Hardware :: Genuine 3 Button Mice Left?
Sep 17, 2009
I need a new mouse for maya as the cheap heavy wireless logitech im using is giving me serious wrist pain and trouble. Maya is heavily reliant on the third mouse button and i wondered if there are any out there? Initial seraching has brought back nothing. Failing this can anyone recommend a really comfortable (CORDED - i hate wireless) mouse suitable for use up to 10 hours a day.
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Mar 10, 2009
I'm thinking of getting one of the WoW. It has 15 buttons, which is great for a MMO, but since it dosn't have Mac drivers I would be relying on the mouse drivers built into OSX when I'm not in Bootcamp. So how dose OSX cope with mice with more buttons than the Mighty Mouse?
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Aug 26, 2010
Running OS X 10.5.8 on a Macbook Pro that's roughly 2 years old (maybe a little more). About a week ago I noticed that I was unable to copy/paste/undo/cut. Thought it was a total command key failure at first but other shortcut functionality is intact (cmd+t/cmd+w etc). So I've isolated the problem to the left cmd key and the bottom row of my keyboard. Separately they work just fine, but they refuse to work together.
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Nov 28, 2010
My keyboard has suddenly started doing weird things, such as the left shift button types an uppercase 'r', the 'r' key will only type as uppercase, and the right shift key takes me to the overlay screen with post-it notes and the calculator. Any ideas besides taking it to the mac store? And any idea on how much they typically charge to fix things like this?
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Dec 24, 2009
Maybe this is a noobish question, but what does the small circle button the the left side of a macbook pro do?
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May 13, 2012
The last 2 days I have had the left mouse button on any Device on my MBP stop working. Tried SMC reset and it seems to work but them it happens again sporadically requiring a shutdown and I assume another SMC reset.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 17, 2012
It feels like there is less room for the left button to press down and the right button clicks loudly when I press down on it. Everything still woks in terms of clicking but it's so annoying to have to press down harder than I have to.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 2, 2012
Occasionally after waking from sleep, there's no response when I try to use the left button on the mouse, or the equivalent on the trackpad. Everything else seems normal. The cursor moves OK, and the right button actions do still work.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.2 Ghz Intel Core i7
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Jun 3, 2014
Why does the red button in windows' top left corner have different functionality in different programs? For instance in Messages, it closes the window but leaves the program running. In Reminders, however, it closes the window and the program and the same happens, for instance, in Disk Utility.
I am surprised that OS X-specific programs behave differently like this.
Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), 2x3TB 2xSSD+Sonnet TempoPro ACD 23"
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Jul 21, 2009
So, here's the story. I turned on my imac one day, and i tried to launch safari by clicking the left button ( primary button ) and it launched expose (which is configured or the middle button) so i kept clicking and clicking i tried the right button ( secondary ) and it also launched expose. By this time i am getting fusterated. My side button still works and launches spaces but left, right and middle only do what the middle button is configured too. I have tried taking out the batteries putting new ones in , and disconnecting it from bluetooth.
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Feb 1, 2012
Is there a way to change the delete button to delete to the right instead of to the left? I always have to reposition the cursor to delete what I want!
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jun 5, 2012
I recently split a bit of coke on my macbook now my keyboard doesnt work and my trackpad is right clicking when i want to left click.
MacBook Air
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May 25, 2012
I just received a Security Update notification and because of all the recent hoo-ha about malware/Adobe Flash Player, I'm unsure about downloading these two items. This is mainly because I've not received these before:
Flashback Removal Security Update
Leopard Security Update 2012
macBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jul 31, 2009
I have a Bootcamp partition I sometimes access via Parallels, the rest of the time I boot into it normally. I keep getting very annoying messages saying I've got to activate Windows and my copy of Windows is not "Genuine" and it's counterfeit which considering I'm currently running the Win 7 RC is really stupid. How can I have a counterfeit copy of a free RC that I downloaded direct from Microsoft. I want to put the final version of Windows 7 on my Mac, but at this point I'm not going to try putting any of my retail copies of Windows on my Mac for fear my key will be permanently deactivated. How do I access my Boot Camp install from Parallels without Windows thinking it's been counterfeited?
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Apr 29, 2012
I bought a 2nd hand Apple MacBook about 18 months ago (via eBay). It is my first Mac. It did not come with its original OS X 10.5.8 Installation Disc/s and I now have one or more problems with my Hard Drive, so I need the Installation Disc/s.where I can buy the correct (genuine) version of Installation Disc/s for my MacBook?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Oct 26, 2010
I have windows 7 installed via Bootcamp. Then I installed VMware and had it point to my BC partition. I never noticed it doing this before, but now it keeps telling me that "this copy of windows not genuine" when I run in VM (not sure if the Bootcamp partition - version says this; I'll test it now) I was fairly confident that there was no licensing issue since the "point to BootCamp" option even exists.
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May 4, 2012
I've always been as safe as I know how to be with my mac. In case it is relevant, I run sophos security through my school and don't have any pirated software or files. That being said, Safari has been quitting very frequently. Many programs crash for no reason but none as often as safari. The reason it always offers is that something about the microsoft office genuine plugin. I think it's called microsoftofficegenuine.so I don't even run microsoft office... I had a legal 2004 edition a few months ago but it refused to open so I deleted it and now run openoffice. I do have silverlight though, because of netflix.
