MacBook :: Leaving The Power Adapter Plugged In Without The Computer?
Aug 29, 2010
I think the title pretty much explains it all. I'm wondering if there's any harm that would come from leaving the power adapter plugged in all the time, but without the MacBook connected some of the time. I'm a college student, and with the way I have my desk set up, I can't really take the power adapter with me everywhere I go. So yeah, I was wondering if there was any harm that would come from it.
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Jun 19, 2014
My MacBook Pro power adapter lights up orange even though it is not plugged into a device. When I do plug it into my laptop it remains the same and does not charge. Due to this my laptop is now dead.
What does this orange light mean?
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Feb 7, 2010
I've heard conflicting reports that leaving the laptop plugged lowers the battery life and that it is not true since it stops charging the battery. So is it bad to leave it plugged in all the time?
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Sep 16, 2009
Is leaving it in ok as I erase my hard drive, and install snow leopard? How can I guarantee that my external hard drive won't be erased?
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Sep 8, 2014
I have an older Powerbook Apple MacBook Pro Core Duo 2.16GHz 15" (2006) -Â A1150 that has been working fine but all of a sudden today developed a problem where it will not start with the adapter plugged in, but will start fine on battery alone. However, once started, if the adapter is plugged in it immediately powers down. I suspected the adapter and tried a known good one and it has the same issue.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 12, 2012
Im in England currently (From the USA) and am using a "DYNEX" converter adapter to switch the electric current down so I can plug in/charge my Macbook Pro and iPad. Â It works, however the charger buzzes pretty loudly and gets hot. I brought two, one started smelling like melted plastic and stopped charging altogether. That particular charger has faulted at home before (back in the USA), so I'm not sure if it died because of the converter or because it's just faulty. Â
I have plugged in the newer charger and it also buzzes, but I'm really worried to keep it plugged in because I don't want it to fault out too. Is it normal for it to buzz like that when plugged into a converter adapter? Â
MacBook Pro
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Aug 11, 2009
I just got my mac about a week ago. I'm currently arguing with my grandmother over whether it's better to leave the MBP plugged into the adapter all the time or let it drain the battery.
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Mar 27, 2010
It all started this evening where I plugged my adapter into my macbook to charge. Instead of the usual bright orange light, it was a very dim orange and was barely visible and flickers occasionally. When plugged in, it stated "Not Charging". After awhile, I decided to try again but this time it was a dim green. Still not charging. I tried airing it for a bit, and tried again. This time it didn't light up at all. Just a while ago, I realized it was able to charge again (Bright Orange). However, I noticed it never seemed to turn green so I tested it out by removing my battery.
Even after removing, the lights below the battery were on and moving as if it was still charging. (Hope you understand what I mean). After a while it stopped though. So I tried draining my battery. It went till about 3hrs (at 100% its 4hrs) and I tried charging it again. Immediately after connecting it, the display went to show "Fully charged" with the bright green light. I disconnected it and it stayed at 100% for a while before changing to 90%. Sometimes it works perfectly while other times it just decides to go bonkers. I will try using a diff adapter tomorrow to see if the problem is in the adapter. (Probably is)
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Jul 6, 2012
Can I use existing 85w magsafe adapter from existing macbook pro with new MBA 13 magsafe2 port ?
MacBook Air
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Jun 10, 2012
How can I remove apps from my computer leaving them in the cloud and the devices?Â
iPad 2, iPad/iPod/iPhone
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Apr 5, 2012
I just bought a macbook air, and i am wondering, if i can use my macbook air plugged in to the charger at all times using at home? or i have to charge it , then empty the battery, and charge it again then remove the plug and empty the battery again and again? Cant i just use the macbook air plugged in when i am home? Will that affect the battery life of my MBA?Â
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Mar 16, 2012
I have a late Macbook Pro 13''I using it at home about 10 hours a day. so it's allways plugged in to AC Power while I'm using it, and when I'm not using, I disconect it from Power.I want to know if this damage my battery OR not? Or should I running my Macbook on Battery? and recharge it (and cycle monthly ... )
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Feb 7, 2012
I have two usb hdds connected to a usb hub. I've never had any issue with it(the hub). After I installed the last update 10.7.3 everytime I restart my computer if I have the hub (with all my hdds and other devices) connected to my computer, the computer won't boot. It get up to the white screen (before the loading wheel). If I unplug the usb cable it starts booting inmediately.
MacBook Pro
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Nov 19, 2007
Where can I obtain a new 23 Inch Cinema Display power adapter? I've searched the Apple Store but I cannot find it.
G5 Dual Core PowerPC
Mac OS X (10.5.1)
23 Inch Cinema Display
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Apr 1, 2012
The battery says it is at 99% charge but the computer shuts down when I unplug the power cord.
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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May 30, 2012
I have a 13 inch Macbook Pro that sometimes it works fine, but it always suddenly slows down and doesn't fix itself, but the moment I plug it into the electrical power it normalizes itself and works fast without a problem.
Technical specifications:
Intel Core i5
Processor Speed: 2.3 GHz,
1.3 GB free memory.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 22, 2012
I recently discovered my computer had died while it was sleeping. I tried charging it but am recieving the "Battery not charging, power source: power adapter" status.My power cord light is green, always. and the computer dies instantly when I remove the magsafe.
