Windows On Mac :: VMWare / BootCamp - Win7 Copy Not Genuine

Oct 26, 2010

I have windows 7 installed via Bootcamp. Then I installed VMware and had it point to my BC partition. I never noticed it doing this before, but now it keeps telling me that "this copy of windows not genuine" when I run in VM (not sure if the Bootcamp partition - version says this; I'll test it now) I was fairly confident that there was no licensing issue since the "point to BootCamp" option even exists.

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Windows On Mac :: Win7 Beta Installed To BootCamp Via VMware

Feb 9, 2009

This will outline a simple and easy method to install the windows 7 build 7000 to a boot camp partition, using only vmware fusion 2. This is novel because it can be accomplished without a superdrive and without burning a dvd.

1. Use boot camp assistant to make a windows partition.
2. Mount the windows .iso file in fusion and set the bios (F2 during virtual machine boot) to boot from the virtual dvd-drive.
3. Run the windows install
4. When windows wants to restart the first time, shutdown the virtual machine.
5. Reboot the mac and boot the windows partition, boot camp style.

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Windows On Mac :: Activation With Parallels - Copy Not Genuine?

Jul 31, 2009

I have a Bootcamp partition I sometimes access via Parallels, the rest of the time I boot into it normally. I keep getting very annoying messages saying I've got to activate Windows and my copy of Windows is not "Genuine" and it's counterfeit which considering I'm currently running the Win 7 RC is really stupid. How can I have a counterfeit copy of a free RC that I downloaded direct from Microsoft. I want to put the final version of Windows 7 on my Mac, but at this point I'm not going to try putting any of my retail copies of Windows on my Mac for fear my key will be permanently deactivated. How do I access my Boot Camp install from Parallels without Windows thinking it's been counterfeited?

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Windows On Mac :: Want To Get A MBP - Running Win7 With VMware

May 25, 2010

I'm going to college next year and seriously looking at the 13 in MBP. I think it's the perfect blend of portability, power, etc.

However, I will need to run Windows 7 Professional, as I will need to run the app Minitab, which is for PC only.

I was talking to a fellow classmate who i would consider a computer geek. He knows much more than i do and he explained how I could run 7 on a MBP.

Here's what he said:

1.Buy MBP, VMWare 3, a copy of vista.

2. Install the vista into the VMWare 3 and have vista set up as the virtual machine.

3. Go to windows' students 741 webpage and "upgrade" to 7. the upgrade.

5. Done, now I can start VMWare3 with windows 7 and install any PC apps like Minitab and run with VMWare.

Is this correct? Is there a simpler way? I am a bit concerned with the "upgrade" part of the procedure. I would like to install 7 from the get go but 299.99 for windows 7 pro is too expensive.

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Windows On Mac :: Win7 Unusable When Running Through VMWare

Mar 17, 2010

I've just installed Windows 7 on my new iMac and when running it through VMWare it's extremely slow and basically unusable. Thought it would be super-fast on the i7?!

My set up is as follows:
Windows 7 64-bit on 50GB Bootcamp partition
VMWare 3 using 2 processor cores & 1500MB Ram

Things improve marginally if I use the ultra basic visual theme.

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Windows On Mac :: VMware Fusion Preprocessing Failed On My Win7 Install?

Jul 30, 2009

I have Windows 7 running on a separate disk on my Mac Pro.

A Bootcamp drive and System Reserved drive mount in OSX.

Fusion fails to preprocess the bootcamp partion... and it fails to start.

Any suggestions on how to get this working?

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Windows On Mac :: Copy Paste Between Vmware/xp To 10.6.1

Sep 12, 2009

I have a macbook pro and I am running 10.6.1. I run vmware for some software and want to be able to copy paste from my mac osx (powerpoint) to my windows vm. I am trying to do this using 2 screens by using my led acd and having my pro opened at the same time.

