I accidentally deleted my old mouse before I added my new one & now I have no operational mouse. How can I install my new magic mouse without the aid of the old mouse?
Until yesterday, when the Safari icon in the dock was right-clicked, a menu popped up that had "new window" in it. Yesterday, the menu changed and "new window" isn't one of the options. How can I get the old menu back?
Another menu change occurred a while back. When right-clicking on a page, the menu contained 'copy', 'paste', 'select all', etc. "Select all" disappeared from the menu (it's still in the tool bar under "Edit".) Is is possible to edit the right-click menus?
A half year ago I did a kind of menu bar mod, so the menu bar was black! Cool but, now I don't know how to set it to default (I already did research on google).
I am on 10.5.4, also happened on 10.5.3, there should be a cehckbox under desktop on the system preferences to uncheck so i can get an opaque menu bar, right? the problem is there is nothing there, nor on the screensaver section,
I've always like the clean look of the old Tiger menu bar. Is there any way to get it on Leopard? (preferably without any extensive work and without the rounded edges)
The safari menu bar normally at the top of the screen has disappeared suddenly and i dont know how to get ut back. has this happened before or does anyone have ideas on how to fix it?
Two weeks ago I hit a button and lost my screen saver and my menu bar. So I can not find Safari, Bookmark, etc. It now shows the latest sites I have been into such as gmail, google, ouick bids, etc. How do I get back on track?
I just set up bootcamp on my iMac and windows is working great. The only problem is I cannot get back into OSX. I left my apple keyboard at home, and am now using a wireless logitech keyboard and mouse. When I boot up my computer, I hold down the windows key 'option' when the grey screen comes up, but the options of what to boot never comes up. What am I doing wrong? And if its because I need the apple keyboard, is there any workaround? I'll be stick in windows for weeks if thats the issue.
My Mighty Mouse is connected to my Mini along with the Alum Wireless Keyboard and everything works fine except: When I scroll down with the trackball (websites/finder windows/anything) the mouse will then not allow me to scroll back up which is ruining my MacRumours experience
When I wake my computer half the time I do not have a cursor. Is anyone else having this issue? Sometimes when I open apps and shake my mouse it comes back. I also usually use expose to start my screen saver and then shake the mouse to turn it off.
For some reason when i turned my imac on tonight my bluetooth is turned off and my wireless mouse is not recognized so i can't use it to turn my bluetooth back on. Not what do I do?
Is there any way to program a regular USB non-magic mouse to do the following:
1. Use the side button to go back to the previous screen. 2. Use the scroll wheel and a keyboard key to zoom the text of a page-- like the Command+ combination, not zoom like Control+scroll.
I'll try and click on a link and nothing, then I click bookmrks in the menu bar, it works, then i can go back and be to click on the link and it'll work.
The scroll ball on my mighty mouse scrolls forward sideways but not back anymore, just happened right now too. Has this happened to anyone before and how do I fix this
You move the mouse over to the scroll bar, favorites bar, minimize, etc... and the mouse is stuck in the wrong icon, be it the text pointer, hand pointer, window resize pointer... when it should be the arrow. It is such an obvious bug and I can't believe Apple hasn't noticed this.
15" Retina Late 2013. OSX Maverics 10.9.3
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I've realized that sometimes I "lose" my wireless signal. I am not using an AirPort router (I'm using Linksys, if that's at all helpful). I've noticed that suddenly all of the wireless signals disappear from the AirPort menu up on the menu bar, except the network that I am connected to (i.e., I only see my router's name there). It also becomes impossible for me to browse the internet, so what I've done to troubleshoot this is disable the AirPort, put the computer to sleep, and disconnect/reconnect my router. When I turn it on, it seems to work. I've also tried simply disabling and then re-enabling AirPort, but it doesn't work after that.
my "services" menu has disappeared as an option in finder. When I try to access it by right-clicking a finder item (folder or file), it's just plain missing. However if I look for it under the finder menu bar, the arrow beside service says 'building'. But I've been waiting for hours and it doesn't look like anything's happening.
Just today it began that when I try and open iChat from the Menu Bar icon, the whole right side of the menu bar reboots. Anyone else experienced this or have an idea of steps I can take to fix it?
I recently bought myself a Macbook Pro 13-inch model and I've been loving it so far. One thing that really bugs me is how bad the menu navigation is in OS X. I just read this on Macrumors and the only way to access menu from keyboard is by using ctrl+F2 key for which I have to press ctrl+fn+f2 key since F2 is a secondary function. Also, there is no way of going directly to the middle of the menu by keyboard shortcuts, right? If that is true, Mac OS X is still not polished enough for laptops. is there are a better way to control the menu items?
My safari menu bar is missing. The menu bar for desktop, HD, and apps appears, but when I click on Safari, it disappears, so I can no longer see my buttons for History, etc. I think my husband (pc user) clicked it away when borrowing my computer.
I run Windows-only programs on my Mac via Wine and I was wondering if there is a way to move the menu toolbar of the windows up to the menu bar to make it somewhat more Mac-looking.
After a day of installing and trying/deleting new apps as well as trying terminal tricks from UsingMac.com like these and these, i went up to my apple menu in the menu bar for the first time since i started fiddling around, and it looks like what you see below in the attachment. I have absolutely no idea what made it happen; I'm just wondering if there is a way to reset the menu alone. because instead of having just what it says in the "system services" section in the menu, it has all that other stuff as well (Calculator, FruitMenu, etc.).
P.S.: Fruitmenu isn't even installed. i uninstalled it after i found out it was only a demo.
So basically: 1) how do i restore the main menu in the menu bar back to its original settings? and 2) I need to do it in a way that wont screw up the rest of my computer or settings
If $$$$ is not an issue, here is an alternative for those people complaining about Apple's old Mighty Mouse & new Magic Mouse:ID titanium laser mouseThis mouse would double the value of your standard 21.5" iMac!
I just bought the latest macbook pro. It is actually my first mac so I'm not really sure if this is supposed to happen. But I tried plugging in my "ordinary pc" (meant to say that is not a Mac mouse) mouse which is an A4Tech brand. It's working when I move the mouse in huge spaces. It goes smoothly that way. But when I try to move it in small little spaces, it's kind of like not going smoothly. Especially when I'm working on small details like Photoshop, it's kind of difficult to maneuver the mouse arrow. I tried other "pc" mouse as well but it's just the same.. Does this really happen if I'm not using Mac's mouse? How do I fix this?
If I want to format my Mac Pro (6 core 3.33 GHz) and I have an Apple wired keyboard and a bluetooth Magic Mouse will the Setup Assistant be "smart" enough to pair the mouse with the computer or will I be stuck with no mouse during the setup process? Do I have to run the entire process with a wired mouse?