So far to fix the problem I have run software updates & installed those and repaired disk permissions via disk utility. I deleted the "microsoft updates" file (might have been a bad idea) and also, when I try to open this plugin it mentions, or search it on my system, it doesn't show anything, so I can't delete that. I've checked for this new flashback trojan but that website to check your UUID says mine is not reported as being infected...whatever that means. Also, something that has been gradually getting worse over the last few months:
I've noticed that some of my right click options have changed from names such as "open" and "open with" to numbers like N160. Most recently some of my finder options in the left tool bar have changed to S5, S6, S7, etc. Perhaps in my angst to fix things I deleted an important file... UPDATE: It crashed again moments after posting this and I copied the details of the crash report:
Process: Safari [156]
Path: /Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/Safari
Identifier: com.apple.Safari
Version: 5.1.5 (6534.55.3)
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Apr 12, 2008
Does anyone have problems with Mac Pros and freezing BT Mice? Every so often, my BT mouse freezes on me for a few seconds. It's more than frustrating. What's the suggestion? Switch to plain old wireless mouse?
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Aug 28, 2009
Whats the deal? I've gone thru 2 corded USB mice on my MBP and both do not track correctly regardless of how I adjust the tracking speed. Is that common with Logitech corded mice? They work fine on my PC laptop. There just seems to be a slight lag. Also, where do you leave the apple mouse preferences tracking speed at when adjusting the Logitech driver tracking speed? In the middle?
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Sep 6, 2009
I have two Logitech mice (V220 and V470 but non of them is working in SL. I tried this TUAW hack but it doesn't help.
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Feb 25, 2012
I recently bought a new Mac Mini with 10.7 for school - previously I was using a Macbook running 10.6. When I set it up and turned it on I found that though my optical mouse lit up, the cursor on the screen wouldn't move.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Feb 18, 2008
My battery for my 12" Powerbook G4 is munted and i need a new one. There are a few around for about $90AUD from 3rd party re-sellers which is less than half the $200AUD apple want for a genuine battery.
So i'm just wondering, has anyone got any recommendations about 3rd party batteries? i know it will probably vary a bit depending on where they're from, but i spose i'm just wondering if its worth the extra $100?
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Nov 15, 2010
If you've seen my other mega-post you'll know what situation I'm in. If not, here's a simpler question which won't take quite so long to read! I am contemplating a new iMac. I LOVE it's looks - but I really don't like the new style of keyboard. It looks nice and stylish on its own, but next to the mega-big new iMacs I think it looks kind of silly, such a tiny keyboard next to such a big screen. Also, I dislike "chiclet" style keyboards. I like them to be big with regular big keys. I buy a desktop like the iMac precisely because I don't need to save space, I don't move my computer around so I don't need to have any of the compromises that go with laptops, such as a tiny keyboard and little screen - then Apple gives me a desktop with a huge screen and a tiny fiddly laptop-style keyboard. Ideally, I'd like a really old-school keyboard like the IBM Model M like the ones at clickykeyboards.com - and I understand they also sell original Apple Extended and Extended II keyboards which have the same old-school style and quality.
Do you think I could get an old Apple keyboard to work on a modern iMac with some adaptors? Are there any keys modern Macs need to have on the keyboard it wouldn't have. I know an old keyboard would look odd next to a new iMac but I'd quite like the juxtaposition of old and new styles and anyway I think the new keyboard looks silly anyway. Failing that, I have one of the white USB keyboards which came with my old iMac G5 - would that be a better compromise? It's at least an OSX-era keyboard and presumably would work okay on a modern Mac? If none of the above are good options, do any manufacturers make keyboards for the new iMac range which are standard-sized but match the look of the iMac? Or would any standard keyboard work on a Mac?
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Mar 31, 2010
I'm looking at getting a new gaming mouse, I really like the Logitech G500 however it doesn't have OSX drivers. Can anyone recommend a good gaming mouse.
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Apr 20, 2010
I was keen on getting a Bluetooth mouse to pair with an upcoming MBP purchase, to be used for very occasional gaming. In reading reviews, particularly customer reviews at Amazon, for even the top-rated Bluetooth mice, like the Razer Orochi, there are always some complaints of mouse lag. That led me to think that if even Razer's Bluetooth mouse can't execute Bluetooth well, perhaps I should consider getting a non-Bluetooth, cordless mouse, the ones with a USB receiver (what's it called? RF mouse?).
So I'd like to ask, do non-Bluetooth, cordless mice have the same lag issues as Bluetooth mice? Are they better for gaming? (I'll probably be playing mostly FPS) The impression I get from the many reviews I've checked so far is that they do lag less and that the lag only appears after significantly longer periods of inactivity, unlike a Bluetooth mouse like the Orochi, which powers down after only about 3 seconds.
If lag isn't an issue with these mice, then the Logitech Performance MX [URL] seems most appealing to me.
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Sep 28, 2009
Are there replacement mice available for Power Mac 6500?
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Apr 7, 2010
For some reason using two magic mice in the same house, the mice will connect with any computer configured to use magic mice. So you switch one on and suddenly you're controlling someone elses computer. is there no control over this?
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Jun 17, 2009
Is it possible? I found a program for PC that claims to do this: [URL:..] Anybody know anything about how to accomplish this on a Mac?
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Sep 27, 2010
I own a magic mouse, however I need the middle button. (mostly for gaming) But i dont want to get a mouse with a usb thingy. I have searched google and amazon, ebay for bluetooth mice, however they are all soo ugly. some even purple. are there any out there that are bluetooth and standard colors?
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May 21, 2009
my wife's trackpad stopped responding to clicks today. The only function it will do is two fingers for right click. none of the gestures work, and the mouse cannot select anything, since it cannot left click. Same for tapping on the mouse as for actually physically clicking the trackpad down. I have restarted it a few times, and each time it functions normally for about a minute before it stops. Now the really weird part -- my USB mighty mouse does the same thing when plugged in. It works for about a minute, then suddenly the only thing her mb will recognize is the right click. I'm probably just going to have to take it in tomorrow, but if anyone could save me the trip.
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