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Windows On Mac :: Open Up Bootcamp Partition (running Windows 7) In VMWare

Sep 4, 2009

So I am trying to open up my bootcamp partition (running windows 7) in VMWare and I get this error message: Cannot open the disk '/Users/brandonquirarte/Library/Application Support/VMware Fusion/Virtual Machines/Boot Camp/%2Fdev%2Fdisk0/Boot Camp partition.vmwarevm/Boot Camp partition.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on. It was working just fine before the upgrade to Snow Leopard but I am not sure if that has anything to do with it. I had to reinstall Windows 7 after I tried installing the Bootcamp 3.0 drivers so that may be more of the issue. I didn't test to see if would work still when I upgraded to Snow Leopard.

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Windows On Mac :: Reformating Pre-existing Win7 Bootcamp Partition And Reinstall Windows 7

Oct 12, 2010

i'm using macosx 10.6.4 and bootcamp assistant 3.1

now here is the problem my windows 7 is infected with virus (thats why windows suck big time) and i need to reformat my windows 7 and reinstall a new windows 7.

how am i supposed to do it? insert the installation disk and do like how we initially installed windows 7? just format the partition and reinstall again? i just want to make sure so i ask before doing anything.

or can i do this? i use winclone to restore? any1 have any idea? i'm new to all this i dont know how to do it. i have backup using winclone but how do i do it? do i still need to format then only use winclone?

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Windows On Mac :: Win7 On Bootcamp Not Seeing USB HD

Jul 20, 2010

I just installed Windows 7 on my bootcamp partition. I have a macbook pro intel. Everything is loading fine, i ran the windows 7 update and all things are up to date. I now need to load my bootcamp drivers. I restored my Snow Leopard image file onto a portable HD. Double checked in osx and everything loaded fine.

Now, my problem is.. from Windows 7, when I plug in my usb hd, it does not load. Is there a reason why windows does not recognize the usb hd as a bootable install disc? When I am back in OSX and plug in the drive, it loads just fine. Anyone know if there is something I can do to get windows to boot the usb drive? The last resort I want to do is burn the image file to dvd.

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Windows On Mac :: Best Way To Install BootCamp And VMWare

May 29, 2010

I'm a new MAC user and I am getting swamped with info. My question is, what is the best way to install Bootcamp? Should I install MAC OSX Snow Leopard first? Or should I install Bootcamp then Windows first? Then MAC OS X? I'm really new to this and I've tried reading the sticky but there's no "Best way to install BootCamp" even if I google it.

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Windows On Mac :: Will Win7 64-bit Work With BootCamp Or 32-bit?

Aug 26, 2010

I want to install bootcamp with using Win 7 but I have both 32 bit and 64 bit versions. Am I able to use 64 bit without problem or do I need to stay with the 32 bit version? I am using a iMac (early 2009 model) with 8 GB ram and ATI 4850 HD video 512 MB ram.

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Windows On Mac :: Possible To Install BootCamp On Win7 64-bit

Sep 16, 2010

Is it possible to install Boot Camp 3.0 or higher on Windows 7 64-bit when dual booting with Leopard? What I've been reading suggests I need the Snow Leopard disc for Boot Camp 3.0+ and Windows 7 compatibility, but I only have the Leopard OEM disc.

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Windows On Mac :: 2.72GB RAM Used By Win7 On BootCamp

Oct 10, 2009

2.72gb is only being used by my win7 on bootcamp. anyway to make it use my full 4gb memory?

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Windows On Mac :: Reinstalling OS X - What About Win7 BootCamp

Mar 17, 2010

I have recently been having problems with OS X. It has got so bad that I can't even boot into OS X anymore. My Windows 7 bootcamp install works perfectly though. I'd like to reinstall OSX. What will happen to my windows install? Will reinstalling OS X somehow damage my Windows partition?

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Windows On Mac :: Win7 32 Or 64-bit To Install With BootCamp?

Mar 21, 2010

I have a iMac with 3.06 Ghz with 8 GB Ram. I plan on using BootCamp and Win 7 but not sure if I should try 64 bit or just stay with the 32 Bit? I have the extra Ram, 8 GB to work with and I think 64 Bit might use it more than the 32 bit version. Has anyone out there used 64 bit with 8 GB ram?

