Hardware :: Finding 500G Seagate 7200 Hard Drive
May 16, 2009
I just installed the 4G Ram easily but my next step is to install a bigger hard drive. I have the 120GB one. My question is when I install the new hard drive, do i start up the mac mini and load up the OSX restore disc that came in the box with the mini? I also installed iWork09, will I be able to install iWork09 in the new hard drive (i know the iWork09 only comes with 1 license key).
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Jun 24, 2009
Has anyone tried the 500GB - 7200 PRM Seagate Drive for the Macbook Pro 15" Unibody ?I am considering getting one, but remembered they have 2 versions Which one should i get ?
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Dec 20, 2007
I'm looking to install a second internal hard drive on my Powermac G5. Is this Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 compatible?
Powermac G5 Dual Core 2.0
Mac OS X (10.4.9)
Dual 19" LCD, 3 GB RAM, Bose Companion 3
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Nov 11, 2008
This guy claims they're available for Apple corporate accounts:[URL]
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Mar 31, 2009
I know this is a long shot for the MR forums, but here goes:
I have my old HD from my Dell POS E510. The drive is a Seagate Barracuda 7200.7 (SATA). THe problem is that it doesn't fit in the two hard drive cases I currently have, so I need to buy a new one.
There are several hookup configurations it seems for SATA Power/Signal and Jumper Block. How do I know which one to buy? Is there a site that matches serials numbers with case models?
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Aug 15, 2009
I'm trying to find out if this is the same seagate drive. I have searched around but could not find anywhere saying its a 7200.4.
It has a different number ST905003N3A1AS-RK I know RK means retail kit, but I just wanted to make sure it is the same drive before I go and buy it.
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Mar 31, 2009
Every place I've checked online seems to not have them in stock, but claims they are available.
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Feb 7, 2010
My MacBook Pro (mid 2009, 15", 2.53GHz, 4GB RAM) with original Hitachi 250GB HDD (Hitachi HTS545025B9SA02) does hibernate when I close the lid and hibernatemode is set to 1.
When I replace the HHD with a Seagate Momentus 7200.4 500 GB (ST9500420AS), the MacBook does only sleep but not hibernate (hibernatemode is still set to 1).
Even if battery runs out of power, the macbook does not hibernate and after getting back to power it has to boot.
I backuped from the new HDD, switched back to the original HDD, restored the backup and hibernate does work again!
So, why does my macbook not hibernate with the Seagate Momentus 7200.4? Does the drive need to much power? does the macbook need to know how much power a drive will need?
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Apr 5, 2010
Ok so recently I got a 500gb seagate 7200.4 and I loved it except for my high load cycle count. So I exchanged it for the hitachi. Now with this hitachi I am also experiencing high load cycle counts, more power consumption than my seagate and it's louder. Except the seagate did have a faint clicking sound while booting up where the hitachi doesn't. My seagate also seemed a bit faster.
Can someone sway me to either stick with the hitachi or go back to the seagate based on your own thougts and experiences as well as my input.
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Aug 21, 2007
I'm in a little need of assistance with my PowerBook G4 Alum. 1.67GHz. The Hard Drive it came with got fried a little while back (alas, not in warranty) and I have been hesitant to try to repair it myself in the past. However, I now wish to resurrect my machine, seeing as how if I don't try this, I might as well just buy a new laptop. What sort of HD should I buy?
I know it has to be "ATA" but (1) I have no idea what that means, and (2) There seem to be many different types of HDs. I have no problem disassembling my PowerBook but I am lost when it comes to its hard drive. I think I would like to get a HD with 7200 rpm and 80-100 GB. Also, when do you see Apple releasing a MacBook with a good graphics card that isn't integrated?
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Jul 22, 2009
Just got a Seagate Momentus 7200.4 500GB to install in a white MacBook Core 2 Duo 2.0Ghz. The MacBook can read, write, and format the drive (connected as a USB external) with no problem. It can't seem to boot from it or install OS X to the drive.
