, spreadsheets and some minor music/photo/video editing (which is easily done for me via Apple`s iLife).

My real question is with the 3 external hard drives I want to buy - G Tech 1TB G Drives. I read about daisy chaining the drives, which sounds like a good idea. But am curious about it. Obviously if I have 3 external HDD's and want to use FW800 on all three of them, with only one FW800 on my computer, daisy chaining solves the problem. But in this set-up, what is the potential downside to this? Is there an upside or other reason(s) people daisy chain their drives, too?

I`ll use the iMac's HDD, of course. But I also need one HDD for work (important files, contracts, etc). One for personal (music, photo, video). And lastly, one as a back-up for the other HDD's.

What would my BEST and also cost effective option be? Buy 3 externals and daisy chain them? Use eSata (what would that entail)? Increased speed would be the only major plus I'm looking for with setting these HDD's up. Just not sure all my options...

But keep in mind I don`t need them to mirror each other. HDD 1 (iMac) has my minor importance stuff. HDD 2 has my work files and business stuff. HDD 3 is personal photos, videos and massive iTunes collection (300gb). And HDD 4 is a back-up of all the others. Raid seems to be not exactly what I need - perhaps overkill on cost, too. What do you think? Also, I know everyone has their taste in externals. I actually had great reliability in Western Digitals MyBook Studios, and My Passbooks. But some people I know had good time with the G Tech`s - aside from them looking cool.

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IMac :: Unable To Format / Can't Work With External Hard Drive And Pc

Feb 18, 2009

i have just bought and external hard drive and want to put stuff on it. i know i hav to format it somehow using disk utility on my imac. what do i format it to so i can use it on both mac and pc? it is set to read only in "get info" and ms-dos fat in disk utility.

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Hardware :: Won't Work With USB External Hard Drive (Server Vs AirDisk)

Apr 19, 2009

when you have TC or AEBS and have a usb hard drive hooked up to it. What is the difference between going to Finder and doing a Connect To Server to map the drive versus having it show an AirDisk?

Somehow I just cannot have my external drive show up as an AirDisk.

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Applications :: Does Time Machine Work With Any External Hard Drive

May 29, 2010

Do I have to get the time capsule from apple, or will any external drive suffice?

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Intel Mac :: External Hard Drive To Work With Time Machine?

May 5, 2012

I am looking for an external hard drive to work with time machine on a imac. All the reports I have looked at are really mixed

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Flash Drive Will Not Work When Plugged Into PC

Oct 6, 2009

I have/had a 16 GB Kingston Data Traveler flash drive with all of my work files on it. I travel a lot for work and I was just in Italy for 2 weeks. Anyway, I went to an internet cafe to print a document before a meeting. 20 minutes before I went to this place the drive worked fine. I got to the place, and it seemed to me that the guy didn't know what he was doing. He had machines running on XP and they were extremely slow, and he just kept clicking away. He finally turned to me and said that his machine wouldn't read my drive. I blanched and tried putting it back into my Macbook and felt sick when I saw that the drive was no longer recognizable on my Mac either.

I had backed up almost everything on the server before I left for Italy, and I had emailed most of the new documents I had created while away from the office. Unluckily, there was one folder of documents that I hadn't backed up on the server because there wasn't enough space there (grrr), so I had left them on the drive. A few lessons I learned:
-back up on the desktop or hard drive as well while traveling
-bring the portable printer next time
-don't let someone mess with my jump drive

Should I reformat the drive and attempt to use it again, or should I buy a new one that is a better brand? I definitely don't want a repeat of this. This is the first time I've ever had a problem like this--all the other drives I've ever used, from expensive to cheapies, all worked fine. Is there any way to recover any of these files or should I just accept that they're gone? My guess that being an internet cafe with PCs, the computers were full of viruses and the drive became infected corrupted. When I try to repair it or verify it, I get an error message.

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OS X :: Two Macs Plugged Into One External Drive

Nov 20, 2009

I'm running SL. I have a MBA, an iMac, and a LaCie external drive. I want to plug the MBA into the USB port on the external drive and the iMac into one of the Firewire 800 ports on the external drive. (On the LaCie, I have two backup partitions for each of the computers -- one for ? backups and one for a CarbonCopy clone of the computers.) When I connect them this way, the iMac can see the drive, but the MBA can't. The MBA will see the drive only if I unplug the iMac from the drive. Is there some sort of trick for getting both computers to see the drive at once? I don't care if they see all four partitions; I'd just like the MBA to be able to see "its" TM and CCC partitions on the LaCie and the iMac to see "its" partitions.

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Hardware :: Leaving The External Drive Plugged?

Sep 16, 2009

Is leaving it in ok as I erase my hard drive, and install snow leopard? How can I guarantee that my external hard drive won't be erased?

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IMac :: Plugged In External Drive - How To Delete

Aug 13, 2010

I connected my external hard drive, formatted to ntfs.

I want to delete a few things but i can't. The drive seems to be read only.

How do i get around this?

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OS X :: Trash Won't Empty Ehen Hard Drive Plugged In?

Jun 22, 2009

I've been thru a million google searches and forums and I can't find this problem anywhere. I put a folder with music in it in the trash (from a Lacie portable HDD) and didn't realise it was locked. Now I can't delete it as I don't have sufficient privileges. I can't change it in the folder get info view either and no matter whether I try put it on my desktop or back on the HDD it won't move or delete whats in the trash. I tried doing a terminal delete and dropping the folder into terminal but it says the directory doesn't exist? I'm thinking it stuck in the HDD which is why whenever its plugged in the folder is in the trash. I'm looking for a way around having to format my EHD

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