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Windows On Mac :: BootCamp Not Recognizing Win7 Pro X64 DVD

Aug 8, 2010

I'm trying to install win7 on my MacBook with bootcamp but I cant get pass the start installation step. I have the burned dvd in my drive but bootcamp doesnt recognize it.

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Windows On Mac :: Bootcamp Vs Parallels / VMWare - How It Works

Apr 13, 2009

I have an iMac 24" 2.8ghz, 4gb ram, mid 2008. I have a couple of programs that only work under Windows, plus my wife doesn't want to learn Mac (sigh). I've been reading the threads (via mroogle) and looking at the documentation available from both Parallels and VM Ware and I'd like to know if I my understanding of how it works is correct. For Bootcamp, you partition your HD to create a bootcamp partition and OSx puts in drivers that allows you to install/boot windows in that partition and then you simply boot from that partition. This seems to be the closest to a genuine Windows environment. Right?

For Parallels/VM Ware, you install the application and then it runs in an OSx window and you create a virtual machine which installs windows and then it runs under OSx. Then you don't need windows drivers since Parallels/VM supplies the drivers as part of its own code. The virtual machine (64 gb or so) becomes your "hard disk" (I think) and OSx doesn't see the file system from other applications. Parallels/VM emulates the PC bios more or less? So I would need an OEM copy of Windows XP plus the service pack and also VM Ware or Parallels if I choose that route.

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Mac Pro :: How To Get Windows 7 Working With VMWare (Bootcamp Partition)

Aug 21, 2009

I have some problems with starting Windows 7 RC 64bit with WMWare.

I got Windows 7 RC 64bit installed on my Bootcamp Partition.

Windows 7 works fine and everything.

I want get it working with VMware.

I have VMWare 2.0 installed.

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Windows On Mac :: Bootcamp / VMware - Suspend Without Partition?

Sep 25, 2009

Is there a way to set it so that when I enter XP (bootcamp partition) from VMware that instead of having to restart windows every time I can just suspend it like you can with just VMware and windows without the partition?

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Windows On Mac :: Quickbooks - BootCamp / Parallels Or VMWare?

Dec 27, 2009

I'm gonna give my mom my 13" Unibody Aluminum MacBook 2.0GHz with 2GB RAM and a 160GB HDD. She needs to run the Windows version of Quickbooks and I'm wondering whether to set her up in BootCamp, Parallels, or VMWare. She doesn't necessarily need to virtual machine and she probably won't use more than 20 GB, but what are your thoughts?

1) BootCamp?
2) Parallels?
3) VMWare?

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Windows On Mac :: Can 7 Be Used For BootCamp If It Was Installed Using VMWare's Fusion

Feb 15, 2010

I installed Windows 7 through VMWare Fusion's easy setup. Can I use this existing Windows installation to make a BootCamp partition? I know Windows can be used vice versa (BootCamp first, then VMWare), but I already installed Windows 7 with VMware first.

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Windows On Mac :: VMware Bootcamp Internet Connection?

Jun 17, 2010

if im running on OSX and is connected to the internet and I run my win 7 boot camp partition via VMware fusion...

1. will windows on fusion be automatically connected to the internet using the OSx's connection? or is it a separate connection?

2. if yes, what if i disable windows from connecting to the internet, will it still be connected if ran it via fusion?

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Windows On Mac :: How To Run Vmware/Parallels Using Bootcamp Partition

Jul 2, 2010

Im thinking about getting Vmware or Parallels using it as a virtual PC to access my Bootcamp partition.

I'm just wondering if this is even possible (im new to virtual pcs).

If it does work, will i be able to access bootcamp directly from booting it natively?

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Windows On Mac :: Bootcamp / VMware Windows Activation ?

Nov 20, 2009

I am purchasing my first Mac this week (iMac 27" i7 8gb ram 1 TB ). I am new to the whole Mac experience. I have a few questions I hope someone can give me the correct answers.