I've tried:
1) cloning the current drive using disk utility's restore option while booted from a 10.5 install disk--Seagate drive will not boot after clone even though the MacBook sees it as a boot device when looking at the startup disk options while booted from the 10.5 disk.
2) Time Machine restore to the Seagate drive--fails every time with a long error log.
3) Clean install to the Seagate drive with a retail 10.5 install disk--install fails every time.
The drive could just be defective but I've seen a lot of defective drives and it doesn't feel like that's the case. I haven't run any hardware tests on the drive. (Anyone know if an Intel Mac will boot Seatools?)
Anyone else have any experience with the Seagate Momentus in an older Core 2 MacBook? I seem to vaguely recall reading on Apple's store page around the time I bought the MacBook that the max HDD supported was a 320GB (a size that at the time was larger than anything available to consumers). Not sure if that is the case or not.
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Jun 22, 2009
I'm thinking of getting a refurb MBP but they come with a 5400rpm hard drive and I want a 7200rpm. Does anyone about how easy it is to replace the internal hard drive in a MBP and how much it would cost?
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Jun 27, 2012
I am planning to buy the New 13inch MacBok Pro that came out this July. Is there a possibilty of upgrading the Hard drive to 7200 rpm like the way I did it in the old model. I have had news that its not possible to upgrade this machine as we did the previous one.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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Nov 12, 2010
This is in regards to the 2010 mini. I have been reading up on SSD, Hybrids and FW800 with a 7200. What is the easiest AND most effective/cost effective solution? If I went he FW800 route, can I use the same drive as my data storage drive? Will there be enough headroom to run the OS over FW and use the drive to stream movies playing in another room on Apple TV2 simultaneously? Will this give me a performance increase over the internal 5400 if I use the external 7200 for everything over FW800?
That is where my thoughts about the hybrid come into play. I know I can stream the iTunes content over USB2, which I have at the moment for the big drive. I would need to go buy an enclosure with FW800 to run it as a boot drive. I could use that same money and go get a 500GB Hybrid drive and install myself and leave the USB2 as data only. If the install is painless but tedious, I might just do that. If the FW800 route would be robust enough to run the OS and stream data to other devices simultaneously (ie use it as I would the regular internal drive), I might just do that and wait for SSD prices to come tumbling down and do a bigger internal SSD in the future.
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Dec 12, 2010
I'm looking at a MBP on CL and the seller has swapped out the HD and put in this WD Scorpio 320gb 7200 rpm HD. I'm wondering if any of you have this hard drive and can confirm it's quality or claim that it is of poor quality?
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May 12, 2009
I had a MBP with a 7200 RPM, 320 GB Hitachi Hard drive. I sold the MBP and got a white nvidia MB, but I kept the 7200 RPM drive and used it in the white MB (I did not reinstall the OS). Everything works fine, but I've noticed that it takes a very long time to boot. From the time I turn the MB on, to the time the spinning disk appears, it takes approx. 60 seconds. Other than that, the MB works fine. Should I do a clean install of Leopard. Would this help the slow boot time?
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Jan 8, 2009
I upgraded my Mac Book Pro hard drive to a Hitachi 7200RPM 300GB Hard Drive in November. All of a sudden my Hard drive is full and I cannot explain why. I retrieved the folder size info from the six folders I have on my HD and it claims that I have filled up roughly 100GB on the hard drive. I understand the MAC OS X is roughly 4-5GBs, roughly another 15GB for threading the utility files, so I should still have at least 180GB of space free on the hard drive. I recently downloaded the application known as AZUREUS aka VUZE could this app have put some extraordinarily large hidden folders on my hard drive? I deleted this app but my HD is still stating that I have used up 278GB of space which I know cannot be right. Can anyone out there help me with this situation? I am lost and upset not sure what is going on. According to my hard disk utility I only have 2.6GB of space availble which is insane!
One more note around xmas I found that my MAC had crashed unexpectedly but is working fine right now expect for the fact the HD is full and I can only see roughly 100GB of files on my 300GB Hard drive.