I've tried the "remove the battery, press the power button, plug in the magsafe" troubleshooting process, but it doesn't work.I've noticed that even with the battery out, the charger reads a green light.I've tried several outlets with the same results.Here are my battery statsÂ
Battery Information:Â
Model Information:
Serial Number:Â Â Â DP-ASMB016-384e-7636
Manufacturer:Â Â Â DP
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Mar 28, 2010
I have a black macbook. My computer wouldn't turn on, so I plugged it in and turned it on. I noticed that it said "Not Charging". I figured it would go away and start charging. I closed the computer and came back an hour later, and the light on the charger was still green and not amber. Why will my computer only turn on when plugged directly in, and why won't my battery charge? Do I need to get a new charger or a new battery.
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Nov 4, 2010
Will this have done any damage? The macbook pro was not powered up, but I had the the mac ac adapter plugged into a power strip with the magsafe adapter connected to the laptop, since I keep it plugged into ac all the time at my desk. The power strip was on while the power outage happened. I had the 3 prong extender cord of the magsafe plugged into the power strip. The power outage was due to a problem with some power lines in my neighborhood, not from a surge of overuse of fuses in my home, so my whole block was without power for about 2 hours.I did notice the power strip has always had 2 lights on; one red, not protected, & one green, grounded. The outlets in my room are only 2 prong, so I have a 2 to 3 prong adapter plugged into the wall that the power strip plugs into. I know this is not the best, but my house is a 1950's era house, & I do not have the knowledge & have safety concerns about trying to convert my bedroom outlets to 3 prong. I hope this did not cause damage to my macbook pro. Is there anything I need to do before powering the mac on to use the next time? besides convert my 2 prong outlet to 3 prong? will there be any static charge? this outage happened on a very hot & dry day in my area.
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Jan 3, 2009
This probably seems a bit ridiculous, but after having my first power supply melt and short out on me I've been completely paranoid of this happening again. My first power supply was one of the older models from 2006. I then got it replaced by one of the newer smaller models. After about a half a year it started twisting around on the inside of the cable which got me worried. The apple store wouldn't replace it unless it was melted so I called Apple and got a new one.
I've had the newer one for about a year and the cable seems to be wrapping around itself on the inside again. There doesn't appear to be a place where it's melting or breaking. I take care to not wrap it too tightly. Using it as a desktop replacement I'd like to not have to worry about leaving it plugged in when I'm gone. I find it crazy that this is even an issue but after having the first one melt right in front of me I find it hard to trust. Are the newer power supplies any better?
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Oct 31, 2010
Don't want to ask the Apple Store since they'll just tell me I can't, but can I use the 85W power adapter that came with the 15"MBP on the new Air with no damage? Ok, to use in a pinch?
Hmmm, how about the other way around (using a 45W power adapter on the 15"), I am thinking "no damage" just that it would take longer to re-charge?
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May 6, 2010
I had an extra 45w power adapter in my office; which I used to use with my Macbook Air. So today, I mated it to my new i7 MBP15 and was expecting it not to work because of insufficient power. But it seems to work just fine.
Is there any harm in using the 45w power adapter at work and the 85w adapter on the roadhome? I'm assuming the 45w adapter just wont charge the battery as fast.
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Apr 9, 2012
I need a new power adapter for our computers. We have an Air and a MacBookPro 15". Can I use one power adaptor for both computers without harming the smaller computer?
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Feb 28, 2012
While unhooking my battery, I accidentally touched the metal contacts near the battery cable connector on my mid 2009 with a screw driver. My computer says 'battery not found' and only turns on while plugged in.  The computer doesn't detect a battery in the system profiler. Will buying a new battery resolve my issue?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Dec 19, 2009
this might have been discussed before, but I just cannot find a threat about it: May I use my old 85W Brick of my older 15″ for the new unibody 13" Macbook Pro? The MacSafe Adapter certainly fits. But is ist safe to use it ?
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May 24, 2010
I have a Macbook that is nearly three years old, and I'm on my second power cord. The first time I had trouble, the casing had melted off right next to the MagSafe part that plugs into the computer. I got another, and now it seems it won't charge at all. There is no apparent physical damage. At first, I could do a little jiggery pokery and if I got it in just the right place, it would charge. It seems that now even that is gone. I'm wondering if: 1. There is some obvious fix that I am missing, or 2. Where I can get an affordable replacement. I realised this makes it sound as if my current cord is brand new, that is not the case. It is about a year old.
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Feb 25, 2012
My MacBook Pro is plugged in w/the power adapter, the green charging light is on, but my battery percentage is only showing 15% and is not increasing. It was actually at 60% this afternoon...went to 22% and now is @ 15%.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 3, 2012
I just bought MacBook Air, because my MacBook Pro died... I need two magsafe power adapters (for work and home) and I was wondering whether I could use my old ones from my MacBook Pro? The watt is way off, though (85 W versus 45W).
MacBook Air (13-INCH, MID 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 30, 2012
My 8 month old Macbook Air power adapter seems to have failed. It may appear to work (amber light glows when plugged in) for a while, but it stops working soon after.
Info:MacBook Air (13-INCH, MID 2011)
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Sep 9, 2014
Why is the power adapter buzzing and the mouse pad jumping around when plugged in?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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