I purchased VMware 3.0, but I would also like to use bootcamp (for when I am gaming). Would Windows need a separate installation copy for each? I was concerned about the Windows activation issue. I am not sure if need to activate twice or if Windows 7 will allow it, once for bootcamp and then once for Vmware?

I purchased Windows 7 64 bit upgrade. I am currently running on my PC Windows Vista 64 bit and I have a new OEM copy of XP home 32 bit (unused). I plan on using the already registered copy of Vista to install on my MAC then use the Windows 7 upgrade. Will that work? Will I need to activate Vista before I can use the upgrade?

Can I use an external drive to run windows from VMware (either firewire or USB) or should I invest in the 2 TB upgrade?

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Windows On Mac :: Sysprep Win7 With BootCamp Drivers

Nov 22, 2010

I haven't actually done this. I just want feedback. We have a 'universal' ghost image of Windows 7 at work that we've created that works with all our computers (has all the drivers for computers we support). I'm looking to piggyback that image and just add in the BootCamp drivers. However I'm curious to know:

-Which BootCamp drivers would I be adding to the sysprep drivers folder? BootCamp 3.0, 3.1 or 3.2?
-Would the drivers be enough or does Windows actually need the BootCamp software installed?
-If BootCamp needs to be installed in its entirety, is there a way to have BootCamp silently install upon boot? More importantly, is there a way to install BootCamp 3.2 without having to go through 3.0 -> 3.1 -> 3.2.

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Windows On Mac :: Win7 Partition Not Visible In BootCamp

May 21, 2009

I installed Win 7 in bootcamp and everything was working fine. Then I started to play around with rEFIt to install Linux as a 3rd OS. I managed to install everything but since the driver support in Linux was poor, I decided to wipe out Linux + rEFIt and return to the initial setup (OSX + Win7 in bootcamp). I deleted the Linux partition and rEFIt but now, my MBP starts and I hold the option key, I can't see the Windows drive anymore. The (NTFS) partition is still there and I can access all the files from OSX but I can't boot it.

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Windows On Mac :: BootCamp 2.1 And Perfectly Running Win7

Oct 24, 2009

After loads of headwork I may have a perfect running Windows 7 on my MacBook Pro. I was running XP but decided for a change, installed 7 but had the issues with sound, keyboard, bluetooth etc etc tried a few things but no joy. So went to Vista instead, things worked fine but didn't partition enough space so another reinstall was needed, then came the brainwave if everything is running smoothly in Vista surely if I upgrade to 7 it should still work, ok I was a little wrong 90% of it did.

I even had sound, bluetooth issue was resolved just needed to uncheck 'allow computer to control sleep thing' just needed to sort out the keyboard backlight, eject and fn keys. So in my wisdom I reinstalled bootcamp 2.1 update, ignore the messages that come up it will install...reboot and voila all Working! I will be rigorously testing this over the next week so will post back any issues, hopefully there wont be any. By the way I am using the x86 version as my MBP doesn't support 64bit. So in short:
Partition > Vista (make sure fully updated) > Upgrade to Windows 7 > reinstall Boot Camp >

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Windows On Mac :: One Win7 License For Bootcamp And Fusion

Feb 5, 2010

I'm thinking about buying a original Student Win7 license. It's really cheap and I think it's worth it since I (unfortunately) use Windows (Vmware Fusion) everyday to work (.NET developer). But I would like to play some games as well, but I know Fusion is not the best solution. Can I buy only one Win7 license and install in the same machine twice? One on a Bootcamp partition and another on a Fusion VM? Will I have problems activating both copies?

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Windows On Mac :: Writing To NTFS Via Bootcamp Or Parallels - VMware

Nov 11, 2010

I am considering getting my first mac (MBA) but I have an external hdd with NTFS format. I've read that OSX can read files from NTFS but cannot write to it. What if I run Parallels/VMware using the bootcamp partition? Can I then write files to the external hdd?

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