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Jan 13, 2011
I have been looking at this [URL] Seagate Drive to replace the 250GB that came in my MBP. The thing is, is that its 9.5mm thick as opposed to the standard 9mm thick. Would this fit inside my 13" MBP?
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Jan 11, 2010
New IMac user. When I bought my imac I explained to the guy in the shop that I'd always been a PC and didn't want to loose everything I had amassed in the past 20 odd years. He sold me a Seagate 1T external hard drive and told me to rip everything off my PC and transfer it to my Mac, so far, so good. The problem I have is that I cannot delete, modify or add to the external hard drive, I can only view it and copy items.
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Feb 6, 2012
I have recently bought a Seagate external drive. It works fine for Windows over WIFI. But for the Mac, it only works when directly connected and is not recognised over WIFI - the drive is not listed under devices. It did when I first started the drive yesterday, when I managed to copy all my files onto the external drive via WIFI. But not today. Perhaps related to the software update I ran last night?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8), Seagate Expansion external drive
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Mar 23, 2012
can i replace the hard drive in my mac with a seagate go flex 2tb external hard drive? The problem is that it requires external power.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 8, 2012
is it ok to add a seagate expansion hard drive for backups?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 19, 2012
My external hard drive (Seagate 1tb) will not connect to my macbook. The last few weeks it's been acting up, it's been really hard to connect and it usually takes a few trys, it transfers files REALLY slow, slower than normal and sometimes it doesnt even transfer them, it just stops about halfway through.
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Nov 26, 2010
I installed the hard drive with no problem and have experienced greater performance, no clicking nor vibration, and no freezeup or rainbow wheel. I also did a clean install of Snow Leopard. I did a PRAM reset at the beginning and calibrated my battery. However, now I noticed my battery is draining FAST, only lasting 2 hours. I looked a little online and discovered I may still need to reset the SMC (shift-control-option + power key), which I will do shortly. The battery lasted 6-7 hours before with my old hdd and is at 96% capacity.
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Apr 8, 2009
I got a Seagate 500GB external hard drive recently. I'm looking to delete files from my Mac after I back them up on the external hard drive. I tested this with one picture and after I deleted the picture then backed up the hard drive, the hard drive 'erased' the picture. I did talk to Seagate and the guy said it wasn't actually erased, it just went into history. (Although I can't find history and forgot to ask :/)
So, my question is - How can I put files on the external hard drive then delete them from my Mac and when I later back up my computer, keep the files on my external hard drive that were previously deleted from my computer. I know the files will be in history but I'd like for all of them to be in one place instead of searching through history for maybe one file here and there. I hope this makes sense!!! (I have Leopard OS)
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Sep 23, 2009
I am interested in getting a 7200 RPM hard drive for a Mac Mini. Which brand is preferred by other users here - Western Digital or Seagate?
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Apr 23, 2012
How do i get the music and pictures from my seagate external hard drive to my macbook pro?
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1
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Dec 7, 2014
How do I safely "eject" my 2 TB Seagate external hard drive after backing my Mac Air onto it? I need to update my operating software, never had since I first got it. So I bought the Seagate HD, plugged it in and Time Machine just started running. Now I'd really like to be able to confirm that my entire machine backed up completely, and I think it is best to unplug the hard drive before upgrading the OS...is that right?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 24, 2014
I recently purchased a 3TB Seagate® Expansion® external hard drive for PC. My plan is too reformat it so that I can use it, but it has been acting wierd on me. It says on Disk Utility that it is 4 gbs but I have a 3TB one. Im on OSX mavericks by the way.
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Aug 7, 2010
I think I have a slight issue with my 7200rpm 500gb seagate drive. Once or twice every hour it seems to stop and start up again. Kinda klicks. It causes my computer to freeze for about 3 seconds. Whats causing it? Is it faulty? I should also mention that it didn't do this when i first got it. This is the model without the SMS.
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